scholarly journals Ecological and economical aspects of phytocenosis formation at the fallowing areas

2013 ◽  
Vol 49 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 3-11
Wojciech Jabłoński ◽  
Maria Widera

In the third year after sowing the great elimination of dangerous weeds, as <em>Agropyron repens</em> and <em>Cirsium arvense</em>, was confirmed on plots where the mixtures with grass and clover had been sown; in the control object (O - without sowing), <em>Agropyron repens</em> and other weeds has spread to 100%. The best and the most cheap has been the mixture of 30% <em>Trifolium pratense</em>, 60% <em>Phleum pratense</em> and addition of <em>Achillea millefolium</em> plants.

2013 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Wojciech Jabłoński ◽  
Maria Widera

The floristic changes on excluded from intensive agricultural production field, after sowing of different clover-grass mixtures, was investigated. On the second year of the experiment, it has been found the great elimination of different species of weeds, at treatment, it has been found the great elimination of different species of weeds, at treatment where clover and grass plants were growing. The best mixture for elimination so dangerous weed as <em>Cirsium arvense</em> (L.) Scop. and <em>Agropyron repens</em> (L.) P. B., was the mixture from 50% <em>Trifolium pratense</em> L. and 45% <em>Phleum pratense</em> L. with the addition of <em>Achillea millefolium</em> L. plants.

Weed Science ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-220 ◽  
S. C. Peterson ◽  
J. V. Parochetti

Two of three herbicides were applied repetitively in each of the years to a dense infestation of Canada thistle [Cirsium arvense(L.) Scop.] in timothy(Phleum pratenseL.) and red clover(Trifolium pratenseL.) sward in Carroll County, Maryland during the period 1969 to 1971. Picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-tricloropicolinic acid), eliminated red clover from the sward after the first year, and controlled 95 to 100% of the Canada thistle in the third year of treatment. The addition of a non-phytotoxic oil to picloram did not improve its efficiency. Dicamba (3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid) reduced 57 to 87% of the red clover and 72% of the Canada thistle in the first year at a dosage of 1.12 kg/ha, but effected only 42% control in the third year of treatment. Both an amine and ester formulations of 2,4-D [(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid] effected variable Canada thistle control and reduced the red clover stand 10 to 15% following the first application. The timothy yield was not significantly reduced during the 3 years of repeated application of all herbicides, but some necrosis of leaves was noted with dicamba and the high rate of 2,4-D. Soybeans [Glycine max(L.) Merr. ‘Delmar’] planted 1 yr following the last picloram application had curled leaves initially, but outgrew the injury. Soybeans planted 2 yr following the last application of the herbicides showed no significant reduction in yield indicating herbicide residues had been reduced to tolerable levels.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-268
István Harmati

Sekély humuszos szintű, erősen karbonátos réti talajon kialakult természetes (Achilleo-Festucetum pseudovinae) gyepen beállított tartamkísérletekben vizsgáltuk a műtrágyázás kérdéseit a gyep növényi összetételének megjavítása, termésének növelése és minősége javítása céljából. A kísérlet humuszban gazdag, nitrogénnel és káliummal igen jól ellátott, de foszforban szegény talaján az N- és P-műtrágya 2-2 adagját szólóban és kombinációikban alkalmaztuk. Az öntözetlen kísérletet 28, az öntözöttet 14 éven át folyamatosan, széleskörűen vizsgáltuk. Megállapításainkat a következőkben foglaljuk össze. – A gyep növényi összetételét a N- és a P-műtrágyák adagjaiktól és kombinációiktól függően megváltoztatták. A nitrogén a füvek, a foszfor a pillangósok versenyképességét fokozta és segítette elő növekedését. Az önmagában alkalmazott N-műtrágya a talaj nagyfokú P-szegénysége miatt nem gyakorolt pozitív hatást a gyepre. A P-műtrágya viszont kedvező változásokat okozott: a füvek fejlődésének elősegítése mellett nagymértékben növelte a pillangósok borítási értékét és tömegarányát, különösen az öntözött parcellákon. Öntözetlen viszonyok között a réti perje (Poa pratensis), a sovány csenkesz (Festuca pseudovina) és a komlós lucerna (Medicago lupulina) alkotta a gyep termésének túlnyomó részét, néhány egyéb fű- és pillangósvirágú komponens társaságában. Az öntözött kísérletben a pillangósok abszolút uralma mellett gyakran a réti perje jutott vezető szerephez. A pillangósok közül az eperhere (Trifolium fragiferum), a komlós lucerna (Medicago lupulina) és a vörös here (Trifolium pratense) váltakozva jutott uralomra. Az időjárás nagyban befolyásolta a gyep pillangós komponenseinek tömegarányát. Az NP kombinációkban a pillangósok tömegaránya erősen lecsökkent, különösen a nagyobb N-adag használata esetén. Öntözetlen területen a sovány csenkesz és a réti perje változó arányban alkotta a gyep termésének túlnyomó részét. Az öntözött parcellákon azonban a réti perje abszolút uralkodóvá vált és az egyre jobban előretörő tarackbúza (Agropyron repens) is jelentősen részt vett a termés kialakításában, elsősorban a nagyobb N-dózisú kombinációkban. A kísérlet 3. évtizedében a csapadékos években megjelent a francia perje (Arrhenatherum elatius) és a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis) is. – A gyep termését az önmagában alkalmazott N-műtrágya nem növelte jelentősen. Ezzel szemben a P-műtrágya nagy hatékonysággal 2–4-szeresére (3–5 t·ha–1-ra) növelte a gyep szénatermését, elsősorban a pillangósok nagyarányú térhódítása révén. 1 kg P2O5 öntözetlen körülmények között 43, míg öntözöttben 68 kg szénaterméstöbbletet eredményezett, sokévi átlagban. A 90 kg P2O5·ha–1 adag néhány év után soknak bizonyult. A legjobb eredményt a 200 kg N·ha–1 + 60 kg P2O5·ha–1 adaggal értük el, amellyel az öntözetlen területen – 28 év átlagában – 7,87, öntözötten – 14 év átlagában – 7,12 t·ha–1 szénatermést kaptunk. Az időjárás nagymértékben befolyásolta a termés mennyiségét és minőségét, legfőképpen a pillangósok tömegarányának változása révén, különösen az öntözetlen kísérletben. A három növedék tömegének aránya 7 évi átlagban, az öntözetlen kísérletben a szóló foszforkezeléseknél 48:37:15%, míg az NP kombinációknál 56:35:9% volt. Az öntözött területen ezek az arányok az előbbi sorrendben: 39:49:12, illetve 43:41:16%. A nitrogénből számított nyersfehérjehozam sokévi átlagban az öntözetlen kísérletben 428–550, míg az öntözöttben 560–760 kg·ha–1 volt. – A talaj felvehető tápanyagtartalma az évek során jelentősen megváltozott, különösen a talaj 0–10 cm-es rétegében. A P-trágyázás önmagában, de az NP kombinációiban is az adagoktól, illetve az ezek hatására kialakult termések mennyiségétől függő mértékben növelte a talaj P-tartalmát. A legjobbnak a 200 kg N·ha–1 + 60 kg P2O5·ha–1 kezelésű parcellákban bizonyult: a kísérlet 22. évében a talaj 0–10 cm-es rétegében a P-tartalom 260 mg P2O5·kg–1 lett, ami az erősen karbonátos talajok esetében igen jó P-ellátottságnak mondható. A K-ellátottság azonban az NP-kezeléseknél az optimális szint alá csökkent (172 mg K2O·kg–1) a termések nagyarányú K-kivonása következtében. Ezért néhány évi NP-trágyázás után K-pótlásra is szükség van.

N. I. Kasatkina ◽  
Zh. S. Nelyubina

The biological properties of plants, their mutual relations under different growth conditions and at different periods of their life, must be known for obtaining highly productive agrophytocenoses with participation of a meadow clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Botanical composition and fodder productivity of perennial grasses in agrocenoses with participation of meadow tetraploid clover Kudesnik were studied in 2014-2017. It was revealed that in the first and second years of use the agrophytocenosis, the yield of green mass was formed due to meadow tetraploid clover, the share of its participation in the first mowing was at level of 71-87% and 64-97% respectively. Specific weight of clover in multispecies agrocenoses considerably decreased by the third year of use: in the first mowing up to 32-68%, in the second - up to 8-52%. At the same time, the percentage of long-term herbaceous grasses increased: meadow timothy (Phleum pratense L.) - up to 34-54%, eastern galega (Galéga orientális Lam.) - up to 33%, changeable alfalfa (Medicago x varia Martyn) - up to 22-54%, lotus corniculatus (Lotus corniculatus L.) - up to 14-19%. The proportion of weed admixture in single-species clover planting was 12%, in agrocenoses - 2-14%. The grass mixtures clover + timothy and clover + alfalfa + timothy were less infested by weeds. High yield of dry weight of single-species sowing of meadow tetraploid clover was obtained in the first two years of use - 7.8 and 6.5 tons / ha, respectively. By the third year of use, the productivity of clover has decreased to 2.9 t / ha. On average, for three years of use, the highest yield (6.2-6.3 t / ha) was formed by agrocenoses meadow tetraploid clover + meadow timothy and meadow tetraploid clover + changeable alfalfa + meadow timothy.

LZ Baistruk-Hlodan ◽  
MM Кhomiak ◽  
HZ Zhapaleu

Aim. The purpose was to identify collection accessions – sources of valuable traits to use as starting material for creating varieties of perennial grasses in Western Ukraine. Results and Discussion. Perennial grasses play an essential role in improving the efficiency of forage production. They produce a fodder mass that contains major macro- and micronutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients in available forms, with a high energy protein saturation. Practice shows that due to the introduction of varietal crops into production in combination with optimal technologies of their cultivation, which allows revealing the potential of each variety, it is possible to additionally obtain 20-30% higher yields of fodder mass annually and harvest 2 to 3-fold seed yields. In 2016-2020, a search was carried out and 570 new accessions of perennial grasses were recruited, of which 201 were legumes and 369 were graminaceous grasses. The collection contains 1,319 accessions, of which 232 are Trifolium pratense L., 115 are Trifolium repens L., 49 are Trifolium hybridum L., 107 are Lotus corniculatus L., 80 belong to other legume species (Medicago, Galega orientalis L. Galega orientalis L. and Trifolium species), 131 are Phleum pratense L., 187 are Dactylis glomerata L., 146 are Lolium perenne L., 53 are Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. et C.Presl., 67 are Festuca rubra L., 28 are Festuca trachyphylla L., 32 are Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub, 92 belong to other species of other types of graminaceous grasses (Festuca pratensis Huds., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Agrostis alba L. etc.). Accessions that enter the Department are registered and sown for propagation in the field. After examination, valuable accessions are transferred to the National Depository and registered in the National Catalogue; the rest of the obtained seeds are used in working collections. Conclusions. The best collection accessions were identified by a set of economically valuable traits: sources of daily growth of shoots (30), winter hardiness (28), plant height (22), yield of green mass upon haymaking (28) and pasture (19) use, forage productivity (15), seed productivity (25), foliage (21), and disease resistance (23). They can be recommended as starting material to create varieties of perennial grasses with high yields of forage mass and seeds for various applications.

Denes DEAK ◽  
Ioan ROTAR ◽  
Florin PACURAR ◽  

Seeded lawns is one of the most important links in the process of improving the forage base, ensure feed quality with high productivity. Mixtures of red clover crops (Trifolium pratense) with perennial grasses (Lolium multiflorum, Phleum pratense and Poa pratensis) has high productivity due to better utilization of ecological niches of the biotope (ROTAR al.). These crops has advantages like high content of protein because of the red clover, economy-based fertilizer nitrogen from atmospheric nitrogen fixation by bacteria Rhizobium spp. located in the root of legumes. These seeded pastures get a balanced feed nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids), have a high palatability. The species Trifolium pratense has a greater capacity to restore the soil structure and also the enrichment of the macro-elements, like phosphorus and potassium (CARLIER L., et. al). Our experience took place in the village Simonesti, Cobătesti village of the Harghita county. The experimental field was located respecting the experimental technique rules in randomized blocks with a technique that includes three variants based on red clover plus a perennial grass (Lolium multiflorum, Poa pratensis and Phleum pratense). Every version was fertilized with two types of fertilizer: one liquid (gull) and one solid (stable manure) in four different doses in all three variants. The doses were: V1 = 0 gull; V2 = 5 t / ha gull; V3 = 10 t / ha gull; V4 = 20 t / ha gulle and V1 = 0 stable manure; V2 = 10 t / ha stable manure; V3 = 30 t / ha stable manure and V4 = 50 t / ha stable manure. In our studies we present the influence of fertilization with gull and stable manure on yield of green mass of all three variants. In general, both gull fertilization with manure favors grasses at the expense of installing legumes. The higher doses of fertilizer increase, the share of participant of grasses increases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 46-52
S. Khudaverdieva

Phytocenological analysis and identification of the resources of some species of the Euphorbiaceae family with medicinal properties distributed in Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is the main goal of the studies. So, a phytocenological assessment of the composition of 12 formations on the territory of 3 districts was carried out. Reserves of 7 dominants and subdominants species of these cenoses were calculated. Associations Chrozophora hierosolymitana — Nepeta micrantha — Stachys fominii, Trifolium pratense + Lotus corniculatus + Euphorbia iberica + Achillea millefolium, Euphorbia seguieriana + Cotenaster melanocarpa + Serinte minor + Betula pendula are the most common planting groups in general vegetation cover. Species Chrozophora tinctoria (328.0–311.4 g/m2), Chrozophora hierosolymitana (269–223 g/m2), Euphorbia iberica (214 g/m2), Euphorbia virgata (203.2–181.7 g/m2) and Euphorbia seguieriana (289.0–361.1 g/m2) are distinguished by the highest rates of biological reserves.

1967 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-230 ◽  
D. A. Lambert

1. Plants of S.48 timothy were established on a 1 ft square pattern for production of seed. Two series of plots, one irrigated and one not irrigated, were treated with three levels of applied nitrogen: 0 (NO), 87 (Nl) and 261 (N2) lb N per acre (0, 97·5 and 292·5 kg N/ha) per annum, for 3 years. In this, the first of two papers, only vegetative aspects of growth are considered. Since the irrigation treatment started only 2 weeks before most of the data were recorded, effects of irrigation on vegetative growth were generally small.2. The number of tillers per plant was increased by application of nitrogen; the lower increment was more effective than the additional nitrogen in the higher dose.3. The weight of tillers per plant was increased by nitrogen at both levels of application. The mean weight of each tiller was increased by nitrogen after the first year, predominantly in the N 2 treatment. In the second year, irrigation also increased the weight per tiller.4. The weight of roots per plant was significantly affected by application of nitrogen. In the first year, the weight was increased by nitrogen in irrigated plots; in the second year the roots were significantly heavier in the Nl treatment than in N0 and N2 treatments, where weights were similar; the same situation existed in irrigated plots in the third year, but in non-irrigated plots the weights of roots were similar in N1 and N2 treatments and were heavier than in the N0 treatment. Irrigation had positive effects on the weight of roots in the first and second years.

1973 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 323-327 ◽  
J. E. Newton ◽  
J. E. Betts

SummaryDuring 3 years, three groups of 20 Scottish half-bred ewes were grazed on perennial ryegrass, white clover or red clover. During this period the two legumes were oestrogenic, in terms of teat-length extension of wethers, but the perennial ryegrass was not. The white clover was only markedly oestrogenic when there was a high proportion of diseased leaves. The mean litter size and lambing percentage of the ewes grazed on red clover was significantly reduced. White clover, although it was oestrogenic, had no effect on mean litter size or lambing percentage. The mean litter size of the ewes on the perennial ryegrass was 2·35, 2·30 and 2·24, on the white clover was 2·20, 2·33 and 2·23 and on the red clover was 1middot;60, 1·67 and 1·78 for the three lambings. Lambing percentage of the ewes on the perennial ryegrass was 175, 225 and 218, on the white clover was 210, 222 and 189, and on the red clover was 160, 128 and 118 for the three lambings. The lambing date of the ewes grazing on the red clover was significantly later at the third lambing.

1987 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 1101-1103 ◽  

The influence of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) on winter survival of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was studied in an experiment conducted in 1984–1985 and repeated in 1985–1986. The results indicate that the presence of timothy can help to improve red clover persistence. When the winter was favorable to the survival of legumes, the red clover population was higher in pure than in mixtured clover populations. However, when the winter was unfavorable to legumes, the red clover population was higher in populations mixed with timothy than in a pure clover population.Key words: Red clover-timothy mixture, winter survival, stand, yield

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