mountain meadows
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2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (8) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Volodymyr Kurhak ◽  
Uliana Karbivska ◽  
Nadiia Asanishvili ◽  
Sergiy Slyusar ◽  
Mykhailo Ptashnik

The conducted research of various authors has developed a number of measures for surface improvement of meadowland in various soil and climatic conditions. However, studies on the influence of such surface improvement measures as the use of organic and mineral fertilizers and sowing of perennial grasses and legumes in the sod on the dynamics of the species composition of Floodplain Mountain meadows of the Carpathians have not yet been conducted, which confirms the relevance of this study. The article presents the results of three-year studies conducted during 2017-2019 in the peasant farm of V.F. Martyshchuk (the Verkhovinsky District of the Ivano-Frankivsk region) to study the features of transformation of the species composition of natural phytocenoses of floodplain Meadows of the Black Cheremosh river of the mountain and forest belt of the Carpathians under the influence of their surface improvement with the use of organic and mineral fertilizers and sowing of a cereal mixture for haymaking use and Tribolium repens L. for multipurpose use. It was found that floodplain Meadow phytocenoses were mainly cereals and mixed grasses with a share of wild cereals of 57-58% (up to 15 of them % Festuca rubra L. s. str. and 5-6% of low-value ones in feed terms Calamagrostis arundinaceae (L.) Roth and Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv.), mixed grasses – 35-38% and unseeded Fabaceae 5-7%. When applying a set of measures for surface improvement of cereals and mixed grasses, low productive (within 1.95-2.15 t/ha of dry weight) floodplain mountain meadowlands, their species composition improved. For making P30K60 the content of wild plants increased by 2-5% Fabaceae, and N60P30K60 – by 9-10% unseeded Poaceae. For haymaking use, Poaceae with Phleum pratense L. and Festuca pratensis Huds. against the background of making N60P30K60 for sowing a mixture in the sod in the spring, their share increased to 74%, and for multi-year use and sowing Trifolium repens L. against the background of making P30K60 the quantity of Fabaceae increased to 44% or by 32%. The highest floral saturation (43 species from 19 families and 93-98% from perennials) was observed in variants without fertilization and with the introduction of P30K60 for multi-year use, which is 4-14 species more compared to haymaking use, or with the introduction of N60P30K60 and or with sowing a mixture of cereals on the background of N60P30K60 for haymaking use, or sowing Trifolium repens L. against the background of P30K60 for multipurpose use

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (19) ◽  
pp. 5934
Madison L. Dirks ◽  
Jared T. Seale ◽  
Joseph M. Collins ◽  
Owen M. McDougal

Veratrum spp. grow throughout the world and are especially prevalent in high mountain meadows of North America. All parts of Veratrum plants have been used for the treatment of ailments including injuries, hypertension, and rheumatic pain since as far back as the 1600s. Of the 17–45 Veratrum spp., Veratrum californicum alkaloids have been proven to possess favorable medicinal properties associated with inhibition of hedgehog (Hh) pathway signaling. Aberrant Hh signaling leads to proliferation of over 20 cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, prostate and colon among others. Six of the most well-studied V. californicum alkaloids are cyclopamine (1), veratramine (2), isorubijervine (3), muldamine (4), cycloposine (5), and veratrosine (6). Recent inspection of the ethanolic extract from V. californicum root and rhizome via liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry has detected up to five additional alkaloids that are proposed to be verazine (7), etioline (8), tetrahydrojervine (9), dihydrojervine (10), 22-keto-26-aminocholesterol (11). For each alkaloid identified or proposed in V. californicum, this review surveys literature precedents for extraction methods, isolation, identification, characterization and bioactivity to guide natural product drug discovery associated with this medicinal plant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-106
Kobiv Y.Y.

Individual (height of flowering shoot, length of rhizome segments and their number on a growth axis) and group parameters (cover, density of immature individuals, flowering and vegetative shoots) of a clonal tall-herb species Rumex alpinus were studied in the populations undergoing different stages of anthropogenic succession in the Carpathians. The species can form dense Rumiceta alpini ruderal communities on the manured soil near the livestock camps. Rumex alpinus has a long life span and thick long-living rhizomes in which the segments’ size reflects the viability of the individual in previous years. The studied parameters characterize the extent of disturbance in grassland ecosystems on different stages of their anthropogenic or restoration succession. A significant number of immature individuals of seed origin proves the young age of a population and indicates the degrading vector of changes in ecosystems. However, the individuals of seed origin (particularly, immature) are almost or completely missing in the established dense Rumiceta alpini because clonal reproduction prevails there. The highest individual and group parameters of R. alpinus have been registered in the sites that are manured. Cessation of anthropogenic impact results in thinning out of populations and their gradual decline. Annual increments of rhizomes demonstrate a successive increase in the invasive populations and decrease in the regressive ones. R. alpinus is also a component of some native undisturbed communities where it shows moderate viability of individuals and low population density. Thus, high values of individual and group parameters of this species indicate significant disturbance of the area and its low conservation value, while its infrequent occurrence only in some solitary small sites can reflect an absence or low level of devastation of a mountain grassland ecosystem. Keywords: anthropogenic impact, succession, rhizome segments, mountain meadows,Rumicetum alpini Вивчено індивідуальні (висоту генеративного пагона, довжину сегментів кореневища та їхню кількість на осі наростання) і групові параметри (проєктивне покриття,щільність імматурних особин, генеративних і вегетативних пагонів) клонального високотравного виду – Rumex alpinus у популяціях, що перебувають на різних стадіях антропогенної сукцесії в Карпатах. Цей вид здатний утворювати зімкнені рудеральні угруповання – щавельники (Rumiceta alpini) на угноєному ґрунті біля стійбищ худоби. Видові властивий тривалий онтогенез і наявність довговічних масивних кореневищ, у яких розмір сегментів відображає життєвість особини у минулі роки. Досліджені показники характеризують ступінь антропогенних змін у лучних екосистемах Карпат на різних етапах їх дигресивно-демутаційних перетворень. Значна кількість імматурних особин насіннєвого походження свідчить про молодий вік популяції і служить індикатором дигресивного спрямування змін в екосистемі. Натомість, у сформованих щільних щавельниках особини насіннєвого походження (зокрема імматурні) майже або цілком відсутні, оскільки у самовідновленні переважає вегетативне розмноження. Найвищі індивідуальні і групові параметри R. alpinus відзначено на площах, що зазнають підживлення гноївкою. Припинення господарського впливу призводить до розрідження популяцій та їх поступового згасання. В інвазійних популяціях відзначено послідовне збільшення річних приростів кореневищ, натомість у регресивних – їхнє скорочення. Rumex alpinus є також компонентом деяких корінних непорушених угруповань, де виявляє невисоку життєвість особин і низьку щільність популяцій. Отже, високі значення індивідуальних і групових показників цього виду є індикатором значного порушення території та її низької цінності з природоохоронної точки зору, натомість його нечасте трапляння лише на окремих невеликих ділянках може свідчити про відсутність або незначний ступінь девастації гірської лучної екосистеми. Ключові слова: антропогенний вплив, сукцесія, сегменти кореневища, гірські луки, Rumicetum alpini

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-12
I.V. Kostenko ◽  
A.R. Nikiforov

About 3 thousand hectares of forest stands were created on the surface of the Crimean mountain plateaus in the middle of the 20th century as a result of afforestation. Studies on the influence of these stands on the properties of mountain meadow soils (Phaeozems) showed that under the forest vegetation, the consolidation of structural aggregates, a decrease in the humus content, and an increase in acidity compared to the soils under the meadow vegetation, which could also affect other soil properties, including the mobility of some metals, were observed. The work objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the content of Pb, Mn, Cu, and Zn compounds available for biota (1 M ammonium acetate) in the soil under mountain meadows, natural beech forest, and artificial forest stands. Following the obtained results, the available Pb, Mn, and Cu compounds accumulated in the afforested mountain meadow soils relative to the adjacent mountain meadows areas. Thus, the average Pb content in the soil layer of 0–10 cm under the mountain pine stands in comparison with the soil under meadow vegetation was 1.6 times higher, Mn – 1.2 times, Cu – 1.2 times. The Pb content was 2.5 times higher, Mn – 1.5 times higher, and Cu – 1.2 times higher under the silver birch stands. The Pb content was 2.2 times higher, Mn – 2.4 times higher, and Cu – 1.5 times higher under Siberian larch stands. The Pb content was 1.9 times higher, Mn – 1.1 times higher, Cu – 1.3 times higher under the sycamore maple stands, compared to the meadow. Differences between afforested and meadow soils in the content of these elements in most cases were significant, except for the Zn content, signs of accumulation of which under artificial stands were not revealed. The Pb, Mn, and Cu content in the brown forest lessive soil (Luvisols) under the oriental beech corresponded to their concentration under the larch, and the Zn content was significantly higher compared to the soil under all species. The main reason for the increase in the mobility of some elements under tree stands is their transition from immobile forms under the influence of increased acidity of afforested soils. Wood litter due to the low content of trace elements in its composition cannot be a source of their accumulation in the topsoil.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-31

The article examines a laboratory sample of a maneuverable unit for slitting mountain meadows and pastures. Its design is adapted for work in a mountainous agricultural landscape with degraded soils having a slope of cultivated areas up to 15°. The study object is the structural, technological, operational, and agrotechnical parameters of the laboratory sample and the graphic-analytical rationalization of the working process of slitting on the slope. The technical tests of the laboratory model were carried out in Dargavs, RNO-Alania, at an altitude of 1540 meters above sea level with a slope steepness of up to 15°. The authors determined the indicators of test conditions and functional operation in accordance with GOST 33687-2016. The laboratory sample of a slitter (paraplow) mounted on the “Fenshaw-180” mini-tractor was adapted to a mountain zone with a reverse (obtuse) angle of penetration into the soil. The authors off er an optimal scheme for the arrangement of the working tools of the slitter. They determined the technology of its traveling along the slope and the design of the working tools providing the distance between the slits of 1000 ± 5 mm, the slitting depth of 200…220 mm, the slit width of 10…30 mm ± 5 mm. The considered sample of the unit for slitting mountain meadows and pastures will improve the moisture and air supply of the lower soil layers; reduce the degradation processes of slope areas, increase labor productivity, environmental sustainability, and grassland farming effi ciency.

2020 ◽  
Kristin Ludewig ◽  
Wiebke Hansen ◽  
Yves P. Klinger ◽  
R. Lutz Eckstein ◽  
Annette Otte

Web Ecology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-152
Ronnie Walcher ◽  
Raja Imran Hussain ◽  
Johannes Karrer ◽  
Andreas Bohner ◽  
David Brandl ◽  

Abstract. Extensively managed grasslands, particularly in mountain regions, are considered to be one of the most diverse agroecosystems worldwide. Their decline due to land use abandonment affects the diversity of both plants and associated pollinators. Extensive grasslands constitute an important habitat type and food resource for hoverflies (syrphids); however, not much is known about the effects of abandonment on this important pollinator group. In the present study, we investigated how abandonment affects species richness and the composition of syrphids in mountainous meadows. We recorded the richness of vascular plants, vegetation cover, flower cover and the surrounding landscape to examine whether and how syrphids are affected by plant and landscape parameters. We investigated the species richness, abundance and species composition of syrphids by sweep netting and by using observation plots in 18 semidry meadows across two Austrian regions and one Swiss region. For each region, we selected three meadows abandoned for more than 20 years and three annually mown non-fertilized meadows. Abandonment or mowing had no significant effect on the total number of syrphid species or individuals or on the number of aphidophagous and non-aphidophagous species and individuals. However, the total number of species and the number of non-aphidophagous species significantly increased with the increasing number of plant species. The surrounding landscape and other plant parameters showed no association with the assessed syrphid parameters. Although syrphids were unaffected by abandonment, higher syrphid species numbers in response to a higher plant richness in annual mown meadows suggest that the management of mountain meadows is beneficial in preserving syrphid richness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (7) ◽  
pp. 38-45
U. Karbivs'ka ◽  
V. Martyschuk ◽  
V. Kurgak ◽  
M. Voloschuk

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-41
Zdenka Křenová ◽  
Ondřej Bílek ◽  
Vladimír Zýval

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