vegetation complex
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 1312
Marina Arruda de Castro ◽  
Lucas Farias Pinheiro ◽  
Eliseu Marlônio Pereira de Lucena

Estudos fenológicos são importantes na estimativa de produção para melhor aproveitamento socioeconômico de uma espécie. A Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. é utilizada na ornamentação, na recuperação de áreas degradadas e possui grande potencial medicinal. Desse modo, o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a fenologia da Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. nos Tabuleiros Costeiros cearenses. Na área de estudo (Jardim Botânico de São Gonçalo) foram selecionadas 10 plantas de Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill., monitoradas entre os meses de agosto/2015 a julho/2016. Na fenologia anual verificou-se que o desfolhamento ocorreu de setembro/2015 a fevereiro/2016, o enfolhamento ocorreu durante todo o ano, a floração em outubro/2015 e a frutificação de outubro/2015 a março/2016. Na fenologia da floração a frutificação verificou-se que a espécie apresentou inicialmente 1.681 botões florais, sendo necessários 14 dias após a marcação (DAM) para que 9,2% das flores entrassem em antese e 7 dias após a antese (DAA) para ocorrer a fecundação. Os estádios chumbinho (EC), 1 (E1), 2 (E2), 3 (E3), 4 (E4) e 5 (E5) do fruto ocorrem respectivamente aos 14, 28, 42, 56, 84 e 105 DAA. Apenas 43 frutos conseguiram atingir o último estádio (E5). O mericarpo do fruto apresentou medidas 3,39-10,20 x 2,24-5,11 mm. Conclui-se que o ponto de colheita ideal dos frutos da Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. é no estádio 4 (E4-maduro), com uma estimativa da produção de um fruto por panícula.   Phenology of Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. (Ochnaceae) in the Coastal Board of CearáA B S T R A C TPhenological studies are important in estimating production for better socioeconomic use of a species. The Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. it is used in ornamentation, in the recovery of degraded areas and has great medicinal potential. Thus, the present work aimed to characterize the phenology of Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. in the Coastal Board of Ceará. In the study area (Botanical Garden of São Gonçalo), 10 plants of Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. Were selected, monitored between August/2015 to July/2016. In annual phenology, it was found that defoliation occurred from September/2015 to February/2016, leafing occurred throughout the year, flowering in October/2015 and fruiting from October/2015 to March/2016. In the flowering phenology, fruiting showed that the species initially presented 1,681 flower buds, being necessary 14 days after marking (DAM) for 9.2% of the flowers to enter anthesis and 7 days after anthesis (DAA) to occur fertilization. The lead (SL), 1 (S1), 2 (S2), 3 (S3), 4 (S4) and 5 (S5) stages of the fruit occur at 14, 28, 42, 56, 84 and 105 DAA respectively. Only 43 fruits managed to reach the last stage (S5). The mericarp of the fruit presented measures 3.39-10.20 x 2.24-5.11 mm. It was concluded that the ideal harvest point for the fruits of Ouratea hexasperma (A.St.-Hil.) Baill. it is in stage 4 (S4-ripe), with an estimate of the production of one fruit per panicle.Keywords: Batiputá, phenophase, floral biology, plant ecophysiology, Vegetation Complex of the Coastal Zone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 186 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-155
Anastasia ȘTEFÎRȚĂ ◽  
Ion BULHAC ◽  

A new complex compound, Polyel, which contains thiourea, macro- and microelements in the form of salts and coordination complexes, as well as vitamins, was obtained and tested. Biological tests were performed in laboratory experiments and in the vegetation complex of the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection. As subjects of investigations served the plants Glycine max (Merr) cultivars L. ‘Deia’, ‘Moldovița’, and ‘Enigma’ varieties, grown in the Mitcherlih vegetation pots with a volume of 40 kg soil and exposed to the drought stress at the phase "flowering - pods formation”. The beneficial effect of Polyel on antioxidant protection systems by reducing the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and intensifying the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes has been established. Polyel has been shown to be one of the new biologically active chemicals that can be used in agriculture to reduce the negative impact of oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The use of Polyel as a physiologically active substance (PAS) with antioxidant proprieties for pre-treatment of seeds and foliar apparatus is much more effective under moderate drought conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 659 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
I V Yudaev ◽  
M Yu Popov ◽  
A A Seregin ◽  
R V Popova ◽  
Yu V Daus

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-212
Victoria Eugenia Martín Osorio ◽  
Wolf Hermann Wildpret Martín ◽  
Rocío González Negrín ◽  
Wolfredo Wildpret De la Torre

Vegetation research on the lava flows of the historic volcanic eruption of 1705 in Arafo, Tenerife, Canary Islands, is presented. The study area located in the 830000-year-old valley of Güímar was created after a massive landslide 47 km3 in volume. The research is divided into three parts, which cover an altitudinal range from around 35 to 1583 m a.s.l. from the Lower-semiarid Inframediterranean up to the Lower-dry lower-Mesomediterranean bioclimatic belts. First, a phytosociological study of the vegetation present in the area was made and concluded that richness in pioneer communities form a vegetation complex with a high degree of endemicity. Two new associations and four pioneer communities are proposed. Especially notable are the communities of Stereocauletum vesuviani and the pioneer communities of Pinus canariensis. The second part of the research was a field sampling study of 450 individuals of Pinus canariensis, which were measured at different altitudes to obtain data about the colonization dynamics of this species on this 300 years old substrate. We found that stem diameter seems to be a good indicator for healthy tree development at a range between 700 to 1300 m asl, which corresponds to the pine forest as potential vegetation and that many individuals show signs of nutrient deficiency. The third part consists of the publication of two new populations of the Canarian endemism Himantoglossum metlesicsianum, a highly endangered orchid. The monitoring of these two populations has recently begun, and further research will be conducted on all three aspects of this publication, which will be presented and expanded upon in the future.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2030
Shengfa Yang ◽  
Yi Xiao

This paper investigates the transformation mechanism between different channel patterns. A developed 2D depth-averaged numerical model is improved to take into account a bank vegetation stress term in the momentum conservation equation of flow. Then, the extended 2D model is applied to duplicate the evolution of channel pattern with variations in flow discharge, sediment supply and bank vegetation. Complex interaction among the flow discharge, sediment supply and bank vegetation leads to a transition from the braided pattern to the meandering one. Analysis of the simulation process indicates that (1) a decrease in the flow discharge and sediment supply can lead to the transition and (2) the riparian vegetation helps stabilize the cut bank and bar surface, but is not a key in the transition. The results are in agreement with the criterion proposed in the previous research, confirming the 2D numerical model’s potential in predicting the transition between different channel patterns and improving understanding of the fluvial process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 399-405 ◽  
Arif Zereen ◽  
Andleeb Anwar Sardar

Multivariate analysis using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to classify the phytosociology of the District Vehari, Pakistan. A total of 35 plant species belonging to 23 families were recorded. The first level TWINSPAN divided the vegetation of entire study area into two major communities which were subsequently separated into subcommunities. Each major and sub-community was named following the most important dominant species. CCA identified the relationship of vegetation structure to specific environmental factors. This relationship was studied by CANOCO analysis. In the CCA of all the species for Vehari, soil pH and water pH and EC were the most important variables influencing the species distribution. This survey offers key information regarding vegetation and would be helpful for the conservation of biodiversity of the area under study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-332
Milić Vojinović ◽  
Jelica Živić ◽  
Sanja Perić ◽  
Miroljub Aksić

Ruderal flora, as well as the vegetation that flora forms, represent an extremely dynamic floristic-vegetation complex and arean integral part of the most immediate living and working environment of human. It is formed and developed mainly in human settlements, as well as in the other anthropogenic environments that are occasionally or permanently under direct or indirect influence of various forms of human activity. Ruderal vegetation is found not only directly around the settlements, but also around all urban and accompanying facilities: along roads, paths and fences around houses, yards, walls and roofs, in avenues, on ruins, construction sites, landfills, along railway tracks, road and defense embankments, on wet and nitrified banks of rivers, near human settlements, in abandoned lawns, on the street walks with sandy areas, cemeteries, in degraded pastures, forests, etc. This essay presents the distribution and representation of economically harmful, invasive and quarantine weed species (Abutilon theophrasti, Agropyrumrepens, Amaranthusretroflexus, Calystegiasepium, Cirsiumarvense, Chenopodium album, Chenopodiumhybridum, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodondactylon, Daturastramonium, Sonchusarvensis, Sorghum halepense, Xanthium strumarium…) at ten sites in the Nisava district. The assessment of species representation was done in two shootings (May and August) according to scale 1-4. The proper selection of herbicides depends, in a large extent, on the presence of dominant weed species and on the time of application.

Milić Vojinović ◽  
Jelica Živić ◽  
Sanja Perić ◽  
Miroljub Aksić

Ruderal flora, as well as the vegetation that flora forms, represent an extremely dynamic floristic-vegetation complex and arean integral part of the most immediate living and working environment of human. It is formed and developed mainly in human settlements, as well as in the other anthropogenic environments that are occasionally or permanently under direct or indirect influence of various forms of human activity. Ruderal vegetation is found not only directly around the settlements, but also around all urban and accompanying facilities: along roads, paths and fences around houses, yards, walls and roofs, in avenues, on ruins, construction sites, landfills, along railway tracks, road and defense embankments, on wet and nitrified banks of rivers, near human settlements, in abandoned lawns, on the street walks with sandy areas, cemeteries, in degraded pastures, forests, etc. This essay presents the distribution and representation of economically harmful, invasive and quarantine weed species (Abutilon theophrasti, Agropyrumrepens, Amaranthusretroflexus, Calystegiasepium, Cirsiumarvense, Chenopodium album, Chenopodiumhybridum, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodondactylon, Daturastramonium, Sonchusarvensis, Sorghum halepense, Xanthium strumarium…) at ten sites in the Nisava district. The assessment of species representation was done in two shootings (May and August) according to scale 1-4. The proper selection of herbicides depends, in a large extent, on the presence of dominant weed species and on the time of application.

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