social security programs
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Siti Mastuti ◽  
Febriana Nurul ◽  
Kusumastuti Kusumastuti

Background : Patient satisfaction is the main thing that is considered in providing services. The success of the services provided in a health facility is the level of patient satisfaction. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia believes that the Social Security Organizing Body (BPJS) is a public legal entity created to carry out social security programs. BPJS Kesehatan participants are divided into two, the first is poor people who receive contribution assistance (PBI) and the second is Non PBI participants who are participants who receive wages (PPU), participants who do not receive wages (PBPU) and are not workers whose costs are borne alone or collectively to BPJS Health.Objective : To know the description of the level of service satisfaction in BPJS PBI patients and BPJS Non PBI patients who are treated in class III PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong Hospital.Research Methods : This research is used a descriptive quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was BPJS PBI 767 patients and BPJS Non PBI 106 patients. Sampling used probability sampling as many as 20 BPJS PBI patients and 10 Non PBI BPJS patients. Data were analyzed by univariate.Results : There is shows the results on the characteristics of BPJS PBI patients with the most sex, namely 16 women (80%), the majority of high school education level is 8 people (40%) and BPJS Non PBI, the most gender is 6 men (60 %), the level of education at most SMP 5 people (50%). The results of the BPJS PBI patients showed 11 people (55%) out of 20 respondents chose the satisfied category and the BPJS Non PBI patients showed 9 people (90%) out of 10 respondents chose the very satisfied category.Recommendations : The results of this study are expected to be a reference or reference in overcoming existing problems and improving quality in terms of services and as additional knowledge about the use of health services in hospitals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 240
Iene Muliati ◽  
Utomo Sarjono Putro ◽  
Yudo Anggoro

Social security is an essential instrument for protecting people from falling into poverty due to economic shocks in the event of sickness, work-accident, old age, and death of income producers. Indonesia introduced Law no. 40 Year 2004 on National Social Security System to implement mandatory social security programs for all. Despite the compulsory participation for all, the national social security system's coverage continues to be low and mostly relies on government aids. This study explores and analyzes key factors that need to be considered during the policy options formulation process to ensure the intended policy can support the national social security system's implementation. The findings show the need to build an integrated ecosystem model that is critical for social security implementation by considering the combined use of decision-making approaches and five consideration factors during the policy options formulation. An integrated ecosystem model contributes better policy options formulation that can support the effective implementation of the national social security programs while minimizing implementation risks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 156-167
Wahyu Ramadhani

Qanun Number 11 of 2013 concerning social welfare, this is to carry out social development programs at various levels of society. The qanun was issued as a more operational policy which became the legal basis for efforts to carry out protection, social rehabilitation and empowerment.The Social Service has provided guidance and training to homeless people and beggars who have been caught in raids at the Social Protection House (RPS), the guidance and training are given with the aim that homeless people and beggars can open businesses, have decent jobs, and become independent so that they stop to be vagrants and beggars. The social security programs provided to them in the RPS include, such as: health insurance, education, housing and skills. The programs carried out by the Social Service in dealing with homeless people and beggars have so far had the effect of reducing the number of homeless and beggars, this shows the success of the Social Service in reducing homeless and beggars as well as beggars and vagabonds to get their rights as citizens guaranteed in the Laws. Invitation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
Ayesha Anwar ◽  

Crime is more than just a sociological and psychological phenomenon. The economic effects of any criminal activity are intriguing and vice versa. This paper attempts to profile crime scenario in Pakistan in the socio-economic context at aggregated and disaggregated level. Three crime supply models have been constructed using formal econometric techniques i.e., aggregated crime, crime against person and crime against property. These models depict the various socioeconomic variables effecting different crimes. The paper also captures the deterrence effect but on a very limited scale using police strength as proxy. The paper has drawn many conclusions indicating effects of social and economic injustices making people choose illegal activities over lawful ways of earnings and the role of government to intervene and promote socio-economic equity. Government should introduce effective social security programs to create more jobs and to minimize income inequalities. Policing and effective justice system is key to control crime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-25
Naufal Mahfudz ◽  
Arif Satria ◽  
Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis ◽  
Arif Imam Suroso ◽  
Zaim Uchrowi

Objective – The number of participants in the labor social security program in Indonesia managed by BPJamsostek, namely the Labor Social Security Administering Body, is still relatively low compared to the number of people working in Indonesia. Labor social security practitioners, or Account Representatives, are tasked with carrying out the process of acquiring new participants. The competence of practitioners needs to be further investigated to ensure their performance in increasing membership coverage. Methodology/Technique – This study involved 335 practitioners in BPJamsostek branch offices in major cities throughout Indonesia. The sampling method used was purposive random sampling and the analytical tool used was descriptive statistical methods to map the perceptions and opinions of practitioners regarding their competence. Findings & Novelty – It is found that the practitioners are bachelor’s degree graduates who have various educational backgrounds. This is very useful for making acquisitions of potential participants who also have diverse work professional backgrounds from both formal and informal sector workers. Career opportunities up to the highest level in the institution for practitioners are also wide enough to become Director, even as President Director. It was also found that the majority of respondents, 93.1%, stated that they were ready to face future jobs in the context of participation in social security programs for employment. However, this readiness must be supported by the competencies that must be possessed by them, because 94.0% of the respondents stated that the competency development process was important and 52.5% stated that the opportunity to obtain competency development programs was not evenly distributed among practitioners. Type of Paper: Empirical. JEL Classification: E20, H55. Keywords: Labour Social Security Practitioners; Competency; Jobs Lost; Future Jobs; Fourth Industrial Revolution Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Mahfudz, N; Satria, A; Hubeis, A.V.S; Suroso, A.I; Uchrowi, Z. (2021). The Objective Conditions of the Competency of Labor Social Security Practitioners in Facing Future Jobs, Journal of Business and Economics Review, 5(4) 18–25.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 491-500
Fazrina Saumi ◽  
Rizki Amalia

Social Security (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) in Langsa is a Public Legal established to organize social security programs for workers. The program is managed by PT. JAMSOSTEK with 4 programs one of which is JHT (Jaminan Hari Tua / Old Age Protection). JHT program is a long-term program that is given periodically at once before participant enter retirment. This research aims to increase the number of claims of  BPJS Ketenagakerjaan participants in JHT program with ARIMA model, through the forecast BPJS can increase service with the number of claims from year to year so that the satisfaction level of JHT program participants is guaranteed. Data processing uses MINITAB 18 software with data stationary initial steps, tentavie model identically (p,d,q) model parameter estimation, diagnostic test, and last model used for forecasting. The ARIMA model obtained is ARIMA (4, 1, 2) with a MAPE value of 6.87% which shows excellent forecasting results. The result forecast the number of JHT program claims in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan period August 2019 to December 2019 as may as 444, 403, 419, 336, 404 people, respectively. Based on the results of the forecast, especially that the number of JHT program claims fluctuated, this indicates that BJPS Ketenagakerjaan in Langsa needs to increase the equivalent service for the JHT program.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 829
Diah Arimbi

The Social Security Administrator (BPJS) as an independent public legal entity has its legal position and authority. Because of the regulation issued by the Ministry of Health, the independence of BPJS is interfered with. The relationship that has not been well organized and elegant between BPJS and the Ministry of Health has caused many program problems in the field. Therefore, we need to figure out where the position of BPJS is as a state institution with a public legal entity. The BPJS forms the basis of the Welfare State, through which the government carries out its role of providing basic citizens’ rights to life. Based on Article 28 H and 34 of the 1945 Constitution, the National Social Security System (SJSN) law was established. The Social Security Administrator for Health (BPJS Kesehatan), a legal entity established by the law to administer social security programs, was then formed. Based on those bases, the relationship between BPJS of Health and the Ministry of Health is functional so that the BPJS as a state institution responsible to the President has complete independence. Keywords: Social Security Administrator for Health; Public Legal Entity; Legal Position.

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