About personal data

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (XIX) ◽  
pp. 227-237
Ivan Laskowskij

In connection with the planned submission by the Department of Defense and Law Enforcement Bodies of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of the Draft Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Personal Data” in the summer of 2019 to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, it is most relevant to conduct a comparative legal analysis of the said draft law state (Russian Federation) legislative act in the field of legal regulation of personal data

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-50
O.L. Kazantseva

The article is devoted to the problems of introduction of the institute of compulsory insurance ofprofessional liability of lawyers in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authoranalyzes the current legislation of the two states, in terms of mandatory insurance of professional liabilityof lawyers, identifies current problems in this area, justifies ways to solve them. The article has a certainscientific and practical value, since it analyzes the experience of the establishment of the institute ofcompulsory insurance of professional liability of lawyers in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan, whichwill improve the legislative and law enforcement practice of both states.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-59
R.M. Akutaev ◽  

The article contains a comparative legal analysis of the Institute of admissibility of complaints of citizens on violation of their constitutional rights and freedoms under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of its subject  the Republic of Dagestan. The reasons for the differences in the legal regulation of the institution in question are considered, the proposal to improve the legislation on the constitutional Court of the Republic of Dagestan is made. It is concluded that compliance with the principles of the rule of law and the priority of the rights and freedoms of citizens can only be achieved through the joint efforts of all bodies of state power and local self-government, officials and ordinary citizens to ensure constitutional legality in lawmaking and law enforcement, which the constitutional justice bodies consistently uphold.

Т.Ж. Жунусканов

В статье на основе сравнительно-правового анализа рассматривается структура конституционного законодательства Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан. Автором выделены актуальные проблемы – вопросы институционализации, анализ действующего права, правоприменительной практики и доктрины названных стран, что позволяет говорить о влиянии формы правления и государственного устройства на структуру и содержание Конституции, конституционного законодательства. Выявлены модельные сходства, присутствие в системе права и системе законодательства исследуемых стран властных отношений, с особым выражением в унитарном государстве, с другой – их концептуальные различия, определяющиеся их отдельным содержанием. Результатом анализа является авторское видение иерархической структуры конституционного законодательства Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан, в зависимости от государственного устройства. The article deals with the comparative legal analysis of the structure of the constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author has highlighted one of its topical problems – the issues of institutionalization. Analysis and research of the current law, law enforcement practice and doctrine of the named countries allows talking about the influence of the form of government and state structure on the structure and content of the Constitution, constitutional legislation, in particular, as well as their originality. Their model similarities, the presence of a dictatorship of power in the system of law and legislation of the studied countries, with a special expression in a unitary state, are revealed, on the other, their conceptual differences, determined by its individual elements. The result of the analysis is the author's vision of the hierarchical structure of the constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, depending on the state structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Yu. V. Mishalchenko ◽  
L. A. Platonova ◽  
A. V. Toropygin

The present article provides an international legal analysis of pension provision for citizens of subregional integration associations of CIS (the EAEU and the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus), well as the prospects for legal regulation. The article concerns the legal basis in part of the pension provision regulation of the integration associations’ citizens of the EAEU, the Union State of Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for implementing pension rights of integration associations’ citizens.

A. M. Gauk

Modern conditions for combating crime put forward increased demands on law enforcement officers of the Russian Federation. These requirements include both a high physical and moral resource, as well as intellectual potential, ensuring the successful fight against crime. An analysis of the law enforcement practice of counteracting extremist organizations and groups indicates that unobvious crimes are in most cases difficult to identify and investigate. The reason for this is the lack of orienting information, primary signs of a crime, evidence, etc. The article discusses the history of the origin of the extremist organization Jehovah’s Witnesses, their activities in the post-Soviet space, and the experience of countering the USSR State Security Committee. The contemporary activities of an extremist organization on the territory of the Russian Federation are characterized. The ideology, norms of behavior, the organization’s financing system are analyzed. The consequences of the impact on the consciousness of adepts, the anti-state nature of activity are determined. The legal mechanism of counteracting the activities of extremist organizations is characterized. The features of the activities of the extremist organization Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Republic of Crimea are examined, and law enforcement practice is analyzed. The factors hindering the identification and documentation of the activities of extremist organizations are identified. Ways and methods of detecting, preventing, combating and solving crimes related to the activities of extremist organizations are identified.

Anna Rolandovna Purge

The object of this research is the social relations emerging with regards to cryopreservation procedure as one of the assisted reproductive technology, as well as the problems of legal regulation of such relations (based on the experience of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan). The subject of this research is the legislative norms that regulate the cryopreservation procedure currently effective in Russia and Tajikistan; corresponding law enforcement practice; statistical data and publications of the official media sources. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of the peculiarities of legislative regulation of cryopreservation procedure in different world’s countries (on the example of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan), determination of the existing problem, and development of their possible solutions. The acquired results encompass the author’s original recommendations aimed at elimination of the detected problems of legal regulation of this method of assisted reproductive technology, which usually requires the development and adoption of the special normative legal act that would regulate the cryopreservation procedure in both, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan.

Yanis Arturovich Sekste ◽  
Anna Sergeevna Markevich

The subject of this research is the problems emerging in the process of establishment and development of the Institution of personal data protection in the Russian Federation. Special attention is turned to the comparison of Soviet and Western models of protection of private life and personal data. The authors used interdisciplinary approach, as comprehensive and coherent understanding of socio-legal institution of personal data protection in the Russian Federation is only possible in inseparable connection with examination of peculiarities of the key historical stages in legal regulation of private life of the citizen. After dissolution of the Soviet political and legal system, the primary task of Russian law consisted in development and legal formalization of the institution of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, first and foremost by means of restricting invasion of privacy by the state and enjoyment of personal freedom. It is concluded that the peculiarities of development of the new Russian political and legal model significantly impacted the formation of the institution of personal data protection in the Russian Federation. The authors believe that the Russian legislator and competent government branches are not always capable to manage the entire information flow of personal data; therefore, one of the priority tasks in modern Russian society is the permanent analysis and constant monitoring of the development of information technologies.

Сергей Иванович Вележев ◽  
Антон Михайлович Седогин

В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы уголовно-правовой охраны нефтяной отрасли Российской Федерации от преступных посягательств корыстной направленности. Иллюстрирован существенный ущерб, причиняемый преступными группами охраняемым общественным отношениям на национальном и международном уровнях. Проведен статистический и сравнительно-правовой анализ наиболее эффективных норм законодательства России и Казахстана, применяемых в ходе борьбы с подобной противоправной деятельностью. Предложено направление дальнейшего совершенствования российского уголовного закона. Нефтяная промышленность является одной из ведущих отраслей Российской Федерации, структурными сегментами которой являются в том числе объекты добычи, хранения, переработки и транспортировки нефти, а также объекты транспортировки, хранения и сбыта нефтепродуктов. Данные обстоятельства требуют принятия мер по ее защите от противоправных действий по хищению нефти и нефтепродуктов. Наряду с охранными, режимными и организационными мерами, которые осуществляют хозяйствующие субъекты, немаловажное значение имеет защита отрасли от преступных посягательств уголовно-правовым способом. В статье указывается необходимость совершенствования законодательства по обеспечению безопасности деятельности нефтяной отрасли, учитывая ее значение для экономики страны. Отмечается, что положительные результаты в поиске возможных путей совершенствования законодательства дает применение сравнительно-правового анализа уголовных норм СНГ по борьбе с преступностью в этой сфере деятельности. The article examines current issues of the criminal law protection of the oil industry of the Russian Federation from criminal attacks for mercenary reasons. The considerable damage caused by criminal groups to protected public relations at the national and international levels is illustrated. A statistical and comparative legal analysis of the most effective norms of the legislation of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan applied in the fight against such illegal activities has been carried out. The direction of further improvement of the Russian criminal law is proposed. The oil industry is one of the leading industries of the Russian Federation, the structural segments of that are the objects of oil production, storage, refining and transportation, as well as the objects of transportation, storage and marketing of oil product. Under these circumstances it is required totake measures for protection it from unlawful actions connected with stealing of oil and oil products. Along with security, safeguards and organizational measures that are implemented by business entities, protection of the industry from criminal attacks by a criminal law method is of no small importance. The article indicates the need to improve legislation to ensure the safety of the oil industry, based on its importance for the country's economy. It is noted that positive results in the search for possible ways to improve the legislation are provided by the use of a comparative legal analysis of the criminal norms of the CIS in the fight against crime in this area of activity.

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