quantum probability
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Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Vicente Moret-Bonillo ◽  
Samuel Magaz-Romero ◽  
Eduardo Mosqueira-Rey

In this paper, we illustrate that inaccurate knowledge can be efficiently implemented in a quantum environment. For this purpose, we analyse the correlation between certainty factors and quantum probability. We first explore the certainty factors approach for inexact reasoning from a classical point of view. Next, we introduce some basic aspects of quantum computing, and we pay special attention to quantum rule-based systems. In this context, a specific use case was built: an inferential network for testing the behaviour of the certainty factors approach in a quantum environment. After the design and execution of the experiments, the corresponding analysis of the obtained results was performed in three different scenarios: (1) inaccuracy in declarative knowledge, or imprecision, (2) inaccuracy in procedural knowledge, or uncertainty, and (3) inaccuracy in both declarative and procedural knowledge. This paper, as stated in the conclusions, is intended to pave the way for future quantum implementations of well-established methods for handling inaccurate knowledge.

R. Cartas-Fuentevilla ◽  
A. Herrera-Aguilar ◽  
J. Berra-Montiel

Using Perelman’s approach for geometrical flows in terms of an entropy functional, the Higgs mechanism is studied dynamically along flows defined in the space of parameters and in fields space. The model corresponds to two-dimensional gravity that incorporates torsion as the gradient of a Higgs field, and with the reflection symmetry to be spontaneously broken. The results show a discrete mass spectrum and the existence of a mass gap between the Unbroken Exact Symmetry and the Spontaneously Broken Symmetry scenarios. In the latter scenario, the geometries at the degenerate vacua correspond to conformally flat manifolds without torsion; twisted two-dimensional geometries are obtained by building perturbation theory around a ground state; the tunneling quantum probability between vacua is determined along the flows.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
William Stuckey ◽  
Timothy McDevitt ◽  
Michael Silberstein

Quantum information theorists have created axiomatic reconstructions of quantum mechanics (QM) that are very successful at identifying precisely what distinguishes quantum probability theory from classical and more general probability theories in terms of information-theoretic principles. Herein, we show how one such principle, Information Invariance and Continuity, at the foundation of those axiomatic reconstructions, maps to “no preferred reference frame” (NPRF, aka “the relativity principle”) as it pertains to the invariant measurement of Planck’s constant h for Stern-Gerlach (SG) spin measurements. This is in exact analogy to the relativity principle as it pertains to the invariant measurement of the speed of light c at the foundation of special relativity (SR). Essentially, quantum information theorists have extended Einstein’s use of NPRF from the boost invariance of measurements of c to include the SO(3) invariance of measurements of h between different reference frames of mutually complementary spin measurements via the principle of Information Invariance and Continuity. Consequently, the “mystery” of the Bell states is understood to result from conservation per Information Invariance and Continuity between different reference frames of mutually complementary qubit measurements, and this maps to conservation per NPRF in spacetime. If one falsely conflates the relativity principle with the classical theory of SR, then it may seem impossible that the relativity principle resides at the foundation of non-relativisitic QM. In fact, there is nothing inherently classical or quantum about NPRF. Thus, the axiomatic reconstructions of QM have succeeded in producing a principle account of QM that reveals as much about Nature as the postulates of SR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  

Superposed wavefunctions in quantum mechanics lead to a squared amplitude that introduces interference into a probability density, which has long been a puzzle because interference between probability densities exists nowhere else in probability theory. In recent years, Man’ko and coauthors have successfully reconciled quantum and classic probability using a symplectic tomographic model. Nevertheless, there remains an unexplained coincidence in quantum mechanics, namely, that mathematically, the interference term in the squared amplitude of superposed wavefunctions gives the squared amplitude the form of a variance of a sum of correlated random variables, and we examine whether there could be an archetypical variable behind quantum probability that provides a mathematical foundation that observes both quantum and classic probability directly. The properties that would need to be satisfied for this to be the case are identified, and a generic hidden variable that satisfies them is found that would be present everywhere, transforming into a process-specific variable wherever a quantum process is active. Uncovering this variable confirms the possibility that it could be the stochastic archetype of quantum probability

2021 ◽  
Tim C Jenkins

Abstract Superposed wavefunctions in quantum mechanics lead to a squared amplitude that introduces interference into a probability density, which has long been a puzzle because interference between probability densities exists nowhere else in probability theory. In recent years, Man’ko and coauthors have successfully reconciled quantum and classic probability using a symplectic tomographic model. Nevertheless, there remains an unexplained coincidence in quantum mechanics, namely, that mathematically, the interference term in the squared amplitude of superposed wavefunctions gives the squared amplitude the form of a variance of a sum of correlated random variables, and we examine whether there could be an archetypical variable behind quantum probability that provides a mathematical foundation that observes both quantum and classic probability directly. The properties that would need to be satisfied for this to be the case are identified, and a generic hidden variable that satisfies them is found that would be present everywhere, transforming into a process-specific variable wherever a quantum process is active. Uncovering this variable confirms the possibility that it could be the stochastic archetype of quantum probability.

Vicente Moret-Bonillo ◽  
Samuel Magaz-Romero ◽  
Eduardo Mosqueira-Rey

In this paper we try to demonstrate that the classical model of certainty factos for dealing with innacurate knowledge can be efficiently implemented in a quantum environment. For this, we assume that certainty factors are strongly correlated with the quantum probability. We first explore the certainty factors approach for inexact reasoning from a classical point of view. Next, we introduce some basic aspects of quantum computing, and we pay special attention to quantum rule-based systems. We then build a use case: an inferential network to be implemented in both, the classical approach and the corresponding quantum circuit. Both implementations have been used to compare the behavior of the classical and the quantum approaches when confronted with the same hypothetical case. We analyze three different situations: (1) Only Imprecision (which refers to inaccuracy in declarative knowledge or facts) is present in the use case, (2) Only Uncertainty (which refers to inaccuracy in procedural knowledge or rules) is present in the use case, and (3) Both Imprecision and Uncertainty are present in the use case. Finally, we analyze the results to reach a conclusion about the eventually intrinsic probabilistic nature of the certainty factors model and to pave the way for future quantum implementations of this method for handling inaccurate knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Shuming Wen

Abstract The theoretical results of quantum mechanics (QM) have been verified by experiments, but the probabilistic Copenhagen interpretation is still controversial, and many counterintuitive phenomena are still difficult to understand. To trace the origin of probability in QM, we construct the state function of a multiparticle quantum objective system and find that the probability in QM originates from the particle number distribution rate in a unit volume near position r at time t in the multiparticle quantum objective system. Based on the origin of probability, We find that the state function of the particle has precise physical meaning; that is, the particle periodically and alternately exhibits the particle state and wave state in time and space, obtain the localized and nonlocalized spatiotemporal range of the particle, the apparent trajectory of the particle motion. Based on this, through rigorous mathematical derivation and analysis, we propose new physical interpretations of the quantum superposition state, wave-particle duality, the double-slit experiment, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and the quantum tunnelling effect, and these interpretations are physically logical and not counterintuitive.

2021 ◽  
Tim C Jenkins

Abstract Superposed wavefunctions in quantum mechanics lead to a squared amplitude that introduces interference into a probability density, which has long been a puzzle because interference between probability densities exists nowhere else in probability theory. In recent years, Man’ko and coauthors have successfully reconciled quantum and classic probability using a symplectic tomographic model. Nevertheless, there remains an unexplained coincidence in quantum mechanics, namely, that mathematically, the interference term in the squared amplitude of superposed wavefunctions gives the squared amplitude the form of a variance of a sum of correlated random variables, and we examine whether there could be an archetypical variable behind quantum probability that provides a mathematical foundation that observes both quantum and classic probability directly. The properties that would need to be satisfied for this to be the case are identified, and a generic hidden variable that satisfies them is found that would be present everywhere, transforming into a process-specific variable wherever a quantum process is active. Uncovering this variable confirms the possibility that it could be the stochastic archetype of quantum probability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Alex Kehagias ◽  
Hervé Partouche ◽  
Nicolaos Toumbas

Abstract We determine the inner product on the Hilbert space of wavefunctions of the universe by imposing the Hermiticity of the quantum Hamiltonian in the context of the minisuperspace model. The corresponding quantum probability density reproduces successfully the classical probability distribution in the ħ → 0 limit, for closed universes filled with a perfect fluid of index w. When −1/3 < w ≤ 1, the wavefunction is normalizable and the quantum probability density becomes vanishingly small at the big bang/big crunch singularities, at least at the semiclassical level. Quantum expectation values of physical geometrical quantities, which diverge classically at the singularities, are shown to be finite.

2021 ◽  
Roman Castaneda ◽  
Pablo Bedoya ◽  
Giorgio Matteucci

Abstract In spite of its accurate prediction of the experimental outcomes of double-hole single particle interference, quantum mechanics does not provide a phenomenological description of the individual realizations of the experiment. By defining a non-locality function and considering the non-paraxial solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation by the Green’s theorem, we introduce a geometrical potential which leads to an outstanding result. The geometric potential allows the description of spatially structured Lorentzian wells in the volume between the double-hole mask and the detector. The buildup of the interference patterns results from the confined propagation of single particles through these Lorentzian wells. The phenomenological implications of this description are discussed and illustrated by numerical examples, and its compatibility with quantum mechanical predictions is also shown. A further, non-trivial advantage of this model over the conventional formalism, is that the present quantum probability density can be exactly calculated both in the near and far field conditions.

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