scholarly journals Cognitive Mechanisms of Nominating Plants in English

Elena Shevchenko ◽  
Olga Prokhorova ◽  
Igor Chekulay ◽  

The article deals with cognitive models underlying the process of plant categorization by the speakers. Having analyzed 200 names of herbs and flowers in English, the authors differentiated three cognitive models, which the phytonyms categorization is based on: metaphoric, metonymic and propositional. It is shown that "the codes of culture", or in other words, well-known realia, are used as sources for nomination; on their basis typical cognitive models are formed. Since the names of flowers and herbs in the English language are mostly compound words, the identified cognitive models are described taking into account the action of the cognitive word-formation mechanisms of proverse and reverse. The first mechanism structure of a phytonym presupposes the direct order of compound-word components as a result of the initial word-combination integration. This word building mechanism is typical of the compound structures "adjective / verb + noun". The reversive mechanism represents the inner structure of a phytonym as a result of reverse transformation of the word-combination initial components. This type of mechanism is characteristic of the phytonyms created on the basis of the structures "noun + noun", "noun + ' + noun". The article describes the models of proverse and reverse structuring, which are typical of English phytonyms. The prospects of the research are to study the cognitive models and mechanisms underlying plant nomination in a comparative aspect based on the material of several languages.

Tetiana Kuptsova ◽  
Iryna Koliieva

The structural peculiarities of the railway term formation is investigated in the article. It is demonstrated that the most common ways of the one component railway term formation are suffixation and prefixation. The prefixation-suffixation type is a less productive way of the word building. Compound words proved to form a large group of the railway terms. The relations among the components of a compound word represent a specific type of semantic and structural relations of the word in a word combination, where the terms which consist of «noun+noun», «adjective+noun» predominate. In the system of the English railway terminology among the component terms the most widespread are nouns that explains that nouns define processes, equipment, devices, and objects. This paper outlines some linguistic properties of technical terms. The article focuses on some linguistic features of a term. Being a linguistic object with the common and specific features of a language system a term has all lexical-semantic and formal features of the words and word combinations of a natural language. In the process of the affixation term building the semantics of a derived word is defined by an affix that is why an affix can bear a particular word building meaning. But having definite motivational relations between a derivative and a derived word the semantics of the derived word is not always determined by the meanings of its components. Deciding the semantics of a derived term many factors should be taken into consideration: conversion, the peculiarities of a compound word, polysemy etc. It should be underlined that morphological or affixation type of the term forming is based on the principles of word building of the literary language.

1994 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26 ◽  
Philippe E. Barbaud

In this study, it is shown that the "category changing" property of morphological rules of conversion is unable to account for compound words, for formal and semantic reasons. Several convergent facts demonstrate that the compounding process is syntactic in nature. Consequently, it is argued that X-bar theory must be involved in compound word formation because of the "lexical function" of the syntax. Empirical data are mainly focused on French Noms Composés à base Verbale, or NCV, as tire-bouchon (cork screw),porte-parole (spoke person), gagne-pain (job), etc., which are analyzed as base generated "quasi-VPs" embedded in a NP. Thus, the NPWP exocentric dominance instantiates a "syntactic conversion" at the D-structure level. Such a categorial hierarchy is based on the "distribution changing" property of X-bar theory rather than on the "category changing" property of structuring morphological rules. Therefore, the high productivity of NCVs in French and other Romance languages is due to their morphology, which allows SPEC\HEAD agreement and VERB RAISING movement. The licensing of exocentric X-bar structures in grammar depends on several semantic principles of lexical interpretation, which are relevant to hyperonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, etc.. Thus, the model is dispensed with a superfluous component of "peripheral" rules of compounding. In conclusion, exocentricity of syntactic structures leads the author to claim that X-bar schema is primitive in grammar and that a given phrase is not the necessary projection of its head.

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-129
L. G. Azmaiparashvili

Basing on the data of Georgian and Avar languages and their dialects, the article discusses some similarities that are confirmed in compound word formation (compound words which denote collectively ‘parents’, ‘siblings’, ‘spouses’, ‘domestic cattle’, ‘insects’, somatisms, compound words denoting ‘rainbow’), in phonosemantic vocabulary; In adverbs, adjectives, verbs derived from nouns (‘tiny hair’, ‘color’, ‘way’); In deverbative nominals, collocations and phrasemes (‘engaged girl’, ‘talking’, ‘lie’, ‘paying attention’).

Boichuk M.I.

The article outlines the concept of “conversion”, which is defined as an affixless, derivational way of word formation, in which a new word formed from another part of the language does not acquire an external word-forming rearrangement. The concept of “word formation” has also been analyzed and the phonetic component of compounds of religious vocabulary characterized. The structural classification has been distinguished taking into account the structure of compoundings. It has been found that among the layer of religious vocabulary derivational connections of conversion occur between two, three or more words, and the main ways of direction of this process have been identified. Five main models of conversion of lexical units of the religious sphere have been determined, such as: Noun – Verb, which further is divided into three categories, Verb – Noun, Adjective – Noun, Noun – Adjective, Adjective – Verb. The process of substantivization of religious vocabulary as a variant of conversion has also been analyzed. Under substantivization we understand the process of changing the paradigm of the basic word and a part of speech. Analysis of religious vocabulary shows that the transition is from adjectives to nouns, the first acquires the characteristic features of the latter.The article presents an analysis of religious vocabulary based on the dictionary of O. O. Azarov “Comprehensive English-Russian dictionary of religious terminology” which allows to identify such productive models of word formation of religious vocabulary in English: Noun + Noun, Noun + Participle, Adjective + Noun, Noun + Preposition + Noun, Participle + Noun, Pronoun + Noun, Adjective + Participle. These models are most actively involved in the creation of religious vocabulary in English, as they have the largest number of words in their structure. Compounds of religious lexis are divided into root compounds and compound derivatives, the structural integrity of which allows to distinguish them from phrases. Considering the components of compound words, the main element can be both the first and second part. According to the relationship between the components, compounds are divided into endocentric and exocentric types. The first is expressed by a compound word, the meaning of which is derived from the sum of the meanings of the compound’s components, the latter includes complex words, the meaning of which is not determined by any of its constituent elements. Among the layer of religious vocabulary of the English language we distinguish the following endocentric models: Adj + N = N, V + N = N, Part I + N = N, Ger + N = N, N + N = N and exocentric models: Participle + N = Adj, N+Pro.=Adj, V+Prep.=N, Adv+Participle=Adj.Key words:compounding, endocentric and exocentric compound words, substantivization, conversion. У статті обґрунтовано поняття «конверсія», яке визначається як безафіксальний, дериваційний спосіб словотвору, за якого нове слово, що утворюється з іншої частини мови, не набуває зовнішньої словотвірної перебудови. Також у роботі проаналізовано поняття «словоскладання», охарактеризовано фонетичний складник композитів релігійної лексики та виділено структурну класифікацію з урахуванням структури композитів складених слів. З’ясовано, що серед пласту релігійної лексики конверсивні дериваційні зв’язки відбуваються між двома, трьома та більшою кількістю слів, та визначено основні способи спрямованості цього процесу. Виділяємо п’ять основних моделей конверсії лексичних одиниць релігійної сфери: Noun – Verb, яка своєю чергою поділяється на три категорії, Verb – Noun, Adjective – Noun, Noun – Adjective, Adjective – Verb. Також проаналізовано процес субстантивації релігійної лексики як варіант конверсії. Під субстантивацією розуміємо процес зміни парадигми твірного слова й частини мови. Аналіз релігійної лексики показує, що перехід відбувається від прикметників у іменники, прикметник набуває характерних ознак іменника. У статті представлено аналіз релігійної лексики на основі словника О.О. Азарова «Большой англо-русский словарь религиозной лексики», який дає змогу виокремити такі продуктивні моделі словоскладання релігійної лексики в англійській мові: Noun + Noun, Noun + Participle, Adjective + Noun, Noun + Preposition + Noun, Participle + Noun, Pronoun + Noun, Adjective + Participle.Ці моделі беруть найактивнішу участь у творенні релігійної лексики в англійській мові, оскільки налічують найбільшу кількість слів у своїй структурі. Композити релігійної лексики поділяються на власне складні та склад-нопохідні, структурна цілісність яких дозволяє відмежувати їх від словосполучень. Щодо компонентів складних слів, то головним елементом може бути як перша, так і друга частина. Відповідно до відносин між компонентами складні слова поділяються на ендоцентричний та екзоцентричний типи. Перший виражається складним словом, значення якого виводиться із суми значень компонентів композита, до останнього відносяться складні слова, значення яких не визначається жодним із його складових елементів. Серед пласту релігійної лексики англійської мови виокремлюємо такі ендоцентричні моделі: Adj + N = N, V + N = N, Part I + N = N, Ger + N = N, N + N = N та екзоцентричні моделі: Participle + N = Adj, N+Pro.=Adj, V+Prep.=N, Adv+Participle=Adj.Ключові слова:словоскладання, ендоцентричні та екзоцентричні складні слова, субстантивація, конверсія.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 82-87
Orzubek Anarbaev ◽  

This scientific article discusses the causes and conditions for the emergence of new words (neologisms)in the English language, and analyzes the special role of compounding (compound words) in the formation of neologisms in terms of word formation. Therefore, the results of a number of foreign scientific research were discussed. The study concluded that compound words are an effective method of forming neologisms and that their study is a requirement of our time

Синхуа Ван ◽  
Анна Владимировна Курьянович

Введение. В XXI в. все языки мира претерпевают коренные изменения в своем лексическом составе. В связи с необходимостью номинации новых понятий, явлений и предметов в процессе познания и освоения постоянно изменяющегося окружающего мира лексический фонд языков обогащается за счет возникновения новой лексики, среди которой в достаточном количестве присутствуют жаргонные слова. Молодежный жаргон – интереснейший языковой феномен как в русском, так и в китайском языках, практически параллельно развивающийся в двух совершенно разных языковых системах и лингвокультурах. Материал и методы. Анализируются способы пополнения лексического фонда русского и китайского молодежного сленга в сопоставительном аспекте с учетом фактора обусловленности когнитивными механизмами смыслопорождения в рамках жаргонного фрагмента национальной картины мира. Исследование осуществляется на материале словарной картотеки авторов, а также данных лексикографических источников с опорой на методологию контекстологического, сравнительно-сопоставительного анализа, а также словообразовательного моделирования. Результаты и обсуждение. Выявлены наиболее продуктивные способы обогащения корпуса молодежной лексики в обоих языках. Это метафоризация, аффиксация, иноязычные заимствования. В то же время, в отличие от русского молодежного жаргона, в китайском языке больший удельный вес и лингвокультурную специфику в образовании новых сленговых единиц обнаруживают такие способы, как аббревиация и гомофония. Китайский молодежный социолект обнаруживает специфику и при адаптации иноязычных заимствований. Данные отличия обусловлены типологическими особенностями китайского языка и своеобразием языковой картины мира современной китайской молодежи. Заключение. Полученные в ходе исследования результаты позволяют говорить о совокупном действии в рамках жаргонных подсистем русского и китайского языков как универсальных тенденций в области словопроизводства, так и специфичных для каждого языка путях реализации этих тенденций. Способы пополнения молодежного жаргона в конкретной лингвокультуре обусловлены концептуальным содержанием ее соответствующего фрагмента. Introduction. In the 21st century, all the languages of the world undergo radical changes in its lexical composition. Due to the need to nominate new concepts, phenomena and objects in the process of cognition and development of a constantly changing world, the lexical fund of languages is enriched by the emergence of new vocabulary, among which there are a lot of slang words. Youth jargon is an interesting language phenomenon both in Russian and in Chinese, which is developing almost simultaneously in two completely different language systems and linguistic cultures. Material and methods. The author analyzes the ways of replenishing the lexical fund of Russian and Chinese youth slang in a comparative aspect, taking into account the factor of cognitive mechanisms dependence of meaning generation within the framework of the slang fragment of the national world picture. The study is carried out on the basis of the material of the author’s dictionary files, as well as data from lexicographic sources based on the methodology of contextual, contrastive-comparative analysis, as well as word-formation modeling. Results and discussion. The most productive ways of enriching the corpus of youth vocabulary in both languages are revealed. This is metaphorization, affixation, foreign borrowing. At the same time, unlike Russian youth jargon, in the Chinese language, such methods as abbreviation and homophony reveal a greater specific gravity and linguocultural specifics in the formation of new slang units. The Chinese youth sociolect also reveals specifics when adapting foreign borrowings. These differences are due to the typological features of the Chinese language and the originality of the linguistic picture of the world of modern Chinese youth. Conclusion. The results obtained in the course of the study allow us to talk about the combined action within the framework of the slang subsystems of the Russian and Chinese languages as universal trends in the field of word production, and ways specific to each language to implement these trends. Ways to replenish youth jargon in a particular linguistic culture are determined by the conceptual content of its corresponding fragment.

Igor Chekulay ◽  
Olga Prokhorova ◽  
Vladislav Kuchmistyy

The subject-matter of this paper is the structural mechanism of the proverse and reverse word-compounding as a word-building process in modern English while having the model of word-combination as a starting basis for such transformations. The mechanism of proversion represents the process transforming a word-combination into a compound word while preserving the initial order of components coinciding with that of a word-combination (A + B → AB). When the reverse process of compounding takes place, the components of a resulting compound word change their places as to each other in comparison with a component-order in an initial word-combination (A + B → BA). The hypothesis of the investigation is that the compounding by proversion occurs if words of an initial word-combination are tied with the syntactic relation of agreement, while the reverse compounding usually tends to provide compounding on the basis of the syntactic relation of control. The proversive model is mostly the basis for creating nominative parts of speech, and the result of the reverse intergration of a word-combination into a compound word is manifested mainly by a verb or a verbal. The article describes the general and certain specific models of proverse and reverse compounding with the indication of their functional and stylistic peculiar features. The conclusion indicates the perspectives of working out the problem on the basis of other languages and on the comparative ground.

И.Н. Цаллагова

В статье рассматриваются вопросы композитного словообразования в осетинском языке. Пристальный интерес специалистов к образованию сложных слов в языке, особенно в дигорском диалекте, автор объясняет его слабой изученностью в лингвистической науке. На сегодняшний день в осетинском языке обнаруживается значительное количество сложных образований, статус которых до сих пор не определен. Это приводит к некоторым сложностям при составлении учебных пособий и словарей осетинского языка. Дело в том, что семантическое слияние двух и более основ в одно целое не всегда сопровождается какими-либо изменениями грамматических форм слов, которые ранее были словосочетаниями. В связи с тем, что в осетинском языкознании недостаточно разработаны теоретические вопросы композитного словообразования, множество конструкций не поддается окончательному определению и сохраняет как бы промежуточное положение между сложными словами и словосочетаниями; одна и та же конструкция тяготеет одними признаками к сложному слову, другими – к словосочетанию. В представленном исследовании рассмотрена проблема идентификации композита, которая тесно связана с проблемами орфографирования и лексикографирования данных языковых образований: непоследовательностью в правописании разных типов сложных слов, отсутствием единых принципов отбора и подачи их в словарях. В статье рассмотрены вопросы типологии композитов в осетинском языке, которые отличаются разнообразием как по характеру семантических взаимоотношений между компонентами конструкции, так и по своим формально-структурным характеристикам. Composites have been and remain the object of close attention of linguists. Compounding in the Ossetian language, especially in the Digor dialect, is one of the least studied problems. Meanwhile, in the Ossetian language today there are a significant number of complex entities, the status of which has not yet been determined. This leads to certain difficulties in the compilation of textbooks and dictionaries of the Ossetian language. This is due to the fact that the semantic fusion of two or more bases into one whole is not always accompanied by any changes in the grammatical forms of the words that make up the phrase. Due to the fact that the theoretical issues of composite word-formation are not sufficiently developed in Ossetian linguistics, many constructions do not lend themselves to definitive definition and occupy an intermediate position between compound words and phrases, acquiring some characteristics of a word combination and retaining some features of a compound word. This study addresses the problem of identifying a composite, which is closely related to the problems of spelling and lexicography of these language formations - inconsistency in the spelling of various types of complex words, the lack of uniform selection principles and their presentation in dictionaries. The questions of the typology of composites in the Ossetian language, which are distinguished by a variety of both the nature of the semantic relationship between the components of the structure and their formal and structural characteristics, are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-56

The article examines the linguistic aspects of the process of borrowing terms from the English language into the sports sphere of the German language from the perspective of a cognitive approach. It analyses the features of cognitive interaction of the conceptual systems of professional spheres. The paper describes transformation models of cognitive structures into the recipient language in the process of terminological borrowing on the material of sports Anglicisms of the German language. The study shows that loanwords most often convey a conceptual structure in the recipient language, which is generated on the basis of already existing mental structures in the source language. Various cognitive models of the transformation of the “alien” concept are defined: preserving the original structure of the prototype concept; developing new conceptual features in the recipient language; narrowing the conceptual structure of the concept prototype. The research contributes to the problem of the representation of knowledge in a term, the identification of linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of knowledge representation through borrowed linguistic units. The results can be used in the courses on cognitive linguistics, lexicology, in research practice and lexicographical descriptions, as well as in teaching practical language skills in professional sports. Keywords: Borrowing, terms, sports terminology, cognitive terminology, professional knowledge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 21014
Victoria Oschepkova ◽  
Elizaveta Razheva

The article is devoted to the consideration of derivative processes in the English and Russian thematic groups “insectophones” / «инсектофоны». Due to the diversity of the compared languages, the features of word formation in the studied groups are revealed and the processes of occurrence of insectophones in the language are described. For the English language, the key methods are derivation methods such as stem composition, suffixation, back derivation and conversion. The most productive is the stem composition. For the Russian language within the framework of the studied thematic group, the leading methods can be called the same as in English with the exception of conversion. In Russian, the most common way of forming insectophones is suffixation. In both languages, insectophones formed using diminutive suffixes, which subsequently lost the meaning of subjective assessment, are identified. In compound words in English and Russian, the place of the repeating element is different (in English - in the second place, in Russian - in the first one).

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