individualized approach
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-13
Karla Jacobsen ◽  
Laurence Roy ◽  
Sally Richmond ◽  
Isabelle Boutemeur ◽  
Eve De Macar ◽  

In Canada, recent conservative estimates report upwards of 235,000 individuals are homeless on a given night. Of those experiencing precarious housing situations, women make up approximately 30% and are among the most vulnerable. Their residential insecurity has been further exacerbated with the community and social restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Existing resources that assist women experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity are often stretched to the limit dealing with emergency and crisis housing situations, with less focus on post-shelter supports. To address this issue, a community-based participatory research initiative ‘Project Lotus - Hope Together’ was established in Montreal. Grounded in the World Health Organization’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health Framework, the overarching goal of this research is to co-design a housing supports program for women leaving a shelter stay. We created a cross-sectorial Advisory Committee consisting of women with lived experiences of homelessness, service providers, community leaders, and researchers. To date, we have conducted preliminary research (literature review, interviews with women with lived experience of homelessness, stakeholder meetings) to identity what has assisted women through this transition, and what barriers exist. We have also held virtual community consultation meetings to discuss preliminary findings of recommendations of key components that should be in a post-shelter support program for women. This presentation outlines the current findings and highlights the importance of participatory research. Implementing whole person care in the area of women’s homelessness requires both a comprehensive and individualized approach to help women and children secure home, health, and a sustainable future.

Maria Eduarda Farias ◽  
Monique Freire Santana ◽  
Luiz Ferreira ◽  
Mayla Borba ◽  
João Silva-Neto ◽  

Between April and July 2020, and, therefore, prior to the broad recommendation of corticosteroids for severe COVID-19, a total of 50 full autopsies were performed in Manaus. We confirmed two invasive cases of aspergillosis through histopathology and gene sequencing (4%) in our autopsy series. The confirmed invasive aspergillosis incidence seems much lower than expected based on the “probable and possible” definitions, and an individualized approach should be considered for each country scenario. Interestingly, a prolonged length of stay in the intensive care unit was not observed in any of the cases. Timely diagnosis and treatment of fungal infection can reduce mortality rates.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (42) ◽  
pp. 261-280
M�nica Coster Ponte

O texto faz uma introspe��o na no��o anat�mica de tubo digest�rio humano,�questionando a abordagem mecanicista e individualizada da digest�o. Para tanto, � realizado um percurso por trabalhos de artistas que desmontam a no��o de tubo digest�rio mediante elabora��es po�ticas sobre as fezes, proposi��es prost�ticas para o corpo vivo e estrat�gias relacionais. S�o abordados trabalhos de, entre outros, Anna Maria Maiolino, Wim Delvoye, Lygia Clark, Jorge Menna Barreto, bem como os aut�matos do s�culo 18 de Jacques Vaucanson. Nosso intuito aqui � reformular a digest�o como atividade imbricada ao campo da arte e vice-versa.Palavras-chave:Digest�o. Arte contempor�nea. Aut�mato. Pr�tese. Ecologia.�AbstractThis text examines the anatomic idea of the human digestive duct, challenging the mechanistic and individualized approach to digestion. A journey through the works of artists who disassemble the digestive duct, with poetic constructions about human waste, prosthetic propositions for living bodies, and relational strategies, is established.�Works of Anna Maria Maiolino, Wim Delvoye, Lygia Clark, Jorge Menna Barreto are mentioned, as well as the eighteen-century automata of Jacques Vaucanson. Our purpose is to reformulate digestion as a process interwoven with the field of the arts and vice versa.Keywords:Digestion. Contemporary art. Automaton. Prothesis. Ecology.

Haematologica ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 107 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18 ◽  
Guillaume Cartron ◽  
Judith Trotman

Follicular lymphoma is a heterogeneous B-cell lymphoma both in presentation and at progression. For most patients it is a chronic, relapsing indolent disease with overall survival expectations now potentially beyond 20 years. However, in a significant minority (~20%) who experience early progression or histological transformation after treatment, the disease no longer has an indolent behavior. This review looks at the development of prognostic indices, staging and therapies for follicular lymphoma, identifying where the data can, and cannot, guide the multidisciplinary team to determine an individualized approach to first-line therapy. A nuanced patient- and disease-specific approach is necessary to maximize disease response and survival while minimizing therapeutic toxicity.

2022 ◽  
pp. 16-28
Alan Floyd

This chapter explores some of the specific departmental leadership issues that have emerged as universities around the world have struggled to adapt to restrictions imposed by governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter argues that for academic departments to succeed and flourish in a post-pandemic world, there needs to be a major reconceptualization of what we mean by academic leadership at the department level. Consequently, a new model of academic leadership is proposed, one which is based on social and relational models of leadership practice, focused on a more individualized approach to leadership development than is currently the case, and which recognizes the crucial role that all academics must play in ensuring the future success of their departments.

Nephron ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Javier Villacorta ◽  
Laura Martinez-Valenzuela ◽  
Irene Martin-Capon ◽  
Juliana Bordignon-Draibe

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV), characterized by the presence of autoantibodies to neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens, proteinase 3 (PR3), and myeloperoxidase (MPO), typically involves small blood vessels of the respiratory tract and kidneys. It includes distinct clinical syndromes: microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), and eosinophilic GPA. GPA is commonly associated with PR3-ANCA, while MPA is associated with MPO-ANCA. AAVs have a complex pathogenesis, influenced by genetics and environmental factors. There is evidence for a loss of tolerance to neutrophil proteins, which leads to ANCA-mediated neutrophil activation and injury, with effector T cells and activation of the alternative pathway of the complement also involved. Advances in immunosuppressive treatment have drastically reduced mortality of AAV in the past decades, opting for a more individualized approach. Careful assessment of ANCA specificity, disease activity, organ damage, and quality of life allows for a tailored immunosuppressive therapy. Contemporary AAV treatment is characterized by regimens that minimize the cumulative exposure to glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide, and novel approaches including complement blockage and immunosuppressant combinations might be the standard of care in the future. In this review, we examine the pathogenesis, clinical approach, and evidence-based treatment options for the management of AAV patients.

2021 ◽  
Thomas G. Brooks ◽  
Nicholas F. Lahens ◽  
Gregory R. Grant ◽  
Yvette I. Sheline ◽  
Garret A. FitzGerald ◽  

AbstractWrist-worn accelerometer actigraphy devices present the opportunity for large-scale data collection from people during their daily lives. Using data from approximately 100,000 participants in the UK Biobank, actigraphy-derived measures of physical activity, sleep, and diurnal rhythms were associated in exploration and validation cohorts with a full phenome-wide set of diagnoses, biomarkers and metadata. Rhythmicity was captured by two independent models based on accelerometer and skin temperature harnessing behavioral (diurnal) and molecular (circadian) components. We found that robust rhythms significantly with biomarkers, survival, and phenotypes including diabetes, hypertension, mood disorders, and chronic airway obstruction; these associations were comparable to those with physical activity and sleep. Surprisingly, associations were mostly consistent between the sexes, while modulation by age was significant. More importantly, rhythms were found to be powerful predictors of future diseases: a two standard deviation difference in wrist temperature rhythms corresponded to increases in rate of diagnosis of 61% in diabetes, 38% in chronic airway obstruction, 27% in anxiety disorders, and 22% in hypertension. Our PheWAS of actigraphy data in the UK Biobank establishes that rhythmicity is fundamental to modeling disease trajectories, as are physical activity and sleep. Integration of long-term remote biosensing into patient care could thus afford an individualized approach to risk management.

Hematology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 529-535
Mouhamed Yazan Abou-Ismail ◽  
Nathan T. Connell

Abstract With improvements in medical care, the life expectancy of patients with bleeding disorders is approaching that of the general population. A growing population of older adult patients with bleeding disorders is at risk of age-related comorbidities and in need of various elective and emergent age-related procedures. The increased risk of thrombosis and volume overload in older adults complicates perioperative hemostatic management. Furthermore, antithrombotic treatment such as antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, which is frequently required for various cardiovascular interventions, requires a meticulous individualized approach. Evidence-based guidelines for the management of aging patients with bleeding disorders are lacking, largely due to the underrepresentation of older adult patients in clinical trials as well as the rarity of many such bleeding disorders. We discuss the current guidelines and recommendations in the perioperative hemostatic management of older adult patients with hemophilia and von Willebrand disease as well as other rare bleeding disorders. The optimal management of these patients is often complex and requires a thorough multidisciplinary and individualized approach involving hematologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and the specialists treating the underlying disorder.

Hematology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 710-717
Anna Falanga

Abstract Both myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are characterized by an intrinsic thrombotic risk. Little is known about the incidence and the outcome of thrombotic events in patients with MPN infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), but common mechanisms of coagulation activation, typical of both disorders, suggest that these patients can be at particularly high risk. To define the best thromboprophylaxis and treatment regimens in both MPN and COVID-19, individual- and disease-specific thrombotic risk factors, bleeding risk, and concomitant specific treatments need to be considered. In this case-based review, an individualized approach is presented in a case of SARS-CoV-2 infection occurring in a man with polycythemia vera (PV). A primary anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis strategy and adjustment of his PV treatment were implemented. However, during the hospital stay, he experienced pulmonary embolism and therapeutic anticoagulation had to be set. Then his condition improved, and discharge was planned. Postdischarge decisions had to be made about the type and duration of venous thromboembolism treatment as well as the management of PV-specific drugs. The steps of our decisions and recommendations are presented.

Kidney360 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 10.34067/KID.0006722021
Juan Carlos Q. Velez

Hepatorenal syndrome type 1 (HRS-1) is a serious form of acute kidney injury (AKI) that affects individuals with advanced cirrhosis with ascites. Prompt and accurate diagnosis is essential for effective implementation of therapeutic measures that can favorably alter its clinical course. Despite decades of investigation, HRS-1 continues to be primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. While the diagnostic criteria dictated by the International Club of Ascites (ICA) provide a useful framework to approach the diagnosis of HRS-1, they do not fully reflect the complexity of clinical scenarios that is often encountered in patients with cirrhosis and AKI. Thus, diagnostic uncertainty is often faced. In particular, the distinction between HRS-1 and acute tubular injury (ATI) is challenging with the currently available clinical tools. Because treatment of HRS-1 differs from that of ATI, distinguishing these 2 causes of AKI has direct implications in management. Therefore, the use if the ICA criteria should be enhanced with a more individualized approach and attention to the other phenotypic aspects of HRS-1 and other types of AKI. Liver transplantation is the most effective treatment for HRS-1 but it is only available to a small fraction of the affected patients worldwide. Thus, pharmacological therapy is necessary. Vasoconstrictors aimed to increase mean arterial pressure constitute the most effective approach. Administration of intravenous albumin is an established co-adjuvant therapy. However, the risk for fluid overload in patients with cirrhosis with AKI is not negligible and interventions intended to expand or remove volume should be tailored to the specific needs of the patient. Norepinephrine and terlipressin are the most effective vasoconstrictors and their use should be determined by availability, ease of administration and attention to optimal risk/benefit balance for each clinical scenario.

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