concentric cylinder
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2152 (1) ◽  
pp. 012061
Enjie Dong ◽  
Gan Li ◽  
Xiaogang Hu ◽  
Zhong Li ◽  
Juan Chen ◽  

Abstract The apparent viscosity of semi-solid metallic slurry with a low solid fraction, which is one of the most essential parameters for representing the rheological behavior, is mainly measured by the concentric cylinder rotational approach. The principle of this method is based on the assumptions that the fluid is in an ideal laminar flow state and obey the Newton’s internal friction law. However, as the angular velocity ω increases, the fluid undergoes a transition from a stable laminar flow state to a Taylor vortex and turbulent flow state. These unstable flow conditions such as Taylor vortex and turbulence have a severe impact on the accuracy of apparent viscosity measurement. However, these unstable flow conditions are difficult to monitored and analyzed in real time through experimental methods. Computer numerical simulation technology provides the possibility and convenience for the visualization of the flow state of the semi-solid metallic slurry in the measurement system. In this work, ANSYS Fluent was used to simulate the apparent viscosity measurement process of semi-solid slurry, and the flow state transition process of the semi-solid slurry in the measurement system was successfully visualized and analyzed. In order to avoid the influence of Taylor vortex, combined with the measurement principle of the concentric cylinder rotational rheometer and Taylor’s study on flow stability, the empirical equation of limiting speed to avoid Taylor vortex in the process of Searle rheometer viscosity measurement is given.

2021 ◽  
Sarah Stevenson

<p>Materials which exhibit peculiar behaviour due to applied mechanical deformations are abundant in everyday life. Rheo-NMR is an established technique which has been used to study these responses for the past three decades by combining methodologies from rheometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The technique enhances standard rheological studies of bulk properties, such as viscosity and elasticity, by applying the tools of NMR (e.g. spectroscopy, diffusion, relaxometry, imaging, and velocimetry) to matter under deformation. This allows for the exploration of molecular origins and / or local responses within the material which lead to the macroscopic behaviour. These materials are deformed (most commonly sheared) inside geometric housings with a NMR experiment running in parallel. For complex material studies it is desirable for these geometries to provide a simple homogeneous deformation. In reality, all standard rheometry geometries have inhomogeneity characteristics. In fact there is evidence to suggest that some material responses may be influenced by a small degree of deviation from pure homogeneity. This makes it harder to isolate any inherent material behaviour due to a magnitude or rate of deformation from the specific characteristics of how the deformation was applied. This contribution reports on the continued design and method development of a novel geometry for rheo-NMR - a planar cylindrical hybrid (PCH) shear geometry. The geometry includes planar sections with the aim to provide planar Couette flow, a simple truly homogeneous shear profile. It comprises of two parallel sections of planar flow connected by two semi-circular sections of circular flow to give a closed flow path in the shape of a racetrack. Shear is applied by rotating a band around the inner section like a conveyor belt. The purpose of the PCH geometry is to study the complex responses of materials under shear in this atypical shear environment. A paragon of a model system for exploring the novel geometry is a shear banding wormlike micelle (WLM) solution. It has a well documented nonlinear response to steady shear and previous work demonstrated that the curvature of a standard concentric cylinder geometric housing influenced the observed WLM’s rheological response. Strikingly, what was discovered by this thesis research was that there was no visible appearance of this material separating into bands in the planar (or cylindrical) regions in the PCH geometry when probed with an NMR velocity encoded imaging experiment. The more Newtonian-like response of the complex material differs from the intriguing curved flow profile seen for an actual Newtonian sample (which additionally evolves over the planar region) meaning the WLM’s response is still complex in nature. From these findings it is clear that geometry did not impart the homogeneous planar Couette flow for a Newtonian sample. However it has introduced a new deformation environment to study complex materials, acting completely differently to the geometries typically used in rheo-NMR and rheometry. Implications of this and motivation for work study are discussed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Sarah Stevenson

<p>Materials which exhibit peculiar behaviour due to applied mechanical deformations are abundant in everyday life. Rheo-NMR is an established technique which has been used to study these responses for the past three decades by combining methodologies from rheometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The technique enhances standard rheological studies of bulk properties, such as viscosity and elasticity, by applying the tools of NMR (e.g. spectroscopy, diffusion, relaxometry, imaging, and velocimetry) to matter under deformation. This allows for the exploration of molecular origins and / or local responses within the material which lead to the macroscopic behaviour. These materials are deformed (most commonly sheared) inside geometric housings with a NMR experiment running in parallel. For complex material studies it is desirable for these geometries to provide a simple homogeneous deformation. In reality, all standard rheometry geometries have inhomogeneity characteristics. In fact there is evidence to suggest that some material responses may be influenced by a small degree of deviation from pure homogeneity. This makes it harder to isolate any inherent material behaviour due to a magnitude or rate of deformation from the specific characteristics of how the deformation was applied. This contribution reports on the continued design and method development of a novel geometry for rheo-NMR - a planar cylindrical hybrid (PCH) shear geometry. The geometry includes planar sections with the aim to provide planar Couette flow, a simple truly homogeneous shear profile. It comprises of two parallel sections of planar flow connected by two semi-circular sections of circular flow to give a closed flow path in the shape of a racetrack. Shear is applied by rotating a band around the inner section like a conveyor belt. The purpose of the PCH geometry is to study the complex responses of materials under shear in this atypical shear environment. A paragon of a model system for exploring the novel geometry is a shear banding wormlike micelle (WLM) solution. It has a well documented nonlinear response to steady shear and previous work demonstrated that the curvature of a standard concentric cylinder geometric housing influenced the observed WLM’s rheological response. Strikingly, what was discovered by this thesis research was that there was no visible appearance of this material separating into bands in the planar (or cylindrical) regions in the PCH geometry when probed with an NMR velocity encoded imaging experiment. The more Newtonian-like response of the complex material differs from the intriguing curved flow profile seen for an actual Newtonian sample (which additionally evolves over the planar region) meaning the WLM’s response is still complex in nature. From these findings it is clear that geometry did not impart the homogeneous planar Couette flow for a Newtonian sample. However it has introduced a new deformation environment to study complex materials, acting completely differently to the geometries typically used in rheo-NMR and rheometry. Implications of this and motivation for work study are discussed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Alhad Phatak ◽  
Brian Seymour ◽  
Ginger Ren ◽  
Isaias Gonzalez

Abstract High Viscosity Friction Reducers (HVFRs) are often employed in hydraulic fracturing fluids to increase the proppant carrying capacity of slickwater fluids. However, it has been widely reported that the performance of HVFR fluids drops precipitously with even small amounts of salt. This study explores and reports the use of surfactants to alleviate the loss of performance of HVFR fluids due to salinity in the mix water. Fracturing fluids were prepared in the laboratory by mixing the HVFR at concentrations between 2 and 8 gal/1,000 gal with and without surfactant formulations. The viscosities of the fluids were measured on a TA Instruments DHR-3 rheometer using a concentric cylinder geometry. Both anionic and cationic HVFRs were tested with various surfactants. As expected, we observed that HVFR fluids display dramatic loss of viscosity with the addition of as little as 1% salt to the mix water. However, certain surfactant formulations were found to provide a significant boost in viscosity of HVFR fluids in brines over a wide range of shear rates. Increases in viscosity by a factor of as much as 10 times were observed, particularly at low shear rates. The ability of the surfactant formulations to enhance fluid viscosity was observed in both monovalent and divalent model brines, as well as brines that mimicked field produced water compositions. In addition, measurements were also performed in a slot flow device to determine if the results from the rheometer translated to proppant transport characteristics of the fluids. The slot flow results were found to correlate well with fluid viscosity measurements. The fluids containing the surfactant formulation transported nearly 4 times as much proppant as fluids not containing surfactant through a 2.5 ft. long rectangular slot of 0.5 in. thickness at a proppant concentration of 2 lb/gal. An obvious benefit of the approach proposed in this study is that it can enable the use of HVFR fluids in recycled and produced waters, providing both cost and sustainability benefits. Secondly, these surfactant formulations can reduce the amount of HVFR required to obtain a certain target viscosity in brine, thereby reducing the likelihood and potential severity of formation damage from HVFR residue.

Shangkun Weng ◽  
Zhouping Xin ◽  
Hongwei Yuan

This paper concerns the structural stability of smooth cylindrically symmetric transonic flows in a concentric cylinder. Both cylindrical and axi-symmetric perturbations are considered. The governing system here is of mixed elliptic–hyperbolic and changes type and the suitable formulation of boundary conditions at the boundaries is of great importance. First, we establish the existence and uniqueness of smooth cylindrical transonic spiral solutions with nonzero angular velocity and vorticity which are close to the background transonic flow with small perturbations of the Bernoulli’s function and the entropy at the outer cylinder and the flow angles at both the inner and outer cylinders independent of the symmetric axis, and it is shown that in this case, the sonic points of the flow are nonexceptional and noncharacteristically degenerate, and form a cylindrical surface. Second, we also prove the existence and uniqueness of axi-symmetric smooth transonic rotational flows which are adjacent to the background transonic flow, whose sonic points form an axi-symmetric surface. The key elements in our analysis are to utilize the deformation-curl decomposition for the steady Euler system to deal with the hyperbolicity in subsonic regions and to find an appropriate multiplier for the linearized second-order mixed type equations which are crucial to identify the suitable boundary conditions and to yield the important basic energy estimates.

2021 ◽  
Dejun Jia ◽  
Fanchun Li ◽  
Zhijie Liu ◽  
Yuan Zhang

Abstract A design method of centrosymmetric lattice structure is proposed. The centrosymmetric lattice is applied to the lightweight design of concentric cylindrical structures. Combining homogenization method and finite element method, the advantage of centrosymmetric lattice concentric cylinder in reducing the maximum stress is verified, and the stress distribution of centrosymmetric lattice concentric cylinder is more uniform along the circumference; two kinds of centrosymmetric lattice solids are selected, and the parametric method is used to study the influence of three parameters on the static response of a centrosymmetric lattice concentric cylinder under axisymmetric surface pressure.The results show that the maximum stress of the central symmetric concentric cylinder is less than that of the parallel array lattice cylinder under axisymmetric surface pressure;the stress distribution of the cylinder under axisymmetric load is periodic along the circumference, and the stress distribution of the concentric cylinder is more uniform than that of the parallel array lattice while the centrosymmetric lattice is applied to the lightweight design of concentric cylinder; the maximum stress increases with the increase of inside thickness and decreases with the increase of outside thickness; the increase of lattice section size will reduce the stress of outside and lattice of concentric cylinder, while the maximum stress of inside is less affected by the size of lattice section.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Б. С. Бурлака ◽  
І. Ф. Бєленічев ◽  
Ал Зедан Фаді ◽  
Е. В. Супрун

Мета дослідження – вивчити вплив полісорбату-80 на біофармацевтичні та реологічні властивості назальної лікарської форми з антагоністом інтерлейкіну-1 β.Як матеріали використовували розроблену нами інтраназальну лікарську форму з ІL-1Ra. Біофармацевтичні дослідження in vitro проводили за планом однофакторного дисперсійного аналізу з повторними спостереженнями, змінний фактор (А) – різна концентрація полісорбату-80 в досліджуваній назальній формі (А1 – 0 %, А2 – 0,5 %, А3 –1 %, А4 – 2 %, А5 – 3 %). Параметром оптимізації обрали визначену концентрацію активної речовини в діалізаті (воді очищеній) після 30 хв рівноважного діалізу крізь напівпроникну мембрану – целофанову плівку «Купрофан» у вертикальних чарунках дифузії Франца (Perme Gear, Inc., США). Реологічні дослідження проводили на модульному компактному реометрі МCR 302 (Anton Paar GmbH). Для проведення ротаційних тестів використовували коаксіальні циліндри CC27/T200/SS як вимірювальний пристрій. Виконували ініціалізацію приладу та вказували температуру дослідження (37,0 ± 0,2) °С), яка забезпечувалась вбудованим термостатом (Peltier temperature control for concentric cylinder systems, C-PTD 200). Протягом усього дослідження програмне забезпечення (Rheo Compass) реєструвало показники швидкості зсуву (Shear rate •g, s–1), напруги зсуву (Shear stress τ, Pa) та в’язкості (viscosity η, Pas (mPas). Отримані результати відображались як табличні дані та візуалізувались у реограмах плину. У результаті досліджень встановлено, що полісорбат-80 достовірно впливає на інтенсивність вивільнення IL-1Ra з інтраназального засобу. Оптимальна концентрація полісорбату-80 у розробленій назальній формі – 2 %. Виявлено, що полісорбат-80 у концентраціях від 0 до 3 % достовірно не впливає на характер структурно-механічних властивостей розробленої назальної лікарської форми.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1072
Vladimir Shelukhin

We develop a new mathematical model for rotational sedimentation of particles for steady flows of a viscoplastic granular fluid in a concentric-cylinder Couette geometry when rotation of the Couette cell inner cylinder is prescribed. We treat the suspension as a micro-polar fluid. The model is validated by comparison with known data of measurement. Within the proposed theory, we prove that sedimentation occurs due to particles’ rotation and rotational diffusion.

Abigail Bateman

Accurate estimates of pile settlement are key for efficient design of axially loaded piles. Calculations of pile settlement can be simplified using one-dimensional “t-z” curves describing pile settlement at a certain depth as a function of side friction. In the realm of this simplified framework, theoretical “t-z” curves can be derived by substituting an attenuation function describing the variation of shear stress with distance from the pile, into a soil constitutive model relating shear strain to shear stress, then integrating with respect to distance to get the settlement at the pile circumference due to an applied shear stress. A handful of analytical “t-z” curves are available in the literature using the concentric cylinder model to define an attenuation function; these include solutions for linear-elastic, power-law and hyperbolic constitutive models. However, radially homogeneous soil has often been assumed, ignoring the effect of the pile installation resulting in unconservative calculations of pile settlement. This paper considers the installation of the pile, resulting in a radially variable shear modulus distribution in the surrounding soil. A radial inhomogeneity correction factor has been developed for selected constitutive models based on two simplified functions for the soil inhomogeneity, which can be applied to the previously derived “t-z” curves produced assuming radially homogeneous soil. The performance of this simplified method is investigated.

Ramaswamy Devakottai ◽  
Srivatsan Madhavan ◽  
Prashant Singh ◽  
Srinath V. Ekkad

Abstract Development of efficient cooling technologies are imperative to support the constant push for higher turbine inlet temperatures to achieve increased overall turbine efficiency. High-pressure stage turbine blades are subjected to hostile environment involving high temperature turbulent flow exiting from the combustor section. The blade leading edge is subjected to flow stagnation and hence requires special attention in terms of both, internal and external cooling. This study is focused on improving the internal side heat transfer coefficient by installing novel micro-roughness elements on the target wall. The study is based on Singh, Prashant, et al. “Effect of micro-roughness shapes on jet impingement heat transfer and fin-effectiveness.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019): 80–95, where different micro-roughness shapes were investigated experimentally and numerically. The authors proposed that the novel concentric-cylinder shaped roughened geometry exhibited highest fin-effectiveness. Present study reports the effect of three micro-roughness shapes, viz. cylindrical, cubic and concentric cylinder. Conjugate heat transfer study was performed, and the heat transfer performance was reported in the form of local Nusselt number and globally averaged fin-effectiveness. An array jet configuration of 5 × 5 jets with a jet-to-jet spacing of X/Djet = Y/Djet = 3 and jet-to-target plate spacing of Z/Djet = 1 was maintained for jet-diameter based Reynolds number (ReDjet) ranging from 3,000 to 12,000. Investigation on the effect of pin-fin shapes shows that the concentric-shaped micro pin-fin element had the highest fin-effectiveness of 2.45 at ReDjet = 12,000. Further, pin-fin optimization studies were performed for the concentric cylinder pin-fin shape, where the effect of pin-fin height and the effect of internal to external diameter ratio was studied. The pin-fin effectiveness increased with increase in height and diameter ratio, and a maximum fin effectiveness was observed for maximum pin-fin height.

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