quantum numbers
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Faizuddin Ahmed

In this paper, effects of Lorentz symmetry violation determined by a tensor field [Formula: see text] out of the Standard Model Extension on a modified quantum oscillator field in the presence of Cornell-type scalar potential are analyzed. We first introduced a scalar potential [Formula: see text] by modifying the mass square term via transformation [Formula: see text] in the Klein–Gordon equation, and then replace the momentum operator [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is an arbitrary function other than [Formula: see text] to study the modified Klein–Gordon oscillator. We solve the wave equation and obtain the analytical bound-states solutions and see the dependence of oscillator frequency [Formula: see text] on the quantum numbers [Formula: see text] as well as on Lorentz-violating parameters with the potential which shows a quantum effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (39) ◽  
N. Tazimi ◽  
A. Ghasempour

In this study, we consider baryons as three-body bound systems according to hypercentral constituent quark model in configuration space and solve three-body Klein–Gordon equation. Then we analyze perturbative spin-dependent and isospin-dependent interaction effects. To find the analytical solution, we used screened potential and calculate the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of triply heavy baryons by using Nikiforov–Uvarov method. We compute the ground and excited state masses of triply heavy baryons with quantum numbers [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] via constituent quark model approach.

Na Li ◽  
Hong Zhang ◽  
Xing-Lu Cheng

Abstract We present a state-to-state dynamical calculation on the exchange reaction N+N2→N2+N and the non-reaction N+N2→N+N2 based on the potential energy surface published by Mankodi et al. The calculation is performed using the time-independent quantum reaction scattering program. The reactivity of both reaction processes is discussed by reaction properties of vibrational quantum numbers v=0-3 and rotational quantum numbers j=0-32 (such as cumulative reaction probability, state-to-state reaction probabilities, and cross sections of N exchange, state-to-state rate constants for both reactions). The threshold energy of the exchange reaction can decrease with the decrease of vibrational excitation or the increase of rotational excitation. By using the J-shifting approximation, rate constants are reported for both reactions. The comparison of the presented total rate constant of the N+N2 exchange reaction with the previous results shows that the quantum effect is not negligible at low temperatures. For the exchange reaction, the rate constant at 500K decreases by about 10 orders of magnitude when the vibrational level of N2 increases from 0 to 7, indicating that the rate constants are sensitive to the initial vibrational level of N2 at low temperatures. For non-reactive collisions, the rate constants have little effect on the initial ro-vibrational levels of N2 at low temperatures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Fabian Krinner ◽  
Stephan Paul

AbstractThree-body semileptonic $$\tau $$ τ -decays offer a path to understand the properties of light hadronic systems and CP symmetry violations through searches for electric dipole moments. In studies of electro-weak physics, the hadronic part of the final states has traditionally been described using the language of form factors. Spectroscopic information, resolved in terms of orbital angular momentum quantum-numbers, is best being derived from an explicit decomposition of the hadronic current in the orbital angular momentum basis. Motivated by the upcoming large data samples from $$\mathrm {B}$$ B factories, we present the full description of the hadronic currents decomposed into quantum numbers of the hadronic final state using the isobar picture. We present formulas for orbital angular momenta up to three and apply the rules derived from hadron spectroscopy to formulate the decay chain of hadronic three-body systems of arbitrary mass. We also translate this formalism to the language of form factors and thereby correct insufficiencies found in previous analyses of three-body hadronic final states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Jinmian Li ◽  
Junle Pei ◽  
Long jie Ran ◽  
Wenxing Zhang

Abstract We study FASER and FASER 2 sensitivities to the quirk signal by simulating the motions of quirks that are travelling through several infrastructures from the ATLAS interaction point to the FASER (2) detector. The ionization energy losses for a charged quirk travelling in different materials are treated carefully. We calculate the expected numbers of quirk events that can reach the FASER (2) detector for an integrated luminosity of 150 (3000) fb−1. Scenarios for quirks with four different quantum numbers, and different masses and confinement scales are studied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Sergey Derkachov ◽  
Gwenaël Ferrando ◽  
Enrico Olivucci

Abstract We present a basis of eigenvectors for the graph building operators acting along the mirror channel of planar fishnet Feynman integrals in d-dimensions. The eigenvectors of a fishnet lattice of length N depend on a set of N quantum numbers (uk, lk ), each associated with the rapidity and bound-state index of a lattice excitation. Each excitation is a particle in (1 + 1)-dimensions with O(d) internal symmetry, and the wave-functions are formally constructed with a set of creation/annihilation operators that satisfy the corresponding Zamolodchikovs-Faddeev algebra. These properties are proved via the representation, new to our knowledge, of the matrix elements of the fused R-matrix with O(d) symmetry as integral operators on the functions of two spacetime points. The spectral decomposition of a fishnet integral we achieved can be applied to the computation of Basso-Dixon integrals in higher dimensions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (5) ◽  
Szu-Cheng Cheng ◽  
Shih-Da Jheng ◽  
Ting-Wei Chen

Abdelmadjid Maireche

In this paper, within the framework of relativistic quantum mechanics and using the improved approximation scheme to the centrifugal term for any [Formula: see text]states via Bopp’s shift method and standard perturbation theory, we have obtained the modified energy eigenvalues of a newly proposed modified unequal vector and scalar Hellmann plus modified Kratzer potentials (DUVSHMK-Ps) for some diatomic N2, I2, CO, NO, O2 and HCl molecules. This study includes corrections of the first-order in noncommutativity parameters [Formula: see text]. This potential is a superposition of the attractive Coulomb Yukawa potential plus the Kratzer potential and new central terms appear as a result of the effects of noncommutativity properties of space–space. The obtained energy eigenvalues appear as a function of noncommutativity parameters, the strength parameters [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] of the (scalar vector) Hellmann potential, the screening range parameter [Formula: see text], the dissociation energy of the vector, and scalar potential [Formula: see text], the equilibrium inter-nuclear distance [Formula: see text] in addition to the atomic quantum numbers [Formula: see text]. Furthermore, we obtained the corresponding modified energy of DUVSHMK-Ps in the symmetries of non-relativistic noncommutative quantum mechanics (NRNCQM). In both relativistic and non-relativistic problems, we show that the corrections on the spectrum energy are smaller than the main energy in the ordinary cases of RQM and NRQM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Thomas G. Rizzo

Abstract If dark matter (DM) interacts with the Standard Model (SM) via the kinetic mixing (KM) portal, it necessitates the existence of portal matter (PM) particles which carry both dark and SM quantum numbers that will appear in vacuum polarization-like loop graphs. In addition to the familiar ∼ eϵQ strength, QED-like interaction for the dark photon (DP), in some setups different loop graphs of these PM states can also induce other coupling structures for the SM fermions that may come to dominate in at least some regions of parameter space regions and which can take the form of ‘dark’ moments, e.g., magnetic dipole-type interactions in the IR, associated with a large mass scale, Λ. In this paper, motivated by a simple toy model, we perform a phenomenological investigation of a possible loop-induced dark magnetic dipole moment for SM fermions, in particular, for the electron. We show that at the phenomenological level such a scenario can not only be made compatible with existing experimental constraints for a significant range of correlated values for Λ and the dark U(1)D gauge coupling, gD, but can also lead to quantitatively different signatures once the DP is discovered. In this setup, assuming complex scalar DM to satisfy CMB constraints, parameter space regions where the DP decays invisibly are found to be somewhat preferred if PM mass limits from direct searches at the LHC and our toy model setup are all taken seriously. High precision searches for, or measurements of, the e+e− → γ + DP process at Belle II are shown to provide some of the strongest future constraints on this scenario.

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