scholarly journals The Condition of Instability: Performative Turn and Contemporary Lithuanian Theatre / Ebastabiilsuse seisund: performatiivne pööre ja Leedu nüüdisteater

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (27/28) ◽  
Jurgita Staniškytė

Abstract: The article discusses the new strategies of representation that emerged in contemporary Lithuanian theatre under the influence of socio-cultural transformations that can be attributed to the umbrella notion of “performative turn”. With the help of three case studies, the article investigates how certain codes of “aesthetics of performativity” as described by Erika Fischer-Lichte are circulating in contemporary Lithuanian theatre, what processes and agencies facilitate their emergence, and what possibilities as well as challenges for performative practices they entail.   Viimastel aastakümnetel Leedu teatris toimunud muutused – olgu need siis performatiivsed, post-postmodernsed, postdramaatilised või kaasavad – on kõige nähtavamad lavastuspraktika peamiste struktuurielementide: kujundi, teksti, keha ja ruumi kasutuses. See nihe on omakorda seotud ja kõige paremini põhjendatav representatsiooni ja taju tähendusvälja muutumisega nüüdisaegses kultuuri- ja kriitilises teoorias. Artiklis käsitletakse uusi representatsioonistrateegiaid, mis tekkisid Leedu nüüdisteatris sotsiaalkultuuriliste muutuste mõjul ning mille võib koondada katusmõiste „performatiivne pööre“ alla. Võttes aluseks kolm juhtumiuuringut (Poola lavastaja Lukasz Twarkowsky immersiivne lavastus „Vabariik“, Jonas Tertelise dokumentaallavastus „Roheline niit“ ja Karolina Žernytė lavastus „Supervõimed“), uuritakse artiklis, kuidas Erika Fischer-Lichte kirjeldatud „performatiivsuse esteetika“ teatud koodid levivad nüüdisteatris, millised protsessid ja agentsused soodustavad nende tekkimist ning milliseid võimalusi need loovad performatiivsetele praktikatele ja milliseid väljakutseid esitavad. Leedu nüüdisteatris esile kerkinud uued tähenduse loomise ja lavastamise vormid (visuaalne dramaturgia, teatrielementide eraldamine/dekonstrueerimine, intertekstuaalsus) destabiliseerivad nüüdisaegseid lavastus- ja tajumiskategooriaid. Kuigi neid võib tõlgendada postmodernse või postdramaatilise esteetika tunnustena, kuuluvad need selgelt performatiivse pöörde määratluse alla. Nende põhijooni – avatud struktuur, voolav ja mitmekihiline tähenduse ringlus ning taju kui läbirääkimine, vahetus ja ühislooming – saab kõige paremini mõista performatiivse esteetika raames. Leedu nüüdisteatris võib täheldada vähemalt kahte strateegiat, mis on tekkinud vastusena performatiivse pöörde aluseks olevate performatiivsete tegevuste ja metafooride levikule. Esiteks, tagasipöördumist mimeetilise representatsiooni või selliste kunstivormide juurde nagu dokumentaal- või verbatim-teater võib tõlgendada soovina peegeldada laval tänapäeva ühiskondlike reaalsuste teatraalsust, vältides samal ajal traditsiooniliste teatrivormide kunstlikkust ja referentsiaalsust. Nagu näitas dokumentaallavastuse „Roheline niit“ analüüs, lihtsalt taastootes „autentset“ reaalsust, muutub teater enda teisikuks, korrates ja taasesitades inimkäitumise performatiivseid aspekte. Selline kordamine võtab aga harva kriitilise hoiaku ning sageli lihtsalt taastoodab „vaatemänguühiskonna“ stereotüüpe ja kujutlusi. Eneserefleksiivseid teatripraktikaid, kus laval analüüsitakse etendust kui nüüdisaegse reaalsuskonstruktsiooni mudelit ja muudetakse performatiivsed metafoorid kunstilisteks reaalsusteks, võib kirjeldada kui teist viisi performatiivse pöörde mõjude analüüsimiseks. Parimatel juhtudel võib selline teater saada teatri ja ühiskonna kohtumispaigaks, kus tajudes ühte (teatrit), mõistame teist (ühiskonda). Dekonstrueerides ja demüstifitseerides etenduse representatsiooni aparaate, paljastades kogemuste taasloomise võimalikkuse (või võimatuse), andes võimu tajutava paljususele, püüavad sellised kunstilised strateegiad, nagu on näha „Vabariigis“, häirida sotsiaalseid konventsioone, mis reguleerivad igapäevaseid arusaamu ja käitumist. Samamoodi on performatiivne arusaam subjektiivsusest ja identiteedist kui intersubjektiivse suhtluse käigus loodud efektist mõjutanud näitlemise protsesse ning eriti näitleja ja tegelase vahelisi suhteid. Sellest tulenev valmisolek loobuda professionaalsete näitlejate vahendavast rollist kellegi loo jutustamisel ei tähenda aga tingimata postrepresentatsioonilist arusaama rollist. Üsna sageli sarnaneb see hoopis modernse etenduskunsti tavadega. Kuid mõnel juhul, näiteks lavastuses „Supervõimed“, võimaldab laval oma eluloo taasesitus lisaks narratiivi kontrollimisele ja stereotüüpsete kujutuste vaidlustamisele ka näidata performatiivset arusaama puudest kui ümberkujundavast agentsusest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7269
Alessia Romani ◽  
Valentina Rognoli ◽  
Marinella Levi

The transition toward circular economy models has been progressively promoted in the last few years. Different disciplines and strategies may significantly support this change. Although the specific contribution derived from design, material science, and additive manufacturing is well-established, their interdisciplinary relationship in circular economy contexts is relatively unexplored. This paper aims to review the main case studies related to new circular economy models for waste valorization through extrusion-based additive manufacturing, circular materials, and new design strategies. The general patterns were investigated through a comprehensive analysis of 74 case studies from academic research and design practice in the last six-year period (2015–2021), focusing on the application fields, the 3D printing technologies, and the materials. Further considerations and future trends were then included by looking at the relevant funded projects and case studies of 2021. A broader number of applications, circular materials, and technologies were explored by the academic context, concerning the practice-based scenario linked to more consolidated fields. Thanks to the development of new strategies and experiential tools, academic research and practice can be linked to foster new opportunities to implement circular economy models.

Jasmine Araújo ◽  
Josiane Rodrigues ◽  
Simone Fraiha ◽  
Hermínio Gomes ◽  
João C W A Costa ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Ranjith Dayaratne

This paper examines the transformations that have been taking place in culture and built form in Sri Lanka and their spatial geography mooted by the open economic policies introduced in the 1970 s and the subsequent developments. It analyses the major facets of the dominant Sinhalese culture having located them within the sacred and profane realms, nature and its social make up. Major characteristics of the traditional culture and built-form are identified and through a longitudinal study of six case studies around the southern region, the study elucidates the major transformations and the social and societal forces behind them. The paper proposes three models for understanding such cultural transformations; Conventional-Sri Lankan, Transitional-Sri Lankan, and Euro-Sri Lankan, the forms of which could also be used in other similar situations.

Li Zhu ◽  
Barbara R. Barricelli ◽  
Claudia Iacob

As collaboration in creating software systems becomes more complex and frequent among multidisciplinary teams, finding new strategies to support this collaboration becomes crucial. The challenge is to bridge the communication gaps among stakeholders with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. Moreover, future uses and issues cannot be completely anticipated at design time, and it is necessary to develop open-ended software environments that can be evolved and tailored in opportunistic ways to tackle co-evolution of users and systems. A conceptual meta-design model, the Hive-Mind Space (HMS) model, has been proposed to support multidisciplinary design teams’ collaboration and foster their situated innovation. The model provides localized habitable environments for diverse stakeholders and tools for them to tailor the system, allowing the co-evolution of systems and practices. The authors explore the possibility of utilizing boundary objects within the HMS model to facilitate the communication amongst stakeholders as well as their participation in the creative distributed design process. Two concrete case studies, a factory automation and the Valchiavenna Portal, demonstrate the implementation of the HMS model and provide a possible solution to overcome the complex, evolving and emerging nature of the collaborative design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-79
Víctor Lara-Bermejo ◽  
Ana Rita Bruno Guilherme

Abstract The system of pronouns of address in Portuguese is known for its complexity. Although many investigations (mainly case studies) on Brazilian Portuguese have been carried out to this respect, there is lack of in-depth studies about the European variety. In this article, we aim to provide the history of the system of pronouns of address in European Portuguese throughout the 20th century, by analyzing dialect data pertaining to three sociolinguistic corpora. The results highlight that the 20th century meant a time with profound changes in Portugal’s society, since it represents a stage in which European Portuguese established a new paradigm that favoured standard responses and pragmatic solidarity. However, this variety is still inclined to pragmatic distance, for the data reveal that it has also come up with new strategies to maintain deference as the unmarked politeness strategy.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-45 ◽  
Ogbu Kalu

AbstractPentecostalism is growing rapidly in Africa driven by a passion for mission. This paper argues that the contemporary Pentecostal movement has its roots in a youthful charismatic movement that arose among mainline churches in the 1970s. The profile of the origins is explored with two case studies from Nigeria and Kenya. The character of the movement and the strategies for mission changed in every decade. This paper explores the increased use of media technology from the 1980s, and the solution to manpower problems by creating Christian universities in the 1990s. At the same time, an eschatological missionary impulse to recover the glory of Africa in the end-times compelled new strategies. Soon, African Pentecostals in a process of reverse flow exploded in the global north. How can we critique all these from a broader missiological perspective? Poussé par une véritable passion pour la mission, le pentecôtisme est en croissance rapide en Afrique. Cet article situe les racines du mouvement pentecôtiste contemporain dans un mouvement charismatique de jeunes qui s'est développé dans les Églises historiques au cours des années 1970. Il explore le profil de ses origines à travers deux études de cas au Nigeria et au Kenya. Le caractère du mouvement et ses stratégies de mission ont évolué de décennie en décennie. L'article examine l'utilisation croissante de la technologie des médias à partir des années 80 et la résolution des problèmes de personnel par la création d'universités chrétiennes dans les années 90. En même temps, un élan missionnaire eschatologique en vue de regagner la gloire de l'Afrique à la fin des temps, entraînait de nouvelles stratégies. Bientôt, dans un processus de mission en retour, les pentecôtistes africains explosaient dans le nord mondialisé. Comment pouvons nous élaborer une critique de ces événements d'un point de vue missiologique plus large? Der Pentekostalismus wächst schnell in Afrika, vorangetrieben von einer Passion für die Mission. Dieser Artikel behauptet, die aktuelle pentekostale Bewegung habe ihre Wurzeln in der jugendlichen charismatischen Bewegung, die unter den traditionellen Kirchen in den 70iger Jahren entstanden ist. Die Form dieser Ursprünge wird in zwei Fallstudien aus Nigeria und Kenia erläutert. Der Charakter der Bewegung und die Missionsstrategien veränderten sich alle zehn Jahre. Dieser Artikel studiert den verstärkten Gebrauch der Medientechnologie seit den 80iger Jahren und die Lösung des Personalproblems durch die Gründung von christlichen Universitäten in den 90iger Jahren. Zur gleichen Zeit zwang ein eschatologischer Missionsimpuls, der die Herrlichkeit Afrikas in der Endzeit wieder gewinnen wollte, zu neuen Strategien. Bald darauf begannen afrikanische Pentekostale in einer umgekehrten Flussrichtung in den Norden der Welt zu strömen. Wie können alle diese Phänomene in einem weiteren missiologischen Horizont kritisch analysiert werden? El pentecostalismo crece rápidamente en África, impulsado por la pasión por la misión. Este artículo plantea que el movimiento pentecostal contemporáneo hunde sus raíces en un joven movimiento carismático que surgió entre las iglesias tradicionales en los años 70. Se explora el perfil de los orígenes en dos estudios de casos de Nigeria y Kenia. El carácter del movimiento y las estrategias de misión cambiaron en cada década. Este artículo explora el uso más generalizado de la tecnología mediática a partir de los años 80 y la solución de problemas con el personal a través de la creación de universidades cristianas en los años 90. Al mismo tiempo, un impulso misionero escatológico para recuperar la gloria de África en los tiempos finales obligó a nuevas estrategias. En seguida, los pentecostales africanos explosionaron en un proceso de flujo en contrasentido hacia el norte del mundo. ¿Cómo se puede criticar todas estas observaciones desde una perspectiva misionológica más amplia?

Algorithms ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 270
Yacouba Adama Koné ◽  
Jacqueline Konaté ◽  
Oumar Y. Maïga ◽  
Hamidou Tembiné

Strategic modelling with a panoramic view plays an important role in decision-making problems. It offers the possibility of generating different solutions before making a decision. This is particularly relevant in critical situations. This article addresses the problem of allocating resources, whether financial, material or human, so that it is optimal under a given set of constraints and inter-dependencies with other systems. To do this, existing strategies such as those of Colonel Blotto are studied in order to evaluate them according to some criteria, including the heterogeneity or homogeneity of resources and/or battlefields. Based on the results of these configurations, we propose distributed strategic learning methods to find better resource allocation strategies. The proposed algorithms are implemented under various scenarios, including incomplete information. Case studies are carried out to test the effectiveness of these new strategies compared to previous ones. A complexity analysis of the different algorithms is also presented.

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-11 ◽  
Dexter Dunphy

ABSTRACTThis paper addresses the issue of corporate sustainability. It examines why achieving sustainability is becoming an increasingly vital issue for society and organisations, defines sustainability and then outlines a set of phases through which organisations can move to achieve increasing levels of sustainability. Case studies are presented of organisations at various phases indicating the benefits, for the organisation and its stakeholders, which can be made at each phase. Finally the paper argues that there is a marked contrast between the two competing philosophies of neo-conservatism (economic rationalism) and the emerging philosophy of sustainability. Management schools have been strongly influenced by economic rationalism, which underpins the traditional orthodoxies presented in such schools. Sustainability represents an urgent challenge for management schools to rethink these traditional orthodoxies and give sustainability a central place in the curriculum.

1978 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 220-235
David L. Ratusnik ◽  
Carol Melnick Ratusnik ◽  
Karen Sattinger

Short-form versions of the Screening Test of Spanish Grammar (Toronto, 1973) and the Northwestern Syntax Screening Test (Lee, 1971) were devised for use with bilingual Latino children while preserving the original normative data. Application of a multiple regression technique to data collected on 60 lower social status Latino children (four years and six months to seven years and one month) from Spanish Harlem and Yonkers, New York, yielded a small but powerful set of predictor items from the Spanish and English tests. Clinicians may make rapid and accurate predictions of STSG or NSST total screening scores from administration of substantially shortened versions of the instruments. Case studies of Latino children from Chicago and Miami serve to cross-validate the procedure outside the New York metropolitan area.

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