operational development
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Vitaly Gnesin ◽  
Lyubov Kolodyazhnaya ◽  
Yuriy Bykov ◽  
Igor Kravchenko ◽  
Oleksii Petrov ◽  

Aeroelasticity problems arise in the different fields of technology. The accident-free operation of the airborne machines is one of the most important factors that should be taken into account during their designing and upgrading. The solution of this problem involves the implementation of many measures to provide the system reliability on the whole, including its individual elements, in particular aircraft engine, its fan whose wide-chord blades can be exposed to the wreckage due to different reasons including the aeroelastic effects, i.e. self-excited vibrations. As a result, the origination of the aeroelastic phenomenon (flutter) in design and off-design modes should be eliminated at the stage of the design and operational development of the rotor wheel that would result in a considerable increase of the level of reliability of the aircraft engine. Based on the analysis of the available methods used for the flutter prediction we can draw a conclusion that the most promising approach to the analysis of the aeroelastic behavior of the blade ring of fan is the use of the method based on the three-dimensional model of the aerodynamics and dynamics (the method used for the solution of the coupled aeroelastic problem). By solving the coupled aeroelastic problem of the nonstationary aerodynamics and elastic vibrations of the blades we can get the amplitude –frequency blade vibration spectrum for the three-dimensional gas flow, including forced vibrations and self-excided vibrations in order to increase the reliability of the blade row of turbine machines. The developed numerical method was used for the analysis of the aeroelastic behavior of the blade ring of the fan mounted in the airborne engine for the operation mode of 3520 rmp with appropriate boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet behind the ring. The computation data confirmed the origination of self-vibrations for the given fan operation mode.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12043
Nelli Khachaturyan

The article discusses the problem of emotional burnout of teachers when switching to distance learning, in connection with the spread of the COVID-2019 epidemic and the introduction of quarantine. Research methods: 1. Methods for the diagnosis of professional burnout of K. Maslach, S. Jackson in the adaptation of N.Ye. Vodopyanova. 2. Diagnostics of emotional burnout of personality by V.V. Boyko. The reliability of the research results is ensured by the methodological validity of the sought positions, the use of methods adequate to the purpose, object and subject of the work, as well as the use of methods of mathematical data processing: the Mann-Whitney U-criterion. The results obtained in the course of the study make it possible to assert that for teachers such drastic changes became significant stress due to a sharp change in the usual teaching system and an urgent need for the operational development of new skills that did not previously affect their professional suitability, which entailed additional psychological load, a state of active tension, a reduction in professional duties, which led to emotional exhaustion, which intensified the symptoms of emotional burnout. Thus, we can conclude that after the transition to distance learning, teachers show a more pronounced level of emotional burnout arising from the influence of factors associated with professional activity, which contribute to personality deformation and the further development of emotional burnout. A training program and practical recommendations were prepared for the prevention of emotional burnout of teachers

Alberto Magnaghi

The essay illustrates Quaini’s inputs to the construction and the theoretical/operational development of the territorialist school and, later on, of the Territorialist Society, of which he was one of the major founders and guarantors. In his explication of concepts like place, territory, landscape, place awareness, Quaini anticipates the need for a multidisciplinary territorialist lexicon. Taking from Herodote Italia the focus on the fundamental integration of historical and spatial knowledge, he recommends a confluence of geography into the territorialist multidisciplinary system, exemplifying it in relation to topics like territorial museums, local observatories of landscape, statute of places, foundational description, new relationships between city and countryside.

Emily St Denny

Advocates of Scottish devolution believed that it would usher in a new era of governance, one which would contrast starkly with the putatively antiquated centralism and adversarial politics associated with ‘Old’ Westminster practices. Electing representatives with the power to design ‘Scotland-specific’ policies was also intended to reinvigorate political participation and renew the public’s faith in institutions, helping to redress a perceived ‘democratic deficit’. The new Parliament was placed at the heart of this vision of a ‘new Scottish politics’. Since 1999, the Scottish Parliament has met some, but not all, of the public and policymakers’ original expectations. This chapter presents a critical introduction to the Scottish Parliament as a now-mature legislature, by retracing and assessing its historical and operational development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 675-698
Xueshun Shen ◽  
Jianjie Wang ◽  
Zechun Li ◽  
Dehui Chen ◽  
Jiandong Gong

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Samantha Vieira Almeida ◽  
Luiz Felipe Guedes Baldini ◽  
Marco Antonio Tecchio ◽  
Paulo Roberto Arbex Silva

DESEMPENHO OPERACIONAL E DADOS AGRONÔMICOS DE TRANSPLANTE MANUAL E MECANIZADO NA CULTURA DA ALFACE1   SAMANTHA VIEIRA DE ALMEIDA2, LUIZ FELIPE GUEDES BALDINI3, MARCO ANTONIO TECCHIO4, PAULO ROBERTO ARBEX SILVA5   1O presente artigo é baseado na dissertação de mestrado do autor. 2Faculdade de Tecnologia de Itapetininga/FATEC, Rua Dr. João Vieira de Camargo, 104, Vila Barth, 18.205-600, Itapetininga/SP, Brasil, [email protected] 3Engenheiro Agrônomo, Mestre, Departamento de Produção Vegetal/Horticultura, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas/UNESP,  Caixa Postal 02, 18.640-000, Pardinho/SP, Brasil, [email protected] 4Departamento de Produção Vegetal/Horticultura, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas/UNESP, Av. Universitária, 3780, Altos do Paraíso, 18610-034, Botucatu/SP, Brasil, [email protected] 5Departamento de Engenharia Rural e Socioeconômica, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas/UNESP, Av. Universitária, 3780, Altos do Paraíso, 18610-034, Botucatu/SP, Brasil, [email protected]   RESUMO: Este trabalho foi realizado para comparar o desempenho operacional no transplante de mudas manual (convencional) ou mecanizado, da cultura da alface, em dois sistemas de plantio, e em duas velocidades de deslocamento. Para realizar o transplante das mudas, foi utilizado o conjunto mecanizado composto por um trator da marca* New Holland, modelo TL60E®, 4x2, com potência nominal de 65 cv e uma transplantadora italiana Fedele Mario, modelo MAX®. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o fatorial 2x2+1, sendo que os fatores analisados foram dois sistemas de plantio (preparo convencional e plantio direto) e duas velocidades de deslocamento (1ª e 2ª marcha), mais a testemunha, onde os canteiros em preparo convencional foram transplantados manualmente. Foram analisadas as seguintes características da cultura da alface: massa fresca, altura da planta, número de folhas e altura do caule, além do desempenho operacional da máquina e custos operacionais. As médias dos tratamentos foram submetidas a uma análise de variância seguida do Teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. A produtividade da cultura da alface não sofreu interferência em relação ao comparativo entre todos os tratamentos estudados. O tratamento com o transplante em sistema de plantio direto na maior velocidade apresentou a maior capacidade operacional do conjunto, sendo viável economicamente.   Palavra-chave: transplantadora, plantio direto, Lactuca sativa, mudas.   OPERATING PERFORMANCE OF MANUAL AND MECHANIZED TRANSPLANTATION AT LETTUCE CROP   ABSTRACT: This work aim was to do comparison between the manual and mechanized transplant of lettuce crop, conventional and no-till, evaluating the operational development of the machine and crop agronomic data in different dislocation speeds. To mechanized transplanting, it was use the mechanized group composed by TL60E® New Holland 4x2 tractor, 65 nominal power and an Italian Fedele Mario MAX® conveyor. The experimental design was the 2x2+1 factorial, where the variables were two plantation system (conventional and direct) and two dislocation speeds (1st and 2nd gear), plus the testimony where the seedbeds were manually transplanted by conventional prepare. The variables were analyzed: fresh weight, plant height, number of leaves and stalk height in addition to the operational performance of the machine and operating costs. All treatments were submitted to an analysis of variance followed by Tukey Test of 5% probability. The treatment with transplant in no-tillage system showed the greatest operational capacity of the set, being economically viable.   Keywords: conveyor, no tillage, Lactuca sativa L, seedlings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-83
Anastasia Febriana Sidabalok ◽  
Elysabet Andriyani

This study belongs to a quantitative research which aims to d the effect of catalog advertisement towards buying decision on Indomaret in Sindangsari Tanjung Bintang. The problem of this study is how the catalog advertisement can influence purchasing decisions made by consumers.The subject in this study is consumers at Indomaret Sindangsari Tanjung Bintang that consisting of 39 men and 69 women. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire that sourcedfrom variable operational development. The research instrument amounted to 100 items with a determination coefficient of 0,573. Thus, it can be conclude that catalog advertisement has a significant effect on purchasing decisions.This study produced the regression equation that positively valued at Y = 2,242 + 0,766X. R square shows a number 0,573 it means advertisement catalog affect the purchasing decision as much as 57.3 % and the rest are influenced by other factors. The results of the T test show a calculated value of 11.466 greater than 0, 196 which means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This states that catalog advertisement variables influence the purchasing decisions.

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