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CH. Sriharsha ◽  
R. Swamy ◽  
T. V. N. Padmavathi

Aims: To incorporate date seed powder in the preparation of cookies and to perform the quality evaluation of the cookies. Study Design: Experimental design. Place and Duration of Study: College of Food Science and Technology, PJTS Agricultural University, Rudrur, from March 2021 to August 2021. Methodology: The cookies was prepared by formulating trials. For test samples the refined wheat flour was replaced with date seed powder in different proportions. Sensory evaluation was performed to know the acceptability of the cookies. Quality evaluation was performed for the control sample and the most accepted cookies. Results: Results of sensory evaluation showed that 12% date seed powder incorporated cookies was highly acceptable with a score of overall acceptability 8.3. Carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber content of the standardized cookies was found to be 60.57%, 5.78%, 22%, 5.26% respectively. The physical parameters like diameter, thickness and spread ratio increased with supplementation of date seed powder. Conclusion: Date seed powder rather discarding as waste; can be used to develop innovative products. Date seed powder can be used to develop products with functional and nutraceutical use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 32-35
Mozeda Khatun ◽  
Md. Wadud Ahmed ◽  
Md. Mosharraf Hossain ◽  
Poly Karmoker ◽  
Abdullah Iqbal

The production of biscuits utilizing ripe banana peel flour (BPF) as a wheat flour (WF) alternative is presented in this study. Locally available Sabri banana peel was dried into a cabinet dryer at 65⁰C for 8 hours. The dried peel then turned into powder and sieved. The flours used in the preparation of the biscuits were analyzed for proximate composition. BPF contained a higher amount of fat compared to WF. Five samples of biscuits S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5 substituting WF with 0, 5, 10, 20, and 30% BPF in the standard biscuits were prepared S1 denoted the control sample adding no BPF. The proximate composition and sensory quality of the produced biscuits were tested. All of the biscuit samples had greater weights than the control biscuit. In comparison to the control biscuit, BPF enriched biscuits had reduced diameter. Biscuits made with 10% BPF had a greater spread ratio than those made with other ingredients. The moisture, protein, fat, and total sugar content of biscuit samples were found in the range of 4.05-5.32%, 6.60-9.00%, 10.00-10.32%, and 17.00-25.00%, respectively. A sharp decrease in protein content was observed with the increase of BPF in the biscuits. A slight increase of fat was observed in the BPF substituted biscuits. The ash content in the control sample was 1.5%, and that in the banana peel substituted samples ranged from 1.80% to 2.0%. BPF substitution showed a downward trend in terms of color, flavor, texture, and general acceptability. The panelists rated sample S1 as having the highest overall acceptability. Among the BPF-containing biscuits, sample S2 had the best overall acceptance, followed by samples S3, S4, and S5. In terms of general acceptability, however, there are no notable variations between samples S2 and S3. According to sensory analysis, quality BPF biscuits may be prepared by replacing up to 10% of the WF with BPF.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-112
Ulyarti ◽  
Surhaini ◽  
Adha Farwati

The amount of fibre consumption in Indonesia is lower than recommended by WHO.  The use of nypa flour as wheat substitution in biscuit formulation is able to increase fibre content in biscuit.  The aims of this research were to determine the effect of Nypa fruticans flour to the physicochemical and sensory properties of high-fiber biscuit. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with the concentration of Nypa fruticans flour (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60%) as the treatments.  Data was analysed by ANOVA and DnMRT at 95% confidence level. The result showed that Nypa flour had 10% water content , 3,18% crude fiber content and color characteristic L * = 87,57; a * = -3,33; and b * = 20,17. The concentration of Nypa flour significantly affect water and crude fiber content, color characteristic, crispyness and grit, but did not significantly affect hardness, spread ratio, color (sensory), taste, aroma, overall acceptance and multiple comparison.  The concentration of  40% nypa flour  was the best treatment to produce high-fiber biscuit with 2,78% water content, 1,47% crude fiber content, hardness 1301,3 gF, spread ratio 5,15, color characteristic (L * = 75,51; a * = 0,18; b * = 30,00), color description (brownish yellow), slightly crunchy, rough, taste (rather liked), aroma (rather liked), and overall acceptance (rather liked).  Multiple comparison tests showed that the biscuit  favored by panelists similar to the reference biscuit.

Owuno Friday ◽  
Kiin-Kabari David Barine ◽  
Akusu Monday

Fermented maize residue, a by-product of the production of fermented starch, a local weaning food and breakfast cereal for adults in Nigeria and West Africa was dried, milled into flour and utilized as a fibre source in cookies production at 0 – 30% levels of substitution.  The effects of the addition of the fermented maize residue on the physical, sensory and nutritional properties on the cookie sample were investigated.  Results showed spread ratio values decreased with residue flour addition, ash content and protein content and carbohydrate also showed a decrease.  The crude fibre content increased with levels of replacement.  The result of sensory evaluation showed equal preference among the samples.  Invitro-protein digestibility showed a decrease with fermented maize residue addition. Addition of fermented maize residue to cookie production can be a viable way of utilizing the fibre rich fermented maize residue

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Bayan Y . AL-Abdulla1 ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lupine flour (L.f) and lupine protein concentrate (L.P.C) incorporation on chemical, nutritional and sensual qualities characteristics of biscuit (L.P.C) was prepared by isoelectric precipitation method. A standard recipe for biscuit preparation by wheat patent flour used as the control. Wheat flour in the control treatment was replaced with (L.f) and (L.P.C) at levels 10, 20 & 30%. Chemical composition of (L.f), (L.P.C) and biscuit treatments were studied. Results showed that protein contents were 35.35 & 75.80% for (L.F) and (L.P.C), respectively. While they amounted to 14.70, 16.16 & 18.61% for (L.f) incorporated biscuits and 15.20, 18.09 & 21.08% for (L.P.C) incorporated biscuits at the substitution levels studied, respectively compared 12.43% control. Results also indicated contents of total dietary fibers and tannins in (L.f),( L.P.C) and biscuits prepared. Sensory evaluation of biscuit treatments revealed that there was significant decrease at substitution level up to 30% of (L.f) except color score, while all scores of sensory properties were improved significantly at all substitution levels of (L.P.C). Spread ratio was affected adversely by incorporation of (L.f) and slightly when (L.P.C) used. Results showed a reduction in biscuit tenderness during storage. Reverse to the above statement with 30% incorporation of (L.f) while increased at (L.P.C) treatments. The study demonstrated that (L.f) and (L.P.C) can be incorporated into biscuits formulation by replacing up to 20, & 30% of wheat flour control 12.43%, respectively to increase dietary fiber and protein contents.

Chhavi Sharma ◽  
Amita Devi

Background: Protein deficiency and micronutrient deficiencies lead to growth problems, mental and physical development. To tackle these deficiencies issue, fortification is the best tool which improves public health and best suited for present lifestyle. So, aim of this research paper is to develop soy and water chestnut flour fortified cookies and to examined influence of soy and water chestnut flour on physical, chemical and sensory properties of cookies.Methods: To develop cookies with improved nutrition, flat cookies were prepared using soy and water chestnut flour blends replacing wheat flour at different proportions i.e. 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%. Physical, chemical and sensory evaluation was done to analyze the acceptability of cookies. Cookies were prepared with these blends and analyzed for physical properties such as diameter, thickness and spread ratio. To study the nutritional improvement in fortified cookies, chemical analysis was performed for protein content, fat content, ash and moisture values. Furthermore, sensory evaluation was done for crispiness, taste, colour and overall acceptability.Result: In this research work, it was found that increasing percentage of soy and water chestnut blends in wheat flour, improved the nutritional quality. Cookies baked with soy and water chestnut flour blends were higher in protein and micro nutrients. Cookies prepared with 30% blend of soy and water chestnut flour were observed the most acceptable with improved nutritional quality and better taste.

2021 ◽  
pp. 60-76
D. B. Kiin-Kabari ◽  
Mbanefo Calista Uzoamaka ◽  
O. M. Akusu

Cookies were developed from composite flour of wheat, African Walnut and Carrot. The wheat flour was substituted at levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, & 20% with African Walnut flour for samples, B, C, D and E, respectively, and with 5% of Carrot flour. The moisture content of the cookies reduced with increase in substitution with walnut flour and carrot flour but there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the values obtained. The ash content and protein content of the cookies also increased with increased substitution whereas fat content of the substituted cookies samples increased and significantly differed (p˂ 0.05) from the control. The physical attributes are as follows:11.28 g - 13.09 g for Weight, 45.80 mm - 52.68 mm for Diameter, 6.85 mm - 9.45 mm for thickness, and 5.12 - 7.44 for spread ratio. The values of the Minerals obtained are 29.38 mg/100 g – 50.46 mg/100 g, 3.75 mg/100 g – 11.36 mg/100 g, 14.11 mg/100 g – 15.47 mg/100 g and 49.20 mg/100 g – 58.90 mg/100 g for Calcium, iron, Sodium, and Potassium, respectively. The Bioavailability was highest in sodium(57.07%-84.86%), and potassium(69.55% - 72.31%).The highest values for Vitamin C (13.85 mg/100 g), Vitamin E (0.90), and Invitro protein digestibility (59.64%) were recorded in sample E while the highest Carotenoids (257.40 mg/100 g) was observed in sample C. Sensory evaluation confirmed that there was no significant difference (p˃0.05) between Samples A (control sample) and the substituted samples in terms of appearance, taste and aroma, and although sample A had highest overall general acceptability value, the samples produced compared favorably with the control.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 911
Marta Torra ◽  
Mayara Belorio ◽  
Manuel Ayuso ◽  
Marcio Carocho ◽  
Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira ◽  

This study proposes the use of a mix composed of chickpea flour and chestnut flour in cookies, aiming to improve their acceptability. Cookie properties and nutritional value were also analysed. The gluten-free cookies were made by using different mixes of chickpea and chestnut flours (0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, 100:0). Dough rheology and cookie dimensions, texture, external colour and acceptability were evaluated. The presence of the chestnut flour increased the values of G’ and G”, but reduced the loss factor (tan δ) when compared with the doughs made with chickpea flour. Chestnut flour also decreased the diameter and the spread ratio of the cookies, while increasing the hardness and darkening of the cookies. Furthermore, adding chestnut to the flour mixture increased the nutritional quality of the cookies by adding unsaturated fatty acids and fibre. The use of reduced percentages of chestnut flour (25%) resulted in masking the off-flavour of the chickpea flour, which improved the cookie’s acceptability without significantly changing the dough rheology, cookie dimensions, hardness, or lightness.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Aaqib Nisar ◽  
Nusrat Jan ◽  
Amir Gull ◽  
Farooq Ahmad Masoodi ◽  
Tawheed Amin ◽  

PurposeThe demand for functional foods has been increasing tremendously throughout the globe and keeping in view the health beneficial properties of apricot fruit. The purpose of this study is to develop wheat flour based cookies enriched with apricot pulp powder in order to improve nutraceutical properties of cookies and dilution of gluten at the same time.Design/methodology/approachCookies were prepared from wheat flour blended with apricot pulp powder at 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25% level and evaluated for proximate, functional, rheological, nutraceutical and sensory properties.FindingsFibre content of apricot powder-incorporated cookies (3.23%) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher at 25% level than control (1.64%). The water absorption and oil absorption capacities decreased significantly (p < 0.05) upon increasing level of apricot pulp powder. The ß-carotene content, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content increased significantly (p < 0.05) upon incorporation of apricot pulp powder. The thickness of cookies increased, however, diameter and spread ratio decreased with increase in the levels of apricot pulp powder. Lightness (L*) value decreased, while redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) increased when incorporated with apricot pulp powder. Cookies having 25% apricot pulp powder showed maximum hardness and overall acceptability.Originality/valueTo the best of our knowledge, the scientific literature on incorporation of apricot pulp powder in bakery products is scanty. As such the present research has a tremendous scope for the food industries to produce functional bakery products with antioxidant properties and diluted the gluten content at the same time.

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