avoidance goal
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Mai Yokoyama ◽  
Kazuhisa Miwa

While focusing on the moderating effects of initial performance-approach goal orientation and performance-avoidance goal orientation, this study aimed to examine the effects of self- and peer-assessment on the growth of learning goal orientation. We set up a control group and two experimental groups (self-assessment and peer-assessment groups) and conducted experimental lessons. The responses of the 63 subjects (control group: n = 14; self-assessment group: n = 25; peer-assessment group: n = 24) who attended these lessons were analyzed. The following observations were made: (1) the effect of peer-assessment on the growth of learning goal orientation may change depending on the initial performance-approach goal orientation or performance-avoidance goal orientation; (2) to increase learning goal orientation for students who have high performance-approach goal orientation or low performance-avoidance goal orientation, peer-assessment is effective; and (3) to increase learning goal orientation for students who have low performance-approach goal orientation or high performance-avoidance goal orientation, peer-assessment appears to be counterproductive.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001872672110029
Yuying Lin ◽  
Mengxi Yang ◽  
Matthew J Quade ◽  
Wansi Chen

How do supervisors who treat the bottom line as more important than anything else influence team success? Drawing from social information processing theory, we explore how and when supervisor bottom-line mentality (i.e. an exclusive focus on bottom-line outcomes at the expense of other priorities) exerts influence on the bottom-line itself, in the form of team performance. We argue that a supervisor’s bottom-line mentality provides significant social cues for the team that securing bottom-line objectives is of sole importance, which stimulates team performance avoidance goal orientation, and thus decreases team performance. Further, we argue performing tension (i.e. tension between contradictory needs, demands, and goals), serving as team members’ mutual perception of the confusing environment, will strengthen the indirect negative relationship between supervisor bottom-line mentality and team performance through team performance avoidance goal orientation. We conduct a path analysis using data from 258 teams in a Chinese food-chain company, which provides support for our hypotheses. Overall, our findings suggest that supervisor’s exclusive focus on the bottom-line can serve to impede team performance. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.

Wojciech Świątkowski ◽  
Benoît Dompnier

AbstractConsistently in achievement goal research, pursuing performance-avoidance goals has been associated with a decrease in achievement. Less is known to what extent this effect depends on the reasons underlying these goals’ endorsement. The present research uses a social value approach to assess how do performance-avoidance goals’ effects on achievement depend on the reasons anchored in social utility (goal endorsed in order to succeed) and in social desirability (goal endorsed in order to please one’s teachers). Based on five correlational samples meta-analyzed in Study 1, results showed that perceiving performance-avoidance goals as socially useful increased the negative effect of these goals on achievement. This moderating effect was replicated experimentally in Study 2. These findings support the relevance of studying achievement goal complexes and illustrate that performance-avoidance goals may lead to deleterious consequences even when endorsed for seemingly good reasons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Tasya Nafasya Putri ◽  
Airin Yustikarini Saleh

In the midst of increasing academic pressure, the subjective well-being of high school students tends to decline as they undergo the school years. In this regard, measuring subjective well-being in specific contexts is necessary to ensure thorough and accurate information that better represents their situation. For this purpose, the study uses subjective well-being in school, which consists of school satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect. Out of the variables that correlate to subjective well-being in school, achievement goal orientation needs more attention. Thus, the study examines the effects of each type of goal orientation on subjective well-being in school using a 2 × 2 framework. Based on linear regression analysis, mastery-approach goal, performance-approach goal, and performance-avoidance goal have a significant effect on the subjective well-being of 11th-grade high school students in school. However, the opposite is true for the mastery-avoidance goal. The research supports previous research and provides broad information about achievement goal orientation as described by the 2 × 2 framework. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Marina Alves Martins Siqueira ◽  
Johnatan Padovez Gonçalves ◽  
Vitor Silva Mendonça ◽  
Renata Kobayasi ◽  
Fernanda Magalhães Arantes-Costa ◽  

Abstract Background In self-regulated learning, learning is defined as metacognitively guided, intrinsically motivated and strategic. In the context of medical education, the development of self-regulated learning can be associated with better academic and clinical performance. Hence, this report focuses on demonstrating the association between metacognitive awareness and motivation to learn among medical students in the clinical sciences portion of their education (3rd and 4th years of the medical programme) and characterizing medical students’ motivational factors. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study with a qualitative and quantitative approach involving medical students from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil. We have selected validated self-report questionnaires for the evaluation of metacognition (the Schraw and Dennison Metacognitive Awareness Inventory - MAI) and motivation to learn (the Baranik, Barron and Finney Achievement Goals for a Work Domain - AGWD). MAI has two domains: knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition. AGWD divides achievement goals into mastery approach, mastery avoidance, performance approach and performance avoidance goal orientations. We also performed a qualitative analysis based on an open-ended question: “What motivates me the most in medical training?” Results One hundred eighty-five students completed the questionnaires: 103 (55.67%) were men, 110 (59.45%) were in their fourth year of the medical programme, and 152 (82.16%) were up to 24 years old. Only the knowledge about cognition domain of MAI was significantly associated with motivation to learn. We found that higher scores on the knowledge about cognition domain of MAI was associated with the mastery approach goal orientation (p = 0.003, median 0.71, IQR 0.23) and that lower scores on this same domain was associated with a mastery avoidance goal orientation (p = 0.034, median 0.65, IQR 0.14). The open-ended question showed that altruism, personal satisfaction, financial feedback, personal and supportive networks and graduating were motivational factors. Conclusions Metacognitive awareness and motivation to learn are closely related. This association may represent a potential target for the educational process, as deans and faculty can adopt strategies focused on promoting self-regulated learning concerning students’ motivational factors. This could enhance academic outcomes and promote more enjoyable learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-71
Geza Arido Evalta Cahya ◽  
Rynalto Mukiwihando

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh goal orientation, self efficacy, tekanan ketaatan, dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor pada Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan sebanyak 146 auditor. Data analisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dengan bantuan program SPSS 25. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self efficacy, learning goal orientation, dan performance approach goal orientation berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap audit judgment. Selain itu, kompleksitas tugas berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap audit judgment. Sedangkan, performance avoidance goal orientation dan tekanan ketaatan tidak berpengaruh terhadap audit judgment.

Marc Lochbaum ◽  
Thaís Zanatta ◽  
Zişan Kazak

Approach-avoidance achievement goals are studied extensively in the context of competitive sports and physical activity, including leisure and physical education. Building upon past meta-analyses, the purpose of this quantitative review was to provide basic descriptive data, estimated means for testing of several research questions (i.e., context, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status), and meta-analyzing outcome correlates (i.e., self-determination constructs, affect, effort, and physical activity). A total of 116 studies up to 1 December 2018, met inclusion criteria. These 116 studies, totaling a sample size of 43,133 participants (M sample size = 347.85 + 359.36), from 22 countries with 92.7% of samples, are drawn from participants less than 30 years of mean age. From the 116 unique studies, nearly half (49.6%) were from a sport context and the rest from leisure-time physical activity (PA) (19.4%) and physical education (PE) (31.0%) contexts. A number of different analyses were conducted to examine our research questions. Support was found for several of our research questions: The mastery-approach goal was endorsed more than all the other goals, while sport participants endorsed the performance-approach goal more than PA and PE groups; females endorsed the mastery-avoidance goal more than males; more culturally individualistic countries endorsed the mastery-approach goal; and countries from lower socioeconomic and interdependent countries endorsed the mastery-avoidance goal than higher socioeconomic and independent countries. Concerning, the meta-analyzed correlates, most relationships were hypothesized through the performance-approach goal, and both avoidance goals appeared to be too similar in relationships with the correlates raising theoretical concerns. Overall, the mastery-approach goals had the most meaningful biased corrected effect size values (rc) with the outcome correlates, such as relative autonomy (0.47), intrinsic motivation (0.52), effort (0.40), positive affect (0.42), physical activity intent (0.38). Based on the present and past meta-analytic results, the 2 × 2 achievement goals as currently measured was questioned. Future research suggestions included fundamental questionnaire issues, the need for latent profile analysis or other more advanced statistics, and whether the 2 × 2 achievement goal framework is the most appropriate framework in physical activity contexts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 3908-3933 ◽  
Sylvia L. Mikucki-Enyart

Uncertainty is germane to the in-law experience. Although associations between in-law’s doubts and message production are well documented, less is known about how in-law’s uncertainty corresponds with their message processing and how these evaluations associate with relational outcomes. Weaving theorizing on uncertainty and goal detection, the present study examined associations between children-in-law’s uncertainty, message processing, and marital satisfaction. Self-report, survey data from children-in-law ( n = 199) revealed that their uncertainty corresponds with biased appraisals of their parents-in-law’s communication, specifically perceived topic avoidance and the goals undergirding their avoidant communication (i.e., goal inferences). Additionally, perceived topic avoidance rather than uncertainty shared a stronger association with goal inferences. Finally, goal inferences were directly and indirectly associated with children-in-law’s marital satisfaction. Results are interpreted in light of their theoretical and practical contributions.

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