Muzealnictwo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 189-197
Katarzyna Jagodzińska

In the 21<sup>st</sup> century, participation is one of the key words related to the operations of museums and debate around them. The public are encouraged to co-create museum projects: exhibitions, programmes that accompany exhibitions, studies; they play the role of consultants and advisors (youth councils, clubs, consultancy teams). Museums are more and more widely ‘opening’ to embrace the public. Never before has the position of visitors been as significant. An overview of participatory programmes in Polish museums is provided. They are classified and characterized by the Author who places them within the philosophy of museum operations, particularly with respect to the altering role of museums, currently debated over within ICOM, with the context of the new museum definition in mind; furthermore, she presents the initial conclusions drawn from the implementation of such projects for museums. In the paper the material from interviews conducted as part of the Atlas of Museum Participation Project implemented with a grant from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has been used.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
José Nicolás Barragán Codina

Key Words: Graduates, education institutions, labor market, universityAbstract. The market labor for the University graduates has become one of the top issues in academic daily occupation. Education institutions must understand that they had to be part of the occupational efforts made by its graduates. When I was teaching in Germany, the university official told and make very clear that I must not talk about the entrepreneurship sprit to the students; “there is a greart unemployment out there, there is no job available for our students, our only commitment is give them education, find a job is on their own”. Doing nothing to help them to relocate in the labor market, is worst, and I consider is our job to.Palabras claves: Graduados, instituciones educativas, mercado de trabajo, unviersidadesResumen. La colocación en el marcado laboral para los graduados de las universidades se ha convertido en un de los puntos mas importantes de las agendas de trabajo de las instituciones educativas. Las Universidades y las Instituciones Educativas deben comprender que tiene que ser parte de los esfuerzos de colocación en el mercado de trabajo que llevan a cabo sus graduados. Cuando me encontraba en Alemania dando clases, las autoridades de la Escuela de Pedagogía, me dejaron bien claro al advertirme que no debería de hablar a los estudiantes sobre el espíritu emprendedor: “existe por ahora un gran desempleo aquí, básicamente no hay trabajo para nuestro estudiantes, nuestra único compromiso es educarlos, buscar trabajo es por su cuenta”. No hacer nada para ayudarlos a colocarse en el mercado de trabajo es lo peor, y debe aun, ser considerado nuestra responsabilidad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (41) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Vasile Comendant

Abstract The article analyzes the contribution of the public administration authorities of the Republic of Moldova towards the protection and enhancement of the national cultural heritage. The competencies of the Parliament, the Executive and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research are investigated as central public authorities in the field of national heritage, as well as the attributions of local public authorities in this field. The attention is on the relationship of cooperation between the central public authorities and the local ones in certain areas. It is underlined the contribution of the European Union’s projects towards the reconstruction of some historical value objectives as part of the national heritage. Particular attention is given to the role of cultural heritage in the education of citizens by systematizing the knowledge about national and global cultural heritage.

Giuseppe Ferraro

- The essay deals with the most controversial issues of the so-called "Brunetta law of delegation", which aims at reforming the regulation of employment in the public sector. Taking into consideration the numerous requests for a review of the sources of regulation in this field, the reform strengthens the role of statutes, while decreases the role of collective bargaining, especially at the local level. The reform intervenes on the sensitive relationship between political and administrative power as well, in order to enhance management independence and to invest management with responsibility to reach efficiency and productivity, even through a stronger use of disciplinary measures. Public administration transparency and accountability is another important issue of this reform. In particular, the aim is to get involved citizens and customers in the first hand through measures - even at the judicial level - which might boost the most inefficient and uncommitted sectors. From a general perspective, this reform is noteworthy as it tries to introduce elements of renewal and to upgrade the public sector. Nevertheless, the proposed measures seem rough and not well-assessed, leading to solutions that often appear demagogic and unable to introduce elements of concrete renewal.Key words: Employment in the Public S ector; Collective Bargaining; Management; Transparency; Incentives; Sanctions.Parole chiave: Lavoro pubblico; Contrattazione collettiva; Dirigenza; Trasparenza; Incentivi; Sanzioni.

2021 ◽  
pp. 235-264
Anne Ring Petersen

This chapter explores how art in public spaces shapes, and is shaped by, disagreements and conflicts resulting from the need to tackle »togetherness in difference« (Ien Ang), and how contemporary artistic practices play out in postmigrant public spaces, understood as plural domains of human encounter impacted by former and ongoing migration, and by new forms of nationalism. The chapter focuses on two art projects in Copenhagen, Denmark. The first one is The Red Square, a part of the public park Superkilen in the multicultural Nørrebro district. Designed by the artist group Superflex (in collaboration with architects from Bjarke Ingels Group and Topotek1), Superkilen opened in 2012. The second project is Jeannette Ehlers and La Vaughn Belle's collaboration on the sculpture I Am Queen Mary. Installed outside an old colonial Warehouse in Copenhagen harbour in 2018, it is the first monument in the country to commemorate Danish colonialism and complicity in the transatlantic slave trade. Borrowing a term from Chantal Mouffe, these projects could be characterized as »agonistic« interventions into public urban space. The chapter argues that they may provide us with some much-needed answers to the important question of the much debated yet crucial role of public art in democratic societies, particularly how works of art may form a possible loophole of escape from dominant discourses by openly contesting, or subtly circumventing, monocultural understandings of national heritage and identity, thereby helping us to imagine national and urban community otherwise, i.e. as postmigrant communities. The chapter examines what the re-configurative power of art might accomplish in postmigrant public spaces by considering the following questions: How can public art open up a social and national imagination pervaded by anxieties about (post)migration to other ways of thinking about diversity and collective identity? Furthermore, is it possible to identify a common pattern - i.e. a particular postmigrant strategy - that underpins and interconnects various types of artistic interventions into public spaces and debates, which, on the surface, present themselves as radically different kinds of projects?

2021 ◽  
Bojana HAJDINI ◽  
Ada GUVEN ◽  

The article aims to give a brief review of the concept of the pursuit of happiness, its’ meaning and the role of individuals and the state that can contribute to the achievement of individual happiness by providing the legal, financial, and institutional resources. Further the article analyze the first constitutions that specifically foreseen the pursue of happiness in their provisions and argued that constantly remind the public institutions of the intentions in respecting the natural, unalienable, and sacred human rights that are necessary for the maintenance of order and the happiness of all. In the last part of the article we have studied some of the modern European constitutions and concluded that in difference from the Declarations of two centuries before, the term of happiness has been replaced with a list of rights that implicitly oblige governments to secure to all of its’ citizens extended quality of happiness. Key words: pursuit of happiness, human rights, constitution

Muzealnictwo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 208-213
Rafał Golat

Supervision of museums should be perceived taking into account both specific regulations: addressed directly to museums, particularly in the Act on Museums, as well as general regulations assuming supervision mechanisms in different respects, e.g., construction process or HR. This complex perspective: systemic and normative, is essential not only with respect to the supervision in a narrow basic meaning of the term, associated in the first place with an inspection of the supervised entity and application of respective executive actions, e.g., undertaken in the form of administrative decisions, but also the supervision in a broader perspective, understood as a whole range of support provided to a museum, including issuing recommendations, evaluations, and opinions important for its operation. In the context of ‘external’ supervision implemented by appropriate organs and entities, the following are of basic importance: the museum’s organiser (founder) supervision, constituting one of the organiser’s basic statutory responsibilities, as well as the supervision of the minister responsible for culture and preservation of national heritage, with respect to e.g., the preservation and care of historic monuments and museum operations; additionally, it is the matter of conservation supervision performed by Voivodeship Conservators of Historic Monuments as organs specialized in the preservation and care of historic monuments, the latter constituting, e.g., museum collections. As for the ‘internal’ supervision aspects, the role of museum councils, obligatory in public museums (state ones or organised by local governments), needs to be emphasized. Their statutory responsibility is to e.g., supervise how museums fulfil their responsibilities with respect to the collection and the public, in particular how they fulfil the goals as specified in Art.1 of the Act on Museums. The questions of supervision are also important for non-public museums (their founders) which in the event of violating either the Act’s provisions or their own charter have to be prepared that supervisory activities might be applied to them, up to the ban on their further operations.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-256
Wiyatmi Wiyatmi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap gambaran perlawanan simbolis terhadap hegemoni patriarki melalui pendidikan dan peran perempuan di arena publik dalam novel-novel Indonesia dengan kritik sastra feminis. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, secara purposif dipilih sejumlah novel periode 1920 sampai 1980-an yang secara intens mengangkat isu pendidikan bagi perempuan dan peran perempuan di ranah publik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perlawanan terhadap hegemoni patriarki dalam bentuk perjuangan para perempuan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menempuh pendidikan yang masih digunakan untuk mempersiapkan tugas-tugas domestiknya, sebagai ibu rumah tangga (Azab dan Sengsara dan Sitti Nurbaya), pendidikan bagi perempuan yang mempersiapkan dirinya ke dalam pekerjaan di sektor publik, terutama sebagai guru (Layar Terkembang, Kehilangan Mestika, Widyawati, dan Manusia Bebas), yang dilanjutkan dengan masuknya perempuan terpelajar tersebut dalam organisasi perempuan untuk memperjuangan emansipasi perempuan dan perjuangan menuju kemerdekaan Indonesia (Layar Terkembang, Manusia Bebas, dan Burung-burung Manyar). Abstract: This study is aimed at exposing the depiction of symbolic resistance of patriarchal domination through education and the role of women in public domain and in the novels of Indonesia by feminist literary criticism. To achieve these objectives, a number of novel from 1920 until 1980s that raised the issue of intensive education for women and the role of women in the public domain were purposively selected. The result shows the resistance to the hegemony of patriarchy in the form of women’s struggle to get a chance to still use their education to prepare for domestic tasks, as housewives (Kehilangan Mestika and Sitti Nurbaya), education for women who are preparing themselves to work in a public sector, primarily as a teacher (Layar Terkembang, Kehilangan Mestika, Widyawati, and Manusia Bebas), continuing with the entry of women educated in women’s organizations to women’s emancipation and the struggle towards independence of Indonesia (Layar Terkembang, Manusia Bebas, and Burung-burung Manyar). Key Words: symbolic resistance, patriarch, novel

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-139
Muhammad Nur Hakim

  Abstract Schools and communities is a unity that can not be separated, as both mutual give and take. The school as a social institution and the institution of the community is given the responsibility of determining the fate of their nation to the next generation, while the society other than as consumers, also have roles and responsibilities the successful or not Organization of education. The community widely including learners, parents, Government, company/institution agency and so on. The main expectations of the performance of public relations is to attract people to care and trust as well as graduates or using the services offered by the institution. As is happening now, many agencies especially the institution suffered a crisis of confidence of the public in carrying out routine institution programs. See this, the role of public relations became very important in an internal institutional organisation or institution. Because of public relations practitioners are indeed function as an intermediary to bridge between the institutions represented by agencies that exist within the Community (or the community itself), as a result of public relations responsibility evenly against the institution It represents the associated with the community. Key words: public relations, educational institutions

2005 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
pp. 498-501
Stephen Wyatt ◽  
Nelson Thiffaul

Increasingly, professional foresters are expected to participate in communication and consultation processes to present specialised knowledge to non-foresters. However, forest management is increasingly complex; forestry is too important to be left in the hands of those who do not understand its intricacies. In this tongue-in-cheek paper, we provide professional foresters with twelve easy-to-use tips to ensure that presentations to non-foresters remain hermetic, confuse the public and preserve the exclusivity of our professional competence. Forging an unclear message, finding a bad title, and failing to adjust to listeners are just the first steps to success in boring an audience. Over-confidence in technical gadgets and an over-powering use of presentation backgrounds, fonts, and special effects will add to the confusion. Furthermore, efforts should be made to conceal the key message by hiding the big picture, maximizing the quantity of information, and using slides that no one will remember. Jargon is highly effective and should be used wherever possible. The speaker should treat the audience as an amorphous crowd, avoiding contact with individuals and dodging questions. We finally suggest using the last slide as an ultimate weapon to ensure that everyone leaves the room more confused than when they arrived. We hope that these simple tips will help professional foresters across Canada to make the most of opportunities for presentations, thereby reinforcing the correct role of the public in forestry. Key words: presentation, communication, public consultation

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-176
Yenni Hayati

Ketidakadilan gender yang dialami oleh perempuan tergambar dalam karya sastra, tidak saja yang dikarang oleh perempuan, tetapi juga karya sastra yang dikarang oleh pengarang laki­laki. Dalam Cerita dari Blora karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, ketidakadilan gender itu sangat terlihat yang meliputi; marginalisasi, subordinasi, stereotip, dan kekerasan. Dalam Cerita dari Blora karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, ketidakadilan gender berupa beban kerja ganda tidak ditemukan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh belum banyaknya kaum perempuan yang berkiprah di dunia publik pada masa cerita ini dibuat, artinya belum banyak perempuan yang mempunyai pendidikan yang memadai sehingga layak dipekerjakan di luar rumah tangga. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada perempuan yang digambarkan memegang peran ganda, baik sebagai ibu rumah tangga maupun sebagai pekerja (wanita karier). Abstract: Gender inequality experienced by women is reflected in literary works, not only those written by women writer but also those written by men writer. In Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Cerita Dari Blora, gender inequalities are very clearly seen; those are marginalization, subordination, stereotype, and cruelty. However, double­working load is not found in this novel. It means that only few women working in the public world when this story was made. Also, those who were educated women were still rare so that they just hold the role of housekeeper. Therefore, there is no woman holding double role both as a housewife and a career woman. Key Words: gender inequality, marginalization, subordination, stereotype, cruelty

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