sorbus torminalis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
S. Yu. Bilous ◽  
R. K. Matiashuk

Nowadays in vitro methods, combined with ex situ and becoming an increasingly important means of preserving and maintaining the level of phytodiversity stability. Sorbus torminalis L. is a tree of the Rosaceae family, which grows on the territory of Ukraine, belongs to rare, valuable aboriginal species and is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, with its protection status - endangered. The peculiarities of introduction of in vitro culture of perennial representatives of S. torminalis with the use of different types of explants, sterilizing substances, cultivation conditions and nutrient medium composition are presented in the paper. For in vitro culture of S. torminalis, annual shoots with apical and lateral buds 15-25 cm long are optimal. The influence of different sterilization options on the development of primary microshoots has been studied. For sterilization of artificially awakened and young shoots it is most effective to use 0.1% solution of AgNO3 (7 min) and 15% solution of H2O2 (10 min). The developed method of sterilization of S. torminalis explants provided 80-90% yield of aseptic plant material. It was found that the sterilization regime did not significantly affect the primary morphogenesis of explants and was uniform. The optimal components of nutrient media at the stage of introduction into vitro culture and primary morphogenesis of S. torminalis have been established. For the cultivation of different types of explants of S. torminalis, used WPM nutrient media with the addition of synthetic plant growth regulators 6-benzylaminopurine, thidiazuron, kinetin 0,5-1,5 mg mg∙l-1 and α-naphthylacetic acid 0,01-0,05 mg∙l-1 both alone and in combination with each other. In particular, for the regeneration of plants from the lateral and apical buds of explants is effective WPM medium with the addition of BAP 1,5 mg∙l-1 + 0,5 mg∙l-1 NAA and WPM + TDZ medium 0,5 mg∙l-1 with adding PVP 200 mg∙l-1. To induce the laying of additional buds and shoots on the explant from the apical meristems in the medium should be added 4,0 mg∙l-1 BAP + 0,01 mg∙l-1 NAA with the addition of PVP 200 mg∙l-1.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1540
José L. García-Pérez ◽  
Juan A. Oliet ◽  
Pedro Villar-Salvador ◽  
Jorge Eduardo Guzmán

Specific functional traits such as shade tolerance or leaf habits can enhance root growth dynamics and structure of planted seedlings in the understory of planted forests. We assessed how low and moderate light levels (17 and 33% of full sunlight, mimicking after-thinning stocking) affect the root growth dynamics and structure of four late successional trees, three deciduous (Acer monspessulanum L., Quercus pyrenaica Willd and Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz) and one evergreen (Quercus ilex L.) species. Rooting depth, dynamics and structure were mainly explained by species functional differences. Roots of deciduous trees elongated faster and deeper and were larger than the roots of the evergreen Q. ilex. Among deciduous trees, S. torminalis had the lowest root growth. Specific leaf area and nutrient concentration were positively related to root growth, highlighting the importance of traits related to the plant economic spectrum, as determinants of species root growth differences. Moderate light level slightly enhanced root growth and decreased the specific leaf area (SLA). Species differences in water potential under drought were positively related to rooting depth, evidencing the importance of its role in overcoming drought stress during seedling establishment. These findings can guide the selection of late successional, shade tolerant tree species for underplanting thinned Mediterranean plantations and provide insights into their ecology.

Halil Turgut Sahin

In these days, preparation of eco-friendly wood surface coating agents has become important topic for environmental concerns. In this study, an alternative surface coating formulations was prepared with adducts of oils of apricot kernel (A), sesame (S) and grape seed (G) were mixed with oil modified alkyd-based synthetic varnish system. These emulsions were applied on Rowan (Sorbus  torminalis)  wood and exposed artificial UV irradiation. However, all emulsion coated samples show lower water sorptions regardless of conditions or level of treatments. Increasing adduct charges from 5.0% to 10% have not considerably effects for water sorptions. The reducing water sorption properties of 35.5%, 35.2% and 39.4% were obtained with 10% sesame oil-varnish coated samples of 10Sı and 10 Sıı in one- and two-time coatings and three-times coated samples of 5Sııı in 5.0% sesame oil-varnish emulsion coatings, respectively. Moreover, selected oil adducts into varnish had one and two point lowering effects on coated surface hardness (in 4H-5H levels).  The UV exposure seems to not much influence on surface hardness properties. The similar tendency were also observed for cross-cut resistance that marginally similar adhesion (scratch resistance)  for both control and UV exposured samples.  Increasing coatings and charge of apricot kernel oil in varnish emulsion looks like more effective than other varnish formulations, in terms of gloss stability. However, increasing adducts charges and UV radiation time, have more less similar effects on all coated and UV irradiated samples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (03) ◽  
pp. 155-162
Klaus Peter Latté

ZusammenfassungDie Frucht- und Blattdrogen der Elsbeere, Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz (Rosaceae), werden seit Langem volksmedizinisch bei Dysenterie, Verdauungsproblemen, Durchfall und Cholera sowie als Herzmittel angewendet. Auch in anderen Kulturkreisen werden die Früchte und Blätter als Heilmittel verwendet. Als Inhaltsstoffe der Früchte und der Blätter sind phenolische Verbindungen isoliert worden, vor allem zahlreiche Flavonoide. Bislang liegen nur wenige In-vitro-Untersuchungen zu den Wirkungen der Früchte und Blätter vor, die vorläufige Erklärungen für die volksmedizinische Verwendung liefern. Klinische Studien liegen nicht vor. Neben der volksmedizinischen Anwendung werden die Früchte auch als Lebensmittel roh oder verarbeitet, z. B. als Edelbrand verwendet.

Н.П. Шпак ◽  
Г.Л. Дудник ◽  
В.Є. Любченко

На території національного природного парку "Кармелюкове Поділля" (Парк) в свіжих ду-бово-грабових дібровах природного і штучного походження виявлена берека лікарська Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz. Цей надзвичайно цінний компонент наших лісів бере участь у формуванні другого ярусу лісостану, досить декоративна, лікарська, деревна порода, що має їстівні плоди. Природоохоронний статус виду неоцінений, наукове значення – зникаючий вид, але, на жаль, на сьогодні природному насіннєвому відновленню популяції не приділя-ється належна увага. За останні 5 років відмічено природне насіннєве поновлення виду у 49 кварталі регіону дослідження. При обліку деревостанів відмічено значну кількість особин S. torminalis віком 18–25 років, що свідчить про здатність виду до природного поновлення за сприятливих умов. З метою більш глибокого вивчення та забезпечення природного понов-лення виду розроблена "Програма по збереженню та відтворенню береки лікарської S. torminalis (L.) Crantz на території національного природного парку "Кармелюкове Поділля" на 2018–2021 рр.". Проаналізовано динаміку кількісного та якісного стану виду в умовах сві-жої дубово-грабової діброви. Звернено увагу на декоративну цінність береки лікарської та використання її в ландшафтному дизайні. Розроблено шкалу градацій дванадцяти ознак для оцінки декоративності. Започаткували вирощування сіянців та саджанців, що сприятиме збе-реженню і поширенню виду. Для отримання генетично однорідного садивного матеріалу ро-зробляється метод мікроклонального розмноження в культурі іn vitrо. Акцентована увага на втілення ряду лісогосподарських заходів відносно збереження і відновлення S. torminalis в регіоні.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 246-257
Nina Shpak ◽  
Volodymyr Shlapak ◽  
Svitlana Adamenko ◽  
Yana Shvecs ◽  
Oleksandr Savchenko

AbstractThe determination of factors that adversely affect the populations of rare plant species and development of measures to eliminate them are the important conditions for maintaining the rare component of natural flora. The article describes the study of forest phytocoenoses in the eastern territory of South-Podolsk Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The influence of natural conditions, morphological and physiological features of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz on the distribution and population density in the studied region was analysed. The species is found in 80 quarters of different forestry districts with the population densities ranging from single to 300 individuals per hectare. The rare species has little prospect of natural seed restoration. The natural reforestation process of Sorbus torminalis is largely due to the specific conditions of phytocoenosis, age and vital structure of the forest stand. Most local populations have a low lifecycle. Very rare seed reproduction makes this species extremely vulnerable to the effects of any negative factors.In the oak-hornbeam plantations, the plants of reproductive age prevail, but with the die-back of old individuals, the influx of renewal has almost disappeared. According to the results of the studied region, the oak plantations with Sorbus torminalis are found to have better values of the species distribution in the protected area compared to the recreational and economic ones (Sorbus torminalis remains in any sanitary condition in the plantations and on clean felling). Artificial resettlement should be carried out in places with a small projective cover of the vegetation, and Sorbus torminalis should be introduced into Quercus robur cultures as an associate species. This territory is the northeast boundary of the natural growth of the species.

Plants ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1496
Viera Paganová ◽  
Marek Hus ◽  
Zuzana Jureková

In this study, seedlings of Pyrus pyraster and Sorbus torminalis were grown for 60 days in the regulated environment of a growth chamber under different water regimes. The measured indicators were the growth and distribution of mass to organs, total biomass, root to shoot mass ratio (R:S), and gas exchange parameters (gs, E, An, and water use efficiency (WUE)). The amount of total biomass was negatively affected by drought. Differences between species were confirmed only for the dry matter of the leaves. P. pyraster maintained the ratio of the mass distribution between belowground and aboveground organs in both variants of the water regime. S. torminalis created more root length for a given dry-mass under drought treatment, but its R:S was lower compared to P. pyraster. The water potential of the leaves (Ψwl) was affected by substrate saturation and interspecific differences. P. pyraster had a demonstrably higher water potential and maintained this difference even after prolonged exposure to drought. After 30 days of different water regimes, Pyrus maintained higher values of gs, An, and E in control and drought treatments, but over a longer period of drought (after 50 days), the differences between species were equalized. The changes of the leaf gas exchange for Pyrus were accompanied by a significant increase in WUE, which was most pronounced on the 40th day of the experiment. A significant and strong relationship between WUE and gs was demonstrated. The results confirmed the different physiological performances of seedlings of tree species and the different mechanisms of their response to water scarcity during drought treatment. P. pyraster presented more acclimation traits, which allowed this taxon to exhibit better performance over a longer period of water scarcity.

Wood Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-204 ◽  
Mohsen Bahmani ◽  
Leila Fathi ◽  
Gerald Koch ◽  
Farhad Kool ◽  
Hamed Aghajani ◽  

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