key words autism
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2021 ◽  
A.A. Safronova ◽  
E.A. Akhtimirova

The study involved 10 children aged 8 to 12 years with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Combinations of physical exercises were used, for the main muscle groups, and effects on the tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular sensory systems. The exercises are performed using the shells of the sensory-dynamic hall, which includes a number of various suspended modular elements. The data obtained showed the effectiveness of using sensory-motor correction to improve motor functions, normalize motor and vestibular sensitivity, form muscle feeling and differentiate muscle efforts, form and correct visual-motor coordination and attention. Key words: autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration, sensory-motor correction, sensory-dynamic hall.

Deepak Kumar Gupta ◽  
Dr.Bhartendra Sharma ◽  
Dr.Surendra Kumar Meena ◽  
Dr.Neha Jain

An understanding of how human beings cope with stressful situation represents an important dimension for understanding families with an exceptional child. The Psychiatric Dictionary defines defense mechanism as “the means by which the organism protects itself against impulses and threats” (Hensie and Campbell 1970). KEY WORDS –Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD).

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (04) ◽  
pp. 5-7
Südabə Nəsrəddin qızı İsgəndərova ◽  

Vestibular rehabilitation, carried out from an early age, plays an important role in the development and education of children with ASD. In teaching ASP an important role is played by the game. The method of therapy is widely used here. It is a system of corrective tools that develop communication skills, adapted behavior, learning skills in order to help achieve social behavior. The therapy is carried out individually at home according to a special program. With the correct formulation of the method of therapy, the implementation of other types of education and training, mental, moral, laborious, aesthetic, is considered an effective result. Key words: autism spectrum disorder, training, methods, therapy, skills

2020 ◽  
Vol 03 (04) ◽  
pp. 47-50
Kamala Ibrahim Aliyeva ◽  

In the article "Aged characteristics of preschool children and conducting their evaluation process" the importance of the precise evaluation of the properities of autistic spectrum disorder by experts and the same time the importance of the accurate usage of evaluation methods conducted by experts is emphasised. Knowing the characteristics of the psychological development according to the age, the possibility of the assessment of the children with general developmental disorder is reflected in the article. Taking into consideration of developmental signs, the vitality of collecting of individual learning programs for a child and the assessment tools which can be applied are interpereted comprehensively in the article. Key words: Autism, development, setback, assessment, object permenance, eye contact, stereotypical behaviours

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (01) ◽  
pp. 67-71
Səbinə Ramiz qızı Aslanova ◽  

Açar sözlər: autizm, autistik spektr pozulması, nitq, kommunikasiya, nitqdə proqmatika, prosodika, semantika, exolaliya, morfologiya, leksika. Key words: autism, autism spectrum disorders, speech, communication, speech progamics, prosodica, semantics, echolalia, morphology, vocabulary Ключевые слова: аутизм, нарушения аутистического спектра, речь, коммуникация, прогматика речи, просодика, семантика, эхолалия, морфология, лексика Autistik spektr pozulması (ASP)-fərqli inkişaf pozulmasıdır. ASP üçün müxtəlif sosial amillərin davamlı kasadlığı xarakterikdir: verbal və qeyri-verbal kommunikasiya, empatiya, emosional inkişaf və sosial ünsiyyətin qavranılmasında çətinliklər. ASP olan insanlar üçün həmçinin davranış stereotipləri, rituallara bağlılıq və məhdud maraqlar xarakterikdir. Nitq inkişafı, mənimsənilməsi normadan kənar olmaya bilər, məsələn, Asperger sindromu. Lakin çox vaxt bu sahədə pozulma olur. Məlumatlara əsasən, belə hallarda, beynin nitqlə əlaqədar olan hissəsinin atipik həcmi bu fərdlərdə müşahidə olunur. Bu hallar beyində nəzərə çarpan yayınmalar olmayan, lakin ASP olan şəxslərdə müşahidə olunmur.

2017 ◽  
Ernest Pedapati ◽  
Jacob Shaffer

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder marked by impairments in social behavior and difficulties with repetitive and restrictive behaviors. In 2012, the prevalence of ASD in the United States was estimated to be one in 68 among children age 8 years. Although the etiology of ASD is poorly understood, many researchers have identified genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors likely involved in the disorder. In approximately 10% of cases, a definitive association with a specific genetic defect can be identified. A diagnosis of ASD is best performed through an interdisciplinary assessment and is based on diagnostic criteria. The DSM-5 criteria on the clinical features of ASD fall into two core domains: impaired social communication and interaction and restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities. Today, although no definitive “cure” for ASD exists, state-of-the-art therapies and learning environments, along with medications, have resulted in reducing disease burden and quality of life for individuals affected by ASD. This review contains 3 figures, 2 tables, and 86 references. Key words: autism spectrum disorders, developmental disorders, language speech delay, social communication

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ikha Ardianti ◽  
Bayu Akbar Khayudin

ABSTRAK Autisme merupakan ganguan perkembangan fungsi otak yang mencakup bidang sosial dan afek, komunikasi verbal (bahasa) dan non–verbal, imajinasi, fleksibilitas, lingkup interest (minat), dan kognitif. Yayasan Autis Indonesia tahun 2010 memperoleh indikator peningkatan jumlah anak autis yang diperoleh dari catatan praktek dokter yang dari menangani 3-5 pasien baru per tahun, kini menangani 3 pasien baru setiap hari. Salah satu hal yang membantu keberhasilan dalam melakukan penanganan pada penyandang autis adalah kesiapan dari orang tua si anak untuk menerima keadaan anaknya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bentuk sikap penerimaan orang tua terhadap anak autis di SDLB Sumbang 3 Bojonegoro. Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, sampel diambil menggunakan tehnik snow ball sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentuk – bentuk sikap penerimaan orang tua terhadap anak autis meliputi keluhan (grief), perasaan bersalah (guilt), kemarahan (anger) dan menerima (acceptance). Kata kunci: Autis, sikap penerimaan ABSTRACT Autism is a developmental disorder of brain function that includes the social and affective, verbal communication (language) and non-verbal, imagination, flexibility, scope of interest (interest), and cognitive. Indonesian Autism Foundation in 2010 to obtain indicators of an increasing number of children with autism were obtained from the records of the doctor's office that handles 3-5 new patients per year, now handles three new patients every day. One of the things that helped the success in handling the readiness of people with autism is the child's parents to accept that their children. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of acceptance of parents of children with autism in SDLB Contribute 3 Bojonegoro. This is a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach, a sample is taken using a snow ball sampling technique. Data collected by in-depth interviews. The results showed the form - the form of acceptance of parents of children with autism include complaints (grief), guilt (guilt), anger (anger) and receive (acceptance). Key Words : Autism, acceptance

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Laura Green

Objective. The purpose of this review of the literature was to summarise studies regarding the psychosocial impact of growing up with a sibling with autism and to identify gaps in the related literature. Methods. Electronic databases were reviewed in order to critically appraise the 14 articles relevant to the topic. The search included a combination of the following key words: autism*, quality of life, well-being, sibling*, ASD, ASD sibling*, family, adjust*, psychological functioning. Results. The majority of studies involved mixed children and adolescent samples, leading to confounding results and an inability to draw accurate conclusions about these distinct life stages. Autism appears to contribute to unique environmental stressors for the typically developing sibling. When experienced in the context of additional demographic risk factors, these stressors can result in difficulties adjusting to the demands of a special-needs child. Despite some vulnerability to behavioural and emotional dysfunction in at-risk children, siblings have the potential to not only adjust but to thrive in the face of disability adversity. Conclusion. Growing up with a sibling with autism appears to manifest in both positive and negative outcomes for siblings, depending upon important demographical, family, and individual variables.

1970 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-104 ◽  
Goma Kumari Khatri ◽  
Sharad Raj Onta ◽  
Suresh Tiwari ◽  
BP Choulagai

Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder is increasing day by day around the world. Recent finding of CDC shows that this problem occurs 1 in 110 populations. This problem is such a disorder, which not only affects to the individuals but also the families, society and nation as a whole if not managed properly. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and management practices of Paediatricians about Autism Spectrum Disorder. Methods: The study design was descriptive and cross sectional. A census was used to select the study unit and self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: Out of 54 Paediatricians, 64.8 percent had inadequet knowledge and 59.3 percent had inadequet practice related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Majority of them (79.6%) knew that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a Developmental Disorder but they (24.1%) also mentioned it to be mental retardation and 13 percent thought that it as a form of psychosis. Most of Paediatricians, (72.2%) knew that Autism Spectrum Disorder could be due to genetic reason. However, a significant number of respondents 22.2 percent also believed that Autism Spectrum Disorder could occur due to the neglect of children. Almost fifty percent of Paediatricians had rarely handled the Autistic child and a majority of the Paediatricians, (90.7%) found it difficult to diagnose this disease. Conclusion: Most of the Paediatricians in Nepal have inadequet knowledge and practice related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Although some of the practice was good, they also had misconceptions as to managing the children with Autistic disorders. Most of the Paediatricians need to improve their knowledge and practice related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Key words: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Autistic; socialisation problem; communication problem; steriotyped behavior. DOI: 10.3126/jnps.v31i2.4640 J Nep Paedtr Soc 2010;31(2):98-104

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