religious background
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2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-12
David Atallah ◽  
Charbel El Feghaly ◽  
Murielle El Feghaly ◽  
Wissam Arab ◽  
Abir Khaddage ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 375-393
Marta Widy-Behiesse

Muslims have been living in Western countries for several generations, and since the mid 1980s they have been creating their own culture, which is a syncretism of Western trends with their cultural and religious background of Muslim countries. Different forms of artistic expression are used to define or strengthen the creator’s religious identity in the Western public space. Simultaneously, Western Muslim spectators create new forms of religiosity, based on consumerism and artistic experience.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-242
Robert Brenneman

Central Americans from a variety of religious traditions and social classes speak freely of lo espiritual, or “that which is spiritual,” but they do so in widely diverging ways. This chapter attempts to make sense of the vast and varied ways in which Central Americans reference spirituality by describing four common threads of usage. Evangelical-Pentecostal pastors sometimes frame social problems like gang violence as having both spiritual causes and spiritual solutions. Other Central Americans use the term “spiritual” to describe supernatural entities with a strong bearing on political structures. Meanwhile, some Central Americans have come to use the term “spirituality” to refer to beliefs and practices with roots in precolonial Mayan narratives. A fourth means of utilizing the language of spirituality is as a catch-all term for quasi-religious meditative practices and prosocial values formation. In conclusion, religious background and social class influence how people define and conceive of “the spiritual.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Clement Odoje

The concept “Translation” has been examined by many scholars from different perspectives, but little attention has been devoted to the personalities of the translators in their translation works. The concern of this essay is to consider the personalities of the translators of D.O. Fagunwa’s novel, Igbó Olódùmarè in line with the theories of Natural and Directional equivalence to foreground the idea that translation is heavily dependent on the translators’ personality. It was found that translators’ motive, purpose, language choice, and religious background have an immense influence on their approach to translation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 99-122
Jeroen Geurst

En 1917 se le encargó al arquitecto británico sir Edwin Lutyens que hiciera diseños para los cementerios de guerra en el continente. El resultado fue casi 1000 cementerios y monumentos diseñados por Lutyens y otros arquitectos en Bélgica, norte de Francia y varios lugares de Asia. Bajo el liderazgo del director del Museo Británico, los arquitectos optaron por un estilo común, con la libertad de hacer variaciones individuales para cada cementerio relacionado con su contexto. Como resultado de estas dos ideas opuestas, hay dos elementos principales en cada cementerio, la ‘Piedra de Guerra’ diseñada por Lutyens y la Cruz del Sacrificio de Blomfield. Para los soldados desaparecidos, se erigieron enormes monumentos con sus nom- bres en las paredes como único recuerdo. Los cementerios más pequeños fueron diseñados por jóvenes arquitectos que estuvieron en el ejército durante la guerra. Hay lápidas en lugar de cruces para cada tumba según las diferentes condiciones religiosas de los soldados. Para Lutyens, el concepto de cementerio se basaba en la idea de una catedral verde, una iglesia al aire libre, rodeada de árboles como columnas. Esta idea se inspiró en la conocida arquitecta paisajista Getrude Jekyll. Gracias al mantenimiento por parte de la Commonwealth War Graves Commission, los cementerios todavía están en perfecto estado y juegan un papel importante en el recuerdo de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Already in 1917, the British architect sir Edwin Lutyens was asked to make designs for warcemeteries on the continent. In the end this resulted in almost 1000 cemeteries and monuments designed by Lutyens and other architects in Belgium, Northern France and other locations in Asia. Under leadership of the director of the British Museum, the architects have chosen for a common style, with the freedom to make individual variations for each cemetery related to the site. As a result of two opposing ideas there are two main elements on each cemetery, the War Stone designed by Lutyens and the Cross of Sacrifice by Blomfield. For the soldiers which were not found huge monuments were erected with their names on walls as their only surviving memory. The smaller cemeteries were designed by young architects who were in the army during the war. There are headstones instead of crosses for each grave due to the different religious background of the soldiers. For Lutyens the concept of a cemetery was based on the idea of green cathedral, a church in the open air, surrounded by trees as columns. For this idea he took advice from the well-known landscape architect Getrude Jekyll. Because of the maintenance by de Commonwealth War Graves Commission Still the cemeteries are still in perfect state and play an important role in the remembrance of the First World War.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Essam Mansour

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the perceived role of the mosque library in Upper Egypt as an Islamic information institution. Design/methodology/approach This study used a qualitative approach in the form of a structured interview, which was carried out between July and August of 2020. As possible, the researcher surveyed all mosques in Upper Egypt equipped with libraries (n = 57). Findings The most important collections of the mosque library were found to be books, rare books, Qur’anic interpretations, jurisprudential volumes, hadiths of the Prophet, biographies, orientalist books, references, manuscripts and bibliographies. The services provided are developing awareness, lending, indexing and abstracting. The activities practiced are hosting school students to visit the library, holding educational seminars and hosting scholars and thinkers. The lack of specialized classification schemes in organizing Islamic subjects, lack of financial allocations, failure to update collections and lack of digital technology were found to be significant challenges faced by mosque libraries in Upper Egypt. Originality/value The role of the mosque library extended to enhance the religious background of the worshipers and provide them with different and appropriate sources of information, not only regarding the Islamic religion but also regarding knowledge and other topics.

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
زياد الفهداوي ◽  
فاطمة عبد علي الكثيري

لما كانَ الفرارُ إحدى مشكلاتِ العصر الراهن، والتي انتشرت في الآونةِ الأخيرةِ، حيثُ كثرت موجاتُ الهروبِ من البلادِ الإسلاميّةِ إلى الدول الأوربيّة، والتي تعدتْ مفهوم الهجرة في علم الديموغرافيا - والتي تعني انتقال الأفراد والجماعات من المكان الأصلي إلى مكان آخر- إلى مفهوم الفرار، بسبب ما يتعرضون له من الخوف، والقتل، والاضطهاد، وشظف العيش، وأثر ذلك في الأفراد من الناحيةِ النفسيّة، والاجتماعيّة، والدينيّة. وتكمنُ مشكلة البحثِ في الحاجةِ الماسةِ إلى بيان جملة من الأحكام المتعلقة بالفرار، وتسلط الضوء على الفرار، وأنواعه وأسبابه، وعلاجه. ويهدفُ البحثُ إلى: التعريف بالفرار، وأنواعه، وإظهار أسباب الفرار والكشف عن آثاره، وبيان المحمود منه والمذموم، ومقاربة العلاج القرآني لهذه المشكلة. وقد أظهرت الدراسة العلاج القرآني لمشكلة الفرار بمختلف ألوانه، لا سيما مشكلة الفرار من الأوطان التي أصبحت ظاهرة منتشرة، ومتزايدة في النمو، بسبب الاضطهاد والخوف والقتل. وكذا الفرار من مواجهة الأعداء وقتما تتعرضُ البلادُ الإسلاميّة للفتن، والحروب، والصراعات، وبيان التوجيه القرآني لعلاج هذه المشكلة، وبينت متى يكون الفرار محمودًا ومتى يكون مذمومًا؟ واقتضى موضوعُ البحثِ أنْ يُسلك فيه المنهج الاستقرائيّ والتحليليّ، وذلك باستقراء لفظة الفرار في القرآن الكريم، وبيان أقوال المفسرين فيها، وربط الآيات القرآنية بالواقع المعاصرة بمنهجية تحليلة استنباطية. الكلمات المفتاحية: (الفرار، الهروب، اللجوء، الهجرة، التباعد). Abstract: Escape is one of the problems of the present era, which has recently spread. The waves of those fleeing from Muslim countries to Europe, exceed the definition of migration in demography - which means the movement of individuals and groups from the original place to another place. It can be attributed to fear, murder, persecution and severe living conditions, and the impact on individuals psychologically, socially, and religiously. In the attempt to address this phenomenon from the perspective of the Qur'an, this study highlights the concept of escape, its types, causes, and solutions. The problem of the study lies in showing the Qur'anic treatment of the problem of fleeing the homelands, which has become a widespread phenomenon, and is growing, due to persecution, fear and killing. It can be basically found in Muslim countries are that are exposed to sedition, wars, and conflicts. Lack of religious background, especially doing Zakat, can also be seen as one of the reasons. The study, is thus, an attempt to investigate the statement of Qur’anic guidance to remedy this problem. This study is expected to answer the following questions: 1. Definition of escape, its types, and its causes. 2. Limiting the Qur'anic verses that talked about escape. 3. Stating the approved vs. the reprehensible types of escape. Objectives of the Study: 1- Defining escape, and its types. 2- Highlighting causes of escape and revealing its effects. 3- Stating approved vs. the reprehensible escapes. 4- Qur'anic treatment of the problem. Keywords: (Escaping - Fleeing - Asylum - Migration – Distancing).

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-140
Moh Ashif Fuadi

Besides being famous as a city that has a rich Javanese cultural heritage, in Surakarta, Central Java, there are also various religious-based views and organizations, ranging from those that can be categorized as the moderate groups to the radical ones. The existence of one of the PTKIN (State Islamic Universities), namely UIN Raden Mas Said in Surakarta, certainly makes it a place for various views to flow. This study discusses the influence of religious background on the religious attitudes of UIN Raden Mas Said students. Through qualitative research methods employing surveys, this study concludes that the large variety of religious organizations in Surakarta does not necessarily affect students' religious understandings and attitudes. In contrast to several previous studies which indicated a relationship between student activities and the puritan fundamentalist movement, this study proves that the students still have a moderate, inclusive, tolerant religious understanding, respect for tradition, and are loyal to the state ideology. Amid the potential for exclusivity as an excess of being in a melting pot of various religious views, students have resilience in maintaining an attitude of religious moderation. Selain populer sebagai kota yang memiliki kekayaan warisan budaya Jawa, di Surakarta Jawa Tengah juga terdapat beragam aliran dan organisasi masyarakat berbasis keagamaan, mulai dari yang dapat dikategorikan moderat hingga radikal. Keberadaan salah satu PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri), yakni UIN Raden Mas Said di Surakarta, tentu menjadikannya sebagai tempat bermuaranya berbagai aliran. Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh latar belakang keagamaan terhadap sikap beragama mahasiswa UIN Raden Mas Said. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui survei, penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa banyaknya ragam aliran keagamaan yang di Surakarta tidak otomatis memengaruhi pemikiran mahasiswa menjadi radikal. Berbeda dengan beberapa penelitian sebelumnya yang mengindikasikan adanya hubungan antara kegiatan mahasiswa dengan gerakan puritan fundamentalis, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa mahasiswa masih memiliki pemahaman keagamaan yang moderat, inklusif, toleran, menghargai tradisi, dan setia terhadap ideologi negara. Di tengah potensi eksklusifitas sebagai ekses dari keberadaannya di melting pot ragam aliran, mahasiswa memiliki ketahanan dalam menjaga sikap moderasi beragama.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 777-791
Nurzannah Nurzannah ◽  
Mahmud Yunus Daulay ◽  
Nurman Ginting

The purpose of this study was to produce a map of the needs of UMSU students for Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) courses. This type of research is qualitative research that uses survey techniques. Data collection was carried out by questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis techniques used are; describe the data, analyze, and interpret, and conclude. The results showed that the map of the needs of UMSU students for AIK courses were: 1) Students with religious understanding backgrounds other than Muhammadiyah (92 people/76.8%) of the 396 respondents stated that the provision of Worship courses, in particular, not through doctrine and coercion, but must pay attention to the background of the religious understanding they already profess. 2) Non-Muslim students generally state that Worship courses are not taught in the form of doctrine as given to Muslim students but must consider their religious background, and AIK courses should be taught in the form of Islamology courses, or the like. 3) Students from Muhammadiyah schools tend to want the provision of AIK courses to be packaged with other programs. Or by combining face-to-face in class with more interesting programs, not just face-to-face routines. 4) Most of the respondents stated that learning strategies and methods need to be adapted to the needs of students. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 01-08
CD Sebastian

Ayurveda is the Indian system of professional medicine that has come down to us from ancient times. In this paper, I look at the system from a researcher’s point of view, critically examining the given or perceived view on Ayurveda in recent times. In this sense, it might look like a contrarian view or counter position to the narrative that one sees around with regard to its origin, place of origin, date, non/religious background, etc. The paper deals with Ayurveda as an independent tradition of medicine sans ascription to any religion, the possible influences of other systems on Ayurveda, and the three great luminaries of the system, namely, Caraka, Susruta, and Vagbhata.

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