literary legacy
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Dilnoza Uktamovna Yangiboeva

Muhammad Sharifjon Mahdum Sadri Ziyo ibn Abdushukur ibn Abdurasul (1865-1932) played an important role in the socio-political life, scientific and cultural environment of the Bukhara Emirate in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Sharifjon Makhdum Sadri Ziyo, a statesman (Qazikalon in 1917), an enlightened scholar, writer, skilled calligrapher, artisan, book lover, and owner of a library rich in rare and valuable manuscripts, left a rich scientific and literary legacy. This article analyzes his works in the field of history, literature, geography, botany and calligraphy. It was noted that the scientific heritage of Sadri Ziyo is preserved in the funds of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

2021 ◽  
pp. 219-227
Հռիփսիմե Վարդանյան
Per Se ◽  

The Armenian writer, publicist, scriptwriter, playwrighter, film director, painter Aghasi Ayvazyan created about 150 paintings and 40 graphic works, whose origin is man per se – with his or her merits and demerits, with the created environment balancing on the verge of the conscious and subconscious (“My Crucifixion”, “My Time”, “Judah”, “The Father of the Family”, and others). In his allegoric, symbolistic, surrealistic, cubistic images and views, Ayvazyan expressed what one can hardly find in his literary legacy: scream, protest, exhausting reality and, of course, freedom.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-31
Աննա Ասատրյան

The contribution of NAS RA Institute of Arts to the formation and development of academic Spendiaryan Studies is outstanding. It includes publication and research of the creative legacy of the prominent representative of Armenian classical music, the founder of Armenian symphonic music, the composer, conductor and musical-and-public figure Alexander Spendiaryan (1871-1928). In the field of Spendiaryan Studies, NAS RA Institute of Arts carried out its works in the following directions: academic publication of complete “Collected Works of Alexander Spendiaryan” in 11 volumes (1951-1988); scholarly research: Knarik Grigoryan’s “Alexander Spendiarov. Life and Ouevre” (1952), Georgi Tigranov’s “Alexander Spendiarov. Based on Letters and Recollections” (in Rus., 1953), collected scholarly papers “Alexander Spendiarov. Articles and Researches” (in Rus., compiled by Gevorg Geodakian, 1973), and many other scholarly papers; publication of the composer’s literary legacy: “Collection of Letters” (compiled by Knarik Grigoryan, 1962); compilation and publication of the chronicle of the composer’s life and oeuvre (compiled by Maria Spendiarova, 1975); organization of anniversary academic conferences (1951, 1971, 2021); compilation and publication of the collection “Contemporaries about Al. Spendiaryan” (compiled by Alexander Tadevosyan, 1960), etc.

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-67
Tadeusz Pióro

Narration and dialogues in A Nest of Ninnies rely largely on linguistic equivalents of what are known as “found objects,” or “ready mades,” in the visual arts. This endows Ashbery’s and Schuyler’s novel with a sense of humor much like the one developed by the New York Dadaists in the years 1916-1920. Because of the high incidence of camp humor in the novel, affinities between it, as well as the camp aesthetic more generally, and the New York version of Dada, may be seen. Yet the principal claim of the article is that this novel is part of the literary legacy of New York Dada, a movement significantly different from the original Dada of Zurich.

А.Э. Воротникова

В статье изучается творчество русско-английского писателя Уильяма Герхарди, которое оценивается в литературоведении диаметрально противоположно — от восторженного признания его культового характера до полного отказа в художественности и идейной глубине. Цель данной статьи — исследовать черты постмодернистской эстетики и мировоззрения в наиболее известном романе Герхарди на тему Гражданской войны в России — «Полиглоты», вбирающем в себя тенденции литературного развития ХХ века и служащем примечательным образцом концептуально-художественного синтеза. В статье анализируются такие проявления постмодернизма в «Полиглотах», как эпистемологическое сомнение, критика метанарративов, восприятие действительности как неуправляемого хаоса, принцип нон-иерархии, разрушение бинарных оппозиций, игровое начало, деконструкция, необарочное мироощущение, интертекстуальность, полижанровость. Отдельное внимание уделяется образу протагониста-рассказчика, сознание которого, с одной стороны, скрепляет повествование, придает картине распадающейся действительности целостность, с другой, в силу своей подвижности и текучести, лишает образ бытия смысловой однозначности, что также является постмодернистской особенностью. Еще одна примечательная постмодернистская черта произведения английского автора — его метаповествовательная природа: «Полиглоты» — это роман о романе, о процессе его создания. Через все исследование проведена мысль о влиянии русской культуры на художественную картину мира Герхарди, о рецепции, в том числе в характерной для постмодернизма пародийно-игровой, иронической форме, произведений русских писателей. The article investigates the literary legacy of William Gerhardie, an Anglo-Russian novelist, whose works receive diametrically opposite reviews. Some give him ample praise, while others criticize his books for having neither artistic nor ideological merit. The aim of the article is to explore “The Polyglots”, W. Gerhardie’s famous novel about Russian civil war through the lens of postmodernist aesthetics and postmodernist worldview. W. Gerhardie’s novel is a prime example of 20th century literature with its conceptual unity and artistic synthesis. The article analyzes such postmodernist features of “The Polyglots” as epistemological doubt, metanarrative critique, perception of the world as something uncontrollably chaotic, non-hierarchical principle, destruction of binary oppositions, gaming essence, deconstruction, neobaroque worldview, intertextulaity, multigenre characteristics. Special attention is given to the analysis of the protagonist, the narrator of the story, whose consciousness glues together the random pieces of the mosaic of life and, being flexible and unstable, adds ambiguity, which is another postmodernist characteristic. One more postmodernist feature of the work is its metanarrative character. “The Polyglots” is a novel about a novel, a novel about the writing process. The article focuses on the influence of the Russian culture on Gerhardie’s artistic worldview, his ironic postmodernist interpretation of Russian writers’ literary legacy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 169-177
A. P. Kashkarov

The article gives an overview of the literary legacy of Arto Tapio Paasilinna — one of the few Finnish authors of the second half of the 20th c. to enjoy international renown. Paasilinna’s 35 novels have been translated into 40 different languages; many of the books have been adapted to films. Russian audiences have yet to discover all of Paasilinna’s works. His books offer perfect material to study Finnish culture, humour, and enigmatic female characters. The present essay dwells on the critic’s impression of several unique stylistic features of Paasilinna’s prose. Finnish humour, attention to detail, and unexpected metaphors, along with other devices used by Paasilinna, allow for a study of Finnish culture that is shown not only through examples of typical behaviour of its remarkable representatives, but also as a mystery behind a façade of what seems like indifference and emotional inadequacy. Finland can boast hundreds of literary professionals, yet Paasilinna holds a special place in the vibrant stylistic diversity of the contemporary Finnish literary process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Quoc Hieu Le

The literary legacy of the writer Kiều Thanh Quế can be considered a “fertile land” and an “opening structure” which suggest/require numerous interpretations and judgments. Understanding Kieu Thanh Que’s essential contributions to the formation of theoretical fundamentals of literary criticism helps re-evaluate his role and position in Vietnamese literature of the first half 20th century, especially in literary criticism - Kieu Thanh Que’s most dynamic and productive area of work. This article aims to: 1, introduce his monograph Literary Criticism; 2, point out several features of Kieu Thanh Que’s reasoning and critical thinking; and then 3. highlight his contributions to literary criticism of Vietnamese literature over the period 1932-1945. Contextualizing his book Literary Criticism in such early stage of literary criticism allows us to see clearly how he contributed with his ability to recognize and represent some theoretical and current issues in the field of literary criticism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33
Alejandro Jaquero Esparcia

Resumen: El legado literario de Edgar Allan Poe ha sido asociado por la cultura popular, más que por la historiografía, al mundo gótico y la escritura de terror. No obstante, muchos estudios actuales inciden en la amplitud de temáticas presentes en la obra del escritor bostoniano. Ello se debe en parte a la formación adquirida como revisor literario en prensa y la satisfacción por aprender tanto los sucesos histórico-artísticos europeos y orientales como los novedosos progresos científicos desarrolladas durante el siglo XIX. En este sentido, las referencias al mundo de las Bellas Artes son constantes en su obra, configurando en algunos casos la acción misma de sus narraciones. Pretendemos examinar cómo, desde un lenguaje cuidado y experto, sugiere al lector una idea del coleccionista ideal y de sus criterios estéticos a lo largo del cuento “La cita”.Abstract: The literary legacy of Edgar Allan Poe has been identified by the popular culture, rather than the historiography, as belonging to the Gothic universe and the horror tales. However, many current studies have noted the variety of topics present in the work of the Bostonian. This is partly due to the training acquired as a literary reviewer when working in several journals and newspapers, and his interest for being well informed about European and Eastern historical and artistic facts and the pioneering scientific discoveries of the 19th century. In this sense, the references to the Fine Arts are constant in his work, being in some cases the very core of his narrations. We intend to examine how, with a careful and expert language, he presents the reader a picture of the ideal collector and his aesthetic principles throughout the tale "The Assignation."

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