early adopter
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 349-360
Hareesh N. Ramanathan ◽  
Pearly Saira Chacko ◽  
Berislav Andrlic

Globalization has strengthened the flow of information and technology across borders. Sophisticated technological advancements have enabled rapidity in innovation and instantaneous communications, thereby reaching a wider audience. The purpose of this study is to understand the relative position of the three major developing countries – namely Croatia, India, and Sri Lanka concerning their phases of adoption of innovation. The study followed a descriptive research design. Data was collected via Web forms using a questionnaire and was administered among the youth in the three countries. The respondents of the study were chosen via the Snowball sampling technique. A spatial map to visualize the proximal relationship between the three countries and the stages of adoption of innovation was created using Correspondence analysis. In comparison, the study found Indian students to be among the ‘innovator’ and ‘early adopter’ categories. Whereas Croatia was placed close to 'late majority and Sri Lanka was placed midway between ‘early adopter’ and 'early majority.

Deborah E Seale ◽  
Cynthia M LeRouge ◽  
Jennifer E Ohs ◽  
Donghua Tao ◽  
Helen W. Lach ◽  

The Patient 3.0 Profile is used to explore to the patient engagement strategies of early adopter baby boomers' in three domains: 1) patient relationships, 2) health information use and 3) consumer health technology (CHT) use. Findings from six focus groups with early adopter boomers challenge prior notions about older adults' passive approach to patient engagement. Baby boomers want to make final healthcare decisions with input from providers. While adept at finding and critically assessing online health information for self-education and self-management, boomers want providers to curate relevant and trustworthy information. Boomers embrace CHTs offered through providers (i.e., patient portals, email and text messaging) and sponsored by wellness programs (i.e., diet and activity devices and apps). However, there is no indication they add information to their online medical records or use CHT for diagnosis, treatment or disease management. Additional resources are needed to encourage widespread adoption, support patient effectiveness, and confirm cost-benefit.

Eiji Hotori ◽  
Mikael Wendschlag ◽  
Thibaud Giddey

AbstractThe banking supervision in Sweden was formalized incrementally over the last half of the nineteenth century when the banking sector grew and modernized. Swedish banking regulation developed out of the charter requirement, and the supervision out of the administration of the growing number of charter applications. With the creation of the Bank Bureau within the Ministry of Finance and the development of the Bank Inspector profession in the 1860s and 1870s, banking supervisory activities such as on- and off-site examinations became more frequent and standardized. The creation of the independent agency, the Bank Inspection Board, in 1906, and the transfer of supervisory executive powers from the Ministry of Finance to the new supervisory agency, were the final step of the formalization process. During the same period, banking regulation was harmonized and furthered a process of centralizations to the authorities in Stockholm.

2021 ◽  
Mohammed Yousef Shaheen

The healthcare industry has historically been an early adopter of technologyadvancements and has reaped significant benefits. Machine learning (an artificialintelligence subset) is being used in a variety of health-related fields, including theinvention of new medical treatments, the management of patient data and records, andthe treatment of chronic diseases. One of the most important uses of machine learningin healthcare is the detection and diagnosis of diseases and conditions that areotherwise difficult to identify. This can range from tumors that are difficult to detect intheir early stages to other hereditary illnesses. This research identifies and discussesthe various usages of machine learning in medical diagnosis.

Mohammed Yousef Shaheen

The healthcare industry has historically been an early adopter of technology advancements and has reaped significant benefits. Machine learning (an artificial intelligence subset) is being used in a variety of health-related fields, including the invention of new medical treatments, the management of patient data and records, and the treatment of chronic diseases. One of the most important uses of machine learning in healthcare is the detection and diagnosis of diseases and conditions that are otherwise difficult to identify. This can range from tumors that are difficult to detect in their early stages to other hereditary illnesses. This research identifies and discusses the various usages of machine learning in medical diagnosis.

2021 ◽  
Gil Appel ◽  
Eitan Muller

AbstractBased on new data, we replicate Mahajan et al.’s (1990) paper on adopter categories and Goldenberg et al.’s (2002) paper on saddles and offer explanations and extensions. We use a new dataset to replicate the results, namely, the U.S. Consumer Technology Association’s Sales & Forecasts, which provides longitudinal data on numerous consumer electronic products. Goldenberg, Libai, and Muller utilized the same source for 1999, while we use the updated 2021 report for the adopter category as well as the saddle replication, thus employing the same data source for both studies. We find that in the adoption of consumer electronics, there are fewer saddles, and these saddles are shorter and shallower in 2021 than they were in 1999. Regarding adopter categories, we break the data down by decades and show that, while the early adopter categories just barely decelerated over the six decades of our analysis, the average growth of the new dataset is much faster, with the peak occurring considerably sooner than that of the earlier data.

Journalism ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 146488492110434
Martin Johannes Riedl

Journalistic professionalism served as a semantic tool for journalists to draw boundaries and to demarcate their profession. This research builds on Andrew Abbott’s (book The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor, and his assessment of journalism as a ‘permeable occupation’. By way of a strategic case study of a German-language news organization, it puts forth the notion of journalism as a profession of conditional permeability in certain participatory online settings. This research traces how journalists at a case organization used professionalism to delineate their own job from two groups of interlopers in online news spaces: Community managers tasked to moderate user comments, as well as audience members who participate by way of commenting on the news. The study draws on a case study of a market leader and early adopter in community management and comment moderation – with evident limitations as far as generalization to other contexts. Journalists used concepts deeply entrenched with journalistic professionalism, such as writing skills, gatekeeping and the application of news judgment to invoke boundaries between professionals and nonprofessionals, but also acknowledged unboundedness within particular subdomains of their work. While journalists asserted control over a journalistic epistemology, practice was partly open for other professionals, such as community managers, but closed for nonprofessionals. Some identified a hierarchy of professions, with community management serving an assistant function to journalism. The concept of conditional permeability accommodates both blurred boundaries towards other professional actors and distinct boundaries towards nonprofessional actors.

Claire D. Johnson ◽  
Bart N. Green ◽  
Ian D. Coulter ◽  
Scott Haldeman DC ◽  
Eric L. Hurwitz ◽  

In this paper we pay homage to Dr Alan H. Adams, who was born on November 3, 1945, and passed away on December 26, 2020. An early adopter of problem-based learning and evidence-based medicine, he contributed substantially to improving chiropractic education, research, and developing an evidence-based practice mindset for chiropractic practice. People who knew Al best recall that he was a fluent instigator of collaborative relationships, and he inspired and advanced many people in their academic and scientific careers. His curiosity, expertise, and mentorship were appreciated by many people and developed numerous interprofessional collaborations.

Geert Bormans

This paper is a case study about bringing the entire Swiss legislation (Classified Compilation) from MS Word documents to the web in a structured way, already preparing for an XML (Akoma NToso) and PDF publication in the near future. Built on beta software (using a specification in "last call" ), this paper will focus on what the implications were for an "early adopter".

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Dorothy Dutta ◽  
M.K. Sarma

Purpose The advent of technology has enabled frequent innovations in the digital modes of doing business. While some users are reluctant to adopt one, others have made it their way of life. The purpose of this study is to find out the approximate time frame of a digital user in an emerging economy like India to adopt their favorite digital application. The importance of an individual’s level of internet skills is explored in the aspect of adopting digital innovations. Design/methodology/approach The study follows a quantitative approach where data collected from both primary and secondary sources are analyzed to arrive at the results. In total, 837 responses collected with the help of a structured questionnaire are entered and analyzed using SPSS. Multinomial logistic regression is the statistical tool used in the research. Findings Five sets of adopter categories based on Rogers (1983) are created using an adoption score and are represented in a Time Horizon to understand better. The Unaffected adopter category is used as the reference point to compare the set of internet skills against each of the other five categories. The five sets of categories comprising the internet skills depict interesting results in the case of all the four comparisons made. Social skills are not seen to have any influence on a user being an Innovator or Early Adopter as compared to an Unaffected user. It is also established that Operational and Creative skills play important role in users’ probability of being an innovator, early adopter and early majority compared to being unaffected. Originality/value The study analyzes the role of internet skills in the process of adopting digital innovations. The role of internet skill although is associated with every aspect of the digital revolution taking place all over, its application including the direct score of a digital user’s level of internet skills is not found in the literature.

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