career woman
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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Widya Parimita ◽  
Munawaroh ◽  
Intan Maulida Rizaldy Rizaldy

Many women today have two roles at the same time, the domestic role in charge of taking care of the household and the role of the public who are in charge outside the home or work to meet the needs of family life. The dual role as a woman in this case must be handled wisely and must maximize her duties in both aspects. The partners of this program are representatives of education personnel of The State University of Jakarta with a female gender. The purpose of this devotion is for women to have an overview and input about online business and to invite partners to become independent women through dual roles as housewives and maximize their ability to help the family economy in online business activities as career women. Classic methods with lecture and discussion approaches are applied in this activity. The end result achieved from this activity is increased motivation and knowledge of partners to double role, namely becoming a housewife and becoming a career woman through online business activities.   Abstrak Perempuan masa kini banyak yang memiliki dua peran sekaligus, yakni peran domestik yang bertugas mengurus rumah tangga dan peran publik yang bertugas di luar rumah atau bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup keluarga. Peran ganda sebagai perempuan dalam hal ini harus disikapi dengan bijak serta harus memaksimalkan tugasnya dikedua aspek tersebut. Mitra program ini adalah perwakilan tenaga kependidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta berjenis kelamin perempuan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini agar wanita mempunyai gambaran dan masukan tentang bisnis online serta untuk mengajak mitra menjadi wanita yang mandiri melalui peran ganda sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan memaksimalkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga dalam kegiatan bisnis online sebagai wanita karir. Metode klasikal dengan pendekatan ceramah dan diskusi diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini. Hasil akhir yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya motivasi dan pengetahuan mitra untuk berperan ganda yaitu menjadi ibu rumah tangga serta menjadi wanita karir melalui kegiatan bisnis online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Chusna Apriyanti

This study aims to determine the mothers' role in family life in Pacitan Regency, East Java and the ways to revitalize the mother’s role. This is descriptive quantitative research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire of 74 women of childbearing age. This research was conducted in December 2020. In addition, the data were taken from interviews with respondents using a random sample technique. After being collected, the data is described in charts and conclusions drawn. The results showed that the mother has three main roles: fulfilling the children's needs, being a role model, and stimulating children's development. Criteria for fulfilling the children's needs is measured by indicators: mothers cook breakfast for children, pick up children from school, accompany children to play ; 2) Mother as a role model for children; and 3) Mothers provide a stimulus to the children's development seen from the time accompanying their children to study, buy children story books and stationery, time to play gadgets.Keywords: Career Woman, Double Role Mother, Mother’s Role

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Yelly Elanda

<p><em><span lang="EN-ID">During the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities must be carried out at home, whether working, studying, or worshiping. Working from home is currently known as WFH (Work From Home). WFH seems to be something they want and expects for workers who are still active outside the home. But what about the WFH actors themselves? The media, through their articles, have written a lot about the story of working mothers who are doing WFH. This discussion becomes intriguing when the construction of the ideal mother remains on patriarchal ideology, causing gender inequality. This paper uses a critical discourse analysis method by collecting articles about women who continue to carry out their roles as career women during the WFH period. Seventy-two articles appear in the google search engine when looking for WFH mothers during the covid 19 pandemics. However, from 72 articles, there are only 19 articles that talk about the stories of women who are doing WFH, tips and tricks on being a mother during WFH. In the article, the media constructs the ideal mother figure during the covid 19 pandemics. The ideal mother figure described by the media is a mother as a husband's servant, financial regulator, educator, child caretaker, and career woman. The construction of an ideal mother during this pandemic must carry out the four identities that are attached to her at once. The form of this identity is influenced by the ideology that coexists in society. These ideologies are patriarchal culture, ibuism, and capitalism.</span></em></p><p><em><span lang="EN-ID"><br /></span></em></p><p>Masa pandemi covid 19 menyebabkan semua kegiatan harus dilakukan di dalam rumah, baik bekerja, belajar maupun beribadah. Bekerja di dalam rumah saat ini dikenal dengan istilah WFH <em>(Work From Home). </em>Bagi para pekerja yang masih terus beraktivitas di luar rumah, WFH seolah menjadi suatu hal yang diinginkan dan diharapkan. Namun bagaimana bagi pelaku WFH itu sendiri? Media melalui artikelnya banyak menulis tentang kisah ibu pekerja yang sedang melakukan WFH. Pembahasan ini menjadi menarik ketika ranah public dipaksa untuk dijalankan di ruang domestik. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis dengan mengumpulkan artikel tentang ibu rumah tangga yang tetap menjalankan peran sebagai wanita karier selama masa WFH. Ada 72 artikel yang muncul dalam mesin pencari google ketika mencari ibu WFH masa pandemi covid 19. Namun dari 72 artikel hanya terdapat 19 artikel yang berbicara tentang curhatan para ibu rumah tangga yang sedang melakukan WFH, tips dan trik menjadi ibu selama WFH. Dalam artikel tersebut, media membentuk identitas mengenai sosok ibu ideal di tengah pandemi covid 19. Sosok <em>motherhood </em> tersebut adalah ibu sebagai pelayan suami, pengatur keuangan, pendidik dan pengasuh anak, dan sebagai wanita karier. Seorang ibu ideal di tengah pandemi ini harus bisa menjalankan empat identitas yang telah melekat pada dirinya sekaligus. Pembentukan identitas tersebut dipengaruhi oleh ideologi yang ada pada masyarakat. Ideologi tersebut adalah budaya patriarkhi, ibuisme dan kapitalisme.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 109-123
Siti Masitoh ◽  
Sofia Gussevi ◽  
Imam Tabroni

The background of the problem: The working mother / career woman first meets the economic needs of the family, the two wives have a bachelor's degree to develop knowledge, the third can share time. The importance of this research is to know and analyze how the role of women according to their nature, Islamic views of housewives career outside the home and the role of career women in children's education. The research method uses qualitative where the data primary and secondary obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Respondents were female teachers at SDIT Al Bina Purwakarta. The results showed that career women / teachers of SDIT Al Bina can help families in the field of economy / money income. Carry out his nature fitroh properly and correctly. Carry out its functions as a housewife, wife and teacher well, and can raise children at home properly. Can practice science, can pursue a career as a professional teacher and can play a dual role as a mother Wife and Teacher. Keywords: Career woman, Al Bina SDIT teacher

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Reyzakhalis ◽  
Welly Wirman ◽  
Muhammad Firdaus

Communication is an absolute necessity for every human being. As social beings, humans cannot but communicate with each other. Along with the development of women's emancipation and experiences that provide something for women moreover have target and self-concept by them own, family standard environment and others. The causes of the increase in unmarried women include high level of education. Opportunity to get a higher education and pursue a career in urban women makes them not in a hurry to make choices for marriage. In this study the authors used the phenomenological method. The data collection techniques uses were through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects in this study were 3 (three) unmarried career women. The results showed that the motive of future career women with unmarried status in Pekanbaru City is because (because motive), unmarried career women are able to survive, The motive for (in order to motive) in this unmarried career woman is want to be successful and be able to match. Where unmarried career women also want their lives run into harmony. The meaning of unmarried career women in Pekanbaru City is categorized into 2 perspectives. That is how they accept themselves as unmarried and how they convince themselves to live alone without a husband. The career women just need support, good perception of the surrounding environment as well as relatives. Associated with negative communication experiences, like gossip, become a topic of conversation with the family, and marriage topic will be sensitive topic for them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Nurlaila Indah Setiyoningrum ◽  
Muhammad Albi Albana ◽  
Nasrulloh Nasrulloh

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><em>Nusyuz</em> seorang istri terhadap suaminya karena istri berkarir dapat berakibat perceraian. Wanita bekerja demi perekonomian keluarga merupakan hal yang sangat terpuji. Namun, dikarenakan istri bekerja kewajibannya menjadi seorang istri terbengkalai dan semena-mena terhadap suaminya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab kasus <em>n</em><em>usyuz</em> yang terjadi di Desa Janti Kecamatan Mojoagung Kabupaten Jombang dan kajian living hadis dalam memandang kasus <em>n</em><em>usyuz</em> tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian empiris dan metode analisis utamanya menggunakan kajian <em>living hadis </em>dengan<em> </em>pendekatan sosiologis. Dari uraian tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa penyebab utama dari <em>nusyuz</em>nya para istri ialah karena mereka bekerja sehingga istri melalaikan kewajiban yang seharusnya mereka emban, sedangkan dalam perbuatan <em>nusyuz-</em>nya berbeda-beda seperti tidak taat kepada suami, berani membentak bahkan melawan suami, tidak mau berhubungan intim dan tidak melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai istri dan ibu dari anak-anaknya. seorang istri yang bekerja dapat melalaikan kewajibannya karena faktor-faktor penyebab, yaitu faktor berkarir untuk memenuhi perekonimian keluarga. Perbuatan <em>nusyuz</em> yang dilakukan dalam bentuk penolakan hubungan seksual dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap suami. Dalam upayanya para suami masih dalam tahap menasehati saja dalam memberikan efek jera dan tidak memberikan hukuman yang lebih dari itu.</p><p class="06IsiAbstrak">[<strong>Living Hadith: Nuyuz Career Woman to Her Husband in the Village of janti, Mojoagung Subdistrict, Jombang Distric.</strong> <em>Nusyuz</em> a wife towards her hhusband because a wife’s career can result in divorce. Women working for the family economy is a very commendable thing. However, because the wife works, her obligation as a wife is neglected and abuses her husband. This study aims to determine the cause of the case <em>Nusyuz</em> that occurred in the village Janti, Mojoagung Subdistrict, Jombang District and study the living hadith in looking at the <em>nusyuz</em> case. This research method uses empirical research, the main analysis method uses the study of living hadith and the approach is the sociological approach. From this description, it is found that the main cause of the <em>nusyuz</em> of wives is because they work so that the wives neglect the obligations they should carry, while in <em>nusyuz's</em> actions are different such as disobeying their husbands, daring to yell even against their husbands, not wanting to have sex and does not carry out her duties as a wife and mother of her children. A working wife can neglect her obligations due to causal factors, namely career factors to fulfill the family economy. <em>Nusyuz</em> acts that are carried out in the form of refusing sexual relations and disobedience to their husbands. In this effort, the husbands are still in the stage of only giving advice in providing a deterrent effect and not giving more punishment than that.]</p>

Ruri Aditya Sari

Women are given chance to do as carreer women and housewives. However, some women got married in productive ages choose to be a career woman. A group of mothers in TK Ar Rasyid Tanjung Selamat, Sunggal,Deli Serdang, there are 15 mothers with  27-35 years old unproductive society financially become partners of stimulus community dedication. It aims to help group of students' mothers, additional knowledge, skill, welfares through income commission and help partners to spend their leisure Time by doing meaningful activities both physically and mentally. Some solutions are offered, such as cooking healthy meals training to gain value for sale and modern with low budget. They are like rolled age,BBQ fried chicken training, bread pudding training,online marketing and deciding prices training and also arranging treasury. Through this stimulus community dedication,it would add partenrs' knowledge 80% and partners' creativity improved up to 65%.

Wendy Gough

​As someone committed to becoming a leader in the professional development community, Wendy Gough writes from the perspective of a single working professional and shares how her presence as a gendered individual has impacted her experiences.

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