dynamical structure
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2022 ◽  
pp. 34-48
Aamir Shahzad ◽  
Zakia Rafiq ◽  
Alina Manzoor ◽  
Muhammad Kashif

Equilibrium molecular dynamics (EMD) simulation has been employed to explore the dynamical structure factors (DSFs) of two-dimensional (2D) dusty plasma systems for a wide domain of plasma parameters of Coulomb coupling (Γ) and Debye screening strength (κ). The influence of varying wave vectors (k) on plasma DSFs S (k, ω) have been reported with different combinations of plasma state points (Γ, κ). New simulations have been tested for the influence of different wave vectors on plasma density S (k, ω) in addition to different combinations of plasma state points. New results of plasma density S (k, ω) show that amplitude of oscillation and frequency will vary with increasing value of Coulomb coupling parameter (Γ) and Debye screening strength (κ). These simulation techniques show that transient behavior has been reported for frequency (ω) with various values of Debye screening strength (κ) and number of particles (N). Moreover, EMD simulation has been checked in order to investigate the behavior of plasma DSFs with increasing number of particles (N). The outcomes of EMD simulations are matched to earlier known numerical and experimental data. It has been shown that fluctuation of dynamical density increases at intermediate to higher values of coupling parameter. However, it shows less fluctuation at higher values of Debye screening strength (κ).

2021 ◽  
Vol 657 ◽  
pp. A38
G.-D. Marleau ◽  
Y. Aoyama ◽  
R. Kuiper ◽  
K. Follette ◽  
N. J. Turner ◽  

Context. Accreting planetary-mass objects have been detected at H α, but targeted searches have mainly resulted in non-detections. Accretion tracers in the planetary-mass regime could originate from the shock itself, making them particularly susceptible to extinction by the accreting material. High-resolution (R > 50 000) spectrographs operating at H α should soon enable one to study how the incoming material shapes the line profile. Aims. We calculate how much the gas and dust accreting onto a planet reduce the H α flux from the shock at the planetary surface and how they affect the line shape. We also study the absorption-modified relationship between the H α luminosity and accretion rate. Methods. We computed the high-resolution radiative transfer of the H α line using a one-dimensional velocity–density–temperature structure for the inflowing matter in three representative accretion geometries: spherical symmetry, polar inflow, and magnetospheric accretion. For each, we explored the wide relevant ranges of the accretion rate and planet mass. We used detailed gas opacities and carefully estimated possible dust opacities. Results. At accretion rates of Ṁ ≲ 3 × 10−6 MJ yr−1, gas extinction is negligible for spherical or polar inflow and at most AH α ≲ 0.5 mag for magnetospheric accretion. Up to Ṁ ≈ 3 × 10−4 MJ yr−1, the gas contributes AH α ≲ 4 mag. This contribution decreases with mass. We estimate realistic dust opacities at H α to be κ ~ 0.01–10 cm2 g−1, which is 10–104 times lower than in the interstellar medium. Extinction flattens the LH α –Ṁ relationship, which becomes non-monotonic with a maximum luminosity LH α ~ 10−4 L⊙ towards Ṁ ≈ 10−4 MJ yr−1 for a planet mass ~10 MJ. In magnetospheric accretion, the gas can introduce features in the line profile, while the velocity gradient smears them out in other geometries. Conclusions. For a wide part of parameter space, extinction by the accreting matter should be negligible, simplifying the interpretation of observations, especially for planets in gaps. At high Ṁ, strong absorption reduces the H α flux, and some measurements can be interpreted as two Ṁ values. Highly resolved line profiles (R ~ 105) can provide (complex) constraints on the thermal and dynamical structure of the accretion flow.

Thanh Nguyen ◽  
Yoichiro Tsurimaki ◽  
Ricardo Pablo-Pedro ◽  
Grigory Bednik ◽  
Tongtong Liu ◽  

Abstract Topological nodal semimetals are known to host a variety of fascinating electronic properties due to the topological protection of the band-touching nodes. Neutron scattering, despite its power in probing elementary excitations, has not been routinely applied to topological semimetals, mainly due to the lack of an explicit connection between the neutron response and the signature of topology. In this work, we theoretically investigate the role that neutron scattering can play to unveil the topological nodal features: a large magnetic neutron response with spectral non-analyticity can be generated solely from the nodal bands. A new formula for the dynamical structure factor for generic topological nodal metals is derived. For Weyl semimetals, we show that the locations of Weyl nodes, the Fermi velocities and the signature of chiral anomaly can all leave hallmark neutron spectral responses. Our work offers a neutron-based avenue towards probing bulk topological materials.

Omar Rodríguez-Tzompantzi

In this work, we carry out a study of the conserved quantities and dynamical structure of the four-dimensional modified axion electrodynamics theory described by the axion-photon coupling. In the first part of the analysis, we employ the covariant phase space method to construct the conserved currents and to derive the Noether charges associated with the gauge symmetry of the theory. We further derive the improved energy–momentum tensor using the Belinfante–Rosenfeld procedure, which leads us to the expressions for the energy, momentum, and energy flux densities. Thereafter, with the help of Faddeev–Jackiw’s Hamiltonian reduction formalism, we obtain the relevant fundamental brackets structure for the dynamic variables and the functional measure for determining the quantum transition amplitude. We also confirm that modified axion electrodynamics has three physical degrees of freedom per space point. Moreover, using this symplectic framework, we yield the gauge transformations and the structure of the constraints directly from the zero-modes of the corresponding pre-symplectic matrix.

2021 ◽  
Dominika Hájková ◽  
Petr Šácha ◽  
Petr Pišoft ◽  
Roland Eichinger

<p>Internal gravity waves (GWs) are a naturally occurring and intermittent phenomenon in the atmosphere. GWs can propagate horizontally and vertically and are important for atmospheric dynamics, influencing the atmospheric thermal and dynamical structure. Research on GWs is connected with some of the most challenging issues of Earth climate and atmospheric science. Consideration of GW-related processes is necessary for a proper description and modelling of the middle and upper atmosphere. However, as GWs exist on scales from a few to thousands of kilometers, they cannot be fully resolved by general circulation models (GCMs) and hence have to be parameterized. Although recently satellite and reanalysis datasets with improved resolution and novel analysis methods together with high-resolution atmospheric models have been tightening the constraints for GW parameterizations in GCMs, the parameterized GW effects still bear a significant margin of uncertainty.</p> <p>To quantify this uncertainty, we analyze the three-dimensional distribution and interannual variability of orographic gravity wave drag (OGWD) in chemistry-climate model simulations. For this, we use a set of AMIP simulations produced within the CMIP6 activity. In particular, we focus on the intermodel spread in the vertical and horizontal OGWD distribution. The different models generaly agree on the areas of the OGWD hotspots. However, in all these regions we find considerable intermodel differences in OGWD magnitude as well as in the altitude of the strongest GW dissipation. In this presentation, we show our findings and discuss possible explanations for the intermodel differences, like different parametrization schemes and choices of tunable parameters.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Josha van Houdt ◽  
Arjen van der Wel ◽  
Rachel Bezanson ◽  
Marijn Franx ◽  
Francesco d’Eugenio ◽  

Abstract We present spatially resolved stellar kinematics for 797 z = 0.6–1 galaxies selected from the LEGA-C survey and construct axisymmetric Jeans models to quantify their dynamical mass and degree of rotational support. The survey is K s -band selected, irrespective of color or morphological type, and allows for a first assessment of the stellar dynamical structure of the general L* galaxy population at large look-back time. Using light profiles from Hubble Space Telescope imaging as a tracer, our approach corrects for observational effects (seeing convolution and slit geometry), and uses well-informed priors on inclination, anisotropy, and a non-luminous mass component. Tabulated data include total mass estimates in a series of spherical apertures (1, 5, and 10 kpc; 1 × and 2 × R e), as well as rotational velocities, velocity dispersions, and anisotropy. We show that almost all star-forming galaxies and ∼50% of quiescent galaxies are rotation dominated, with deprojected V/σ ∼ 1–2. Revealing the complexity in galaxy evolution, we find that the most massive star-forming galaxies are among the most rotation dominated, and the most massive quiescent galaxies among the least rotation-dominated galaxies. These measurements set a new benchmark for studying galaxy evolution, using stellar dynamical structure for galaxies at large look-back time. Together with the additional information on stellar population properties from the LEGA-C spectra, the dynamical mass and V/σ measurements presented here create new avenues for studying galaxy evolution at large look-back time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-204

A mathematical model for studying the 3-D dynamical structure of lee wave across a meso-scale mountain corner has been proposed for a mean flow with realistic vertical variation of wind and temperature. The basic flow consists of both zonal wind component (U) and meridional component (V), which are assumed to be dependent of height. The Brunt-Vaisala frequency (N) is also assumed to be dependent of height. This model has been applied to the mountain corner, in the North East India, formed by broadly North-South oriented Assam Burma Hills (ABH) and broadly               East-West oriented Khasi Jayantia hills (KJH). The model has been solved following the quasi-numerical approach. The perturbation vertical velocity  is expressed as a double integral. Three cases have been studied and in all cases the relation between the possible transverse and divergent lee wave numbers (k, l) and also the updraft/downdraft regions associated with lee waves at different heights has been mapped and discussed.  

Rui Han ◽  
Feng Yuan ◽  
Huaisong Zhao

Abstract The dynamic structure factors reflecting the excitation spectra were investigated in a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice with a spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effect. The results reveal that the single-particle excitations of both the density and spin dynamical structure factors are strongly reconstructed and split owing to the SOC effect, and a hat-like excitation band appears in the high-binding-energy region. The hat-like excitation band of the density dynamical structure factor exhibits an arc form, and has a pocket in the spin dynamical structure factor. In particular, only a gapless single-particle excitation point is left for both the density dynamical structure factor and spin dynamical structure factor when the SOC strength reaches a critical point at half-filling. A stronger SOC strength causes the gapless excitation points to disappear, which indicates that metal-insulator transition occurs. The metal-insulator transition only appears in half-filling and lightly doped regimes.

Andrea Ferrario ◽  
James Rankin

We analyse periodic solutions in a system of four delayed differential equations forced by periodic inputs representing two competing neural populations connected with fast mutual excitation and slow delayed inhibition. The combination of mechanisms generates a rich dynamical structure that we are able to characterize using slow-fast dissection and a binary classification of states. We previously proved the existence conditions of all possible states 1:1 locked to the inputs and applied this analysis to the tracking of the rhythms perceived when listening to alternating sequences of low and high tones. Here we extend this analysis using analytical and computational tools by proving the existence a set of n:1 periodically locked states and their location in parameter space. Firstly we examine cycle skipping states and find that they accumulate in an infinite cascade of period-incrementing bifurcations with increasing periods for decreasing values of the local input strength. Secondly we analyse periodic solutions that alternate between 1:1 locked states that repeat after an integer multiple of the input period (swapping states). We show that such states accumulate in similar bifurcation cascades with decreasing values of the lateral input strength. We report a parameter-dependent scaling constant for the ratio of widths of successive regions in the cascades, which generalises across cycle skipping and swapping states. The periodic states reported here - emergent behaviours in the model - can be linked to known phenomena in auditory perception that are beyond the original scope of the model’s design.

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