cultural exchanges
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2022 ◽  
Xinjiang Rong ◽  
Sally K Church ◽  
Imre Galambos ◽  
Sally K Church. et al.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Guangli Li

In the era of “Internet +” big data, the theory and technology of English corpus are becoming more and more mature. Corpus is an important method to reflect some language characteristics and clarify some language phenomena. In terms of cultural exchanges, Chinese students majoring in English have obvious cultural differences at home and abroad and lack the atmosphere and context for cultural exchanges. In addition, students have problems such as insufficient cultural communication skills. The big data neural network model is adopted in this paper to compare and analyze the intermediary sentences in the corpus to explore the development trend of English proficiency. Through the analysis of typical cases, it explores the weak links in the corpus teaching process and summarizes a method focusing on the combination of use of corpus and English teaching.

The Holocene ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 095968362110665
Ana Ejarque ◽  
Ramon Julià ◽  
Pere Castanyer ◽  
Hector A Orengo ◽  
Josep Maria Palet ◽  

The Empordà plain attests to a remarkable mixture of Late-Holocene cultural exchanges and colonial processes. This includes the founding of Emporion, the earliest Greek colony in Iberia, and of the Roman city of Emporiae. This study aims at assessing landscape changes related to indigenous and colonial settlement in this unique scenario where the shaping of cultural landscapes occurred within a dynamic coastal ecosystem. We carried out a high-temporal resolution palaeoenvironmental study in Els Estanys, a palaeowetland located in the vicinity of Emporion-Emporiae. Palynological, sedimentological and geochemical indicators were coupled with available archaeological and archaeobotanical data-sets. Between 1100 and 800 cal BC, the settling of Urnfield Late Bronze societies resulted in the sustained clearance of woodlands and moderate agropastoral exploitation of coastal ranges. During this period, marine-influenced lagoonal areas were poorly exploited. During the Iron Age (800–450 cal BC), a threshold in the landscape construction of the area occurred with the first pastoral exploitation of lagoonal areas, intensified cereal cultivation, controlled burning, and enhanced deforestation following the settlement of Iberian groups. Greek colonisation (580–200 cal BC), did not trigger intensified farming exploitation or landscape clearance, nor did it imply the introduction of new land uses or crops in the hinterland. Exploitation of the latter continued relying on cereal cultivation and grazing, as before, suggesting the permanence of indigenous landscapes and practices in the hinterland. To the contrary, urban and periurban landscapes played a significant role in the construction of the colonial landscape with the introduction of olive groves likely as ornamental trees. Roman conquest and colonisation of the area constituted a new threshold in the occupation and management of the hinterland with (1) intensified rural settlement; (2) expansion of wet pastures and removal of littoral woodlands; (3) development of diversified cropping activities; and (4) development of mining and smelting activities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-212
Junhua Ren

Rhetoric and translation help to promote language and cultural exchanges. Therefore, the study of the two fields can be traced far back. Scholars focused on the translation of rhetorical devices long before. In order to learn the trend and problem of the current study of rhetoric translation in China, this paper adopts the method of bibliometrics to analyze the relevant academic articles, theses and dissertations published from1997 to 2021 on China National Knowledge Infrastructure (short for CNKI), a well-known academic website of China. The analysis goes through six dimensions, such as languages involved in the transfer, translation direction, text type, research perspective, rhetoric device and citation frequency.

2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 174-183
Sentaç ARI

Epics are the oldest products in the world. They are passed down from generation to generation. They allow us to detect cultural exchanges. In the study, the works of "Digenis and Azrael" and "Duha Kocaoğlu Deli Dumrul" were compared. The work focused on common cultural elements. Anonymous epic called "Digenis and Azrael" was translated from Dimotiki Greek into Turkish. Both works were analyzed in a holistic way with content analysis method. There are religious elements in both works. Belief in the existence and oneness of God is emphasized. In both works, the protagonists are famous for their beatings. They both fought with the Azrael who came to take their lives. In the end, they accepted God's will and accepted death. In both works, there is a grandfather who is defined as a wise person and he comments on the hero. The differences in the works are as follows: Azrâil wants to take Digenis' life because the time has come. He wants to take Deli Dumrul's life because he is suspicious of God's unity and power. Azrâil, who is a strong character in Deli Dumrul, bows to the power of Digenis in Digenis. Deli Dumrul's mother does not want to give her life for her son. Azrael's mother advises Azrael not to take anyone's life. In both works, the inability to accept death in the universal human thought and the desire to change the result are handled.

Li Ouyang ◽  

Recently, due to the influence of COVID-19 and the gradual deepening of cultural exchanges between China and the West, more and more audiences in the world choose to watch classic films and TV series at home. Chinese costume films and TV series are becoming more and more popular in western countries, while the subtitle translation plays a huge role in the spread of films and TV series. American Empresses in the Palace is a large-scale costume TV series widely praised by western audiences. Many of its subtitle translations adopt domestication strategies, making the subtitle more close to western audiences. Under the guidance of Skopos Theory, this paper takes the subtitle translation of American Empresses in the Palace as an example to discuss the practical application of domestication strategies in C-E subtitle translation, so as to further understand domestication strategies and provide more references for subtitle translation of other costume dramas.

Чжан Сяолин

Международный день чая - молодой праздник, который сформировался в Китае еще до того, как был официально учрежден. Инициатива по созданию Международного дня чая первоначально была предложена правительством Китая. Впоследствии инициатива получила широкую поддержку международного сообщества, после чего была официально одобрена Организацией Объединенных Наций в 2019 г. Китайский (народный) и международный день чая прошли процесс с момента создания до официального учреждения. Оба праздника широко отмечаются в Китае и в мире. Учреждение праздника является важной вехой в истории развития чайной промышленности и культуры. Этот праздник также является знаком признания культурных чайных ценностей различных стран, международных культурных обменов на тему китайского чая и его истории. Все это будет способствовать передаче, защите, трансформации и модернизации чайной культуры. Международный день чая является исследовательским объектом данной работы; взаимосвязь между чаем, чайной культурой и Китаем рассматривается как отправная точка для анализа происхождения и эволюции создания праздника. International Tea Day is a new holiday that took shape in China even before it was officially established. The initiative to create International Tea Day was originally proposed by the Chinese government. Gradually, the initiative received broad support from the international community, after which it was formally approved by the United Nations in 2019. Chinese (folk) and international tea day have gone through a process from their birth to official establishment. Both holidays are widely celebrated in both China and other countries. The establishment of the holiday is a milestone in the history of tea industry and culture development. This holiday is also a sign of recognition of cultural tea values in different countries, as well as international cultural exchanges about Chinese tea and its history. All of this will contribute to transmission, protection, transformation and modernization of tea culture, as well as deepening understanding of Chinese tea and tea culture around the world. International Tea Day is the research object of this paper. The relation between tea, tea culture and China is seen as a starting point for analyzing the origins and evolution of the holiday. The aim of this article is to analyze the origins and evolution of International Tea Day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Elnaz Habibifar

Cultural exchanges between Iran and France started over three centuries ago. In spite of the strong relationship between the two countries, some books such as Les Fleurs du mal (Flowers of Evil) went unnoticed in Iranian society. In addition to the literary value of the book, we propose to study ekphrasis in Baudelaire’s poems and its translation into Persian. Its meaning being that of a general description an artwork (imaginary or real), the term ekphrasis belongs to an interdisciplinary field of literature and art where the textual challenges we face may vary from one to another. To narrow down our study, we will focus on four chosen poems that have a minimum of two published translations in Persian, thus allowing the opportunity for a comparative study. These chosen poems, “La Beauté”, “L’Invitation au voyage”, “Les Plaintes d’un Icare” and “Femmes damnées” (“Delphine et Hippolyte”) as well as our corpus translation in Persian, are being studied and analysed through Descriptive Translation Studies. The analysis focuses on the ekphrastic aspect of these poems, their translations into Persian through syntactic and semantic levels and the influence of culture and society on the translation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 6530-6555
Mahnaz Shayestehfar, Erfan Khazaie

Il-Khanid seals and coins are a type of seal featuring figurative patterns typically characterized by the Rectangular style of Kufic script, the absence of figures, extensive use of calligraphy, geometric, and abstract patterns. Although it is based on the Persian seal-carving tradition, the Īl-Khānids seals and coins exhibit various elements from the Chinese seals (印章), and also similar in their style to the Mongolian writing systems. While the Silk Road, the central path for trade and economic purposes, brought together China and Persia, the two nations had strong influences regarding culture, tradition, and religion, and Persian art has applied many Chinese artistic elements, particularly in the art of seal making. Indeed, the historical evidence suggests that the Mongolian Empire employed the Chinese seals (印章) throughout their territory, stretching from China to Persia. The intercultural influences through the Silk Road seem to be well-rooted in Central Asia, and for the first time, Chinese culture is seen abundantly in the Īl-Khānids seal history, as well as the Rectangular style of Kufic script on the seals and coins, influenced by the Uighur script. This paper uses an interdisciplinary approach to analyse the Chinese and the Īl-Khānids seals and coins to survey transmission of the Chinese tradition through Silk Road cultural exchanges. The results show that there exists a strong possibility that the manner in which the writing of Arabic characters in the Rectangular Kufic writing system was inserted at the top to the bottom unexpectedly followed the style of Mongolian words.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Oussouby Sacko

AbstractRecently, many cultural aspects of some African countries have been in danger of being lost due to cultural disruptions, nonadaptive construction techniques and a lack of adequate conservation systems and strategies. These include the well-known manuscripts of Timbuktu (Tombouctou) as well as architecture, languages, beads, textiles, costumes and other cultural objects. Immaterial heritage, such as oral history, traditional music, instruments and dance, is also affected.In the northwestern part of Africa, the so-called Sahel-Sahara region, earthen architecture has played an important role in cultural identity and has been a key means of community establishment. This architectural heritage includes a wide variety of creations ranging from simple houses, granaries, and palaces to religious buildings, urban centres, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites. By studying northwestern African cultural heritage and cultural exchanges during trans-Saharan trade, we can benefit from traditional knowledge and use these teachings to build a sustainable knowledge system for earthen architecture conservation. This work is urgent since these structures are in danger of being lost, destroyed, badly conserved, or not documented.The aim of this research is to point out, through an anthropological approach, the importance of local community involvement in the conservation process. This research is based on a comparative study of different earthen architecture conservation spaces within the abovementioned region that have been important and were influenced by cultural exchanges during trans-Saharan trade. In these historical towns, some architectural heritage sites have been abandoned and are in ruins, while others have been preserved solely as tourist attractions. In this paper, I introduce the case of Djenné to share our research approach. This paper provides insight into earthen architecture conservation issues and how local communities have used tangible and intangible methods to preserve cultural heritage.

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