Classics In Mathematics Education: Mathematics in the Training for Citizenship

1967 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-148
David Eugene Smith

It is the purpose of this paper to set forth certain facts to be kept in mind in the teaching of mathematirs for citizenship. It is proposed to consider in the limited space available what there is in mathematics that the working man needs and what of this science the woman requires in dirceting the education of her children and in managing her home; how mathematics trains the mind and how its poetry affects human life; what potency the subject has in the uplift of your soul and mine; how it has linked itself with all humanity in all times; and how we should go about to make all this real in our everyday teaching.

Vera Volkova ◽  
Nataliya Malakhova ◽  
Ilia Volkov

This article is dedicated to conceptualization of the subject field of imagination. Imagination stops being a byproduct of the creative process. It is defined as the ability to exceed boundaries of creative process in mental combinations of the aspects of knowledge and being, sensation and reason. Research methodology is substantiated by the complementarity and intersection of different discourses on imagination on the basis of dialectics as an ancient mode of thought. Imagination is determined from the perspective of ontoepistemology and accumulation of structural-organizational attachments into image. The unity of being and knowledge (ontoepistemology) manifests in segmentation of the image and derivation of structural generalizations, all of which allow determining multiple meanings of the objects discovered by means of visualization and symbolization. Being correlate of the symbol, image is visualized, and reveals the meanings of human life. Symbol saturates image with the content. Image has power over people and their mind by not complying with the rules. Imagination is a method for reconstructing cognitive process. It is perceived as an instrument for comparing, uniting, and coordination of diverse elements of cognition. Imagination mentalizes the image, helps to comprehend it through a number of transitions, inside which takes place integration of segments of the image into a symbol. Then, through generalization of the image (symbols, words, meanings), its form turns into a text, read by the mind, for example, a rhizome that removes contradistinction of internal and external, subjective and objective. Mentalization of the image, symbolization of its segments and their translation into in the text takes place by integration of structural attachments into the image. The author suggests that this conceptual construct allows determining the role of imagination among other representations of human sciences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 174-177
Dr. B. N. Upadhyay ◽  
Mrunaldevi Gohil

The ashtāng yoga system of yoga as presented by sage Patanjali classifies yoga into a series of eight steps, at the end of which the highest aim of human life, i.e. self-realisation can be attained. One can get some knowledge about what these steps are by reading sage Patanjali’s Yoga-sūtra. However, how the aim of yoga can be attained and what are the means of attaining it cannot be easily known because the Yoga-sūtra comprises of aphorisms, which by their very nature, can be understood only if one has a thorough knowledge of the subject. This paper is an attempt to figure out the means of reaching the highest aim of yoga through the study of the Yoga-sūtra, one of the most authoritative text on the subject of yoga and another gigantic scripture in the field of yoga, the Bhagwad Gita, which is also known as the Yoga shāstra. Further, the nature of these texts is such that only an advanced yogi can understand its true meaning through his/her experiences. Therefore, the works of Swami Kripalvanandaji and Swami Rajarshi Muni have also been studied to throw more light on the subject.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nanny Sri Lestari

<p>Sebuah peristiwa, dalam kehidupan manusia, dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi penulisan sebuah cerita. Pengarang, sebagai bagian dari masyarakatnya, mengangkat relung-relung kehidupan manusia, ke dalam sebuah cerita. Namun harus dipahami, bahwa pengalaman pengarang dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, juga mempengaruhi subjek yang ditulisnya. Saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, bahwa teknologi komunikasi yang sangat canggih, telah mempengaruhi perkembangan karya sastra. Media penulisan karya sastra, tidak lagi melalui media cetak seperti kertas tetapi sudah melalui peralatan modern yang sesuai jamannya. Namun demikian ragam karya sastra prosa, seperti cerita pendek, justru mampu mengisi ruang media kommunikasi tersebut. Dua orang pengarang, yang menulis cerita pendek di media masa, berusaha mengangkat isu tentang lingkungan. Isu yang diangkat, lebih menekankan kepada masalah lingkungan alam dengan mengangkat isu tentang pohon sebagai bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menelusuri struktur cerita pendek yang mengangkat isu lingkungan dalam jalinan ceritanya. Untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian, langkah awal dari penelitian ini, adalah melakukan pendekatan struktur cerita, yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan pencarian makna cerita tersebut. Sering sekali di balik sebuah cerita ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada masyarakat pembacanya. Bentuk pesan tersebut tersirat, dalam jalinan struktur cerita pendek tersebut. Pesan yang disampaikan, dalam kedua cerita pendek tersebut,  adalah pesan tentang lingkungan alam, yang  saat ini tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Dengan alasan, kebutuhan ekonomi yang sangat dominan.</p><p><em>An event, in human life, can be an inspiration for writing a story. The author, as a part of his society, lifts the niches of human life, into a story. But it must be understood, that the author's experience in everyday life, also affects the subject he wrote.</em><em> </em><em>Today it is undeniable, that highly sophisticated communication technology, has influenced the development of literary works. Media writing literature, no longer through print media such as paper but have been through modern equipment that fit his era.</em><em> </em><em>However, the variety of prose literary works, such as short stories, is able to fill the media space communications. Two authors, who write short stories in the mass media, try to raise issues about the environment. Issues raised, more emphasis on the issue of the natural environment by raising the issue, about the tree as part of human life. The purpose of this research, is to trace the structure of short stories, which raised environmental issues in the composition of the story. To fulfill the purpose of research, the first step of this research, is to approach the structure of the story, which is then linked with the search for the meaning of the story. Very often, behind a story, there is a message to be conveyed to the readers. The form of the message is implied, in the composition of the short story structure. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
pp. 527-537
Aleksandra Ljustina

Migration is one of the oldest and most used strategies for overcoming negative social issues. Despite the fact that it is historically deeply rooted, environmental migration as a social phenomenon has only recently become the subject research of numerous scientific fields. However, the study of current environmental migration is characterized by a number of issues, such as absence of an adequate definition and multi-causality of environmental migration. In this paper, through conceptual framework, author analyzed two main questions: who are environmental migrants and what reasons cause environmental migration. Due to the destruction of the global environmental balance, as well as accumulated environmental disturbances, it is likely that environmental migration will increase in future and there is nowhere you cannot make more use of scientific and professional projection of the future than in demographic and environmental spheres of human life. There is no doubt that our future is unpredictable. However, the environmental factors influencing the pattern of human interaction with the environment must be taken into account when projecting future development of the modern society. Such is the context in which the complex relation among migration, change and the environment has to be studied. In order to establish the basis for controlling environmental migration caused by negative changes in the environment, it is necessary to adopt a consistent strategy instead of ad hoc activities that are being used. In this paper, author analyzed societal response for the challenges caused by environmental migration, specifically regarding actions related to governing environmental migrations.

1859 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 381-457 ◽  

The necessity of discussing so great a subject as the Theory of the Vertebrate Skull in the small space of time allotted by custom to a lecture, has its advantages as well as its drawbacks. As, on the present occasion, I shall suffer greatly from the disadvantages of the limitation, I will, with your permission, avail myself to the uttermost of its benefits. It will be necessary for me to assume much that I would rather demonstrate, to suppose known much that I would rather set forth and explain at length; but on the other hand, I may consider myself excused from entering largely either into the history of the subject, or into lengthy and controversial criticisms upon the views which are, or have been, held by others. The biological science of the last half-century is honourably distinguished from that of preceding epochs, by the constantly increasing prominence of the idea, that a community of plan is discernible amidst the manifold diversities of organic structure. That there is nothing really aberrant in nature; that the most widely different organisms are connected by a hidden bond; that an apparently new and isolated structure will prove, when its characters are thoroughly sifted, to be only a modification of something which existed before,—are propositions which are gradually assuming the position of articles of faith in the mind of the investigators of animated nature, and are directly, or by implication, admitted among the axioms of natural history.

2021 ◽  
Deep Bhattacharjee

Psychiatric disorders’ or as emphasized in the paper in the form of somatic-symptom disorder, a sub-category of Schizophrenia has been from the ancient of the human civilization, when the medicinal approach and treatment of the subject hasn’t been developed yet, the notion of the affected subject to be under some spiritual subjugation has automatically been implied on the minds of the people which leads to immense torture and torment of the subject by the society. However, in the modern medical scenario, the situation has shifted from spiritual/evilness to the extreme derision where it has been already implied on the healthy societies brain that, the subject is intentionally acting like a patient or it’s a ‘disease of the mind’ with no associated physical pain which being attributed to the tendency of late diagnosis and recovery, makes the subject a sheer block of ‘sarcasm’ among the healthy society where they tries their best to make ‘the fun out of him’ as regards to his continuous pain and suffering. This generally amplified by the delay in the starting of the treatment for the difficulty of the doctors to diagnose the disease, as not so developed instruments are still in their infancy to detect and derelict the mental disorders, where in most of the time, the golden period of diagnosis is either over or even if psychiatric treatment is initiated can lead to a more defocused effects as doctors itself finds it difficult to approach the right medicine to the disordered person, where, in case, they have to go from one doctor to another in the risk of a trial and error effect.

2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Syed Zahir Idid ◽  
Abdurezak A. Hashi

Among the basic objectives of the Islamic Shari‘ah is to protect the human life and human intellect ‒ as such, the consumption of mind-altering and intoxicative substances is prohibited in Islam. Furthermore, Islam imposes criminal penalties on those who consume intoxicative substances such as wine. Muslim jurists (fuqahā) have provided descriptive accounts on the foundations of the Islamic antidrug abuse teachings, categories of mind-altering substances, and preventive laws. They also identified three categories of mind-altering substances: al-muskirāt, al-mukhaddirāt, and al-muftiraāt. This paper aims to explore the rationale and jurisprudential foundations of Islamic antidrug abuse education. While highlighting the philosophical background of the Islamic antidrug teachings, the paper presents the jurisprudential foundations of the legal penalties for drug abusers. The Qur’ānic terms and the Prophetic statements related to the subject will be referred to, while the opinions of Muslim jurists and theologians on the subject will be unveiled.

1975 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 303-356 ◽  
Basil Hall

Think nowHistory has many cunning passages, contrived corridorsAnd issues, deceives with whispering ambitions,Guides us by vanities. Think nowShe gives when our attention is distractedAnd what she gives, gives with such supple confusionsThat the giving famishes the craving. Gives too lateWhat’s not believed in, or if still believed,In memory only, reconsidered passion.Historians no doubt have problems enough without setting before themselves that ‘memento mori’ from Eliot, who, though he was describing an old man seeking to understand his own past, leaves nevertheless an echo in the mind disturbing to those who practise the historian’s craft. We assume a confidence which in our heart of hearts we do not always, or should not always, possess. Eliot’s words not only demonstrate the difficulty of one man understanding his own past, but also the historian’s difficulty in understanding those whom they select for questioning from among the vast multitudes of the silent dead, whose deeds, artifacts, ideas, passions, hopes and memories have died with them. We dig into the past, obtain data from archives, brush off the objects found, collect statistics, annotate, arrange, describe, establish a chronology – but do we effectively understand the dead, especially since we are affected by our own beliefs, customs and ideologies? We are, of course, all aware of this: we silently scorn the lecturer who raises these diffident hesitations. For we know our duty: we examine all that we can, we describe our findings, we annotate them, we draw conclusions, or leave our demonstrations to speak for themselves. There are reasons, as I shall hope to show, that these considerations – Eliot’s ominous words and our determination not to be disquieted by them – bear upon the subject of this paper, the almost forgotten Alessandro Gavazzi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-299 ◽  
Ryan Roark

In Stone-Heng Restored (1655), Inigo Jones, the father of English neoclassicism, used drawings, histories, and questionable logic to argue that Stonehenge was built by the ancient Romans and that it originally exhibited perfect Platonic geometries. This argument was never given much credence, but by 1725 the subject matter and the architect had received enough attention that two book-length responses (a challenge and a defense) were published, and both were then republished in a single volume alongside Jones's original text. While most Jones scholars have neglected this work because of its logical and historical shortcomings, Ryan Roark argues in “Stonehenge in the Mind” and “Stonehenge on the Ground”: Reader, Viewer, and Object in Inigo Jones's Stone-Heng Restored (1655) that it was in fact exemplary of what made Jones, for many, a protomodern architect and scholar. Rather than viewing Jones's book as an earnest attempt to prove a historical inaccuracy, Roark considers it as an exercise in formal analysis, one that set the precedent for the contemporary pedagogical trend of using geometric simplifications of existing structures as a first step in new design. Jones's idiosyncratic reading of Stonehenge belied the idea that such analysis could be anything but intensely reliant on the subjectivity of both architect and viewer.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-211 ◽  
Munoda Mararike

The subject of coloniality is a phenomenon of consciousness. It explores belief systems, culture, and ethics using conviction and rhetorical force. Mugabe is good at captivating rhetoric. His sophisticated philosophical conundrum derives from modernity, emancipation as it looks at land as a political and economic structure of decolonization. Thus, in him, the belief of self-consciousness and conviction leads to positive confrontation and violence. Peace is universally known to be a product of protracted violence. Zimbabwe went through a war of colonial genocide and mass massacres in the Second Chimurenga. Mugabe’s decolonial agenda is an epistemological extension of coloniality and neo-colonial struggles originated and revisited by Amilcar Cabral, Frantz Fanon, Walter Rodney, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Samora Machel. Mugabeism thrives on instilling fear into the perpetrators of violence and imperialism by using rhetoric. The doctrine—therefore—reaffirms emancipation and empowerment through postcolonial agrarian revolution rather than “land grabs.” Its magnetic effect is like opposite poles of a magnet—revolutionary versus dictatorship—sharply in contra-distinction with repression, barbarism, and cannibalism. Mugabeism means working toward a common vision of human life for Africans, it means emancipation and freedom. It is a life which is not dependent on an imposed superstructure of oppression of Blacks by Caucasians.

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