drought susceptibility index
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2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 1478-1487
S.K. Sandhu ◽  
MS. Sunayana ◽  
L. Pal ◽  
I. Rialch ◽  

Aim: Identification of high breeding value donor lines harbouring tolerance to moisture stress from diversity stock of 443 genotypes of Brassica juncea. Methodology: Germplasm stock of 443 Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) genotypes, comprising introgression lines, land races, old cultivars and advance breeding lines, were evaluated under two environments viz., irrigated and rainfed conditions to check the variability for yield and related traits. Statistical software META-Rver 6.0 (Multi Environment Trial Analysis using R) was used for computation of Best Linear Unbiased Predictions, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Genetic Correlations and Heritability. Drought susceptibility index and per cent seed yield reduction under rainfed conditions were used as indicators to determine moisture stress tolerance in genotypes. Results: The variability for moisture stress tolerance has been unravelled in a diverse genetic stock of Brassica juncea under two environments: irrigated and rainfed. For high prediction accuracy, the ranking of genotypes was done based on Best Linear Unbiased Predictions for seed yield and its component traits. PBR-378, RGN-329, RB-73, RB-50 and PBR-422 and Giriraj were identified as moisture stress tolerant genotypes. One land race Sahib 36 and three introgression lines viz., MCP 12-211, PTJ-3-69 and MSC-3 have also been identified as potential genetic resources for moisture stress tolerance. Principal component analysis based on biplots depicted specific distribution of variables for each environment. Interpretation: This study led to the identification of potential donors for moisture stress tolerance with high predictive accuracy. Low drought susceptibility index and high breeding value in a land race and three introgression lines derived from Erucastrum cardaminoides, B. tournefortii and B. carinata emphasized their utilization as potential genetic resources to breed for moisture stress tolerance in B. juncea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 681 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
Kisman ◽  
A F Hemon ◽  
B E Listiana ◽  
Febri Dwi Ismayanti ◽  
L Asrul

Akanksha . ◽  
K. Srivastava ◽  
Ayushi Srivastava ◽  
B. Sinha

Background: Climatic variations such as drought have high level of impingement on the yield of rain-fed crops like mustard. A drought is an extended period of months or years when region notes a deficiency in its water availability. Water stress causes heavy yield losses in Indian mustard (17-94%). Low water availability during stem elongation, flowering and pod development causes reduction of pods per plant leading to reduction in grain yield. Very meagre efforts have been made towards improving drought tolerance of this crop. Hence there is an urgent need for, development of water use efficient genotypes. Drought Susceptibility Index (DSI) is a measure of drought, based on loss of yield under drought conditions in comparison to the yield under normal conditions. It expresses the separate effects of yield potential and drought susceptibility on yields under drought. In these terms, lower DSI is considered synonymous with higher drought tolerance. In view of above facts, present study is aimed at investigating the effects of drought on yield attributing traits with, the objective of identifying Indian mustard genotypes and their hybrids which can withstand water stress with minimum loss in yield. Methods: Nine Indian mustard genotypes and their F1s were evaluated under irrigated and rainfed conditions to study the effect of drought by calculating DSI, on yield and yield traits and to characterize their relative tolerance against drought at the Agriculture Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Rabi 2017-18 season. Observations were made for different yield and yield related traits. Result: Genotype RB-50 was found as tolerant for seed yield per plant with DSI 0.38 while hybrids RB-50×RH-749 and RB-50×Giriraj were exhibiting tolerant DSI values for siliqua per plant, 1000 seed weight, seed yield per plant and oil content. These parents and F1s would serve as useful donors and hybrids respectively, in mustard breeding programmes for improving drought tolerance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 87

ABSTRAK<br />Areal pertanaman kapas di Indonesia tersebar di enam propinsi yaitu<br />Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara<br />Timur, dan Sulawesi Selatan. Pengembangan kapas 70% berada di lahan<br />tadah hujan dan 30% di lahan sawah sesudah tanaman padi. Di lahan tadah<br />hujan biasanya kapas ditanam setelah jagung, kedelai atau kacang hijau<br />dan selalu mengalami kendala kekurangan air selama pertumbuhannya.<br />Karena kendala tersebut, produksi kapas berbiji ditingkat petani umumnya<br />hanya mencapai 200 – 500 kg per hektar. Penelitian uji multilokasi<br />dilaksanakan di Asembagus dan Wongsorejo (Jawa Timur), Bayan (Nusa<br />Tenggara Barat), dan Bantaeng serta Bulukumba (Sulawesi Selatan), di<br />lahan tadah hujan pada tahun 2004 – 2006. Sebanyak 9 galur dan varietas<br />Kanesia 8 disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok yang diulang 4 kali<br />(tiga ulangan tidak mendapatkan tambahan pengairan setelah tanaman<br />berumur 42 hari atau setelah pemupukan kedua), satu ulangan diberi<br />pengairan optimal sampai panen, yang digunakan untuk menghitung<br />Indeks Kepekaan Terhadap Kekeringan. Kapas ditanam secara monokultur<br />pada petak percobaan berukuran 50m 2 dengan jarak tanam 100 cm x 25<br />cm, satu tanaman per lubang. Pengamatan yang dilakukan adalah : hasil<br />kapas berbiji pada kondisi keterbatasan air, hasil kapas berbiji pada<br />kondisi pengairan optimal, indeks kerentanan terhadap kekeringan, skor<br />kerusakan daun akibat serangan Amrasca biguttula, dan mutu serat. Pada<br />kondisi tidak mendapatkan tambahan pengairan, rata-rata potensi hasil<br />galur-galur yang diuji tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas Kanesia 8 serta<br />toleran terhadap A biguttula dan mutu seratnya memenuhi syarat untuk<br />industri tekstil di Indonesia. Galur-galur yang produktivitasnya mencapai<br />lebih dari 1.500 kg kapas berbiji/ha adalah (135x182)(351x268)9,<br />(135x182)(351x268)10, dan (135x182)10. Dilihat dari produktivitas, keta-<br />hanan terhadap A. biguttula, ketahanan terhadap kekeringan dan mutu<br />serat, terdapat dua galur harapan yang dapat dilepas sebagai varietas baru<br />yang sesuai untuk dikembangkan di lahan tadah hujan pada kondisi keter-<br />batasan air yaitu galur {(135x182)(351x268)}9 dan galur (339x448)2.<br />Keunggulan galur {(135x182)(351x268)}9 adalah lebih toleran terhadap<br />kondisi dengan ketersediaan air terbatas dibandingkan dengan Kanesia 8,<br />sedangkan produktivitas, ketahanannya terhadap A biguttula, serta mutu<br />seratnya tidak berbeda. Keunggulan galur (339x448)2 dibandingkan<br />dengan Kanesia 8 adalah mutu seratnya lebih tinggi, sedangkan produk-<br />tivitas serta ketahanannya terhadap keterbatasan air dan A. biguttula tidak<br />berbeda.<br />Kata kunci : Kapas, produktivitas, mutu serat, tahan terhadap kekeringan<br />ABSTRACT<br />New cotton lines adaptive to rain-fed<br />Cotton growing area in Indonesia extended in six provinces i.e.<br />East Java, Middle Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara<br />and South Sulawesi. Cotton area in Indonesia is mostly (70%) in rain-<br />fed, and the rest is on rice-field after paddy (30%). On rain-fed areas,<br />cotton is commonly grown after maize, soybean, or greenbean, that it<br />suffers from drought. This condition has resulted low yield ranging 200 –<br />500 kg seed cotton per hectare. As a result, farmers income and farmers<br />interest in cotton cultivation are low . Multilocations trial were conducted<br />in Asembagus and Wongsorejo (East Java), Bayan (West Nusa Tenggara),<br />and Bantaeng as well as Bulukumba (South Sulawesi), on rain-fed area in<br />2004 to 2006. 9 lines of cotton and Kanesia 8 were arranged in randomized<br />block design with four replications three replications without irrigation 42<br />days after planting and one replication with optimal irrigation for the<br />estimation of drought susceptibility index. Monoculture cotton was grown<br />in plots sized 50 m 2 with 100 cm x 25 cm plant spacing, one plant per<br />hole. Parameters observed were seed cotton yield on water limited<br />condition, seed cotton yield on full irrigation, drought susceptibility index,<br />score of leaf damage caused by Amrasca biguttula, and fibre quality.<br />Means of productivity level of the cotton lines on water limited condition<br />were not significantly different to Kanesia 8, all of them were tolerant to<br />A biguttula with fiber quality was suitable for textile industries in<br />Indonesia. There were three lines reached productivity more than 1,500<br />kg/ha i.e. (135x182)(351x268)9, (135x182) (351x268)10, and (135x<br />182)10. From the trials, there were two promising lines i.e. lines<br />(135x182) (351x268) 9 and (339x448) 2 which can be released as new<br />varieties tolerant to water limited condition. Lines (135x182)(351x268) 9<br />was more tolerant to water limited condition than Kanesia 8, and it was not<br />significantly different in productivity, tolerancy to A biguttula, and fibre<br />quality. Lines (339x448)2 was superior on its fiber quality than Kanesia 8<br />and its productivity as well as its tolerancy to water limited condition and<br />A biguttula were not significantly different.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 139 ◽  

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Daerah pengembangan kapas di Indonesia umumnya lahan kering<br />dengan keterbatasan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan galur-<br />galur kapas toleran kekeringan menggunakan PEG-6000 pada fase<br />kecambah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pengujian Benih Balai<br />Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat, mulai bulan April sampai Juni<br />2012. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan Petak Terbagi dan diulang dua<br />kali. Petak utama adalah perlakuan PEG-6000 (-3 bar) dan tanpa PEG-<br />6000 (air), sedangkan anak petak adalah 13 galur kapas dan varietas<br />Kanesia 14. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari lima pot masing-masing ditanam<br />sepuluh biji. Benih kapas dicampur dengan fungisida Mancozeb 80% 2<br />g/kg benih sebelum ditanam. Parameter pengamatan meliputi daya<br />berkecambah, panjang kecambah dan akar, bobot kecambah dan akar,<br />rasio  panjang  akar/kecambah,  serta  indeks  kerentanan  terhadap<br />kekeringan. Kecambah dihitung sebagai kecambah normal jika panjang<br />lebih dari 0,5 cm. Perlakuan PEG-6000 berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap<br />penurunan daya berkecambah, panjang kecambah dan akar, serta bobot<br />kecambah dan akar. Sebaliknya, rasio panjang akar/kecambah lebih tinggi<br />pada perlakuan PEG-6000 dibandingkan dengan perlakuan tanpa PEG-<br />6000. Respon ketahanan galur kapas yang dihitung dengan indeks<br />kerentanan kekeringan berbeda pada masing-masing parameter yang<br />diamati. Dari nilai rata-rata indeks kerentanan kekeringan semua<br />parameter, tidak ada galur yang tahan terhadap kekeringan (S&lt;0,50).<br />Terdapat delapan galur yang agak tahan kekeringan (0,50&lt;S&lt;1,0) dan<br />lebih tahan dibandingkan dengan Kanesia 14, yaitu 03002/12, 03006/1,<br />03008/7, 03008/24, 03012/17, 03014/12, 03017/13, dan 03017/15.<br />Kata kunci: Gossypium hirsutum L., tahan kekeringan, PEG-6000,<br />perkecambahan, galur</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Cotton production areas in Indonesia are arable land with lack of water<br />availability. The aim of this study was to obtain cotton lines tolerant to<br />drought using PEG-6000 at germination stage. The experiment was<br />conducted at the Seed Testing Laboratory in Indonesian Sweetener and<br />Fiber Crops Research Institute, from April to June 2012. Treatments were<br />arranged in a Split Plots design with two replications. The main plot was<br />PEG-6000 (-3 bar) and without PEG-6000 (water), while the subplot was<br />13 cotton lines and Kanesia 14 variety. Seed cotton was treated with 80%<br />Mancozeb fungicide dose of 2g/kg seed before sowing. Parameters<br />observed were germination percentage, shoot and root length, shoot and<br />root weight, ratio of root/shoot length, and drought susceptibility index.<br />Seedling was counted as normal if its length more than 0.5 cm. PEG-6000<br />treatment gives very significant effect on the decline on seed germination,<br />shoot and root length, shoot and root weight. Otherwise, ratio of root/shoot<br />length was higher in the PEG-6000 than without PEG-6000 treatment.<br />Response of cotton lines to drought which calculated with a drought<br />susceptibility index were different among parameter observed. Mean<br />drought susceptibility index of all parameters showed that none of cotton<br />line tolerant to drought (S &lt; 0,50) was achieved from the study. There<br />were eight moderately drought-resistant lines (0, 50 &lt; S &lt; 1,0) achieved<br />namely 03002/12, 03006/1, 03008/7, 03008/24, 03012/17, 03014/12,<br />03017/13, and 03017/15 which more resistance than Kanesia 14.<br />Key words: Gossypium hirsutum L., drought tolerant, PEG-6000,<br />germination, lines</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
S. K. Thind ◽  
Maryada Sharma

Nine genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) C 306 PBW 154, PBW 175, PBW 396, WH 542, PBW519, PBW520, PBW527 and PBW528 were screened at seedling stage for water stress tolerance at mild (-0.20MPa) and moderate (-0.40 MPa) water potential. Water stress induced by polyethylene glycol. Dehydrins with molecular mass of 24Kd was observed in C306, PBW 396 and PBW 528. The dehydrin bands were absent in PBW154, PBW175, WH542, PBW519 and PBW520. The selected tolerant and susceptible genotypes differing in their drought tolerance viz.C306,PBW154,PBW519,PBW527 were subjected to soil water deficit stress at two developmental stages in field conditions . The leaves of genotype C306 and PBW 527 accumulated dehydrins of Mw 24Kda and 53Kda C306, PBW527 at tillering as well as anthesis stage water deficit stress. The genotypes C306, PBW 527 have lower value of drought susceptibility index showing more tolerance to water stress as compared to PBW 154, PBW 519.

2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
S. Pavithradevi ◽  
N. Manivannan ◽  
P. Vindhiya Varman ◽  
K. Ganesamurthy

Fifty genotypes of groundnut including released varieties and advanced breeding lines were used to assess th drought tolerance. These genotypes were evaluated both in managed drought stress (DS) and non stress (NS) situations during post rainy season (Jan- April), 2011 at Oilseeds Farm, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. The drought stress was imposed by withholding irrigation after 60 days after sowing for t drought stress trial. Observations were recorded for pod yield per plant and kernel yield per plant on random chosen five plants per entry per replication. The data were subjected to ANOVA and drought tolerance parameter <italic>viz.</italic>, drought susceptibility index (DSI) for pod yield per plant and kernel yield per plant. The results indicated that genotypes differed significantly for pod and kernel yield per plant. Among the genotypes, 7 and 6 genotypes were observed as highly drought tolerant based on pod and kernel yield per plant respectively. A total of 6 and 9 genotypes recorded as highly susceptible to drought for pod and kernel yield per plant respectively. Among these genotypes, each three drought tolerant (ICGV 91114, K1375 and ICGV 02125) and drought susceptible (ICGV 01279, ICGV 98170 and ICGV 98175) genotypes were selected for hybridization programme to develop mapping populations.

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