voice of customer
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2022 ◽  
pp. 867-890
Sushree Lekha Padhi

HR business partner, Business Excellence are some buzzwords in the industry nowadays. Profitability and efficiency are being driven through various strategic initiatives aligned to the vision of the organization. Customer satisfaction is now being replaced by customer delight. Organizations are taking steps ahead of voice of customer. The consumer insights are thoroughly analyzed and interpreted. Data analytics is not restricted to only finance and operation functions but are widely used across the support functions along with line functions. Human resource is now considered as an asset. Organizations are also trying to find out ways to capitalize the full potential of human asset. Various tools and methodologies are paving its way to bring efficient human resource management practices. Six Sigma is one of the tools, which is booming into the application space of Human Resource Management. Six Sigma is being considered as a business process and is helping the in shaping and improving their bottom line by designing and monitoring various activities to reduce the defects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Hari Purnomo ◽  
Arya Yudhistira

29 Million elderly had accidents during 2014, and caused 29 thousand of death in 2016.  Once of the biggest potential risk for elderly is a kitchen. It caused nursing home, needs to be more consent in designing kitchen for elderly. The purpose of this research was to design comfort kitchen for elderly by using design thinking approach. Design thinking utilized voice of customer to made a decision. It has an excessed as prototype redundant test to gain the voice of customers. Based on the customer needs, this research designed a kitchen with some racks near the dishwasher, applied some handrails in several places, sitting place to wash the dish and to cook, applied a food storage. Kitchen designed without any stairs and create a storage to placing the walker. This proposed design was tested by Wilcoxon signed-rank test to prove the differences the new design with the precedence design

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Federico Barravecchia ◽  
Luca Mastrogiacomo ◽  
Fiorenzo Franceschini

PurposeDigital voice-of-customer (digital VoC) analysis is gaining much attention in the field of quality management. Digital VoC can be a great source of knowledge about customer needs, habits and expectations. To this end, the most popular approach is based on the application of text mining algorithms named topic modelling. These algorithms can identify latent topics discussed within digital VoC and categorise each source (e.g. each review) based on its content. This paper aims to propose a structured procedure for validating the results produced by topic modelling algorithms.Design/methodology/approachThe proposed procedure compares, on random samples, the results produced by topic modelling algorithms with those generated by human evaluators. The use of specific metrics allows to make a comparison between the two approaches and to provide a preliminary empirical validation.FindingsThe proposed procedure can address users of topic modelling algorithms in validating the obtained results. An application case study related to some car-sharing services supports the description.Originality/valueDespite the vast success of topic modelling-based approaches, metrics and procedures to validate the obtained results are still lacking. This paper provides a first practical and structured validation procedure specifically employed for quality-related applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Fariza Halidatsani Azhra ◽  
Nayoko Prasetyo Jati

Abstract—COVID-19 be a concern in all countries because of its rapid spread through droplets or airborne. The COVID-19 Task Force recorded that 1.4 million Indonesians were exposed to the virus. The government has established health protocols, one of which is social distancing. However, as time goes by, people's awareness of the dangers of COVID 19 is decreasing. Many people violate health protocols and crowd in various places. Based on these problems, a disease transmission prevention tool is designed to reducing the spread of the virus. The method used in this research is Kano Model. From the results of the voice of customer and Kano Model analysis, it was found that the drone that consumers want is have a disinfectant in the form of 360⁰ UVC rays, sound transmission in the form of a mic along with speakers, both of which are included in the attractive category, while the one-dimensional category is a temperature gauge in the form of infrared rays to help detect the symptoms of the COVID-19 virus. The presence of PATRON is expected to help the COVID-19 Task Force in an effort to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.  Keywords: disease transmission tool, kano model, covid-19   Abstrak—Virus COVID 19 menjadi perhatian di berbagai negara dikarenakan penyebaranya yang cepat melalui droplet atau airborne. Berdasarkan data SATGAS COVID 19 tercatat sejumlah 1,4 juta penduduk indonesia terpapar virus. Pemerintah menetapkan berbagai protokol kesehatan untuk mengurangi risiko penyebaran virus, salah satunya yaitu menjaga jarak. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu kesadaran penduduk akan bahaya COVID 19 semakin berkurang. Banyak masyarakat yang melanggar protokol kesehatan dan berkerumun di berbagai tempat. Sebagai langkah mengurangi jumlah kerumunan, dibutuhkan sebuah alat untuk membubarkan kerumunan dengan tujuan mengurangi penyebaran virus. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka dirancang disease transmission prevention tool. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan desain alat adalah Model Kano. Dari hasil voice of costumer dan analisis Model Kano, didapatkan hasil bahwa drone yang dihendaki oleh konsumen yaitu memiliki disinfektan berupa sinar UVC 360⁰, transmisi suara berupa mic beserta speaker, kedua hal tersebut termasuk kedalam kategori attractive, sedangkan kategori one dimensional yaitu pengukur suhu berupa sinar infrared untuk membantu mendeteksi gejala virus COVID-19. Kehadiran PATRON diharapkan dapat membantu membantu SATGAS COVID-19 dalam upaya pencegahan penularan virus COVID-19. Kata kunci: disease transmission tool, model kano, covid-19

Glisina Dwinoor Rembulan ◽  
Tony Wijaya ◽  
Andrew Ruslie ◽  
Jordy Jordy ◽  
Rama Adi Saputra Sunadynatha

<p>Industri penjualan air minum dalam kemasan terus berkembang seiring tingginya kebutuhan air bersih oleh masyarakat. Pangsa pasar industri air minum dalam kemasan terhadap industri minuman mencapai 84% dan menyumbang 3,3% terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB). Kemasan galon adalah salah satu kemasan yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat saat ini. Telah ditemukan beberapa masalah ketika membuka tutup galon. Masalah-masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan melakukan pengembangan produk alat pembuka tutup galon yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan atau <em>Voice of Customer</em> (VOC). VOC dikumpulkan dan diterjemahkan melalui dua kuesioner, yaitu kuesioner terbuka dan kuesioner tertutup. Kuesioner pertama adalah proses pengumpulan data melalui wawancara terbuka kepada pelanggan air galon. Sementara kuesioner kedua disebarkan kepada pelanggan yang sama untuk dilakukan penilaian lebih lanjut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah <em>Quality Function Deployment</em> (QFD) dengan membuat matriks <em>House of Quality</em> (HOQ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 12 VOC, 10 respon teknis, dan urutan prioritas perbaikan secara berturut-turut yaitu (1) penggunaan material pada alat (plastik atau stainless steel), (2) berat alat, (3) diameter pegangan, (4) diameter alat pembuka tutup galon, (5) jumlah fitur tambahan pada alat, (6) jumlah gerakan dalam penggunaan alat, (7) panjang pegangan, (8) tenaga yang digunakan, (9) pemilihan warna (merah, kuning, hijau), dan (10) biaya produksi.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> <em> Voice of Customer, Quality Function Deployment, House of Quality</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>The bottled water sales industry continues to grow in line with the high demand for clean water by the community. The market share of the bottled water industry to the beverage industry reaches 84% and accounts for 3.3% of gross domestic product (GDP). Gallon packaging is one of the packages that is widely used by the community today. Several problems were encountered when opening the gallon cap. These problems can be overcome by developing a product for a gallon cap opener that is tailored to customer needs or Voice of Customer (VOC). VOC was collected and translated through two questionnaires, namely an open questionnaire and a closed questionnaire. The first questionnaire is the process of collecting data through open interviews with gallon water customers. Meanwhile, the second questionnaire was distributed to the same customers for further assessment. The method used in this research is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) by creating a House of Quality (HOQ) matrix. The results showed that there were 12 VOCs, 10 technical responses, and a priority order of improvement in succession, namely (1) the use of material on the tool (plastic or stainless steel), (2) the weight of the tool, (3) the diameter of the handle, (4) the diameter of the tool. gallon cap opener, (5) the number of additional features on the tool, (6) the number of movements in the use of the tool, (7) the length of the handle, (8) the power used, (9) color selection (red, yellow, green), and (10) production costs.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Voice of Customer, Quality Function Deployment, House of Quality</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-88
Resvilia Nurzikiresa ◽  
Dian Janari

Mataram Tunggal Garment merupakan perusahaan besar yang bergerak di bidang produksi pakaian yang sudah memiliki standar tingkat international karena hasil produknya 100% diekspor ke mancanegara. Jam kerja yang dilakukan setiap hari dan target yang harus dicapai memicu timbulnya berbagai macam tekanan bagi pekerja salah satunya tekanan fisik. Pekerja operator bagian warehouse (aksesoris) memiliki peran yang penting dalam pencapaian target perusahaan karena aksesoris kancing, manik-manik hiasan dan plastik kemas baju harus selalu siap tersedia baik sebelum baju diproduksi (kancing dan manik-manik) maupun setelah selesai diproduksi atau finishing (baju jadi siap ekspor). Postur kerja merupakan titik penentu dalam menganalisa keefektifan dari suatu pekerjaan. Nilai risiko postur kerja dapat dinilai menggunakan Kuesioner Nordic Body Map dan Quick Exposure Checklist serta pemberian usulan perbaikan dengan nilai keergonomisan produk didapatkan melalui Voice of Customer. Berdasarkan hasil Kuesioner NBM dan QEC terlihat bahwa postur kerja operator warehouse sebagian besar masuk dalam klasifikasi perlunya dilakukan penelitian dan perubahan secepatnya. Sehingga hasil Kuesioner NBM dan QEC yang dilanjutkan dengan VOC dari operator warehouse maka diberikan usulan perbaikan berupa desain produk meja adjustable yang berguna untuk memperbaiki postur kerja operator dengan memperhatikan nilai keergonomisan produk. Usulan lain yang diberikan yaitu berupa pemberian SOP kerja dan penyuluhan pemahaman kondisi kerja yang baik dan benar. Kata kunci: Postur, NBM, QEC, VOC, Desain Produk Mataram Tunggal Garment is a large company engaged in the production of clothing which already has international standards because its products are exported 100% abroad. The working hours that are carried out every day and the targets that must be achieved trigger various kinds of pressure for workers, one of which is physical pressure.operator workers Warehouse (accessories) have an important role in achieving the company's targets because button accessories, decorative beads and plastic packaging clothes must always be available before the clothes are produced (buttons and beads) or after they are produced or finished (clothes). so ready to export). Work posture is a determining point in analyzing the effectiveness of a job. The risk value of work posture can be assessed using theQuestionnaire Nordic Body Map and the Quick Exposure Checklist and the provision of suggestions for improvement with the product's ergonomic value obtained through the Voice of Customer. Based on the results of the NBM and QEC questionnaires, it can be seen that most of the warehouse operators work posture falls into the classification of the need for research and changes as soon as possible. So that the results of the NBM and QEC questionnaires followed by the VOC from theoperator are warehouse given a recommendation for improvement in the form of antable product design adjustable which is useful for improving the operator's work posture by taking into account the product ergonomics value. Other suggestions are given in the form of providing work SOPs and counseling on understanding the correct working conditions. Keywords: Posture, NBM, QEC, VOC, Product Design

Rifqi Arief Adrianto, Et. al.

Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic is still ongoing until now. The spread of this virus is very dangerous because it can spread through droplets or the particles that come out from the nose and mouth. Based on these sentences, the spread of the virus has become risky, one of the activities is shopping online. Virus transmission can occur through delivery and receive stuff activities. The habit that occurs in public, often the stuff arrived at home indirectly sterilized. The purpose of the research is to develop a product that can sterilize the stuff with disinfectant automatically. This research for product development with Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD) Method. In this method, the product concept is designed based on customer needs (voice of customer). Data of customer needs is obtained from the result of 100 respondents with an age range of 20-40 years who frequently online shopping. The product designed refers to the method used with the ergonomic principle after data is processed. The recommendation of product development from this research is a mini chamber. This product is a development of the chamber but its function is for spraying stuff from the outside of house. The procedure of this product is works automatically so the application of this product for customer can be easier.

Nowadays, most of the organizations make their mobile applications available through different stores, such as Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and Windows Phone Store. Banks and financial institutions have also provided mobile applications for their customers. These app stores not only allow applications to be downloaded, but they also permit users to leave comments and reviews. In this paper, we will start first by looking at eight Moroccan mobile banking applications in the Google Play Store. Data that hasn’t been exploited by Moroccan banks yet. Once the preprocessing phase is complete, we will examine and analyze user reviews using Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) to extract and identify topics. Topics discovered focus mainly on Security, services, quality, and interface. While customer reviews can influence future demand, they can also be used by managers to improve their services and customer experience.

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