scholarly journals Management of joint-stock companies and farms by using fair value of agricultural equipment in financial statements on the example of IMT 533 tractor

2019 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-50 ◽  
Milan Radović ◽  
Jelena Vitomir ◽  
Bogdan Laban ◽  
Slobodanka Jovin ◽  
Sanda Nastić ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Jelena Vitomir ◽  
Sonja Tomaš-Miskin ◽  
Slobodan Popović

This study highlights the importance of using real-life values of agricultural equipment in real financial statements in medium-sized enterprises. The authors have adopted the essence of nature related to the estimation of agricultural equipment, that is, he has stated that in the agricultural production of transition countries, agricultural equipment has been used for more than five decades. This was a key assumption adopted by the authors of this study. In addition, the presentation of realistic financial statements should include an account of the real value of agricultural equipment, which essentially leads to a periodic fair valuation of agricultural equipment available to agricultural producers in transition countries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-60 ◽  
James Anthony DiGabriele

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate if there is an expectation gap among accounting academics, accounting practitioners, and users of financial statements in the financial valuation fitness of auditors. Complex reporting standards and current market expectations have the potential to create differences between what third-party users consider to be the responsibilities of the auditor and what auditors believe to be their responsibilities in auditing fair value estimates. Design/methodology/approach – This study surveys the perceptions of accounting academics, accounting practitioners, and users of financial statements and the degree to which an expectation gap exists in the financial valuation fitness of auditors. Survey respondents chose from a five-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” Findings – This paper proposes two hypotheses. The results for all nine survey items have provided significant evidence that there is a difference in the expectation of the financial valuation fitness of auditors between users of financial statements and accounting practitioners (H1). Additionally, the findings for all survey items present support there is a significant difference in the expectation of the financial valuation fitness of auditors between accounting academics and users of financial statements (H2). Research limitations/implications – A limitation of the current study, as an inherent attribute with survey research, is non-response bias. The only way to evaluate this was to test late responses to earlier results. There were no significant results in these analyses. According to Fink (2003), if there are no significant differences in this indicator the likelihood of non-response bias is extremely low. Hence, this limitation did not have serious implications on the current study. Practical implications – The implications of this study affect the accounting academic community as they prepare students in response to the evolving market expectations (Pan and Perera, 2012). Previous research has pointed toward the sluggish reaction for change in the accounting curriculum relative to external demands (Harvey, 2004; Pan and Perera, 2012). The results of this study also have resonating effects for accounting practitioners. The marketplace expects accountants to be “knowledge professionals” (Carnegie and Napier, 2010). Regulators continue to ask auditors to find more fraud and understand financial valuation (Pan and Perera, 2012). Social implications – Contemporary accounting practice is moving beyond the scope of quantitative recording of historical financial information. Ignoring integral market transformations could result in lower quality audits with corresponding increased litigation against auditors for negligence (Pearson, 2011). Originality/value – This study is important for several reasons. First, users of financial statements have expressed the necessity for auditors to acquire financial valuation skills (Christensen et al. (2012). Therefore, the evidence obtained from users of financial statements in this research will be critical guidance to reconcile expectations. Second, accounting educators have not provided a significant response to teaching fair value concepts in the university curriculum (Carlino, 2012; Hanson, 2013). This research presents a clarion call to accounting educators to align university curriculum toward market expectations (Christensen et al., 2012). Third, the practitioner community has also been criticized for audit deficiencies in fair value. It is critical to understand if additional training in financial valuation is necessary to improve the fair value judgments of practitioners and meet stakeholder’s expectations. Accordingly, the study provides a contribution to practice. Finally, this paper answers the call by Christensen et al. (2012) for future research on the topic of fair value: to “mirror the categories of recommendations of regulators and standard setters.”

Laith Abdullah Alaryan ◽  
Ayman Ahmad Abu Haija ◽  
Ali Mahmoud Alrabei

The application of fair value has started early in Jordan, which was a bone of contention among supporters and opponents. This study came to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between fair value and financial manipulation. The study extracted data from 45 companies’ annual reports during a ten-year period (1997- 2006) five years before and after the application of fair value to examine the relationship among the application of fair value accounting and the presence of manipulation in financial statements. The result indicates that the number of firms that manipulated information in the financial statements had increased after applying fair value accounting. The results have policy implications, one of which is that the Jordanian government should either enact new regulations or modify the current regulations in the face of an increasing number of manipulations by firms after the application of fair value accounting. These regulations are needed to increase both the managements’ and accountants’ responsibility towards the firms and to enhance the business ethics of the organization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Deddy Kurniawansyah

This literature study explains and describe the development of the concept of goodwill from the perspective of accounting by observing and describing until the development at this time, discusses differences in accounting standards of goodwill applicable in some countries, and explains the things that contradict the goodwill. This research method used qualitative with literature study. The results of this study are in some countries, the concepts and rules on goodwill accounting have undergone various changes, including international accounting standards issued by the IASC. Initially goodwill is capitalized and amortized over no more than 20 years. But, along with the increasing use of fair value accounting in accounting standards, thetreatment for goodwill also experienced a shift that is eliminated by the amortization method is replaced by doing impairment test to goodwill. The results of this study contribute as add to the treasury of financial accounting literature, especially accounting treatment of goodwill as intangible assets in the financial statements of various countries such as Indonesia, America and the England.Keyword :Goodwiil, Impairment, Financial Accounting Standard

Ionica Oncioiu ◽  
Cristina Maria Ștefan ◽  
Valentin Radu ◽  
Georgiana Burlacu

The dual nature of creative accounting has been intensely debated since its emergence in the Anglo-Saxon economies. The lack of a common accounting language, different accounting systems at international level, applied in different languages, international legislation harmonized more or less correctly, amidst a turbulent economic environment, left room for multiple interpretations and meanings. This chapter presents the advantages of fair value in manipulating business performances by creative accounting, but there are voices that are challenging this concept because of its volatility and tendency to subjectivism, and also manipulating the models used to evaluate balance-sheet structures or profit and loss account. The results show that fair value was introduced by accounting norms in response to the deterioration of confidence in the financial statements and targets a new system for assessing the entity's assets and liabilities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 63
Ката Шкарић Јовановић

Резиме: Финансијско извештавање већ више векова с правом се означава као конзервативно. Начело опрезности чија премена генерише конзервативизам, а које се одликује временском асиметријом у признавању губитака и добитака, не само да је једно од најстаријих, већ и једно од најутицајнијих правила у финансијском извештавању. Означавање инвеститора, поверилаца и осталих зајмодаваца као примарних корисника финансијских извештаја довело је до тога да се у Концептуалном оквиру финансијског извешавања неутралној презентацији финансијских извештаја даје апсолутни примат у односу на опрезност, која је означена као непожељна. Бројна емпиријска истраживања, у великој мери изазвана и оваквом радикалном променом, показала су да су користи од примене конзервативизма у финансијском извештању и у данашњим околностима такве да се увелико надилазе његове слабости. С дуге стране, неутралност се може постићи у презентацији појединих позиција финансијских извшетаја али не при постојећим околностима и финансијских извештаја у целини. Заменом опрезности са неутралношћу нарушена је конзистентност која је нужна између Концептуалног оквира за финансијско извештавање и МРС/МСФИ. У многим од МРС/МСФИ садржани су захтеви за признавање и вредновање који су засновани на опрезности. Испуњавање ових захтева неминовно води конзервативизму у презентацији финансијских извештаја. Како су МРС/МСФИ изграђени на мешовитој основи коју чине: концепт историјског трошка, с којим је чврсто повезана опрезност, и концепт фер вредности, за који се везује неутралност. Стога се сасвим основано у презентацији финансијских извештаја могу очекивати и неутрално и конзервативно презентиране информације. Враћањем опрезности у Концептуални оквир финансијског извештавања осим што би била отклоњена неконзистност која постоји између њега као основе на којој се ревидирају постојећи и доносе нови стандарди, био би потврђен допринос конзервативизма заштити интереса поверилаца и инвеститора.Summary: For many centuries financial reporting has been rightfully labeled as conservative. The principle of prudence whose application generates conservatism, which is characterized by time asymmetry in the recognition of gains and losses, is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most influential rules in financial reporting. Determining the investors, creditors and other lenders as primary users of financial statements has led to the fact that in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting the neutral presentation of financial statements has the absolute precedence over prudence, which is marked as undesirable. Numerous empirical studies largely caused by such a radical change have shown that the benefits of application of conservatism in financial reporting and in the present circumstances are such that they greatly surpass its weaknesses. On the other hand, neutrality can be achieved in the presentation of certain positions in financial statements but not under the existing circumstances and financial statements in general. Substituting prudence with neutrality violates consistency, which is necessary between the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and IAS/IFRS. Many of IAS/IFRS contain requests for recognition and validation that are based on the prudence. Meeting these requests will inevitably lead to conservatism in the presentation of financial statements. Since IAS/IFRS are built on a mixed basis consisting of the historical cost concept, which is tightly linked with prudence, and fair value concept, which is linked with neutrality, then it is quite reasonable to expect both neutrally and conservatively presented information in the presentation of financial statements. By restoring prudence in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, besides eliminating inconsistence that exists between it as a basis for revising existing and adopting new standards, contribution of conservatism to protecting the interests of creditors and investors would be confirmed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 107 (163) ◽  
pp. 119-136
Jerzy Gierusz ◽  
Karolina Dąbrowska

The main purpose of this article is to determine the impact of changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities on the overall net result of selected banks listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The research covered the consolidated financial statements of five banks, for the years 2014-2018. Methods of analyzing the literature on the subject, financial statements, and legal acts, including selected IFRS, were used. It has been shown that, on the one hand, fair value revaluations have a significant impact on the financial result of the described entities; on the other hand, the fair value in these entities is determined mainly at the 1st level of the hierarchy. This means that the basis for determining the fair value is observable prices on the market, and that the impact of subjective estimates on the financial result is small.

Олена Сергіївна Юрченко

Formulation of the problem. Based on the study, the prerequisites, features and components of the formation of accounting policies in the context of business continuity are revealed. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological and organizational provisions of accounting policy formation in the context of the implementation of the concept of continuity. The object of research is the process of formation of accounting policy and its impact on the quality of corporate financial reporting information. Methods used in the study: scientific knowledge, method of generalization, comparison, logical - meaningful, methods of induction and deduction. The main hypothesis is that the formation of accounting policies aimed at determining the regulations of accounting and reporting from the standpoint of reflecting complete and reliable information about the real value of assets and liabilities will help reconcile the interests of all stakeholders. Presenting main material. The article identifies the prerequisites, directions and elements of the formation of accounting policies on the principle of continuity of enterprises. Provisions on the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of accounting policies of enterprises on the basis of risk-oriented approach are revealed. The necessity of valuation of assets and liabilities according to the criteria: fair, discounted and market value of enterprises is substantiated and the methodological support of valuation of financial instruments in accounting is revealed. Originality and practical significance are proposals for the formation of methodological and organizational support and recommendations for the measurement of assets and liabilities at fair value in order to improve the quality of financial statements. Research findings. The formation of accounting policy in the context of the principle of continuity is based on the requirements of International Accounting Standards and National Accounting Standards and depends on the needs of management, methods and techniques of accounting. In the process of developing an accounting policy, it is necessary to take into account the information needs of various stakeholders to disclose information in corporate financial statements. The introduction of theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of elements of accounting policy on the principle of continuity will meet the information needs of different users, improve the quality of financial reporting and assess the impact of accounting policies on the real value of enterprises in the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-180
Dilan Abdullah Mohammed ◽  
Basira Majeed Najm

The reality today proves that growth and success have become the share of financial markets that have learned how to read the road map and achieve leadership by investing in the so-called derivatives, where the center of gravity in financial markets has shifted from relying on simple financial instruments to relying on Great for innovation and creativity to create innovative financial products that cover the needs of investors. The issue of derivatives has become an important place in global markets. The importance of this study is illustrated by the nature of the accounting treatment of these instruments and how they are disclosed in the annual financial statements of companies and banks dealing with them according to the international accounting standard No. (32) and how to recognize and measure the financial instruments, and disclose them according to the International Accounting Standard No. (7-9), in order to clarify the nature of the analysis required to determine the correct accounting processing when using these instruments, as the financial statements published by the dealers of financial instruments and provided to end users must include sufficient information about them with To clarify the risks for which the transactions were carried out, the extent to which such information is covered (is it for hedging purposes or for trading purposes), the degree of risk and how to account for it, and through this process has been concluded among the most important risks to which the bank is exposed is the risk of changing interest rates, given that the net Interest income constitutes a large percentage of the bank's returns, the interest rate risk is particularly important, as the case of high interest rates creates for banks the risk of paying higher rates on deposits for the future and other bank demands compared to what they get from their glory, and the situation is quite the opposite when the Shame interest. The study recommends that the bank dealing in derivative financial instruments distinguish between the profitability of trading in these and other investment instruments, and for the instruments used for the purposes of hedging the risk of interest rates, as well as the bank to clarify the accounting methods used The bank must disclose the fair value of both hedge stake and hedge funds. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 41
Eduardo Sosa Mora

<p>Desde hace muchos años, en el ámbito académico y en el profesional de la contabilidad, se debate acerca de la importancia de que los estados financieros presenten los activos y pasivos de acuerdo con sus valores de mercado, con el fin de lograr una mejor aproximación a los valores económicos de las empresas. Esto ha propiciado que, en las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF), haya adquirido relevancia el modelo del valor razonable, según el cual los activos y pasivos se miden por sus valores <br />de mercado. La adopción de este modelo significa la instrumentación de la teoría del valor de la empresa y una mayor aproximación de la contabilidad a la teoría de las finanzas, cuyos beneficios deben sopesarse con los riesgos asociados a la obtención de cifras contables a partir de precios de mercado y de supuestos acerca de eventos esperados en el futuro. Este artículo expone los alcances de la adopción de ese modelo en el esfuerzo por lograr que los estados financieros representen fielmente las realidades económicas de las empresas.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p> </p><p>Since many years ago in the Accounting academic and professional circles there is a debate about the importance that the financial statements represent the assets and liabilities according with their market values, in order to get a better approximation to the economic values of the enterprises. Because of this the fair value model has gained relevance in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). According with this model, the assets and liabilities are measured by their market values. The adoption of <br />this model means the implementation of the theory of the firm and a greater approximation the Accounting to the Financial Theory, whose benefits must be weighted with the risks of getting accounting figures by using market prices and assumptions about future events. This paper expounds the scopes of adopting this model in the effort to assure that the financial statements represent faithfully the economic realities of the enterprises.</p>

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