scholarly journals Ketahanan Moderasi Beragama Mahasiswa di Tengah Melting Pot Gerakan Keagamaan di Surakarta

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-140
Moh Ashif Fuadi

Besides being famous as a city that has a rich Javanese cultural heritage, in Surakarta, Central Java, there are also various religious-based views and organizations, ranging from those that can be categorized as the moderate groups to the radical ones. The existence of one of the PTKIN (State Islamic Universities), namely UIN Raden Mas Said in Surakarta, certainly makes it a place for various views to flow. This study discusses the influence of religious background on the religious attitudes of UIN Raden Mas Said students. Through qualitative research methods employing surveys, this study concludes that the large variety of religious organizations in Surakarta does not necessarily affect students' religious understandings and attitudes. In contrast to several previous studies which indicated a relationship between student activities and the puritan fundamentalist movement, this study proves that the students still have a moderate, inclusive, tolerant religious understanding, respect for tradition, and are loyal to the state ideology. Amid the potential for exclusivity as an excess of being in a melting pot of various religious views, students have resilience in maintaining an attitude of religious moderation. Selain populer sebagai kota yang memiliki kekayaan warisan budaya Jawa, di Surakarta Jawa Tengah juga terdapat beragam aliran dan organisasi masyarakat berbasis keagamaan, mulai dari yang dapat dikategorikan moderat hingga radikal. Keberadaan salah satu PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri), yakni UIN Raden Mas Said di Surakarta, tentu menjadikannya sebagai tempat bermuaranya berbagai aliran. Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh latar belakang keagamaan terhadap sikap beragama mahasiswa UIN Raden Mas Said. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui survei, penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa banyaknya ragam aliran keagamaan yang di Surakarta tidak otomatis memengaruhi pemikiran mahasiswa menjadi radikal. Berbeda dengan beberapa penelitian sebelumnya yang mengindikasikan adanya hubungan antara kegiatan mahasiswa dengan gerakan puritan fundamentalis, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa mahasiswa masih memiliki pemahaman keagamaan yang moderat, inklusif, toleran, menghargai tradisi, dan setia terhadap ideologi negara. Di tengah potensi eksklusifitas sebagai ekses dari keberadaannya di melting pot ragam aliran, mahasiswa memiliki ketahanan dalam menjaga sikap moderasi beragama.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Rengga Kusuma Nawala Sari

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p> </p><p>Batik Tutur merupakan hasil pengembangan dari motif batik <em>Afkomstig Uit Blitar 1902</em>, warisan budaya masyarakat blitar pada masa lampau yang dikoleksi museum belanda. Saat ini batik tutur memiliki 15 motif dengan berbagai macam nama sesuai motif dan makna, nama pada setiap motif mengandung pesan moral atau pitutur yang ingin disampaikan Eddy Dewa sebagai pencipta motif kepada pemakainya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu latar belakang penciptaan batik tutur karya Eddy Dewa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data dan pengolahan data. Pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka, sedangkan pengolahan datanya menggunakan interaksi analisis,hasil analiss dari penelitian ini yang didapat adalah batik tutur memiliki fungsi sebagai sarung dengan pola motif yang sama dengan pola sarung yang memiliki tumpal tengah, dan makna yang terkandung merupakan intepratasi Eddy Dewa dalam memaknai lingkungan sekitar.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Revitalisasi, Batik<strong> </strong><em>Afkomstig Uit Blitar</em>, Batik Tutur.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p> </p><p><em>Batik Tutur is the result of the development of batik motif Afkomstig Uit Blitar 1902. It is the cultural heritage of Blitar community in the past which was collected by the Dutch museum. Currently, batik </em>tutur<em> has 15 motifs with various names according to the motives and meanings. The name of each motif contains a moral mes-sage or a message that Eddy Dewa wishes to convey as the creator of the motif to the consumers. The purpose of this study is to know the background of batik </em>tutur<em> creation by Eddy Dewa. The research used is qualitative research methods with data collection and data processing. Data collection includes observation, interviews, and literature study, while the data processing uses interaction analysis. The results of this re-search tells that batik </em>tutur<em> has a function as a sarong with the same motif pattern as a sarong pattern that has a middle tumpal. The meaning contained tells about Eddy Dewa’s interpretation in handling interpreting the surrounding environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Revitalization, Batik Afkomstig Uit Blitar, Batik Tutur.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Nurul Widya Agustin ◽  
Ari Susandi ◽  
Devy Habibi Muhammad

The goal of this research was to examine how traditional games can help Cambodian Probolinggo PAUD kids improve gross motor abilities while also teaching Islamic values. To address important issues, the author employs qualitative research methods such as observation, documentation, and interviews to gather data. In addition, data triangulation will be used to evaluate the information gathered (sources and techniques). One of the most important parts of an individual's total development is physical motor development. Traditional games have been shown to benefit children's gross motor nerves by requiring them to use their physical abilities in order to play. Traditional games can also be used as cultural heritage because people recognize that they are original games passed down from their forefathers and that they must be conserved so that they do not become extinct and forgotten. Traditional games help Cambodian Probolinggo PAUD children learn Islamic educational ideals. When the youngsters are at home, religious adherence and honesty are also indicators. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana permainan tradisional dapat membantu anak PAUD Kamboja Probolinggo meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar sekaligus mengajarkan nilai-nilai Islam. Untuk mengatasi masalah penting, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif seperti observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data. Selain itu, triangulasi data akan digunakan untuk mengevaluasi informasi yang dikumpulkan (sumber dan teknik). Salah satu bagian terpenting dari perkembangan total individu adalah perkembangan motorik fisik. Permainan tradisional telah terbukti bermanfaat bagi saraf motorik kasar anak-anak dengan mengharuskan mereka menggunakan kemampuan fisik mereka untuk bermain. Permainan tradisional juga dapat dijadikan sebagai warisan budaya karena masyarakat mengakui bahwa permainan tersebut merupakan permainan asli yang diturunkan dari nenek moyang dan harus dilestarikan agar tidak punah dan terlupakan. Permainan tradisional membantu anak-anak PAUD Kamboja Probolinggo mempelajari cita-cita pendidikan Islam. Ketika anak-anak berada di rumah, sinyalnya sama-sama religius dan jujur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 777-791
Nurzannah Nurzannah ◽  
Mahmud Yunus Daulay ◽  
Nurman Ginting

The purpose of this study was to produce a map of the needs of UMSU students for Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) courses. This type of research is qualitative research that uses survey techniques. Data collection was carried out by questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis techniques used are; describe the data, analyze, and interpret, and conclude. The results showed that the map of the needs of UMSU students for AIK courses were: 1) Students with religious understanding backgrounds other than Muhammadiyah (92 people/76.8%) of the 396 respondents stated that the provision of Worship courses, in particular, not through doctrine and coercion, but must pay attention to the background of the religious understanding they already profess. 2) Non-Muslim students generally state that Worship courses are not taught in the form of doctrine as given to Muslim students but must consider their religious background, and AIK courses should be taught in the form of Islamology courses, or the like. 3) Students from Muhammadiyah schools tend to want the provision of AIK courses to be packaged with other programs. Or by combining face-to-face in class with more interesting programs, not just face-to-face routines. 4) Most of the respondents stated that learning strategies and methods need to be adapted to the needs of students. 

Muhammad Fauzi

Various studies of poverty have given rise to different perspectives on poverty as a real phenomenon in people's lives. The focus of this study is on problems; a). what are the causes of poverty in the fishing community of Teluk Buo, Teluk Kabung Tengah Village, Bungus Teluk Kabung District, Padang City; b) what forms of poverty the fishing community of Teluk Buo, Teluk Kabung Tengah Village, Bungus Teluk Kabung District, Padang City; and c) how the religious understanding of the Bungus Teluk Kabung fishing community about work motivation. To answer this problem, qualitative research methods are used. Collect data by surveying, observing and interviewing.Poverty can not only be seen from an economic perspective, but can be seen in other very broad perspectives such as: cultural, traditional, religious and religious sides. Poverty experienced by fishing communities is not only due to low income, but also due to the value system factors that influence it. For the Buo Bay fishing community Teluk Kabung Village, for example, the spirit of religion to do spirit and motivation does not

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