scholarly journals The institution of urbarars in mediaeval Serbia

Bastina ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 263-279
Andreja Katančević

Urbarars are an institution of Saxon customary law, which was present in mediaeval mining laws of Bohemia and Serbia. The aim of this paper is to compare Serbian and Bohemian mediaeval solutions and to discover whether and to what degree urbarars were an original development within the Serbian mediaeval state. The results show that the two institutions are similar with regard to their judicial competence and the task of keeping registries of legal titles. The differences are more numerous. Bohemian urbarars were at the same time contractors for regal incomes, which leads to further differences. Serbian urbarars had smaller competences and, according to the sources, did not collect the urbor. Their jurisdiction was much narrower, confined to mining disputes of lower value. They survey the mining field and keep records about concessions and mining partnerships, which, in Bohemia, was the task of special notaries and not urbarars. The urbarars of Novo Brdo received compensation for their services in the form of fees for surveys and registration of legal titles, as well as fines for delicts, while Bohemian urbarars received a part of the collected regal income. Taking everything into account, it can be cautiously concluded that Bohemian solutions were closer to Saxon customs. On the one hand, Bohemian legal sources are at least a century older than the Serbian sources, on the other hand, Saxons in Serbia were few and were quickly assimilated, whereas Germans remained a significant community in Bohemia well into the XX century, which means that they could preserve their customs, as well as legal customs, more easily. This confirms the authenticity of a good part of norms of Serbian mining law, i.e. that from XIII to XV century it experienced a sui generis development in Serbia. It was then received in the Ottoman Empire and survived the state which created it by several centuries. The applied methods are linguistic, systemic and historical interpretation of the sources, as well as the comparative and historical method.

Sona Haroutyunian

1915 marked the start of a bloodier phase of the Armenian tragedy. 1915 was also the year in which Italy interrupted its diplomatic presence in Anatolia and entered the war against the Ottoman Empire. For the few Armenians then resident in Italy this coincidence of circumstances constituted a mobilising factor: being in many cases citizens of the Ottoman Empire, on the one hand, they had to demonstrate their diversity with respect to the Turks, and on the other hand, the assumption of active behaviour towards the host country aimed at enhancing their belonging and cultural prerogatives. With the aim to investigate how the Genocide was experienced by the Armenian community in Italy, the paper will focus on the magazine Armenia. Eco delle rivendicazioni armene (Armenia. Echo of Armenian Claims) born in Turin and published between 1915-18.

2006 ◽  
pp. 29-56
Michal Sládecek

In first chapters of this article MacIntyre?s view of ethics is analyzed, together with his critics of liberalism as philosophical and political theory, as well as dominant ideological conception. In last chapters MacIntyre?s view of the relation between politics and ethics is considered, along with the critical review of his theoretical positions. Macintyre?s conception is regarded on the one hand as very broad, because the entire morality is identified with ethical life, while on the other hand it is regarded as too narrow since it excludes certain essential aspects of deliberation which refers to the sphere of individual rights, the relations between communities, as well as distribution of goods within the state.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Aris Hardinanto

<em>This article seeks to compares different ideas concerning Indonesian statehood as put forth by our founding father in sessions of the Dokuritsu Zyunbi Tyosa Kai (Investigating Body for Preparing Indonesia's Independence). The author notes that there is doubt as of the authenticity of documents recording the debates and the speeches made during meetings held by this body (28 may-1 June 1945 &amp; 10 July-17 July 1945).  On one side, there is the preparatory documents of the 1945 Constitution as issued by Muhammad Yamin and which is regarded by the State Secretariat as the one and only authentic source (from 1959-1992).  On the other hand, notes collected by Pringgodigdo and Yamin was latter used as the basis for the publication of the Body’s minutes of meetings in 1995.  The author observes that both collections (Yamin and Pringodidgo) differs in its exposure of ideas on the Indonesian statehood put forth during the Body’s meetings.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 199-211
Jorge Arturo Velázquez Hernández ◽  
Jorge Adán Romero Zepeda ◽  
Rosalía Alonso Chombo ◽  
Epigmenio Muñoz Guevara

The objective of this work is to analyze the feasibility of creating a university incubator (INCUERUAQ) aimed at benefiting the rural and indigenous population of the state of Querétaro. On the one hand, INCUERUAQ would represent the propitious scenario so that current students and those who are graduating, have the necessary spaces in order to face and solve problems of a technical and economic nature that may exist in their communities, always counting on the guidance of its professors and, on the other hand, the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ) would establish a permanent link with rural and indigenous communities, providing them with continuous advice in areas such as legal, administrative, marketing, etc., providing for this, the necessary infrastructure that allows them to carry out their ventures successfully, facilitating, among other things, training to access the various sources of financing, when required. The methodology with which it is intended to work is participatory research, whose initiation will be marked by a diagnosis that helps to visualize how feasible this project would be, it would also allow to devise the best incubator model to implement, in such a way that they can be carried out in practice the pre-incubation, incubation and post-incubation periods. This article aims to reflect an advance of the initial stage of the link, the diagnosis.

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 305
Joas Adiprasetya

This article discusses the idea of a hospitable church that struggles under the sacred canopy of the state, especially in the Indonesian context. By using Stanley Hauerwas’ social ethics and ecclesiology that views the church as an exemplary community, this article proposes an ecclesial model that maintains the tension of being true to its nature on the one hand and being political on the other hand. Such a model is demonstrated through its four dimensions: beholding, becoming, belonging, and befriending. The paper ends with a conclusion, in which the author reflects on the four dimensions by using the perspective of the four classical marks of the church (notae ecclesiae). AbstrakArtikel ini membahas gagasan mengenai gereja dengan identitas-ramah yang berjuang di bawah kanopi suci negara, khususnya dalam konteks Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan etika sosial dan eklesiologi Stanley Hauerwas, yang memandang gereja sebagai komunitas eksemplaris, artikel ini mengusul-kan model gerejawi yang mempertahankan ketegangan antara menjadi setia pada hakikatnya di satu sisi dan menjadi politis di sisi lain. Model semacam itu ditunjukkan melalui empat dimensinya: beholding, becoming, belonging, dan befriending. Makalah diakhiri dengan kesimpulan yang di dalamnya penulis merefleksikan empat dimensi di atas dengan menggunakan perspektif empat tanda klasik gereja (notae ecclesiae).

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-82
Tatjana Katic

The Islamisation of the population of two neighbouring regions south of Prizren, Gora and Opolje, occurred in varying degrees during the centuries-long rule of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. In Gora, inhabited by the Slavic population, it was extremely slow, while in Opolje, inhabited by the Albanians, it was incomparably more intensive. This paper aims to elucidate, based on the analysis of the Ottoman 15th and 16th century cadastral registers, the factors that affected the rate of conversion to Islam among the inhabitants of these two former Serbian medieval counties (zupas), later Ottoman nahiyes. Among the most important are the highly developed church organisation in the region of Gora on the one hand, and on the other hand, the proximity of Prizren, the military and administrative centre of the Prizren Sanjak in which high ranking officials of Opolje origin operated.

Mária Janošková ◽  
Adriana Csikósová ◽  
Katarína Čulková

The chapter attention is given to fiscal reforms in Slovakia. Reform measurements and their impact on the state budget have been investigated in selected areas of the economy. Reforms are always lively discussed issue. On the one hand, they are reasoned by expert arguments, but also by political ideas and emotions. On the other hand, we must see that the reforms affect all citizens, mainly children, students, workers, unemployed and pensioners. The chapter contains a brief overview of the most important reforms in the years 2002-2006 as well as preliminary impacts on the economy, inhabitants and public finances. The aim of this chapter is to describe the fiscal reforms in Slovakia, to bring close principles that were behind the changes and to evaluate their influence on the country's competitiveness. The aim is to show how economic policy and reforms have changed the socio-economic model in Slovakia and what results it has brought.


LABURPENA: Konstituzioak, 149.1.6 artikuluan, ez zion atea itxi nahi izan autonomia- erkidegoen parte-hartzeari araudi prozesalaren erregulazioan, eta, berez, Estatuari legegintza prozesalaren gainean eman zion eskumen esklusiboa mugatua da; izan ere, beren zuzenbide substantiboaren berezitasunetatik eratorritako espezialitate prozesalen gaineko eskumena aitortu baitzien, aldi berean, autonomia-erkidegoei. Eskumen hori batez ere zuzenbide zibil propioa duten erkidegoetan erabiltzekoa zen, baina ez haietan bakarrik, ez eta soilik gai honi dagokionean ere. Konstituzio Auzitegiak, baina, hain modu murriztailean jokatu du konstituzio-arau hori interpretatu eta aplikatu behar izan duenean (47/2004 epaia da salbuespen bakarra), non autonomia-erkidegoen espezialitate prozesalen gaineko eskumena ezerezean geratu baita. Artikulu honen asmoa honako hau da: alde batetik, egoera honetara nola heldu garen aztertzea; bestetik, 21/2012 epaia analizatzea, zeinak Konstituzio Auzitegiaren ildo murriztailea berresten duen; eta, azkenik, gaurko egoeran beste hautabide batzuk eskaintzea, autonomia-erkidegoek espezialitate prozesalen gainean daukaten eskumena (haietako batzuk erabiltzen ari direna) desagertzeko zorian dago-eta Konstituzio Auzitegiaren jurisprudentzian. RESUMEN: La Constitución, en su art. 149.1.6, no quiso cerrar la puerta a la intervención de las CCAA en la regulación de la normativa procesal y otorgó al Estado una competencia exclusiva sobre legislación procesal cuya exclusividad es, en realidad, limitada, dada la simultánea atribución a las CCAA de la competencia para dictar las necesarias especialidades procesales derivadas de las particularidades de su derecho sustantivo. Ello debía ser especialmente útil en aquellas comunidades con Derecho civil propio, aunque no solo en estas ni únicamente respecto de este ámbito material. Ocurre sin embargo que el Tribunal Constitucional, en las ocasiones en que ha debido interpretar y aplicar el mencionado precepto constitucional, lo ha hecho de modo tan restrictivo que, con la única y aislada excepción de la STC 47/2004, la competencia autonómica relativa a las especialidades procesales ha quedado reducida a la nada. El propósito de este artículo es, por un lado, el de examinar cómo se ha llegado a este punto; por otro, estudiar el último de los casos relevantes, la STC 21/2012, que confirma la citada línea restrictiva seguida por el Tribunal; y finalmente apuntar algunas alternativas a la situación a la que se ha llegado, en que la competencia de las CCAA en materia de especialidades procesales (que por otra parte algunas están ejerciendo) se halla condenada a la práctica desaparición en la jurisprudencia constitucional. ABSTRACT: The Constitution in section 149.1.16 has not closed the door to the Autonomous Communities intervention in the regulation of the procedural provisions and conferred the State the exclusive power over the procedural legislation albeit its exclusivity is limited by the simultaneous allocation to the Au tonomous Communities of the power to enact the necessary procedural specifities that come from the special features of its substantive law. That should be extremely useful in those Communities with their own Civil law, even though not only in those and not solely regarding this material field. But what happens is that when the Constitutional Court had to interpret and apply the aforementioned constitutional provision, it has done it so narrowly that with the only and sole exception of the Constitutional judgment 47/2004 the power is almost reduced to nothing. The purpose of this article is on the one hand to examine how this is been reached; and on the other hand, to study the last relevant ruling, judgment 21/2012, which confirms the aforementioned narrow line of interpretation followed by the Court; and finally to point at some alternatives to the situation that has been created in which the power of the Autonomous Communities regarding the procedural specificities (and which they are exercising anyway) is doomed to the practical disappearance according to the constitutional caselaw.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (32) ◽  
Nur Falikhah

Indonesia gets demographic bonus in 2015-2035. Demographic bonus is when the number of productive population of the age of 15-64 years reaches about 70% or about 180 million people and the rest is about 30% or about 60 million people of unproductive age. The demographic bonus is like a double-edged sword. This demographic bonus becomes a profitable phenomenon on the one hand and on the other hand can be disastrous for a country. Beneficial and potential if a country is able to prepare its young generation with a quality generation and vice versa would be disastrous if the state is unable to prepare its human resources. High quality human resources both in terms of education, health, skills so as to compete in the world of work. This phenomenon is of course interesting to be studied further, especially how the opportunities and challenges for diversity in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 87 (S1) ◽  
pp. 101-107
John P. Kent

AbstractThe relationship between the cow and calf develops over time after birth. The behavioural mechanisms underlying its development are important and comparisons with other species may increase our understanding. In nature the cow will separate herself from the herd to give birth and then the cow–calf relationship will develop with the ability to recognise each other. While twinning levels are low in cows, they do rear their twin calves. If the calf is lost at or after birth the cow can be responsive towards other calves and in specific circumstances the cow can develop a maternal bond with an alien calf, i.e. foster. In this Research Reflection a distinction is made between the development of, on the one hand, maternal responsiveness (the tendency of the cow to care for a calf which occurs before birth) and, on the other hand, the development of the maternal–filial bond or relationship which is reciprocal, occurs after birth and is characterised by the ability to discriminate the mother's own calf from alien calves. These processes can overlap and the relationship between cow and calf in this ‘hider’ species is more plastic than in some other mammals. For example, a cow might form an attachment with an alien calf before she gives birth. After the cow has given birth the loss of her own calf may result in the state of maternal responsiveness being maintained, such that developing a maternal bond with one or several appropriate alien calves is possible. Viable fostering techniques are possible. If a maternal relationship to the mother's own calf has developed then fostering will be more difficult. If the cow's relationship with her own calf is not exclusive, and she is in a state of maternal responsiveness then fostering of calves of an appropriate age and status can be achieved.

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