scholarly journals The expression of architect Milosav Miša Mitić (1932-1970) in the 1960s: The search, crystallization and maturity

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-56
Goran Anđelković

The subject of the research is the beginning of the design work and professional engagement of architect Milosav Miša Mitić in the 1960s. Until now, this period of Mitić's design practice and construction activity has not been the subject of any scientific research, and it has still not been assessed in architectural historiography. The aims of the paper are to shed light on the lesser-known facts about Mitić's work at the beginning of his professional career, to determine the basic characteristics of his practice and to critically re-examine his contribution to the overall picture of Serbian architecture in the second half of the twentieth century. The scientific analysis covers significant unrealized and accomplished architectural achievements, both independently in the project studio Atrium (1956-1959), and jointly within the architectural group Belgrade Five (1954-1970). It examines in detail Mitić's developmental creative path in three phases (1956-1960): the search for authorial expression during the 1950s in the project studio Atrium, when his authorial duality comes to the fore, imbued with a strong sense of modus operandi and modus vivendi; crystallization of the author's expression within a five-member group, through a series of competitions and the first major accomplished project in the first housing estate within the Central zone of New Belgrade; and reaching full authorial maturity in his first major independent contracted design and construction project, for the EFGH local community center complex, with the S-10 commercial and residential tower. This is historical evidence of the possible different physiognomy of the future center of New Belgrade, with its recognizable architecture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Federico Zanfi ◽  
Chiara Merlini ◽  
Viviana Giavarini ◽  
Fabio Manfredini

AbstractThe ‘family house’ has played a major role within the urbanisation processes that have been transforming the Italian landscape since the 1960s. It is a common feature of the widespread settlements that are part of what has been labelled the ‘diffuse city’ and was the subject of numerous studies during the 1990s. More than 20 years later, this paper returns to the topic of the Italian family house using a renewed methodological approach to describe relevant changes. The hypothesis here is that in order to grasp the tensions affecting ‘family houses’ in today’s context of demographic transition and increased imbalances between dynamic and declining areas, and to contemplate their future, the qualitative gaze adopted by scholars in the 1990s must be integrated with other investigative tools, focusing on demographic change, uses, and the property values of buildings. Using this perspective, the paper provides a series of ‘portraits’ rooted in four meaningful territorial contexts, portraits which may help scholars to redefine their imagery associated with family house and be useful for dedicated building policies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002200942097476
Marie Huber

Tourism is today considered as a crucial employment sector in many developing countries. In the growing field of historical tourism research, however, the relationships between tourism and development, and the role of international organizations, above all the UN, have been given little attention to date. My paper will illuminate how during the 1960s tourism first became the subject of UN policies and a praised solution for developing countries. Examples from expert consultancy missions in developing countries such as Ethiopia, India and Nepal will be contextualized within the more general debates and programme activities for heritage conservation and also the first UN development decade. Drawing on sources from the archives of UNESCO, as well as tourism promotion material, it will be possible to understand how tourism sectors in many so-called developing countries were shaped considerably by this international cooperation. Like in other areas of development aid, activities in tourism were grounded in scientific studies and based on statistical data and analysis by international experts. Examining this knowledge production is a telling exercise in understanding development histories colonial legacies under the umbrella of the UN during the 1960s and 1970s.

2007 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 219-238 ◽  
Cyprian Broodbank ◽  
Thilo Rehren ◽  
Antonia-Maria Zianni

Scientific analysis of samples takes from metal objects and metallurgical products excavated during the 1960s at Kastri on Kythera provide new evidence concerning, variously, the Aegean metals trade and metallurgy on Kythera. The samples date to the Second Palace (Neopalatial), Classical and Late Roman periods. The Bronze Age material comprises fragments of copper ingots and silver cups, neither of which metal is locally available in Kythera, and the later material relates largely to local smelting and possibly smithing of iron, whose origin is uncertain. These activities are related to preliminary information concerning the distribution at each period of metallurgical activity across the island that has been generated by the intensive surface survey of the Kythera Island Project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-141
Ian Randall

Summary The East African Revival was a major spiritual movement which started in the 1930s. Joe Church, a medical doctor who had been at Cambridge University, was a central figure and gathered a very large amount of material about the Revival. The connection of the Revival with Switzerland, which has not previously been studied, is the subject of this article, which draws from the Joe Church archive. The connection came about through Berthe Ryf (1900-1989), a missionary nurse in what was then Ruanda-Urundi who on returning to her native Switzerland in 1939 spoke in Swiss churches over a period of five years about the powerful experiences in East Africa. As a result, there were invitations for teams of Europeans and Africans to come to Switzerland. From 1947 onwards many meetings were held, addressed by those who had participated in the Revival. This article explores developments from the 1930s to the 1960s.ZusammenfassungDie ostafrikanische Erweckung war eine größere geistliche Bewegung, die in den Jahren nach 1930 begann. Der Arzt Joe Church, der von der Universität Cambridge kam, war eine führende Figur; er trug eine beträchtliche Menge an Material über die Erweckung zusammen. Die Verbindung dieser Erweckung mit der Schweiz war zuvor noch nicht untersucht worden und stellt das Thema dieses Artikels dar, der mit Material aus dem Joe Church Archiv arbeitet. Diese Beziehung kam zustande durch Berthe Ryf (1900-1989), eine Krankenschwester und Missionarin in dem damals sogenannten Ruanda-Urundi; sie sprach nach ihrer Rückkehr fünf Jahre lang über die kraftvollen Erfahrungen, die sie in Ostafrika gemacht hatte. Infolge dessen gingen Einladungen an Teams von Europäern und Afrikanern, in die Schweiz zu kommen. Von 1947 an gab es viele Veranstaltungen, von jenen gehalten, welche an der Erweckung teilgenommen hatten. Der vorliegende Artikel erforscht die Entwicklungen in den Jahren um 1930 bis um 1960 herum.RésuméLe Réveil en Afrique orientale (East African Revival) est un mouvement spirituel majeur qui débuta dans les années trente. Joe Church, un médecin formé à l’Université de Cambridge, en fut un personnage clé. On lui doit d’avoir collecté un très grand nombre de documents sur ce Réveil. Le sujet de cet article est le rapport entre le Réveil et la Suisse, un thème étudié ici pour la première fois sur la base des archives de Joe Church. Ce lien a été établi grâce à Berthe Ryf (1900-1989), une infirmière missionnaire dans ce pays appelé alors Ruanda-Urundi, qui, après son retour en Suisse, en 1939, fit pendant cinq ans le tour des Églises pour témoigner des expériences bouleversantes que vivait l’Afrique orientale. Le résultat fut que des équipes d’Européens et d’Africains furent invitées à venir en Suisse. À partir de 1947, de nombreuses réunions furent organisées dans lesquelles prenaient la parole ceux qui avaient participé au Réveil. Cet article explore les développements observés des années trente aux années soixante.

Thomas M. Hunt

Performance enhancement in sport has a long and controversial history. Although several organizations enacted prohibitions on the subject of doping prior to the Second World War, public scrutiny on the issue remained relatively light until the second half of the twentieth century. Beginning in the 1960s, officials passed a number of regulatory measures with the twin goals of protecting the health of athletes and ensuring the fairness of competitions. Due partially to the effects of Cold War political rivalries, the use of drugs by athletes nevertheless remained widespread in the world of sport. This policy situation changed dramatically with the end of the superpower conflict in 1991, however. The following decade was marked by increasingly vociferous calls for reform from outside the international governance structure for sport. In February of 1999, regulatory powers over the subject were centralized in a new organization called the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Marta Zuzanna Osuchowska

In the history of relations between the Argentinean government and the Holy See, two ideas are permanently intertwined: signing the Concordat and defending national patronage. The changes that occurred in the 1960s indicated that exercising the right of patronage, based on the principles outlined in the Constitution, was impossible, and the peaceful establishment of the principles of bilateral relations could only be indicated through an international agreement. The Concordat signed by Argentina in 1966 removed the national patronage, but the changes to the content of the Constitution were introduced only in 1994. The aim of the study is to show the concordat agreement concluded in 1966 by Argentina with the Holy See as an example of an international agreement. The main focus is the presentation of concordat standards for the institution of patronage. Due to the subject and purpose of the study, the work uses methods typical of social sciences in the legal science discipline. The dogmatic-legal method is the basis for consideration of the Concordat as a source of Argentine law, and as an auxiliary method, the historical-legal method was used to show the historical background of the presented issue.

2003 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 36-55
Andreas Häger

Different forms of artistic expression play a vital role in religious practices of the most diverse traditions. One very important such expression is music. This paper deals with a contemporary form of religious music, Christian rock. Rock or popular music has been used within Christianity as a means for evangelization and worship since the end of the 1960s. The genre of "contemporary Christian music", or Christian rock, stands by definition with one foot in established institutional (in practicality often evangelical) Christianity, and the other in the commercial rock musicindustry. The subject of this paper is to study how this intermediate position is manifested and negotiated in Christian rock concerts. Such a performance of Christian rock music is here assumed to be both a rock concert and a religious service. The paper will examine how this duality is expressed in practices at Christian rock concerts.

Вячеслав Иванович Моисеев

В статье даётся краткий очерк антиномической природы биоэтического дискурса и возможностей его геометрической визуализации. Рассматриваются два варианта визуализации. Первый связан с представлением той или иной ситуации как системы полярностей, которая в свою очередь моделируется в рамках векторной модели. В простейшем случае тезис и антитезис рассматриваются как два перпендикулярных вектора, а синтез – как их векторная сумма. В этом случае можно ввести и более количественную оценку «меры многомерности» полярной системы – как величины проекции её векторного представления на суммарный вектор. С использованием этих конструкций разбирается один пример из биоэтики, связанный со столкновением принципов милосердия и правдивости (проблема «лжи во спасение»). Деяние (действие или бездействие) интерпретируется как своеобразный оператор на событиях, который переводит одни события в другие. Предполагается, что субъект в своих деяниях рассматривает различные возможности и выбирает те из них, которые максимизируют ту или иную ценностную меру субъекта, в данном случае – меру векторной проекции полярного вектора ситуации на суммарный вектор – вектор синтеза базисных полярностей. Второй вариант визуализации связан с понятием антиномий в биоэтике – таких противоречий, которые не являются формально-логическими ошибками. В отличие от последних, в антиномиях как тезис, так и антитезис имеют свой момент оправдания в рамках тех или иных условий. Используется также понятие «антинома» – логического субъекта антиномии, который предицируется тезисом и антитезисом антиномии. Редукции антиномии соответствуют двум крайним аспектам антинома, которые называются его «редуктами» – по аналогии с редукцией волновой функции в квантовой механике. Приводятся различные примеры антиномов: биоэты, глоболоки, холомеры. В биоэтах один редукт выражает в большей мере биологические (биоредукт), второй – этические (эторедукт) определения антинома. В глоболоках выделяются глобальный (глоборедукт) и локальный (локоредукт) виды редуктов: первый выражает более глобальные (универсальные) этические определения, второй – более локальные, связанные с ценностями и нормами того или иного сообщества. Наконец, холомеры – вид антиномов, где антиномически соединяются определения целого (холоредукт) и части (мероредукт). Даётся их интерпретация как многомерных ментальных объектов в некотором обобщённом пространстве, так что крайние их аспекты (редукции антиномии) можно представить как проекции более многомерного состояния. В заключении делается предположение о связи биоэтических проблем с идеей ментальной многомерности, что составляет основу возможной визуализации как интерпретации ментальной многомерности на векторном её представлении. The article provides a brief outline of the antinomic nature of bioethical discourse and the possibilities of its geometric visualization. Two visualization options are considered. The first is associated with the representation of a particular situation as a system of polarities, which in turn is modeled in the framework of a vector model. In the simplest case, the thesis and the antithesis are considered as two orthogonal vectors P1 and P2, and the synthesis is considered as their vector sum S = P1+P2. In this case, we can also introduce a more quantitative estimate of the “measure of multidimensionality” M(P) of the polar system – as the magnitude of the projection of its vector representation P on the sum vector S, i.e. M(P) = (P,es), where es = S/|S| is the unit vector of the vector S, and (P,es) is the scalar product of the vectors P and es. Using these constructs, the author analyzes one example from bioethics related to the clash of the principles of mercy and truthfulness (the problem of “lying for salvation”). An act (action or omission) is interpreted as a kind of an operator on events that transforms some events into others. It is assumed that the subject considers various possibilities in their actions and chooses those that maximize a particular value measure of the subject, in our case, the measure M(P) of the vector projection of the polar vector P of the situation on the sum vector S – the vector of synthesis of basic polarities. The second version of visualization is related to the concept of antinomies – such contradictions that are not formal logical errors – in bioethics. In contrast to errors, in antinomies, both the thesis and the antithesis have their moment of justification within the framework of certain conditions. The concept “antinome” is also used; it is the logical subject of antinomy, which is predicated by the thesis and the antithesis of antinomy. Antinomy reductions correspond to two extreme aspects of the antinome, which are called its “reducts” – by analogy with the reduction of the wave function in quantum mechanics. Various examples of antinomes are given: bioets, globolocs, and holomers. In bioets, one reduct expresses the biological (bioreduct) definition of the antinome, another the ethical (ethoreduct) one. In globolocs, global (globoreduct) and local (locoreduct) types of reducts are distinguished: the former expresses more global (universal) ethical definitions, the latter more local ones, related to the values and norms of a particular local community. Finally, holomers are a kind of antinomes in which the definitions of the whole (holoreduct) and the part (meroreduct) are antinomically connected. They are interpreted as multidimensional mental objects in some generalized space, so that their extreme aspects (antinomy reductions) can be represented as generalized projections of a more multidimensional state within certain constricted conditions (reduction intervals). In this case, it is possible to geometrically visualize such states as, for example, three-dimensional objects in space, through which antinomes can be modeled, and their reducts as two-dimensional projections of a three-dimensional body on certain projection planes (intervals of reducts). In this case, one of the central tasks of bioethics is to determine the boundaries of the demarcation of some intervals from others. For example, in solving the problem of abortion and the status of the human embryo, such a demarcation is expressed in the search for a time point that would separate the phase of a more biological definition (bioreduct) of the embryo from its more ethical state (ethoreduct). In conclusion, the author suggests that bioethical problems are connected with the idea of mental multidimensionality, which forms the basis of a possible visualization as an interpretation of mental multidimensionality in its vector representation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (14) ◽  
pp. 14
Сергій Павленко

This article carried out a detailed scientific analysis of the nature and content of operational search tactics. Analysis of the vocabulary literature suggests that, despite minor differences in the interpretation of the concept of tactics, in general, this term means "an integral part of the art of war that combines the theory and practice of preparing and conducting combat." According to the results of the study, it was established that the theoretical basis for the formation of operational-search tactics was the groundwork of forensic scientists. The author's wording of the concept of “operational-search tactics” is provided as a direction of operational-search activity, formed on the basis of its theoretical principles and practical experience of entities carrying out this activity legally with the goal of fulfilling the tasks stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On operational-search activity” Based on the analysis of the scientific heritage of scientists, it has been established that operational-search tactics in the theory of operational-search activity can be divided into general and special ones.The questions about the delimitation (ratio) of the tactics of secret investigative (search) actions and tactics of operational search activities are considered. Despite some common signs of tactics for conducting secret investigative (search) actions and operational search activities, it should be remembered that investigation tactics are traditionally considered in the framework of criminalistics, but operational search activities are the subject of the study of the theory of operational search activities. At the same time, it was noted that the tactics of secret investigative (investigative) actions, although individual in their sense, should predominantly be based on the provisions of operational investigative activity, and not criminalistics, at least taking into account the fact that the theoretical and practical operational search tactics worked over the years.It is concluded that both forensic and operational search tactics will require a high-quality update. In particular, the results of a survey of investigators and operational workers indicate the need and desirability of borrowing foreign experience in terms of education and training of investigators and operational units on tactics of identifying, preventing and investigating crimes in the field of high technologies (as noted by 81% of respondents).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
Aslı Alanlı

Since the 1990s, the university space has been the subject of many discussions due to the introduction of communication technologies to the learning process,which has become significantly visible after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic nowadays. These debates focus on the two extreme points ofwhether university space is necessary or not. In this regard, this research claims that the arguments on this topic are based on subject-object duality. It aims to develop a ground covering the discussions that oscillate between the two extremes by referring to sociomateriality, which advocates the interwovenness of subject and object. Adopting a retrospective perspective, itrediscovers the debates from the 1960s at the onto-epistemological levelthrough a sociomaterial lens. Finally, it situates the discussion on university space within the past-present-future dialogue.

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