break symmetry
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Tanja Schuster ◽  
Hartmut Geiger

Septins were first described in yeast. Due to extensive research in non-yeast cells, Septins are now recognized across all species as important players in the regulation of the cytoskeleton, in the establishment of polarity, for migration, vesicular trafficking and scaffolding. Stem cells are primarily quiescent cells, and this actively maintained quiescent state is critical for proper stem cell function. Equally important though, stem cells undergo symmetric or asymmetric division, which is likely linked to the level of symmetry found in the mother stem cell. Due to the ability to organize barriers and be able to break symmetry in cells, Septins are thought to have a significant impact on organizing quiescence as well as the mode (symmetric vs asymmetric) of stem cell division to affect self-renewal versus differentiation. Mechanisms of regulating mammalian quiescence and symmetry breaking by Septins are though still somewhat elusive. Within this overview article, we summarize current knowledge on the role of Septins in stem cells ranging from yeast to mice especially with respect to quiescence and asymmetric division, with a special focus on hematopoietic stem cells.

Matthias Volk ◽  
Borzoo Bonakdarpour ◽  
Joost-Pieter Katoen ◽  
Saba Aflaki

AbstractRandomization is a key concept in distributed computing to tackle impossibility results. This also holds for self-stabilization in anonymous networks where coin flips are often used to break symmetry. Although the use of randomization in self-stabilizing algorithms is rather common, it is unclear what the optimal coin bias is so as to minimize the expected convergence time. This paper proposes a technique to automatically synthesize this optimal coin bias. Our algorithm is based on a parameter synthesis approach from the field of probabilistic model checking. It over- and under-approximates a given parameter region and iteratively refines the regions with minimal convergence time up to the desired accuracy. We describe the technique in detail and present a simple parallelization that gives an almost linear speed-up. We show the applicability of our technique to determine the optimal bias for the well-known Herman’s self-stabilizing token ring algorithm. Our synthesis obtains that for small rings, a fair coin is optimal, whereas for larger rings a biased coin is optimal where the bias grows with the ring size. We also analyze a variant of Herman’s algorithm that coincides with the original algorithm but deviates for biased coins. Finally, we show how using speed reducers in Herman’s protocol improve the expected convergence time.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Hiroko Katsuno-Kambe ◽  
Jessica L Teo ◽  
Robert J Ju ◽  
James Hudson ◽  
Samantha J Stehbens ◽  

Epithelial networks are commonly generated by processes where multicellular aggregates elongate and branch. Here we focus on understanding cellular mechanisms for elongation, using an organotypic culture system as a model of mammary epithelial anlage. Isotropic cell aggregates broke symmetry and slowly elongated when transplanted into collagen 1 gels. The elongating regions of aggregates displayed enhanced cell proliferation that was necessary for elongation to occur. Strikingly, this loco-regional increase in cell proliferation occurred where collagen 1 fibrils reorganized into bundles which were polarized with the elongating aggregates. Applying external stretch as a cell-independent way to reorganize the ECM, we found that collagen polarization stimulated regional cell proliferation to precipitate symmetry-breaking and elongation. This required b1-integrin and ERK signaling. We propose that collagen polarization supports epithelial anlagen elongation by stimulating loco-regional cell proliferation. This could provide a long-lasting structural memory of the initial axis that is generated when anlage break symmetry.

PLoS Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (9) ◽  
pp. e3001376
Benoit Dehapiot ◽  
Raphaël Clément ◽  
Bourdais Anne ◽  
Virginie Carrière ◽  
Huet Sébastien ◽  

Mammalian oocyte meiotic divisions are highly asymmetric and produce a large haploid gamete and 2 small polar bodies. This relies on the ability of the cell to break symmetry and position its spindle close to the cortex before anaphase occurs. In metaphase II–arrested mouse oocytes, the spindle is actively maintained close and parallel to the cortex, until fertilization triggers sister chromatid segregation and the rotation of the spindle. The latter must indeed reorient perpendicular to the cortex to enable cytokinesis ring closure at the base of the polar body. However, the mechanisms underlying symmetry breaking and spindle rotation have remained elusive. In this study, we show that spindle rotation results from 2 antagonistic forces. First, an inward contraction of the cytokinesis furrow dependent on RhoA signaling, and second, an outward attraction exerted on both sets of chromatids by a Ran/Cdc42-dependent polarization of the actomyosin cortex. By combining live segmentation and tracking with numerical modeling, we demonstrate that this configuration becomes unstable as the ingression progresses. This leads to spontaneous symmetry breaking, which implies that neither the rotation direction nor the set of chromatids that eventually gets discarded are biologically predetermined.

Shreyas Pai ◽  
Gopal Pandurangan ◽  
Sriram V. Pemmaraju ◽  
Peter Robinson

2021 ◽  
Philip Abitua ◽  
Deniz Aksel ◽  
Alexander Schier

Axis formation in fish and amphibians is initiated by a prepattern of maternal gene products in the blastula. The embryogenesis of annual killifish challenges prepatterning models because blastomeres disperse and then re-aggregate to form the germ layers and body axes. This dispersion-aggregation process prompts the question how axis determinants such as Huluwa and germ layer inducers such as Nodal function in annual killifish. Here we show in Nothobranchius furzeri that huluwa, the factor thought to break symmetry by stabilizing β-catenin, is a non-functional pseudogene. Nuclear β-catenin is not selectively stabilized on one side of the blastula but accumulates in cells forming the incipient aggregate. Inhibition of Nodal signaling blocks aggregation and disrupts coordinated cell migration, establishing a novel role for this signaling pathway. These results reveal a surprising departure from classic mechanisms of axis formation: canonical Huluwa-mediated prepatterning is dispensable and Nodal coordinates morphogenesis.

2021 ◽  
Hiroko Katsuno-Kambe ◽  
Jessica L. Teo ◽  
Robert J. Ju ◽  
James E. Hudson ◽  
Samantha J. Stehbens ◽  

AbstractBranched epithelial networks are fundamental features of many organs in the body. The biogenesis of these networks involves distinct processes where multicellular aggregates elongate and branch. In this report we focus on understanding how the extracellular matrix contributes to the process of elongation. Using mammary epithelial organotypic cultures we found that collagen 1, but not a basement membrane extract, induces the formation of elongated multicellular aggregates. Indeed, isotropic aggregates, used as models of epithelial anlage, broke symmetry and elongated when transplanted into collagen 1 gels; this was accompanied by reorganization of collagen fibrils into bundles that were polarized around the elongating aggregates. By applying external stretch as a cell-independent way to reorganize the ECM gels, we found that collagen polarization itself can induce and guide the direction of aggregate elongation. This critically involves cell proliferation, which is selectively enhanced in the regions of anlage that elongate, and requires β1-integrin and ERK signaling. We propose that collagen polarization promotes anlage elongation by providing a structural memory of the initial axis that is generated when aggregates break symmetry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (6) ◽  
pp. e2010542118
Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin ◽  
Daniel I. Goldman ◽  
M. Saad Bhamla

Living systems at all scales aggregate in large numbers for a variety of functions including mating, predation, and survival. The majority of such systems consist of unconnected individuals that collectively flock, school, or swarm. However, some aggregations involve physically entangled individuals, which can confer emergent mechanofunctional material properties to the collective. Here, we study in laboratory experiments and rationalize in theoretical and robophysical models the dynamics of physically entangled and motile self-assemblies of 1-cm-long California blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus, Annelida: Clitellata: Lumbriculidae). Thousands of individual worms form braids with their long, slender, and flexible bodies to make a three-dimensional, soft, and shape-shifting “blob.” The blob behaves as a living material capable of mitigating damage and assault from environmental stresses through dynamic shape transformations, including minimizing surface area for survival against desiccation and enabling transport (negative thermotaxis) from hazardous environments (like heat). We specifically focus on the locomotion of the blob to understand how an amorphous entangled ball of worms can break symmetry to move across a substrate. We hypothesize that the collective blob displays rudimentary differentiation of function across itself, which when combined with entanglement dynamics facilitates directed persistent blob locomotion. To test this, we develop a robophysical model of the worm blobs, which displays emergent locomotion in the collective without sophisticated control or programming of any individual robot. The emergent dynamics of the living functional blob and robophysical model can inform the design of additional classes of adaptive mechanofunctional living materials and emergent robotics.

Wan Jun Gan ◽  
Fumio Motegi

Cell polarity is the asymmetric organization of cellular components along defined axes. A key requirement for polarization is the ability of the cell to break symmetry and achieve a spatially biased organization. Despite different triggering cues in various systems, symmetry breaking (SB) usually relies on mechanochemical modulation of the actin cytoskeleton, which allows for advected movement and reorganization of cellular components. Here, the mechanisms underlying SB in Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, one of the most popular models to study cell polarity, are reviewed. A zygote initiates SB through the centrosome, which modulates mechanics of the cell cortex to establish advective flow of cortical proteins including the actin cytoskeleton and partitioning defective (PAR) proteins. The chemical signaling underlying centrosomal control of the Aurora A kinase–mediated cascade to convert the organization of the contractile actomyosin network from an apolar to polar state is also discussed.

2020 ◽  
Benoit Dehapiot ◽  
Raphaël Clément ◽  
Anne Bourdais ◽  
Sébastien Huet ◽  
Guillaume Halet

AbstractMammalian oocyte meiotic divisions are highly asymmetric and produce a large haploid gamete and two small polar bodies. This relies on the ability of the cell to break symmetry and position its spindle close to the cortex before the anaphase occurs. In metaphase II arrested mouse oocytes, the spindle is actively maintained close and parallel to the cortex, until the fertilization triggers the sister chromatids segregation and the rotation of the spindle. The latter must indeed reorient perpendicular to the cortex to enable the cytokinesis ring closure at the base of the polar body. However, the mechanisms underlying symmetry breaking and spindle rotation have remained elusive. In this study, we show that the spindle rotation results from two antagonistic forces. First, an inward contraction of the cytokinesis furrow dependent on RhoA signaling and second, an outward attraction exerted on both lots of chromatids by a RanGTP dependent polarization of the actomyosin cortex. By combining live segmentation and tracking with numerical modelling, we demonstrate that this configuration becomes unstable as the ingression progresses. This leads to spontaneous symmetry breaking, which implies that neither the rotation direction nor the lot of chromatids that eventually gets discarded are biologically predetermined.

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