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 Se o Ser for suposto como uma solução provisória, uma ontologia deve poder pensar seu inacabamento como realidade essencial de sua natureza. É nesse sentido que se coloca a ontologia de Gilles Deleuze, pronta a pensar, a partir daí, um estado do Ser a se caracterizar por movimentos de liberação de linhas que desarticulam o já formado e permitem suas determinações escapar das relações já individuadas. A partir da articulação da ontologia deleuzeana com as experiências de Fernand Deligny com crianças autistas não verbais, nos será possível confrontar as formas hegemônicas de existir com modos de existência singulares que se afirmam em sua diferença ingovernável. Refratários a serem adaptados a partir de qualquer medida padrão, constituindo-se como uma deriva às formas hegemônicas e um desvio que permite se escapar ao controle, tais experiências nos colocam diante de uma deriva que mantêm a perspectiva da desmesura de existências mínimas sempre inacabadas.Palavras-chave: Deleuze. Deligny. Ontologia. Autistas. Corpo sem órgãos. Deriva. Deleuze's Ontology and Deligny's Experiences: How to Establish ABSTRACTIf Being is supposed to be a provisional solution, an ontology must be able to think of its unfinished business as an essential reality of its nature. It is in this sense that Gilles Deleuze's ontology is placed, ready to think, from there, on a state of Being to be characterized by movements of liberation of lines that disarticulate what has already been formed and allow its determinations to escape from the relations already individuated. From the articulation of Deleuzian ontology with Fernand Deligny's experiences with non-verbal autistic children, it will be possible for us to confront the hegemonic forms of existence with singular modes of existence that assert themselves in their ungovernable difference. Refractories to be adapted from any standard measure, constituting a drift to hegemonic forms and a deviation that allows one to escape control, such experiences place us in front of a drift that maintains the perspective of the disproportion of minimal existences that are always unfinished.Keywords: Deleuze. Deligny. Ontology. Autistic. Body without organs. Drift.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105

Неоспоримым является тот факт, что в результате многовековых исторических, культурных и со-седских контактов в языки славян в довольно большом количестве проникали ориентализмы – слова, принадлежащие к разным группам тюркских, а также иранских и арабо-семитских языков. Они прочно закрепились в лексическом составе славянских языков как в своем исконном значении (соответствующем языку-оригиналу), так и в переосмысленном, по-новому интерпретированном на славянской почве. Этой теме посвящено немало лингвистических и культурологических работ. Украинский язык в этом плане не исключение.Историческая лексикология изучает причины, время и пути проникновения и адаптации ори-ентальной лексики в украинском языке. Заимствования из ориентальных языков составляют зна-чительный пласт украинской лексики. Судьба заимствований различна: они либо остались в язы-ке-реципиенте экзотизмами, либо в результате экстралингвистических факторов усвоились им настолько, что стали символами национальной культуры. Показательна в этом плане, например, судьба ориентализмов лелека ‘аист’, кобза и сурма в Украине. Одна из частотных ассоциаций с этой страной – образ запорожского казака в широченных шароварах с неотъемлемым атрибутом – та-баком.Цель настоящего исследования – выявление семантико-функциональных особенностей ориен-тализмов в украинских устойчивых сравнениях. В данной статье на примере этих лексических еди-ниц рассматривается фраземообразующий потенциал и семантико-функциональные особенностиэтих заимствований-ориентализмов, ассоциирующихся с Украиной, в составе сравнительных кон-струкций. Анализируются как устаревшие устойчивые сравнения, так и активно употребляющиеся в наши дни. Приводятся возможные культурологические и историко-этимологические коммента-рии к устойчивым сравнениям, толкуется значение компаративных оборотов и компонентов, вхо-дящих в них.Исследование показало, что рассмотренные ориентализмы настолько прочно вошли в фонд украинского языка, что давно не воспринимаются в языке-реципиенте как чужеродный элемент, напротив, они стали этносимволами в украинской лингвокультуре, продуктивными в словообразо-вательном плане (это осталось за рамками статьи), функционируют в устойчивых сравнениях, в том числе образно-поэтических. Однако этномаркированность, видимо, и наложила ограничения на их фразеологический потенциал: по сравнению с ориентализмами, не ставшими маркерами украин-ской культуры (барабан, базар, кавун, казан и пр.), они фразеологически менее активны, не частотны в составе украинских устойчивых сравнений в качестве эталона, мерила действия, качества и т. д.It is an undeniable fact that as a result of centuries of historical, cultural, and neighbourly contacts, Orientalisms penetrated the languages of the Slavs in quite large numbers. They are firmly fixed in the lexical structure of Slavic languages both in their original meaning (corresponding to the original language) and in a sense reinterpreted on Slavic soil. Numerous linguistic and culturological works are devoted to this topic. The Ukrainian language is no exception in this regard.Historical lexicology studies the causes, time, and ways of penetration and adaptation of Orientalisms in the Ukrainian language. Borrowings from Oriental languages make up a significant layer of the Ukrainian vocabulary. The fate of borrowings varies: they eithe r remained exoticisms in the recipient language or as a result of extralinguistic factors, they were assimilated so much that they became symbols of national culture. For example, the fate of Orientalisms leleka ‘stork’, kobza, and surma in Ukraine is indicative in this regard. One of the frequent associations with the country is the image of Zaporozhian Cossacks in wide bloomers with an integral attribute – tobacco.The purpose of this study is to identify the semantic and functional peculiarities of the Ukrainian Orientalisms in comparison. In this paper, using the example of these lexical units, we consider the phrase-making potential as well as the semantic and functional features of these borrowed Orientalisms associated with Ukraine, as part of comparative constructions. The paper deals with both outdated similes and those that are actively used nowadays. In addition to this, the author gives possible culturological, historical, and etymological comments to similes, showing the meaning of phraseological units and components that are parts of similes.The study demonstrates that the analyzed Orientalisms have been so firmly established in the foundation of the Ukrainian language that they are not perceived in the recipient language as foreign elements. On the contrary, they have become ethnic symbols in Ukrainian linguistic culture, they are productive in derivational terms (the paper does not deal with this question), and operate in stable compa risons, including imagery and poetry. However, their ethnosymbolic features, apparently, have imposed restrictions on their phraseological potential: in comparison with Orientalisms that have not become markers of Ukrainian culture (baraban, bazar, kavun, kazan, etc.), they are phraseologically less active, not frequent a s part of stable comparisons referring to a standard, measure of action, quality, etc.

Youyi Huang ◽  
Lu Wei ◽  
Bjordis Collaku

Abstract In this work, we study the statistical behavior of entanglement in quantum bipartite systems under the Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble as assessed by the standard measure - the von Neumann entropy. Expressions of the first three exact cumulants of von Neumann entropy are known in the literature. The main contribution of the present work is the exact formula of the corresponding fourth cumulant that controls the tail behavior of the distribution. As a key ingredient in deriving the result, we make use of what we refer to as unsimplifiable summation bases leading to a complete cancellation. In addition to providing further evidence of the conjectured Gaussian limit of the von Neumann entropy, the obtained formula also provides an improved finite-size approximation to the distribution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002202212110339
Elyas Barabadi ◽  
Mohsen Rahmani Tabar ◽  
James R. Booth

Utilitarian judgments maximize benefit for the most people, whereas deontological judgments are based on moral norms. Previous work shows that people tend to make more utilitarian judgments in their second compared to their native language, whereas higher religiosity is associated with more deontological judgments. However, it is not known whether the effect of language context is moderated by the religiosity of the individual. We hypothesized that more religious participants from all three languages would favor deontological choices irrespective of language context. In order to investigate this, we studied native speakers of Persian who either had Arabic or English as their second language, and all participants were given a standard measure of religiosity. Decision making was measured by the classic trolley trilemma in which a participant could “push” a person to save the lives of more people which is considered a utilitarian judgment. Alternatively, they could “switch” a track to save the lives of more people (“indirect”), or do nothing (“inaction”), both of which are considered deontological. Consistent with the literature showing more utilitarian judgments in the second language, English participants preferred the push option, whereas Persian participants favored the inaction option. L2 Arabic participants more often chose the indirect option. However, participants’ religiosity moderated this effect of language context. Although L2 Arabic participants’ choices were not influenced by religiosity, higher religiosity in the L2 English and L1 Persian groups was associated with more deontological choices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 483
Syed Agung Afandi ◽  
Reski Lestari ◽  
Muslim Afandi

The Riau Government is committed to preserving the Riau Malay Culture as stated in the Riau Vision 2025. The current facts show that there is a severe weakening of the Malay Culture in Riau Province. This can be seen from the ethics, grammar, fashion, culinary, art, and Malay traditions that the Riau Malay community is starting to leave. The purpose of this study was to determine collaborative governance in the effort to preserve the Riau Malay Culture. The research method used is qualitative. The results of this study indicated that the Riau Government is not committed to achieving its vision, which is reflected in government policies. Lack of a roadmap for a cultural vision so that a network structure between stakeholders was not formed, the master plan owned by each stakeholder was not integrated, and was not interdependent, did not have a standard measure that describes procedures and authority in action, there was no function of joint decision-making and sharing of responsibilities, and there was no communication and flow of information between stakeholders so that collaborative governance in the preservation of Riau Malay culture was not carried out.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 3649
Yosuke Tomita ◽  
Tomoki Iizuka ◽  
Koichi Irisawa ◽  
Shigeyuki Imura

Inertial measurement units (IMUs) have been used increasingly to characterize long-track speed skating. We aimed to estimate the accuracy of IMUs for use in phase identification of long-track speed skating. Twelve healthy competitive athletes on a university long-track speed skating team participated in this study. Foot pressure, acceleration and knee joint angle were recorded during a 1000-m speed skating trial using the foot pressure system and IMUs. The foot contact and foot-off timing were identified using three methods (kinetic, acceleration and integrated detection) and the stance time was also calculated. Kinetic detection was used as the gold standard measure. Repeated analysis of variance, intra-class coefficients (ICCs) and Bland-Altman plots were used to estimate the extent of agreement between the detection methods. The stance time computed using the acceleration and integrated detection methods did not differ by more than 3.6% from the gold standard measure. The ICCs ranged between 0.657 and 0.927 for the acceleration detection method and 0.700 and 0.948 for the integrated detection method. The limits of agreement were between 90.1% and 96.1% for the average stance time. Phase identification using acceleration and integrated detection methods is valid for evaluating the kinematic characteristics during long-track speed skating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Márcio Paulo de Oliveira ◽  
Franciele Buss Frescki Kestring ◽  
Jerry Adriani Johann ◽  
Miguel Angel Uribe-Opazo ◽  
Luciana Pagliosa Carvalho Guedes

Demand for quality weather forecasts has increased in the last decades, leading national meteorological centers to develop new forecasting models. These models have parameterizations which can produce different predictions for the same location and agrometeorological variable. In the state of Paraná - Brazil, studies on rain forecasting are important for planning the soybean crop. The objective of this study was to compare, based on a gold-standard and using bootstrapping residuals, forecasts of total rainfall by virtual stations of the following centers: Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC), European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC). Gold-standard measurements were obtained from Meteorological System of Paraná (SIMEPAR) meteorological stations. The studied region was the state of Paraná, in October–March of the harvest years 2011/2012–2015/2016; forecast ranges were 24 and 240 hours. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), focused on data mining techniques, was the chosen methodology. In the data preprocessing stage, spatial and temporal stratification, cleansing and grouping were performed. For the comparisons, 24 h and 240 h weather forecasts were used, being grouped in five-day and ten-day periods, respectively, and coefficients of agreement with the gold-standard measure were calculated. The choice of forecast center should consider the geographic location of a certain pluviometric station, and the temporal range of the forecast, according to its measure of agreement with the gold standard measure. Spatial variations of forecasting centers were identified within the mesoregions, which suggests the employment of different forecasting centers in a certain mesoregion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 77-105
Wayne C. Myrvold

The invocation of probabilistic considerations in physics often involves, implicitly or explicitly, some notion of relative sizes, or measures, of sets of possibilities. In equilibrium statistical mechanics, certain standard measures are introduced explicitly. It is often said that these measures are “natural,” in some sense. This chapter explores what that could mean. It does so by means of a toy example, a fictitious machine that I call the parabola gadget. The dynamics of the parabola gadget pick out a measure on the space of states of the gadget that other measures converge towards. In this sense, that measure is a natural one to use for systems that have been evolving freely long enough for the requisite washing-out of disagreements among input distributions to have taken place. We have good reason to think that the standard measures evoked in equilibrium statistical mechanics are of this sort One upshot of this is that this notion of standard measure is of no use for making judgments about probability or improbability of conditions in the early universe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-35 ◽  
Fernando M. Aragón ◽  
Francisco Oteiza ◽  
Juan Pablo Rud

This paper examines how subsistence farmers respond to extreme heat. Using microdata from Peruvian households, we find that high temperatures reduce agricultural productivity, increase area planted, and change crop mix. These findings are consistent with farmers using input adjustments as a short-term mechanism to attenuate the effect of extreme heat on output. This response seems to complement other coping strategies, such as selling livestock, but exacerbates the drop in yields, a standard measure of agricultural productivity. Using our estimates, we show that accounting for land adjustments is important to quantify damages associated with climate change. (JEL O12, O13, Q11, Q12, Q15, Q54)

This chapter discusses the various ways in which language portrays a negative image of women. Some of the ways in which language has been found wanting in as far as women are concerned are outlined as follows: Language creates false gender neutrality as this purported neutrality ends up showing a bias towards maleness anyway. Language generally makes women invisible and always overshadowed by men. It makes maleness the standard measure of humanity, and maturity is all about and thus maleness is seen as the norm. Sex-marking also encourages male visibility and powerlessness of women in a male-dominated world. The world is seen through an oppressive male worldview. Reform efforts have been piecemeal and as such have largely failed to reach the desired destination. The chapter closes by discussing the concepts ‘woman' and ‘generics' which have been found to be controversial in the life of women.

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