fracture formation
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Olivia M. Brunhoeber ◽  
Lawrence M. Anovitz ◽  
Parisa Asadi ◽  
Lauren E. Beckingham

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0257345
Wei Wang ◽  
Xiaorong Xue ◽  
Weisheng Chen ◽  
Xiaoyan Xue

Infrasonic signals measured before an earthquake carry information about the size and development speed of the source fracture, the stress at the fracture site and the elastic properties of the geologic medium. The infrasonic signal has a stable time scale, and compared with other precursors, infrasound has a unique sensitivity to earthquake disasters. However, to date, there has been no relevant theoretical research on the mechanism of infrasonic anomalies, and information on the development of fracture sources cannot be obtained from these characteristics, which makes the application of this anomaly in earthquake prediction challenging. In this study, we obtained the characteristics of short-term and impending infrasonic anomalies based on the infrasound data of more than 100 strong earthquakes. With a range of elastic medium models with a large number of fractures, we completed the theoretical simulation of the formation process of infrasonic precursors during the formation of the main fractures, analyzed the physical evolution of acoustic signals when cracks are generated, and quantitatively described the stages of large fracture formation caused by the initiation and propagation of seismic cracks. Specifically, this study revealed the causes of various and complex forms of infrasonic precursors near the critical point and the causes of the time- and space-dependent characteristics of these precursors, such as a noticeable attenuation of the pulse number, a low frequency and a large amplitude, which verified the effectiveness of infrasonic anomalies as strong earthquake precursors.

2021 ◽  

New ReaxFF parameters are developed for the description of Mg/Al/Si/O interaction for the Magnesium Aluminosilicate (MAS) glass structure. The training set contains energy curves from equation of state for various Mg/Al/Si/O crystals, valence angle and bond distance scan, and heat of formation for the Mg/Al/Si/O interactions. A semi-automated Genetic Algorithm assisted by Artificial Neural Network is applied for this parametrization. Validation efforts showed the current ReaxFF parameter set can describe the atomistic structure and property of tectosilicate MAS glass including S-glass. Estimated quasi-static modulus of S-glass structure matches well with experimental value. Analysis shows the key of high modulus of S-glass is numerous Mg-BO (Bridge Oxygen) interactions across the Mg-O-AlSi structure. In addition, atomistic origin of high ductility and progressive failure of S-glass is derived from the reconstruction of the atomic structure, forming Mg-BO-Si interactions that delays fracture formation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 653 ◽  
pp. A153
David Haack ◽  
Christopher Kreuzig ◽  
Bastian Gundlach ◽  
Jürgen Blum ◽  
Katharina Otto

Aims. The morphology of cometary nuclei is the result of an ongoing evolution and can provide valuable information to constrain the composition of comets. In our laboratory experiments we investigated the morphological evolution of comet analog materials, which consist of volatile, dust, and organic components. The laboratory results are aimed to help understand the evolution of cometary surfaces. Methods. We used spherical particles of fly ash and mixtures of ice, glycine, and sodium acetate as analog materials in different mass ratios to reproduce observed cometary morphologies. The cohesive and gravitational properties in the laboratory are scaled to cometary conditions to draw meaningful conclusions from the experimental results. The samples were placed in a vacuum sublimation chamber, cooled down to below 150 K, and were insolated with an external light source. To analyze the morphology of the samples, a camera was used to monitor the alterations of the surface. Results. Organic components in volatile-rich samples can have a distinct adhesive effect after the volatiles sublimate. During the sublimation process the sample volume decreases and fractures form on the sample surface. Due to the stability of the remaining volatile-depleted material, significant cliff collapses or ejected particles were not observed in the laboratory.

2021 ◽  
ting ding ◽  
Luis A. González ◽  
Fu sheng Guo ◽  
Yang Xu

Abstract Carbonate concretions within tuffaceous mudstones in the Upper Cretaceous Cariblanco Formation of south-central Puerto Rico that contain solid and liquid hydrocarbons were affected by: 1) Three distinct events of vein/fracture formation accompanied or followed by sediment infilling; 2) pyrite formation throughout the concretion matrix, in foraminiferal chambers, and sediment vein fills; 3) four events of larger vein and fracture formation infilled by distinct calcite cements that postdate sediment infilled veins; 4) a late quartz void filling cement; and 5) formation of calcite-filled veinlets that crosscut all components. Petrographic and isotopic data suggest early concretion formation and septarian vein fills, close to the sediment-water interface, prior to any significant dewatering of infilling sediments. The δ13C values of the matrix and sediment infills (-15 to -30‰ PDB), their brightly luminescent character, and the sequestering of Fe into pyrite indicate formation in a sulfate-reducing environment with influx of diffusing methane. Fluid inclusion data, isotopic composition of carbonate cements (13C enrichments from − 18 to -8‰ and 18O depletion from − 4 to -12‰), and organic matter maturation suggest maximum burial temperatures of 150 to 200°C. Calcite cements and microspars were formed by the circulation of progressively warmer fluids, with warming induced by the gradual emplacement of the nearby Los Panes intrusion. The intrusion probably caused intense normal faulting, induced extensive warm fluid circulation, and resulted in a high geothermal gradient responsible for early hydrocarbon generation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (1) ◽  
pp. 1011-1019
Yu Xiang ◽  
Zheng Zhong ◽  
Zhenjun Jiao

2021 ◽  
Eric Salomon ◽  
Atle Rotevatn ◽  
Thomas Kristensen ◽  
Sten-Andreas Grundvåg ◽  
Gijs Henstra

In this contribution, we elucidate the interaction of structural deformation, fluid flow, and diagenesis in hanging wall siliciclastic deposits along rift basin-bounding faults, exemplified at the Dombjerg Fault in NE Greenland. Due to fault-controlled fluid circulation, fault-proximal syn-rift clastic deposits experienced pronounced calcite cementation and became lithified, whereas uncemented clastic deposits remained porous and friable. Correspondingly, two separate deformation regimes developed to accommodate continuous tectonic activity: discrete fractures formed in cemented deposits, and cataclastic deformation bands formed in uncemented deposits. We show that deformation bands act as partial baffles to fluid flow. This led to localized host rock alteration, which caused a chemical reduction of pore space along the bands. Where cemented, porosity was reduced towards zero and fracture formation created new pathways for fluid migration, which were subsequently filled with calcite. Occasionally, veins comprise multiple generations of microcrystalline calcite, which likely precipitated from an abruptly super-saturated fluid that was injected into the fracture. This suggests that cemented deposits sealed uncemented deposit bodies in which fluid overpressure was able to build up. We conclude that compartmentalized fluid flow regimes may form in rift fault-bounded basins, which has wide implications for assessments of potential carbon storage, hydrocarbon, groundwater, and geothermal sites.

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