zeno effect
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2021 ◽  
Wenjing Qu

Most of metabolic processes are extremely complicated but occur spontaneously and steadily, the essential reason of which may be either a thermodynamic problem or related to some quantum properties. Here, collapse selection is interpreted with an analytical model of energy transfer, from which the concept of quantum cloud is defined as that during undetectable changes of a group of particles between its effective changes, particles are in the superposition of various energy states and the group is named as a cloud. It is deduced from a conservation notion of matter proportions that active cloud collapses have least-time expectation while passive collapses have matter-proportion expectation. As the results, quantum Zeno effect is a typical phenomenon of passive collapses while anti-Zeno effect is typical active collapses; moreover, the phenomenon of dark matter may be dark-cloud effect of normal matter while the phenomenon of accelerating universe may be induced by the luminescent asymmetries of bright celestial bodies.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1675
Salvador Miret-Artés ◽  
Randall S. Dumont ◽  
Tom Rivlin ◽  
Eli Pollak

In this work, our purpose is to show how the symmetry of identical particles can influence the time evolution of free particles in the nonrelativistic and relativistic domains as well as in the scattering by a potential δ-barrier. For this goal, we consider a system of either two distinguishable or indistinguishable (bosons and fermions) particles. Two sets of initial conditions have been studied: different initial locations with the same momenta, and the same locations with different momenta. The flight time distribution of particles arriving at a `screen’ is calculated in each case from the density and flux. Fermions display broader distributions as compared with either distinguishable particles or bosons, leading to earlier and later arrivals for all the cases analyzed here. The symmetry of the wave function seems to speed up or slow down the propagation of particles. Due to the cross terms, certain initial conditions lead to bimodality in the fermionic case. Within the nonrelativistic domain, and when the short-time survival probability is analyzed, if the cross term becomes important, one finds that the decay of the overlap of fermions is faster than for distinguishable particles which in turn is faster than for bosons. These results are of interest in the short time limit since they imply that the well-known quantum Zeno effect would be stronger for bosons than for fermions. Fermions also arrive earlier and later than bosons when they are scattered by a δ-barrier. Although the particle symmetry does affect the mean tunneling flight time, in the limit of narrow in momentum initial Gaussian wave functions, the mean times are not affected by symmetry but tend to the phase time for distinguishable particles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2086 (1) ◽  
pp. 012167
K O Sedykh ◽  
D V Sych

Abstract Quantum Zeno effect concerns deterministic dynamics of a quantum system induced by a series of projective quantum measurements. Applying this effect in optics, one can achieve an arbitrary lossless transformation of linear polarization of light with help of linear polarizers. However, to demonstrate this effect in practice, we have to take into account unavoidable losses in each polarizer that limits probability of successful transformations. In this work, we theoretically study a realistic quantum Zeno effect with an optimal discrete set of polarizers and find the maximum success probability

Garima Rajpoot ◽  
Komal Kumari ◽  
Sandeep Joshi ◽  
Sudhir R. Jain

In this paper, we present a systematic treatment of a [Formula: see text] qubit in the presence of a time-dependent external flux. A gauge-invariant Lagrangian and the corresponding Hamiltonian are obtained. The effect of the flux noise on the qubit relaxation is obtained using the perturbation theory. Under a time-dependent drive of sinusoidal form, the survival probability, and transition probabilities have been studied for different strengths and frequencies. The driven qubit is shown to possess coherent oscillations among two distinct states for a weak to moderate strength close to resonant frequencies of the unperturbed qubit. The parameters can be chosen to prepare the system in its ground state. This feature paves the way to prolong the lifetime by combining ideas from weak measurement and quantum Zeno effect. We believe that this is an important variation of a topologically protected qubit which is tunable.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 528
Alberto Biella ◽  
Marco Schiró

It is well known that by repeatedly measuring a quantum system it is possible to completely freeze its dynamics into a well defined state, a signature of the quantum Zeno effect. Here we show that for a many-body system evolving under competing unitary evolution and variable-strength measurements the onset of the Zeno effect takes the form of a sharp phase transition. Using the Quantum Ising chain with continuous monitoring of the transverse magnetization as paradigmatic example we show that for weak measurements the entanglement produced by the unitary dynamics remains protected, and actually enhanced by the monitoring, while only above a certain threshold the system is sharply brought into an uncorrelated Zeno state. We show that this transition is invisible to the average dynamics, but encoded in the rare fluctuations of the stochastic measurement process, which we show to be perfectly captured by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian which takes the form of a Quantum Ising model in an imaginary valued transverse field. We provide analytical results based on the fermionization of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in supports of our exact numerical calculations.

Subhash Kak

It is generally accepted that machines can replicate cognitive tasks performed by conscious agents as long as they are not based on the capacity of awareness. We consider several views on the nature of subjective awareness, which is fundamental for self-reflection and review, and present reasons why this property is not computable. We argue that consciousness is more than an epiphenomenon and assuming it to be a separate category is consistent with both quantum mechanics and cognitive science. We speak of two kinds of consciousness, little-C and big-C, and discuss the significance of this classification in analyzing the current academic debates in the field. The interaction between the system and the measuring apparatus of the experimenter is examined both from the perspectives of decoherence and the quantum Zeno effect. These ideas are used as context to address the question of limits to machine consciousness.

I. O. Sazonenko ◽  
V. I. Sapon

For the case of interaction of polarized light with an analyzer (a polarizing device), an experimental scheme based on the Feynman idea of path integrals is proposed. Real and virtual photons are considered in the context of the Lenz rule (in terms of constructive and destructive induction). The Planck formula for the photon energy in the format of a verbal description is considered. The complexity of identifying the wave description of the photon with the ideas of the Ancient Greeks about elementary particles is shown. From the point of view of chronogeometry, it is shown that the stationary observer does not exist at the point of intersection of the cone of the past and the future, but in the time interval separating these regions. It is proposed to consider the fluctuations of the physical vacuum as a relic of the process of permanent inflation according to Linde. Based on the assumption of the self-measurement of the Universe, the quantum Zeno effect, and Hawking’s idea of the Universe being a quantum object with the Nth sum of Feynman stories, it is assumed that the history of the Universe is deterministic. From the perspective of the orthogonality of the electromagnetic field vectors E and B, the Heisenberg equation of the form Δp × Δx = ħ/2 is considered. A thought experiment is considered showing the complexity in describing the interaction of a photon with an electron of an atom from the point of view of the classical interaction of an electromagnetic wave with an antenna device. It is proposed to consider the absorption of a photon by an electron as its inertial collapse on an atom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  

In Nature, 570, 200 (2019), Minev and co-authors’ experiment shows how to deterministically “catch and reverse a quantum jump mid-flight” in a continuously-observed Rabi-stimulated qubit. Its interpretation is in debate (La Recherche, 555, 40, (2020)). We show that the quantum Zeno effect (QZE) of continuous measurement —by use of photon emission from a 3rd high-rate monitored ancilla level— can be described by an action-angle canonical transformation of the original Hamiltonian dynamical system (HDS) theory of QZE. Then energy whose mean value yields the well-known resonant Rabi harmonic dynamics is actually defined by large-amplitude high-frequency oscillations of the internal as well as of the overall phase of the two-level system. By making use of their standard deviation, we show that the separatrix crossing of the HDS trajectory yields the quantized action nh where n = 1, 2, 3 .... Therefore, the jump dynamics observed in Minev et al. experiment belongs to a series of discrete quantum jumps: it corresponds in this experiment to n = 3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Geng-Li Zhang ◽  
Di Liu ◽  
Man-Hong Yung

AbstractExceptional points (EPs), the degeneracy points of non-Hermitian systems, have recently attracted great attention because of their potential of enhancing the sensitivity of quantum sensors. Unlike the usual degeneracies in Hermitian systems, at EPs, both the eigenenergies and eigenvectors coalesce. Although EPs have been widely explored, the range of EPs studied is largely limited by the underlying systems, for instance, higher-order EPs are hard to achieve. Here we propose an extendable method to simulate non-Hermitian systems and study EPs with quantum circuits. The system is inherently parity-time (PT) broken due to the non-symmetric controlling effects of the circuit. Inspired by the quantum Zeno effect, the circuit structure guarantees the success rate of the post-selection. A sample circuit is implemented in a quantum programming framework, and the phase transition at EP is demonstrated. Considering the scalable and flexible nature of quantum circuits, our model is capable of simulating large-scale systems with higher-order EPs.

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