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Published By Iain Antasari

2579-986x, 1412-9515

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Nadzmi Akbar Baderun ◽  
Samsul Rani

Abstract A person becomes a Muslim convert because he believes in Islamic teachings' goodness, benefits, and truth. On the other hand, converts of Dayak Meratus generally still have many shortcomings and problems carrying out their new religion. Thus, the guidance of Dayak Meratus converts must be carried out by Muslims. It is still unclear that the guidance carried out for Dayak Meratus converts raises how the basic strategy for cultivating Dayak Meratus converts in South Kalimantan is necessary. Religion, supporting and inhibiting factors for converting. Data collection was carried out by observing, interviewing, and opening up documents that could present facts and events in the field. The interactive analysis process is in the following order: data collection, data condensation, data modeling, and describing and verifying conclusions. This research found that the convergence coaching program was made in detail by coaches who were in the field to suit field conditions. Dayak Meratus converts' religious guidance is carried out by using a family approach, warmth, meeting intensity or always being close to converts, teaching the practice of worship, muamalah, and instilling faith. The inhibiting factors for conversion are; lack of dai, converts are scattered over a wide area, it is challenging to gather at one place, the busyness of converts who make a living to a remote area.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Mariyatul Norhidayati ◽  
Munsyi M.T

Islamic studies in industrial revolution 4.0 grown very rapidly. Everyone can access an information everywhere and everytime using their end devises such a smartphone and laptop base on internet access using a social media such instagram, facebook, and twitter. development of da'wah media that is not only through radio television and through studies conducted either in mosques or other places for delivering of studies and insights about Islam for all muslims in Indonesian country especially in Kalimantan Selatan. One of aplication social media for studying islam is Instagram. All of preachers is very easily make a post on Instagram for sharing a religious knowledge to users of Instagram social media, hence this case a lot of Islamic da'wah accounts in great demand by the muslims people in Indonesia. Islamic posts made by preachers on Instagram make a lot of conflict and the direction of negative or positive impressions left by users through the comments column provided from instagram. To determine the positive and negative directions of the post from a preacher. We develop a system for detecting the direction of impression from all of comment on Islamic content on Instagram created by the user using a sentimen analysis. This system analyzes comments left on a post from a preacher's Instagram story. The system that was built succeeded for classifying the filtered comments by attributing the direction of the da'wah impression posted by the preacher. The classification of the impression direction of this system contains 3 impression directions, namely positive, negative, and neutral

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Syaif Uddin ◽  
Abdul Muhid

Media sosial menjadi alternative dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwah, sehingga tidak sedikit para pelaku dakwah menggunakan media sebagai sarananya. Kompleksnya media mengharuskan para da’i untuk terlibat ke dunia media, dari hal ini media sosial tentunya adalah komunikasi dakwah yang efektif dalam mengimbangi perkembangan zaman. Oleh karena itu studi literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pesan dakwah dimedia sosial terhadap religiusitas masyarakat muslim. Lebih lanjut kajian mendalam terhadap efektiftasnya media dakwah perlu dilakukan, karena semakin pesatnya perkembangan dan penggunaan media. Selanjutnya dalam proses analisis, peneltian ini menggunakan metode studi literature dengan mengumpulkan beragam sumber dari jurnal, artikel, serta buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan variabel penelitian. Hasil dari studi literture ini menunjukkan bahwa efektifitas dakwah media sosial bisa dikatakan efektif apabila frekuensi dari intensitas seseorang menggunakan media  kemudian mengamalkan isi pesan yang disampaikan terkait kajian dakwah yang ada. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Jumi Herlita ◽  
Restu Khaliq

Zakat is an essential Islamic economic tool to mobilize assets to alleviate poverty and create prosperity. This paper discusses the relationship between zakat, primarily productive zakat, poverty, and welfare from the Islamic perspective. With the potential for extraordinary zakat collection, it is expected that the distribution of zakat will have a tremendous impact on improving the welfare of the mustahik. It is imperative to measure the impact of zakat distribution on mustahik, especially when using appropriate analysis. CIBEST is an analytical tool capable of measuring these impacts from two viewpoints: material and spiritual perspectives. Zakat collection organizations and academics should utilize this analytical tool more to evaluate zakat distribution programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rini Astuti ◽  
Fatmawati Fatmawati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pemilihan komunikator, penyusunan pesan dan penyajian, serta perencanaan media pesan komunitas Peduli Jilbab dalam mensosialisasikan pemakaian jilbab syar’i dikalangan muslimah. Penelitian ini menggunakan para digmakonstruktivisme, di mana realitas yang ada merupakan hasil konstruksi dari kemampuan berfikir seseorang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, yaitu dengan cara melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dari kegiatan mensosialisasikan pemakaian jilbab syar’i di kalangan muslimah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan  bahwa,  strategi  pemilihan komunikator yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Peduli Jilbab ditentukan berdasarkan kredibilitas, kriteria latar belakang, dan daya tarik. Strategi penyusunan dan penyajian pesan yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Peduli Jilbab dirumuskan secara informatif dan persuasif. Strategi pemilihan media yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Peduli Jilbab ialah menggunakan media massa dan media sosial. Strategi pemilihan dan pengenalan khalayak yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Peduli Jilbab, yaitu dengan membaginya kedalam dua jenis, khalayak internal  dan  eksternal.   Kemudian,  mengenal  dan  mendekati  khalayak sasarannya dengan cara berbeda.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Rahmad Rahmad

Progress of the era, also known as the era of disruption, is largely human, one of which is education. This change certainly has an impact felt by humans as it is increasingly individualistic and increasingly busy responding to the times. Changes in the world of online education or whatever the government intends to do must certainly accommodate rapid changes in the world that is currently based on information technology. This article uses the type of library research that is a study carried out through data collection related to today's education, data collection or scientific papers that aim to conduct critical and in-depth studies by searching relevant library materials. The results of this study found that students need to be learners who are always hungry for information and become learners who understand and have a variety of approaches such as design thinking (a way of solving problems focused on people centered. Teachers must also have strong scientific competence and have soft skills in the form of critical thinking, creative, communicative, and able to collaborate. n addition it must also be able to spread inspiration for students, be able to be friends with students and of course must be an example.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Nida Marufah

Ahbaabul Musthofa has big role in the development of da'wah in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Beside having a very broad of worshipers covering all districts in Yogyakarta, this hadrah group as a performer of Ahbaabul Musthafa assembly also has a good track record with Habib Shaykhs throughout Indonesia. This makes the group reference for most hadrah groups in Yogyakarta. As a media of da'wah, there are messages to be conveyed through the hadrah. Not only in the performance of the hadrah, it also represented in symbols through the entire of this assembly. By ethnographic analysis, we try to explore the problems in terms of culture and communication. Based on research, being a dominant worshipers in these assembly was apparently unable to guarantee the Syekher Mania Community understood the symbols and their meanings. The results showed that besides being a place for friendship and media to increase love for the Prophet Muhammad, hadrah also being a form of self-servitude to Allah through fun worship, respect for the presence of the Prophet Muhammad, symbolizing the atmosphere of joy, peace of mind, faith, simplicity, sincerity, and determination in devotion to Allah.KEYWORDS: Hadrah, symbols, meanings of hadrah symbols, Ahbaabul Musthofa Yogyakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 74

The spread of Covid-19 continues to develop rapidly and widely, which greatly affects human social life in various aspects, one of which is human behavior. Of course this is not a simple problem of the Corona virus outbreak testing all capacities as humans by facing uncertainty, even though it is believed that Allah Swt must certainly create disease and of course the cure.Every human being will experience problems in his life, including when he is going through difficult, anxious and pessimistic times as well as depression as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The problem is whether every human being is able to survive these problems. In the perspective of Sufism, the problems of life are very much influenced by the form of acceptance and interpretation of the events experienced, when a person is not able to properly understand the meaning of life's trials and is unable to accept Allah's provisions for His creatures, life's problems will be even heavier. For those who are aware and have knowledge, will try to solve it either independently or by asking for help from an expert. One of the alternatives to solve life's problems is by doing tasawuf. How a Muslim responds to the Covid-19 outbreak there are at least three things that a Muslim needs to do in facing tests like this, namely sincerity, patience, and gratitude.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Nahed Nuwairah

Since the global challenges of da’wah getting more and complex, it is necessary for  the preachers to understand strategic steps to consider before doing da’wah. Including in Indonesia as a country that has so many diversity of etnicities, tribes, languages, religions and cultures.  Realizing an atmosphere of harmony in Indonesian society requires the togetherness of various community  parties, including   preachers who bear  the responsibility for reflects   the values of Islam as rahmatan li al-‘alamin.     This paper mainly focused on how do da’wah    that can be applied in  Indonesia as a nation  unity in diversity  (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) in   order to building peace facing the disruption era.  Regarding to  the disruption era, the da’wah approach will require changes and adjustment, both regarding the form, media, content (message)  and underlying paradigm.  The author offers  some  strategies, there are strengthening family,   fostering  common perceptions among  community groups by strengthening  universal  values and   developing an information system that is able to reach people widely and foster effective and harmonious communication. Of course, this writing accompanied by hope that there will be an effort to elaborate it systematically in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Devi Noviyanti ◽  
Restu Khaliq

Celebrity endorsers influence celebrity endorsers who wear the hijab on a person's purchase intentions. A total of 91 respondents were taken in this study, all of whom had seen celebrity endorsers wearing hijabs advertising products/services on Instagram social media. SmartPLS software version 2.0.M3 was using, and research shows a significant influence of trustworthiness, attractiveness, and expertise on one's purchasing intentions. The T-statistic value of all dimensions of the celebrity endorser variable towards purchase intentions is more significant than 1.96, by 3.213, 3.121, and 2.832, respectively.Keywords: celebrity endorsers, hijab, purchase intentions.

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