scholarly journals A method for estimating the economic contribution of resource-based tourism

2008 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-180 ◽  
Len M Hunt ◽  
Wolfgang Haider ◽  
Peter C Boxall ◽  
Jeff Englin

Resource-based tourism is an important economic activity occurring on publicly owned forested lands in northern Canada. However, little is known about the economic contribution of this sector to the regions where it is located. This paper describes a method to estimate revenues generated by tourist operators from data sources that are primarily in the public domain. The method is illustrated with an examination of northern Ontario’s resource-based tourism sites that are not accessible by road. This method estimates that the 1137 tourist sites of the region generated approximately $114 million in revenues in 2000. The analysis also estimated revenues for six sub-regions and for different types of operations that were segmented by accessibility and accommodation type. We found that revenues were much higher for sites in northwestern than in northeastern regions of Ontario, and that float plane-accessible sites commanded significantly greater revenues than did train- or boat-accessible sites. Key words: resource-based tourism, revenues, use, method, criteria and indicators, supply

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 681-703
Giuliana Mandich

This paper is aimed at understanding how we engage with the future in different ways in everyday life. Many empirical studies have emphasised that what we usually call ‘imagination’ of the future takes diverse forms and meanings. Varied narratives of the future that are possible coexist in daily life in a bumpy, semi-conscious and occasionally tense dialogue with one another. To understand this variation of narratives, a thorough exploration of the different modes of engaging with the future that various forms of agency bring into play is required, together with a sensitive empirical analysis. I use Thévenot’s theory of regimes of engagement as a starting point to at least partially explain this variety. Thévenot’s idea that different types of individual involvement in relation to different definitions of the relevant reality (e.g. familiarity, plans and the public domain of justification and exploration) contain interesting implications for the analysis of what I define as modes of engagement with the future. As involved as we are with social reality through specific formats, so are we with the future. As the ‘relevant reality’ is different according to the regime of engagement that we are involved in, the nature of anticipation also varies. The future is ‘made and measured’ within the logic of probability in the regime of plans; of possibility in the regime of justification; of practical anticipation in the regime of familiarity; and of discovery in the regime of exploration. This perspective helps to avoid a reification of the future as something that is ‘there’ and that we simply discover and avoids easy dichotomisation of forms of anticipation of the future as realistic or unrealistic.

Michael Alozie Nwala

The T-shirts and the slogans on them are used to achieve different discourse and communicative themes. The T-shirts help to describe people, events, positions and situations. This article written the confines of the theoretical framework of multimodal discourse analysis and the qualitative design, investigates five different types of T-shirts. The T-shirts and the inscriptions on them as exemplified in the themes of readiness, position and desire, happiness and celebration, and protest are used to describe the wearers, address situations and pass information to the public. The paper therefore concludes that T-shirts and the slogans scripted on them perform different types of illoucutionary actions which cause different forms perlocutionary reactions Key Words: T-shirts, slogans, themes, multimodal, cloth; communication

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-256
Wiyatmi Wiyatmi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap gambaran perlawanan simbolis terhadap hegemoni patriarki melalui pendidikan dan peran perempuan di arena publik dalam novel-novel Indonesia dengan kritik sastra feminis. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, secara purposif dipilih sejumlah novel periode 1920 sampai 1980-an yang secara intens mengangkat isu pendidikan bagi perempuan dan peran perempuan di ranah publik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perlawanan terhadap hegemoni patriarki dalam bentuk perjuangan para perempuan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menempuh pendidikan yang masih digunakan untuk mempersiapkan tugas-tugas domestiknya, sebagai ibu rumah tangga (Azab dan Sengsara dan Sitti Nurbaya), pendidikan bagi perempuan yang mempersiapkan dirinya ke dalam pekerjaan di sektor publik, terutama sebagai guru (Layar Terkembang, Kehilangan Mestika, Widyawati, dan Manusia Bebas), yang dilanjutkan dengan masuknya perempuan terpelajar tersebut dalam organisasi perempuan untuk memperjuangan emansipasi perempuan dan perjuangan menuju kemerdekaan Indonesia (Layar Terkembang, Manusia Bebas, dan Burung-burung Manyar). Abstract: This study is aimed at exposing the depiction of symbolic resistance of patriarchal domination through education and the role of women in public domain and in the novels of Indonesia by feminist literary criticism. To achieve these objectives, a number of novel from 1920 until 1980s that raised the issue of intensive education for women and the role of women in the public domain were purposively selected. The result shows the resistance to the hegemony of patriarchy in the form of women’s struggle to get a chance to still use their education to prepare for domestic tasks, as housewives (Kehilangan Mestika and Sitti Nurbaya), education for women who are preparing themselves to work in a public sector, primarily as a teacher (Layar Terkembang, Kehilangan Mestika, Widyawati, and Manusia Bebas), continuing with the entry of women educated in women’s organizations to women’s emancipation and the struggle towards independence of Indonesia (Layar Terkembang, Manusia Bebas, and Burung-burung Manyar). Key Words: symbolic resistance, patriarch, novel

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Nurhasan Nurhasan

The great number of kindergartens in Indonesia shows great participation of public, foundations, and social charities. Such participation should always be enhanced by progressively increasing expectations. The essence of management is how to manage and take advantage of all available resources effectively and efficiently to achieve success as expected. Management of Islamic education meant here is an educational organization that is divided into different types of education with their own characteristics and purposes. All are trying to embody the values of Islam in the education system. In addition, Management of public relations is the management which governs the relationship between institutions and the public. Public relation has a considerable role for the development of an institution. That is to say, an institution may not develop properly without good relations with the surrounding community, especially educational institutions (pre-school or school). Educational institutions are an open system. Key words: Management, Islamic kindergarten, Learning, Public Relations

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 203-231
Antonio Terrone

The study of Buddhist texts can inform us of the way scriptures were composed, as well as illuminate the reasons behind their production. This study examines the phenomenon of borrowing and reusing portions of texts without attributing them to their ‘legitimate authors’ within the Buddhist world of contemporary Tibet. It shows that not only is such a practice not at all infrequent and is often socially accepted, but that it is used in this case as a platform to advance specific claims and promote an explicit agenda. Therefore, rather than considering these as instances of plagiarism, this essay looks at the practice of copying and borrowing as an exercise in intertextuality, intended as the faithful retransmission of ancient truths, and as an indication of the public domain of texts in Tibet.

فتحي بن جمعة أحمد

ملخص البحث تعدّ هذه المحاولة في دراسة مجالات التفسير الموضوعي ومنهجية البحث فيه  مفتاحا لبعض القضايا المتعلقة بالموضوع، ومدخلا لدراسة التفسير الموضوعي يسهل على طلاب العلم والباحثين فهم كلام الله، وتدبر معانيه، والاهتداء به، والقيام ببحوث تطبيقية في مجالات التفسير الموضوعي. فقد بينت أن مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي أربعة وهي البحث في المصطلح، والموضوع، والمحاور، والوحدة الموضوعيّة في السورة القرآنيّة. وقد أكدت أن البحث في محاور القرآن الكريم من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي التي لم تحظَ باهتمام الباحثين، ثم توسعت في سوق الأدلة والبراهين الدالة على أن الوحدة الموضوعية للسورة القرآنيّة مجال أساس من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي الذي لا ينبغي إغفاله، وإهمال شأنه. ثم بحثت في موضوع منهجيّة البحث في التفسير الموضوعي، ونظراً للخلط أوالاضطراب الذي بدا لدى بعض الباحثين في هذا الصدد، وضحت المقدمات المنهجيّة العامة الضرورية للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ثم حاولت رسم الإطار التصوري والمنهجي العام والضوابط الأساسية التي يجب أن يتبعها الباحث إذا أراد الكتابة في التفسير الموضوعي. ثم بيّنت الخطوات الأساسيّة للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ومنها حرية الباحث في اختيار موضوع بحثه والاطلاع على أكبر عدد ممكن من التفاسير بمختلف أنواعها مع الاستفادة من التراث البشري في حقول المعرفة المتنوعة على أن تكون الهيمنة للقرآن أولا وأخيرا على الكتب الأخرى والنظريات البشرية. الكلمات الرئيسة: القرآن، تفسير، موضوعي، مجالات، منهج. Abstract This article is an attempt to address the issue of the scopes and research methodology in the thematic commentary of the Holy Qur’Én. It could be considered as an introductory work for students and researchers who are interested in this field of research which will help them develop a good understanding of the meanings and teachings of the Qur’Én and its application to the real life. It may also help them undertake case studies and research in the field of thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. It has been explained in the article that the scope of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én includes four areas; i.e. the concept, the topic, the central themes and the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter. The article gives a special emphasis on the study of the Qur’Énic central themes as it was overlooked by some researchers. It also provides a systematic investigation on the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter and considers it a significant area of research in the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. The article also addresses the issue of the research methodology in the field of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. In this regard, the author highlights the principles, conditions and framework for undertaking research projects in this field of study and explains the major steps that should be followed in the execution of the research. These steps include freedom of choosing the research topic, freedom of benefitting from different types of tafsÊr (interpretation of the Qur’Én) works and schools and benefitting from the human heritage in different fields of knowledge, provided that the Qur’Én should have controlling power on other books and human theories.   Key Words: The Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Thematic, Scopes, Methodology. Abstrak Artikel ini ialah satu percubaan menangani isu  skop dan metodologi penyelidikan dalam tafsiran Al-Qur’Én Holy mengikut tema. Ia boleh dianggap sebagai satu kajian permulaan untuk pelajar-pelajar dan sarjana-sarjana yang meminati bidang ini penyelidikan yang akan membantu mereka merangka satu pemahaman yang baik tentang makna-makna dan ajaran-ajaran Qur’Én dan perlaksanaannya dalam kehidupan sebenar. Ia mungkin juga  dapat membantu mereka menjalankan kajian kes dalam bidang penyelidikan tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan  skop tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema ini merangkumi empat bidang:  konsep tafsiran mengikut tema, topiknya, tema-tema kecil dan tema umum Surah Al-Qur’Én. Artikel ini memberi satu penekanan khas pada kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema kerana ia agak kurang mendapat perhatian beberapa penyelidik. Ia juga menampilkan satu kajian sistematik pada pemahaman tema Surah dalam Al-Qur’Én dan menganggapnya satu bidang penyelidikan penting dalam kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel juga memberikan perhatian kepada bidang metodologi penyelidikan terhadap usaha tafsiran Al-Qur’Én secara bertema. Dalam hal ini, pengkaji akan menonjolkan prinsip-prinsip, syarat-syarat dan rangka kerja untuk projek-projek projek penyelidikan dalam lapangan ini dan menerangkan langkah-langkah utama yang harus diikuti dalam pelaksanaan penyelidikan yang berkenaan. Lang-langkah ini termasuk kebebasan memilih tajuk penyelidikan, kebebasan dalam mengambil  manfaat daripada jenis-jenis tafsiran Qur’Én yang berbeza serta sekolah-sekolah pemikiran yang berbeza dalam aliran tafsir serta rangka bagaimana memanfaatkan warisan tamadun manusia berlandaskan ajaran Al-Qur’Én. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Tema, Bidang-bidang, Metodologi.

Olga Yavorska

The article deals with violations, which are often grounds for bringing disciplinary liability of judges, as well as the enforcement of them in the form of a petition for the dismissal from position of judge. A special place in the system of legal responsibility of a judge is taken by the institute of disciplinary responsibility, the essence of which lies in the possibility of applying by a specially authorized body to an individual bearer of judicial power - judges of legal sanctions, directly provided by law, for violations in the sphere of professional activity. The institute of disciplinary responsibility is considered, the purpose of which is to solve social problems in the interests of implementing and maintaining the necessary level of efficiency of the system of judicial protection as a necessary guarantee of the protection of rights, interests and freedoms of people. The analysis of grounds for disciplinary liability of a judge and types of disciplinary punishment has been carried out. The obligatory signs of disciplinary violations that are the cause of prosecution are analyzed. It is considered about the application of the principle of proportionality to disciplinary authorities in determining the type of collection. The practice of applying the principle of proportionality of disciplinary organs in case of imposition of penalties and violation of the question of ambiguity of such practice is analyzed. The article states that with qualitatively similar offenses committed by different judges, the disciplinary bodies chose one type of collection, but in different proportions. The method of determining the principle of proportionality in differentiating the choice of terms in this type of collection for actually such mistakes seems unclear. Moreover, the use of the same principle in choosing different types of charges for virtually identical disciplinary offenses is unclear, in particular, when the repeat offense is a feature. Key words: disciplinary responsibility of a judge, principle of proportionality, disciplinary offenses, penalties, dismissal from position of judge.

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