melting pot
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2022 ◽  
pp. 002200942110659
Raanan Rein

On 12 October 1947, Argentine President, Juan Domingo Perón, used the events of the Hispanidad Day to extoll the Spanish heritage in Latin America. Within a few years, however, Perón well understood the futility of using Hispanidad as the basis of a new national consciousness for the Argentine immigrant society. Instead, he opted for a corporative mode of political representation under the aegis of the ‘organized community’. This model was designed to be of an inclusive nature and to offer space not only to different social groups, but also to the variety of ethnic and immigrant groups of Argentine society. This new concept of corporative citizenship facilitated a heightened recognition of collective rights, which manifested in the gradual integration of Argentines of Jewish, Arab, or Japanese origins in the political system, as well as that of indigenous peoples’ movements. By the early 1950s, Peronism had adopted a more inclusive perspective and began to demonstrate respect for all religions. Peronism aspired to confront the transgressions of the privileged few by protecting the rights of minorities and marginalized groups. Thus, it also challenged the traditional melting pot with its emphasis on White, European, and Christian Argentines.

2022 ◽  
pp. 481-499
Éva Csillik

Language and culture are inseparable entities forming an interdependent relationship within the multilingual classroom, which is both a melting pot of languages as well as a myriad of cultural backgrounds. In learning a common language, known as “lingua franca,” in the multilingual classroom, culture plays a critical role since the lingua franca makes communication possible between language teachers and multilingual students. Cultural connections and effective communication enables these students to engage in social and interactive activities and allows them to become active participants of the multilingual classroom. This chapter addresses some of the major intercultural challenges that both teachers and students of multilingual classrooms currently face within the “cultural jungle” of New York City. These multilingual students are simultaneously learning English as the lingua franca and participating in an intercultural educational experience in order to become linguistically and interculturally competent global citizens.

2022 ◽  
pp. 102119
Hendrik Jürges ◽  
Anna M. Makles ◽  
Arash Naghavi ◽  
Kerstin Schneider

Tertium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-169
Caterina Squillace

“The Master and Margarita” is generally considered Mikhail Bulgakov’s literary masterpiece. It is a “melting pot” of literary genres, motives, themes, imagery and intertextual references. All these elements cooperate in creating a “polyphonic” novel, in Bakhtin’s sense of the word, not only when it comes to the different nature and “voice” of single characters but also with reference to the “poly-structured” construction of the text itself. The paper will illustrate the peculiarity of Bulgakov’s novel and the semiotic and semiosic character of his creation. The adjective “semiosic” derives from “semiosis” as defined, among others, by C.S. Peirce, who stresses the meaning-making “power” of some semiotic processes. The paper aims also at answering the question why this novel has been translated several times into Polish and Italian since 1967 (when the first edition of the novel was published in Western Europe). Due to the very specific construction of the plot and of the formal aspects of the novel, translators had to deal with a significant number of problems of “untranslatability” that they could solve only by using their creative potential. It was Roman Jakobson who through his linguistic analysis reached the conclusion that for the untranslatable—poetry for example—“Only creative transposition is possible”. Using creativity translators were also able to discover further interpretations of Bulgakov’s literary work and to perform a culture-formative act as their efforts offer new points of view on reality and its perception, wider knowledge of the social life not only in Soviet times but in a more universal perspective as well as new models of text and literariness. That’s why a novel like Bulgakov’s masterpiece has been translated so many times and it is still translated in the two languages selected for the purposes of this research and all over the world. And this is also the reason why it can be considered a meaning-generative and culture-formative text even if its first edition appeared in 1940.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-118
Marina Aptekman

Artykuł zawiera porównanie koncepcji twórczych amerykańskich i izraelskich pisarzy rosyjskojęzycznych. Jego autorka poddaje analizie hybrydyczność egzystencji twórcy poza krajem urodzenia. Chociaż literatura amerykańska tworzona przez imigrantów z byłego ZSRR w pierwszej dekadzie obecnego wieku zasadza się na odrzuceniu przez twórców wszelkich definicji klasyfikujących i istnieniu w przestrzeni pośredniej, to skierowana jest do czytelników anglojęzycznych. Tymczasem rosyjskojęzyczni pisarze Izraela chociaż akcentują swoją społeczną przynależność do tego kraju, to kierują swoją twórczość do czytelnika rosyjskojęzycznego, mieszkańca zarówno rosyjskojęzycznej diaspory, jak i Federacji Rosyjskiej. Zaledwie niewielka część rosyjskojęzycznych twórców izraelskich, którzy przedkładają odbiorców hebrajskojęzycznych nad rosyjskojęzycznych, buduje swoją narrację na tych samych zasadach nieprzynależności, co rosyjskojęzyczni autorzy w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Autorka artykułu przekonuje, że w przeciwieństwie do forowanej w XX wieku koncepcji „tygla narodów”, w czasach współczesnych o sukcesie prozy imigrantów decydują teksty korzystające z literacko-kulturowej hybrydyczności.

2021 ◽  
Juvenal Mendoza-Valencia

The proper use of new technologies, together with a good management of these by the workers, makes the workplace become a melting pot of new ideas, where professional development and motivation [1] make a difference with past and present times where monotonous and repetitive work was the constant. With the use of artificial intelligence, the cloud and big data, a set of intelligent sensors is necessary, which can monitor a critical variable within the production line, which requires an encrypted communication infrastructure and with information that can be monitored in real time, which allows a better performance of the company, making it a more pleasant place for staff and with working conditions that help to overcome them when performing complex tasks. Due to the educational level that many of the workers currently have and the fact of being born in a technified society, it causes them to be more interested in carrying out activities where they develop their creativity and skills, resulting in economic and psychological well-being.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1.2) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Hakeem Olawale

 Ìlọrin is a distinct community and a melting pot where people of diverse ethnic and cultural identities came together to form a settlement in the 17th century. These ethnic groups include Yorùbá, Haúsá, Fúlàní, Núpé, Kànnìké, Kéńbérí, Bàrùbá, and Malians¸ Arabs, among others. However, despite these ethnic and cultural diversities of Ìlọrin and the Fúlàní political hold on it, Yorùbá language is the lingua franca of the community. How these ethnic groups fnd their voices and articulate their historical and cultural identities within this unified framework becomes a source of concern. As a response to this concern, traditional songs of Ìlọrin like dàdàkúàdà, bàlúù, agbè, wákà, kèǹgbè, orin ọlọ́mọ-ọba Ìlọrin, among others sung in Yorùbá language become a site of contestation of ethnic and cultural identities. Te focus of this essay is to analyze Ìlọrin traditional songs as they portray and contest ethnic identities, reconstruct history, and revitalize cultural memories of indigenes. The paper argues that given such a diverse ethnic and cultural origins, performance of Ìlọrin traditional songs become a reminder of family histories, origins, political structure, hegemonic influences, myths, legends, Islamization of Ìlọrin, and a way of ensuring harmony and bridging generational gaps among the various groups in a state that is known as the “State of Harmony”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Lilian P. Pruett

After briefly reviewing the problems arising from attempts to dentify precise geographical outlines of Central Europe in the course of time, the author opts to use the limitations existing in the sixteenth century, the time frame of the presentation. This means, essentially, the borders of the Habsburg homelands, i.e., the southeastern part of the Holy Roman Empire. The paper argues that the roots of Central European musical practices were established through the foundation of regulated institutional entities such as the imperial chapels of Maximilian I (1496) and other rulers (Albrecht V of Bavaria, 1550), their successors and imitators, as well as the transalpine Renaissance church centers. As these institutions were staffed by musicians coming from virtually every corner of Europe – each practitioner bringing his own territorial contribution with him – the emerging musical consciousness of the Central European region had as cosmopolitan a foundation as that of Europe at large. Still, the proximity of the Central European art music scene to the variety of local ethnic traditions may be interpreted as lending a flavor to the musical expression of the area, endowing it with a character of its own. While in its beginnings the recipient of many influences from multinational contributors, in a later, equally cosmopolitan period (the Classicism of the eighteenth century), Central Europe reciprocates in equal measure, its contributions exerting impact upon European music in general.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-140
Moh Ashif Fuadi

Besides being famous as a city that has a rich Javanese cultural heritage, in Surakarta, Central Java, there are also various religious-based views and organizations, ranging from those that can be categorized as the moderate groups to the radical ones. The existence of one of the PTKIN (State Islamic Universities), namely UIN Raden Mas Said in Surakarta, certainly makes it a place for various views to flow. This study discusses the influence of religious background on the religious attitudes of UIN Raden Mas Said students. Through qualitative research methods employing surveys, this study concludes that the large variety of religious organizations in Surakarta does not necessarily affect students' religious understandings and attitudes. In contrast to several previous studies which indicated a relationship between student activities and the puritan fundamentalist movement, this study proves that the students still have a moderate, inclusive, tolerant religious understanding, respect for tradition, and are loyal to the state ideology. Amid the potential for exclusivity as an excess of being in a melting pot of various religious views, students have resilience in maintaining an attitude of religious moderation. Selain populer sebagai kota yang memiliki kekayaan warisan budaya Jawa, di Surakarta Jawa Tengah juga terdapat beragam aliran dan organisasi masyarakat berbasis keagamaan, mulai dari yang dapat dikategorikan moderat hingga radikal. Keberadaan salah satu PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri), yakni UIN Raden Mas Said di Surakarta, tentu menjadikannya sebagai tempat bermuaranya berbagai aliran. Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh latar belakang keagamaan terhadap sikap beragama mahasiswa UIN Raden Mas Said. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui survei, penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa banyaknya ragam aliran keagamaan yang di Surakarta tidak otomatis memengaruhi pemikiran mahasiswa menjadi radikal. Berbeda dengan beberapa penelitian sebelumnya yang mengindikasikan adanya hubungan antara kegiatan mahasiswa dengan gerakan puritan fundamentalis, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa mahasiswa masih memiliki pemahaman keagamaan yang moderat, inklusif, toleran, menghargai tradisi, dan setia terhadap ideologi negara. Di tengah potensi eksklusifitas sebagai ekses dari keberadaannya di melting pot ragam aliran, mahasiswa memiliki ketahanan dalam menjaga sikap moderasi beragama.

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