semidiurnal tide
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 185-193
Christoph Jacobi ◽  
Friederike Lilienthal ◽  
Dmitry Korotyshkin ◽  
Evgeny Merzlyakov ◽  
Gunter Stober

Abstract. Observations of upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) wind have been performed at Collm (51.3∘ N, 13.0∘ E) and Kazan (56∘ N, 49∘ E), using two SKiYMET all-sky meteor radars with similar configuration. Daily vertical profiles of mean winds and tidal amplitudes have been constructed from hourly horizontal winds. We analyse the response of mean winds and tidal amplitudes to geomagnetic disturbances. To this end, we compare winds and amplitudes for very quiet (Ap ≤ 5) and unsettled/disturbed (Ap ≥ 20) geomagnetic conditions. Zonal winds in both the mesosphere and lower thermosphere are weaker during disturbed conditions for both summer and winter. The summer equatorward meridional wind jet is weaker for disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Tendencies for geomagnetic effects on mean winds over Collm and Kazan qualitatively agree during most of the year. For the diurnal tide, amplitudes in summer are smaller in the mesosphere and greater in the lower thermosphere, but no clear tendency is seen for winter. Semidiurnal tidal amplitudes increase during geomagnetic active days in summer and winter. Terdiurnal amplitudes are slightly reduced in the mesosphere during disturbed days, but no clear effect is visible for the lower thermosphere. Overall, while there is a noticeable effect of geomagnetic variability on the mean wind, the effect on tidal amplitudes, except for the semidiurnal tide, is relatively small and partly different over Collm and Kazan.

2021 ◽  
Christoph Jacobi ◽  
Friederike Lilienthal ◽  
Dmitry Korotyshkin ◽  
Evgeny Merzlyakov ◽  
Gunter Stober

<p>Observations of upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) wind have been performed at Collm (51°N, 13°E) and Kazan (56°N, 49°E), using two SKiYMET all-sky meteor radars with similar configuration. Daily vertical profiles of mean winds and tidal amplitudes have been constructed from hourly horizontal winds. We analyze the response of mean winds and tidal amplitudes to geomagnetic disturbances. To this end we compare winds and amplitudes for very quiet (Ap ≤ 5) and unsettled/disturbed (Ap ≥ 20) geomagnetic conditions. Zonal winds in both the mesosphere and lower thermosphere are weaker during disturbed conditions for both summer and winter. The summer equatorward meridional wind jet is weaker for disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Tendencies over Collm and Kazan for geomagnetic effects on mean winds qualitatively agree during most of the year. For the diurnal tide, amplitudes in summer are smaller in the mesosphere but greater in the lower thermosphere, but no clear tendency is seen for winter. Semidiurnal tidal amplitudes increase during geomagnetic active days in summer and winter. Terdiurnal amplitudes are slightly reduced in the mesosphere during disturbed days, but no clear effect is visible for the lower thermosphere. Overall, while there is a noticeable effect of geomagnetic variability on the mean wind, the effect on tidal amplitudes, except for the semidiurnal tide, is relatively small and partly different over Collm and Kazan.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Ana Roberta Paulino ◽  
Fabiano da Silva Araújo ◽  
Igo Paulino ◽  
Cristiano Max Wrasse ◽  
Lourivaldo Mota Lima ◽  

Abstract. The variability in the amplitudes of the lunar semidiurnal tide was investigated using maps of total electron content over Brazil from January 2011 to December 2014. Long-period variability showed that the annual variation is always present in all investigated magnetic latitudes, and it represents the main component of the temporal variability. Semiannual and triannual (two and three times a year, respectively) oscillations were the second and third components, respectively, but they presented significant temporal and spatial variability without a well-defined pattern. Among the short-period oscillations in the amplitude of the lunar tide, the most pronounced ones were concentrated between 7–11 d. These oscillations were stronger around the equinoxes, in particular between September and November in almost all latitudes. In some years, as in 2013 and 2014, for instance, they appeared with a large power spectral density in the winter hemisphere. These observed short-period oscillations could be a result of a direct modulation of the lunar semidiurnal tide by planetary waves from the lower atmosphere and/or due to electrodynamic coupling of E and F regions of the ionosphere.

N. M. Pedatella ◽  
H.‐L. Liu ◽  
J. F. Conte ◽  
J. L. Chau ◽  
C. Hall ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (23) ◽  
Maosheng He ◽  
Jorge L. Chau ◽  
Jeffrey M. Forbes ◽  
Denise Thorsen ◽  
Guozhu Li ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 631-645
E. Merzlyakov ◽  
T. Solovyova ◽  
A. Yudakov ◽  
D. Korotyshkin ◽  
Ch. Jacobi ◽  

2020 ◽  
Willem E. van Caspel ◽  
Patrick J. Espy ◽  
Robert E. Hibbins ◽  
John P. McCormack

Abstract. This study uses hourly meteor wind measurements from a longitudinal array of 10 high-latitude SuperDARN HF-radars to isolate the migrating diurnal, semidiurnal and terdiurnal tidal modes at Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere (MLT) heights. The planetary-scale array of radars covers 180 degrees of longitude, with eight out of 10 radars being in near-continuous operation since the year 2000. Time series spanning 16 years of tidal amplitudes and phases in both zonal and meridional wind are presented, along with their respective annual climatologies. The method to isolate the migrating tidal modes from SuperDARN meteor winds is validated using two years of winds from NAVGEM-HA (Navy Global Environmental Model – High Altitude). The validation steps demonstrate that, given the geographical spread of the radar stations, the derived tidal modes are most closely representative of the migrating tides at 60° N. Some of the main characteristics of the observed migrating tides are that the semidiurnal tide shows sharp phase jumps around the equinoxes and peak amplitudes during late summer, and that the terdiurnal tide shows a pronounced secondary amplitude peak around DOY 260. In addition, the diurnal tide is found to show a bi-modal circular polarization phase relation between summer and winter.

2020 ◽  
Valery Yudin ◽  
Larisa Goncharenko ◽  
Svetlana Karol ◽  
Lynn Harvey

<p>The paper presents analysis and interpretation of observed perturbations of global wave dynamics in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere (ITM) during the recent mid-winter Arctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) events under solar minimum (2009, 2010, 2018, and 2019), transition to solar maximum (2012) and solar maximum (2013) conditions of the Solar Cycle 24. Employing the 116-level configuration of the thermosphere extension of Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCMX-116L), constrained by the meteorological troposphere-stratosphere analyses of Goddard Earth Observing System, version 5 (GEOS-5) of Global Modeling and Data Assimilation Office, we study and characterize the striking amplifications of the solar thermal semidiurnal tide, as one of the main drivers of the ITM variability, after onsets of major and minor SSW events. The dominance and growth of the semidiurnal tide over the diurnal and terdiurnal modes in the lower thermosphere above ~100 km are typical features of the tidal dynamics during major SSW events of the Solar Cycle 24 as suggested by model predictions. The growth of the semidiurnal tidal mode during SSW events is also supported by observational analysis of diurnal cycles from temperature space-borne observations (SABER/TIMED). In the vertical domain of the meteor radar observations at the Southern extra-tropics and low latitudes the model and data revealed the systematic presence of the strong quasi two-day wave wind oscillations that prevail over the tidal winds between 80 and 100 km during mid-January SSW events. In the high and middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere model simulations are capable to reproduce the day-to-day variability of tidal and PW oscillations deduced from satellite temperature data. The self-consistent whole atmosphere predictions of global-scale components of neutral dynamics (prevailing winds, planetary waves and tides) become important factor to reproduce and forecast the perturbed state of the ITM as observed from the ground and the space during SSW events of the Solar Cycle 24. The SSW-driven global perturbations of tides can significantly change diurnal cycles of the plasma in the low-latitude and extra-tropical E-region of the ionosphere as will be briefly illustrated by day-day variations of observed and simulated total electron content and plasma drifts.</p>

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