parametric uncertainty
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Hoa Thi Truong ◽  
Xuan Bao Nguyen ◽  
Cuong Mai Bui

The magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) is a smart material widely used in recent vibration systems. A system using these materials often faces difficulties designing the controller such as unknown parameters, hysteresis state, and input constraints. First, a model is designed for the MRE-based absorber to portray the behavior of MRE and predict the appropriate electric current supplied. The conventional adaptive controller often suffers from so-called control singularities. The singularity-free adaptive controller is proposed to eliminate the singularity with parametric uncertainty. The proposed controller consists of four components: an adaptive linearizing controller, a deputy adaptive neural network controller, an auxiliary part designed for the controller to overcome the input constraint problem, and a smooth switching algorithm used to exchange the takeover rights of the two controllers. Moreover, the controller is designed to obtain the stabilization of hysteretic state estimation for the vibration system. The adaptive algorithms are proposed to update the unknown system parameters and to observe the unmeasurable hysteretic state. Meanwhile, closed-loop system stability is comprehensively assessed. Finally, the simulation performed on a quarter-car suspension with an MRE-based absorber shows the proposed controller's efficiency.

J. J. Carreño ◽  
R. Villamizar

Robust controllers have been developed by both control techniques QFT and H∞ applied in the waist, shoulder and elbow of a manipulator of 6 degrees of freedom. The design is based on the identification of a linear model of the robot dynamics which represents the non-linearity of the system using parametric uncertainty. QFT control methodology is used to tune the robust PID-controller and pre-filters of the system, and H∞ controllers are obtained by designing the weighting functions and using the MATLAB hinfopt tool. Finally the performance of robust controllers is compared designed based on the calculation and analysis of some behavioral indices.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Svetlana A. Krasnova ◽  
Yulia G. Kokunko ◽  
Victor A. Utkin ◽  
Anton V. Utkin

In this paper, we propose a direct method for the synthesis of robust systems operating under parametric uncertainty of the control plant model. The developed robust control procedures are based on the assumption that the structural properties of the nominal system are conservated over the entire range of parameter changes. The invariant-to-parametric-uncertainties transformation of the initial model to a regular form makes it possible to use the concept of super-stable systems for the synthesis of a stabilizing feedback. It is essential that the synthesis of super-stable systems is carried out not on the basis of assigning eigenvalues to the matrix of the close-loop system, but in terms of its elements. The proposed approach is applicable to a wide class of linear systems with parametric uncertainties and provides a given degree of stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 7659-7672
Duncan Watson-Parris ◽  
Andrew Williams ◽  
Lucia Deaconu ◽  
Philip Stier

Abstract. Large computer models are ubiquitous in the Earth sciences. These models often have tens or hundreds of tuneable parameters and can take thousands of core hours to run to completion while generating terabytes of output. It is becoming common practice to develop emulators as fast approximations, or surrogates, of these models in order to explore the relationships between these inputs and outputs, understand uncertainties, and generate large ensembles datasets. While the purpose of these surrogates may differ, their development is often very similar. Here we introduce ESEm: an open-source tool providing a general workflow for emulating and validating a wide variety of models and outputs. It includes efficient routines for sampling these emulators for the purpose of uncertainty quantification and model calibration. It is built on well-established, high-performance libraries to ensure robustness, extensibility and scalability. We demonstrate the flexibility of ESEm through three case studies using ESEm to reduce parametric uncertainty in a general circulation model and explore precipitation sensitivity in a cloud-resolving model and scenario uncertainty in the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble.

2021 ◽  
Donghui Xu ◽  
Gautam Bisht ◽  
Khachik Sargsyan ◽  
Chang Liao ◽  
L. Ruby Leung

Abstract. Runoff is a critical component of the terrestrial water cycle and Earth System Models (ESMs) are essential tools to study its spatio-temporal variability. Runoff schemes in ESMs typically include many parameters so model calibration is necessary to improve the accuracy of simulated runoff. However, runoff calibration at global scale is challenging because of the high computational cost and the lack of reliable observational datasets. In this study, we calibrated 11 runoff relevant parameters in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Land Model (ELM) using an uncertainty quantification framework. First, the Polynomial Chaos Expansion machinery with Bayesian Compressed Sensing is used to construct computationally inexpensive surrogate models for ELM-simulated runoff at 0.5° × 0.5° for 1991–2010. The main methodological advance in this work is the construction of surrogates for the error metric between ELM and the benchmark data, facilitating efficient calibration and avoiding the more conventional, but challenging, construction of high-dimensional surrogates for ELM itself. Second, the Sobol index sensitivity analysis is performed using the surrogate models to identify the most sensitive parameters, and our results show that in most regions ELM-simulated runoff is strongly sensitive to 3 of the 11 uncertain parameters. Third, a Bayesian method is used to infer the optimal values of the most sensitive parameters using an observation-based global runoff dataset as the benchmark. Our results show that model performance is significantly improved with the inferred parameter values. Although the parametric uncertainty of simulated runoff is reduced after the parameter inference, it remains comparable to the multi-model ensemble uncertainty represented by the global hydrological models in ISMIP2a. Additionally, the annual global runoff trend during the simulation period is not well constrained by the inferred parameter values, suggesting the importance of including parametric uncertainty in future runoff projections.

2021 ◽  
Amir Hossein Kohanpur ◽  
Alexandre Tartakovsky ◽  
Siddharth Saksena ◽  
Sayan Dey ◽  
Mike Johnson ◽  

Subhankar Saha ◽  
Kritesh Kumar Gupta ◽  
Saikat Ranjan Maity ◽  
Sudip Dey

The wire electric discharge machining (WEDM) is a potential alternative over the conventional machining methods, in terms of accuracy and ease in producing intricate shapes. However, the WEDM process parameters are exposed to unavoidable and unknown sources of uncertainties, following their inevitable influence over the process performance features. Thus, in the present work, we quantified the role of parametric uncertainty on the performance of the WEDM process. To this end, we used the practically relevant noisy experimental dataset to construct the four different machine learning (ML) models (linear regression, regression trees, support vector machines, and Gaussian process regression) and compared their goodness of fit based on the corresponding R2 and RMSE values. We further validated the prediction capability of the tested models by performing the error analysis. The model with the highest computational efficiency among the tested models is then used to perform data-driven uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis. The findings of the present article suggest that the pulse on time ( Ton) and peak current (IP) are the most sensitive parameters that influence the performance measures of the WEDM process. In this way, the current study achieves two goals: first, it proposes a predictive framework for determining the performance features of WEDM for unknown design points, and second, it reports data-driven uncertainty analysis in the light of parametric perturbations. The observations reported in the present article provide comprehensive computational insights into the performance characteristics of the WEDM process.

Alexander Gurko ◽  
Oleg Sergiyenko ◽  
Lars Lindner

Problem. Laser scanning devices are widely used in Machine Vision Systems (MVS) of an autonomous mobile robot for solving SLAM problems. One of the concerns with MVS operation is the ability to detect relatively small obstacles. This requires scanning a limited sector within the field of view or even focusing on a specific point of space. The accuracy of the laser beam positioning is hampered by various kinds of uncertainties both due to the model simplifying and using inaccurate values of its parameters, as well as lacking information about perturbations. Goal. This paper presents the improvement of the MVS, described in previous works of the authors, by robust control of the DC motor, which represents the Positioning Laser drive. Methodology. For this purpose, a DC motor model is built, taking into account the parametric uncertainty. A robust digital PD controller for laser positioning is designed, and a comparative evaluation of the robust properties of the obtained control system with a classical one is carried out. The PWM signal formation by the microcontroller and processes in the H-bridge are also taken into account. Results. The obtained digital controller meets the transient process and accuracy requirements and combines the simplicity of a classic controller with a weak sensitivity to the parametric uncertainties of the drive model. Originality. The originality of the paper is in its focus on the MVS of the autonomous mobile robot developed by the authors. Practical value. The implementation of the MVS with the proposed controller will increase the reliability of obstacles detection within a robot field of view and the accuracy of environment mapping.

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 285
Satyajeet Bhonsale ◽  
Wannes Mores ◽  
Jan Van Impe

Fermentation is one of the most important stages in the entire brewing process. In fermentation, the sugars are converted by the brewing yeast into alcohol, carbon dioxide, and a variety of by-products which affect the flavour of the beer. Fermentation temperature profile plays an essential role in the progression of fermentation and heavily influences the flavour. In this paper, the fermentation temperature profile is optimised. As every process model contains experimentally determined parameters, uncertainty on these parameters is unavoidable. This paper presents approaches to consider the effect of uncertain parameters in optimisation. Three methods for uncertainty propagation (linearisation, sigma points, and polynomial chaos expansion) are used to determine the influence of parametric uncertainty on the process model. Using these methods, an optimisation formulation considering parametric uncertainty is presented. It is shown that for the non-linear beer fermentation model, the linearisation approach performed worst amongst the three methods, while second-order polynomial chaos worked the best. Using the techniques described below, a fermentation process can be optimised for ensuring high alcohol content or low fermentation time while ensuring the quality constraints. As we explicitly consider uncertainty in the process, the solution, even though conservative, will be more robust to parametric uncertainties in the model.

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