american heart association
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Lydia Noh ◽  
Felix Pham ◽  
Lara Haddad ◽  
Theresa Burkhard ◽  
Laurie Paletz ◽  

Abstract Purpose Tenecteplase is a thrombolytic that is more fibrin specific, has a longer half-life, and is easier to administer than alteplase for acute ischemic stroke (AIS). This article outlines the pharmacy experience and perspective on implementation of tenecteplase as the treatment of choice for AIS. Summary Tenecteplase has been of increasing interest for AIS and is currently being studied in several clinical trials. Although it is not indicated by the Food and Drug Administration for AIS, several published studies and an update to stroke guidelines from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association support its use in this setting. In January 2021, Cedars-Sinai Health System made the decision to add tenecteplase to the formulary for AIS in addition to keeping alteplase for patients who met the criterion of being outside the 4.5-hour window following stroke onset. Along with the added benefits of having tenecteplase on formulary come challenges of managing multiple thrombolytics for the same indication. Identifying key stakeholders and creating an interdisciplinary team are critical to ensure safe transitions. Conclusion Institutions can safely transition from alteplase to tenecteplase as a thrombolytic of choice for AIS.

Circulation ◽  
2022 ◽  
Joshua J. Joseph ◽  
Prakash Deedwania ◽  
Tushar Acharya ◽  
David Aguilar ◽  
Deepak L. Bhatt ◽  

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in patients with diabetes. Cardiovascular disease in diabetes is multifactorial, and control of the cardiovascular risk factors leads to substantial reductions in cardiovascular events. The 2015 American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association scientific statement, “Update on Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Light of Recent Evidence,” highlighted the importance of modifying various risk factors responsible for cardiovascular disease in diabetes. At the time, there was limited evidence to suggest that glucose-lowering medications reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. At present, several large randomized controlled trials with newer antihyperglycemic agents have been completed, demonstrating cardiovascular safety and reduction in cardiovascular outcomes, including cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure. This AHA scientific statement update focuses on (1) the evidence and clinical utility of newer antihyperglycemic agents in improving glycemic control and reducing cardiovascular events in diabetes; (2) the impact of blood pressure control on cardiovascular events in diabetes; and (3) the role of newer lipid-lowering therapies in comprehensive cardiovascular risk management in adults with diabetes. This scientific statement addresses the continued importance of lifestyle interventions, pharmacological therapy, and surgical interventions to curb the epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome, important precursors of prediabetes, diabetes, and comorbid cardiovascular disease. Last, this scientific statement explores the critical importance of the social determinants of health and health equity in the continuum of care in diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 291
Tariq Ashraf ◽  
Feroz Memon

Patients both male and female with diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) present with chest pain as presenting complaint. Lichtman JH et al. in his study with ACS showed that 93% of women presented with chest pain or discomfort.1 As compared to men women experience more associated symptoms as primary complaint. The associated symptoms are fatigue, dyspnea, backache, flue like symptoms, indigestion, palpitations and most common is anxiety & feeling scarry.2 Keeping these scenarios in mind one should inquire this associated presentation along with chest pain or discomfort in evaluating ACS in women. In continuation with symptoms there is quite a debate on pathophysiology of Acute Myocardial infraction in men and women regarding coronary pathologic features.3 Type 1 plaque rupture most common in both genders with plaque erosion most common in women in non-obstructive coronary artery disease.4 Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) having high mortality exists in the absence of risk factor of ACS.5 It was found in women up to 35% of patients with mean age of 42 to 53 years with a MACE (Major acute coronary event) of 47.4% and 10 years mortality rate of 7.7%2 SCAD seen in peripartum cases, oral contraception use, lack of exercise, connective tissue disorders and vasculidites. It is important for the physician to have in mind these disorders to avoid complications of coronary interventions. In a scientific statement from AHA, Mehte LS et al. showed a lower prevalence of atheroscrotic CAD in women.3 These are certain scoring system,6 that under present women because of vague symptoms and presentation. These scoring systems lead to decrease hospital admission and less noninvasive cardiac testing. For risk satisfaction of chest pain female gender should not be taken as sole criteria for presence or absence of coronary events in presence of other multiple factors. The last but not the least is the psychosocial stress more in women than in men. It has been found that young women who present with early onset myocardial infarction have more psychosocial risk factors in comparison to men of similar age,3 probably having high rates of poverty and trauma exposure during childhood because of various reasons.7 Different studies are endorsing relationship between depression and ischemic heart disease as prognostic factor after ACS.7 In our population where there is lack of education, poverty, awareness of disease especially in women the physician should ponder on different factors mentioned above i.e. presentation perceptions, prevalence, pathophysiology and psychosocial stress for evaluation and management of chest pain. References Lichtman JH, Leifheit-Limson EC, Watanabe E, Allen NB, Garavalia B, Garavalia LS, et al. Symptom recognition and healthcare experiences of young women with acute myocardial infarction. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2015;8:S31-8. Vargas K, Messman A, Levy PD. Nuances in Evaluation of Chest Pain in women. JACC Case Rep. 2021;3(17):1793-7. Mehta LS, Beckie TM, DeVon HA, Grines CL, Krumholz HM, Johnson MN, et al. Acute myocardial infarction in women: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2016;133:916-47. Mukherjee D. Myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries: a call for individualized treatment. J Am   Heart   2019;8(14):e013361. Hayes SN, Kim ESH, Saw J, Adlam D, Arslanian-Engoren C, Economy KE, et al. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: current state of the science: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation.  2018;137:e523-e557. Preciado SM, Sharp AL, Sun BC, Baecker A, Wu YL, Lee MS, et al. Evaluating sex disparities in the emergency department management of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome. Ann Emerg    2021;77(4):416-24. Lichtman JH, Froelicher ES, Blumenthal JA, Carney RM, Doering LV, Frasure-Smith N, et al. Depression  as  a  risk  factor  for  poor prognosis  among patients  with acute coronary syndrome: systematic review and recommendations: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2014;129:1350-69.

C Venkata S Ram ◽  
Jamshed Dalal ◽  
Dhiman Kahali ◽  
Padhinhare P Mohanan ◽  
Mrinal Kanti Das ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-152
Arni Isnaini Arfah ◽  
Arina Fathiyah Arifin

Bantuan hidup dasar (BHD) adalah tindakan darurat untuk membebaskan jalan napas, membantu pernapasan dan mempertahankan sirkulasi darah tanpa menggunakan alat bantu. Bantuan hidup dasar dapat dilakukan oleh siapapun khususnya petugas keamanan dan dimanapun sesegera mungkin disaat awal terjadinya henti jantung untuk meningkatkan angka kelangsungan hidup. penelitian ini adalah security mampu melakukan tindakan resusitas awal pada korban dalam airway, breathing dan sirkulasi yang benar dan aman berdasarkan karakteristik umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif korelasional yang menggunakan pendekatan survey. Angket sebagai instrumen penelitian telah disusun menggunakan konsep bantuan hidup dasar dari American Heart Association (AHA) tahun 2020 dengan total sampel sebanyak 17 responden. Pegambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menyebarkan angket dan hasil dianalisa dengan menggunakan SPSS. Jumlah total sampel adalah 17 responden, dimana untuk umur rerata usia dewasa yaitu 19 – 40 tahun, jenis kelamin laki-laki 16 orang (94%) dan wanita 1 orang, pendidikan terakhir rerata SMA dengan 16 orang dan 1 orang lulusan S1. Untuk tingkat pengetahuan secara umum mengenai defenisi BHD cukup baik dengan ada 10 responden dengan nilai cukup (58,08%). Berdasarkan tingkat pengetahuan responden mengenai airway (jalan nafas) ada 12 responden menjawab dengan nilai cukup (70,06%), pengetahuan mengenai breathing (pernafasan) ada 13 responden menjawab dengan nilai cukup (76,05%) mengenai circulation (sirkulasi) ada 13 responden menjawab dengan nilai kurang (76,05%). Berdasarkan pengalaman pernah tidaknya responden mengikuti pelatihan tentang BHD, ada 14 responden yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan (82,04%) dan ada 3 responden belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan BHD (17,06%) Tingkat pengetahuan petugas keamanan berhubungan terhadap tindakan airway, breathing dan sirkulasi namun tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan terhadap pernahnya ikut pelatihan.

2021 ◽  
Anelvira de Oliveira Florentino ◽  
Laudicéia Rodrigues Crivelaro ◽  
Talita de Azevedo Coelho Furquim Pereira ◽  
Maria Rita Simões Nabi ◽  
Isabela de Goes Gagliardi ◽  

Introdução: Diante da COVID-19, doença altamente contagiosa que se alastrou pelo mundo, e impondo aos profissionais de saúde o desafio de prestar atendimento seguro nas situações que, muitas vezes, são graves, novos protocolos foram estabelecidos como forma de evitar a disseminação do vírus e proteger a equipe de profissionais da saúde . A pandemia do SARS-CoV-2 acometeu milhões de pessoas no mundo, levando centenas a óbito, e trouxe a necessidade de modificações nas práticas de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar, procedimento que gera grande quantidade de aerossóis e risco de contágio. No ambiente hospitalar, são esperadas ações, como: limitar o número de pessoas para fazer o atendimento, iniciar as compressões torácicas com o monitoramento e procedimentos necessários e priorizar a intubação precoce - sempre que tiver um médico experiente disponível . Objetivo(s): Refletir sobre as principais mudanças no atendimento de pacientes, com suspeita ou diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19, e que estejam em parada cardiorrespiratória, para atualizar os profissionais em relação ao procedimento, aumentando a chance de sobrevida dos pacientes e diminuindo o risco de contágio à equipe. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de reflexão teórica, de caráter descritivo e abordagem qualitativa com base em documentos emitidos pelos principais órgãos reguladores de saúde e periódicos indexados na SciELO e PubMed, realizado em outubro de 2021. O recorte temporal utilizado foi o tempo da pandemia (2019- 2021). Resultados: A transmissão do SARS-CoV-2 se dá por via respiratória através de gotículas salivares emitidas por meio da tosse ou espirro do indivíduo infectado, ou ainda pelo contato com superfícies/objetos contaminados. Alguns procedimentos hospitalares, como: a intubação e a aspiração traqueal, a ventilação mecânica não invasiva, a ventilação manual, a nebulização, as coletas de amostras nasotraqueais, assim como a RCP, emitem aerossóis responsáveis pelo aumento do risco de transmissibilidade . Dessa forma, os profissionais dos serviços de saúde constituem um grupo de alto risco para a COVID19, tornando‑se necessária a adoção de medidas de prevenção, controle e proteção da saúde desses trabalhadores . Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que as principais adequações foram a organização de uma equipe mínima para esses atendimentos, a utilização dos Equipamentos de Proteção Individual adequados e a realização de ventilação segura, com dispositivos que minimizem a formação e disseminação de aerossóis e a utilização de dispositivos mecânicos para a realização de compressões torácicas. Referências 1. Cascella M, Rajnik M, Cuomo A, Dulebohn SC, Di Napoli R. Features, evaluation and treatment coronavirus (COVID-19). Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing LLC; 2020 [citado 2020 jul 31]. Disponível em: 2. Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for IPC precaution recommendations. Genebra: OMS; 2020 [citado 2020 jul 31]. Disponível em: 3. American Heart Association (AHA). Destaques das atualizações direcionadas nas diretrizes de 2019 da American Heart Association para ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e atendimento cardiovascular de emergência. Dallas: AHA; 2019 [citado 2020 jul 31]. Disponível em: Focused-Updates_Highlights_PTBR.pdf PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Parada Cardíaca, Ressuscitação Cardiopulmonar, Infecções por Coronavírus, Pandemias, Saúde do Trabalhador

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