Устойчивые сравнения с компонентом-ориентализмом – этносимволом Украины

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105

Неоспоримым является тот факт, что в результате многовековых исторических, культурных и со-седских контактов в языки славян в довольно большом количестве проникали ориентализмы – слова, принадлежащие к разным группам тюркских, а также иранских и арабо-семитских языков. Они прочно закрепились в лексическом составе славянских языков как в своем исконном значении (соответствующем языку-оригиналу), так и в переосмысленном, по-новому интерпретированном на славянской почве. Этой теме посвящено немало лингвистических и культурологических работ. Украинский язык в этом плане не исключение.Историческая лексикология изучает причины, время и пути проникновения и адаптации ори-ентальной лексики в украинском языке. Заимствования из ориентальных языков составляют зна-чительный пласт украинской лексики. Судьба заимствований различна: они либо остались в язы-ке-реципиенте экзотизмами, либо в результате экстралингвистических факторов усвоились им настолько, что стали символами национальной культуры. Показательна в этом плане, например, судьба ориентализмов лелека ‘аист’, кобза и сурма в Украине. Одна из частотных ассоциаций с этой страной – образ запорожского казака в широченных шароварах с неотъемлемым атрибутом – та-баком.Цель настоящего исследования – выявление семантико-функциональных особенностей ориен-тализмов в украинских устойчивых сравнениях. В данной статье на примере этих лексических еди-ниц рассматривается фраземообразующий потенциал и семантико-функциональные особенностиэтих заимствований-ориентализмов, ассоциирующихся с Украиной, в составе сравнительных кон-струкций. Анализируются как устаревшие устойчивые сравнения, так и активно употребляющиеся в наши дни. Приводятся возможные культурологические и историко-этимологические коммента-рии к устойчивым сравнениям, толкуется значение компаративных оборотов и компонентов, вхо-дящих в них.Исследование показало, что рассмотренные ориентализмы настолько прочно вошли в фонд украинского языка, что давно не воспринимаются в языке-реципиенте как чужеродный элемент, напротив, они стали этносимволами в украинской лингвокультуре, продуктивными в словообразо-вательном плане (это осталось за рамками статьи), функционируют в устойчивых сравнениях, в том числе образно-поэтических. Однако этномаркированность, видимо, и наложила ограничения на их фразеологический потенциал: по сравнению с ориентализмами, не ставшими маркерами украин-ской культуры (барабан, базар, кавун, казан и пр.), они фразеологически менее активны, не частотны в составе украинских устойчивых сравнений в качестве эталона, мерила действия, качества и т. д.It is an undeniable fact that as a result of centuries of historical, cultural, and neighbourly contacts, Orientalisms penetrated the languages of the Slavs in quite large numbers. They are firmly fixed in the lexical structure of Slavic languages both in their original meaning (corresponding to the original language) and in a sense reinterpreted on Slavic soil. Numerous linguistic and culturological works are devoted to this topic. The Ukrainian language is no exception in this regard.Historical lexicology studies the causes, time, and ways of penetration and adaptation of Orientalisms in the Ukrainian language. Borrowings from Oriental languages make up a significant layer of the Ukrainian vocabulary. The fate of borrowings varies: they eithe r remained exoticisms in the recipient language or as a result of extralinguistic factors, they were assimilated so much that they became symbols of national culture. For example, the fate of Orientalisms leleka ‘stork’, kobza, and surma in Ukraine is indicative in this regard. One of the frequent associations with the country is the image of Zaporozhian Cossacks in wide bloomers with an integral attribute – tobacco.The purpose of this study is to identify the semantic and functional peculiarities of the Ukrainian Orientalisms in comparison. In this paper, using the example of these lexical units, we consider the phrase-making potential as well as the semantic and functional features of these borrowed Orientalisms associated with Ukraine, as part of comparative constructions. The paper deals with both outdated similes and those that are actively used nowadays. In addition to this, the author gives possible culturological, historical, and etymological comments to similes, showing the meaning of phraseological units and components that are parts of similes.The study demonstrates that the analyzed Orientalisms have been so firmly established in the foundation of the Ukrainian language that they are not perceived in the recipient language as foreign elements. On the contrary, they have become ethnic symbols in Ukrainian linguistic culture, they are productive in derivational terms (the paper does not deal with this question), and operate in stable compa risons, including imagery and poetry. However, their ethnosymbolic features, apparently, have imposed restrictions on their phraseological potential: in comparison with Orientalisms that have not become markers of Ukrainian culture (baraban, bazar, kavun, kazan, etc.), they are phraseologically less active, not frequent a s part of stable comparisons referring to a standard, measure of action, quality, etc.

Tetiana Stoianova ◽  
Ksenia Chernenko

The article is devoted to the study of the features of reproducing English humor in the Ukrainian language. The relevance of the work is due to the urgent need for a comprehensive study of English-language humor as a text-discursive education and the features of its translation. The aim of the study is to analyze the specifics of reproducing English-language humor. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the reproduction of English humorous discourse should take into account the national characteristics of the people, culture and traditions. Translation of humorous discourse requires the use of various transformations: lexical, grammatical (including syntactic and morphological), semantic, and stylistic. Often these types of transformations appear in a mixed form. The most effective transformations are: lexical, grammatical, and complex lexical and grammatical ones. The subject of research of this work is humor — the most common modern type of comic. The concept of humor is defined as a comprehensive phenomenon, a way of seeing, a way of life. The nature of humor depends on the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the country to which it belongs, which means that this phenomenon reproduces the national picture of the world. According to this, the translator should take into account the peculiarities of ethnic worldview in order to reproduce the content of discursive humorous education adequately. It is also necessary to be able to know at least something about the cultures involved in the translation in order to understand the original and be able to reproduce it. During the analysis, we determined that it is necessary to take into account the national nature of humor, because in different societies the same thing can cause different reactions, which leads to inadequate units of reproduction of the source language to the target language. Based on the fact that it is not always possible to fully reproduce the content and expressive-emotional coloring, compensation is considered the best lexical and semantic means of transmitting humor in the source language in the translation language. A necessary condition for translation is the selection of appropriate phonetic, lexical and phraseological means for transmitting not only the semantics of the humorous formation of the original language, but also their expressive and functional features

2021 ◽  
pp. 203-215
Ljudmila Vasiljeva

The purpose of this article is to present the methodological status of the dictionary in the process of learning/teaching other Slavic languages and to determine the features of the bilingual thematic educational Ukrainian-Croatian dictionary. Dictionaries play an important role in the development of national culture and in the supporting and improving a particular native language. During the thirty-year period of independence both Croatia and Ukraine can boast only a small amount of Croatian and Ukrainian lexicographic editions that could simultaneously apply to Croatian and Ukrainian. The important role of vocabulary in learning a foreign language does not require any comments. In fact it is generally accepted in teaching methods, which means that dictionary, as well as textbook, are necessary means in the teaching process. Noting and grouping words in dictionary also has a fairly long history. The alphabetical order of lexical units is traditional and commonly accepted in the world lexicography. Hence, thematic and ideographic lexicography are supposed to be alternatives to alphabetic lexicography.

Barnokhon Bakhromkhodjaevna Shamsieva

The reflection of national culture in a work of art and in illuminating its imaginative (association) features in the translated text the reasons for the transfer of psychedelic compounds in the translated text and how the original meaning is transferred to the translated text are considered. There was a shift in meaning when the translated text appeared as a cultural transfer, and when the word originality moved into the field of translation, the original meaning narrowed and a new meaning was added.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 322-345 ◽  
Duncan McDuie-Ra

Violence against women (VAW) in India is commonly attributed to an overarching metacultural patriarchal framework. Focusing on this national culture of violence obscures the experiences of VAW among ethnic minority women. This article focuses on VAW in Northeast India, a region populated by large numbers of Scheduled Tribes with different cultural norms, and where society has become militarized by ongoing insurgency and counterinsurgency. Though tempting, militarization alone is not a sufficient explanation for VAW; instead, this article focuses on the interplay between nonfamilial and familial contexts in creating a “frontier culture of violence” in which VAW is experienced and contested.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-72
Sylwia Sojda

Abstract The paper discusses the intensifying functions of some lexical units derived from adverbs in a cross-linguistic Polish-Slovak perspective. The expression of intensification in Polish and Slovak has not been widely explored, which is why the present paper aims to point out a few aspects of this phenomenon in two closely related Slavic languages, which may contribute to help fill this gap. Intensification is without doubt a very interesting, pervasive and complex phenomenon in linguistics and is understood here as the process of quantitative change of a feature, activity or state. That change refers to the increase and decrease in intensity of a feature/activity/state according to an approved canon. The components of the category of intensification are therefore both, intensifying and deintensifying. Therefore, it is also postulated that a class of intensifiers/deintensifiers should be distinguished as means of intensification/deintensification. Intensifiers have also been a long fruitful topic of investigation in sociolinguistic research: on one hand intensification systems are unstable and tend to change rapidly in any speech community and on the other, the use of intensifiers tends to vary across demographic categories, especially age and gender. Intensification can also be researched due to ‘delexicalization’, which is defined as the reduction of the independent lexical contents of a word, or group of words, so that it comes to fulfil a particular function – the original meaning of the word is gradually lost as it evolves into a marker of intensification. The paper aims also to show that the more delexicalized an intensifier becomes, the more it will lose its lexical restrictions and increase in frequency. Through frequency of use and over time, intensifiers tend to lose their intensifying force and the renewal process occurs. This process promotes other adverbs, be they newly created adverbs or already existing ones, to the rank of intensifiers – it seems that the class of intensifiers may be an open class. The undertaken analysis has shown that there are a number of aspects which can be considered while describing intensifiers.

Оlena Fedorіvna Caracasidi

The article deals with the fundamental, inherent in most of the countries of the world transformation of state power, its formation, functioning and division between the main branches as a result of the decentralization of such power, its subsidiarity. Attention is drawn to the specifics of state power, its functional features in the conditions of sovereignty of the states, their interconnection. It is emphasized that the nature of the state power is connected with the nature of the political system of the state, with the form of government and many other aspects of a fundamental nature. It is analyzed that in the middle of national states the questions of legitimacy, sovereignty of transparency of state power, its formation are acutely raised. Concerning the practical functioning of state power, a deeper study now needs a problem of separation of powers and the distribution of power. The use of this principle, which ensures the real subsidiarity of the authorities, the formation of more effective, responsible democratic relations between state power and civil society, is the first priority of the transformation of state power in the conditions of modern transformations of countries and societies. It is substantiated that the research of these problems will open up much wider opportunities for the provision of state power not as a center authority, but also as a leading political structure but as a power of the people and the community. In the context of global democratization processes, such processes are crucial for a more humanistic and civilized arrangement of human life. It is noted that local self-government, as a specific form of public power, is also characterized by an expressive feature of a special subject of power (territorial community) as a set of large numbers of people; joint communal property; tax system, etc.

Gulnara I. Khasanzyanova ◽  
Ramziya M. Bolgarova ◽  
Elvira A. Islamova ◽  
Ilsever Rami

This article discussed the specifics of the translation of comparative constructions in literature from Tatar into Russian. It also suggested methods for the full-fledged translation of such constructions according to semantics and functional features of conjunctions. Postpositions were the main method to represent comparative constructions in simple and complex sentences in Tatar. Conjunctions, the instrumental case of the noun and other means, could further express the meanings of such postpositions when translated into Russian. The analysis of translation of comparative constructions helped to identify the integral and the differential in the semantics and functioning of the conjunctions, which not only connected the components of the comparative constructions, but also created imagery. Using comparative constructions, writers and translators could refer both to the general concepts inherent in their native culture, and to their personal worldview. This seemed possible only with a preliminary comparative analysis of the semantics and the structure of lexical units. Analyzing the translations of literary texts, some functional and semantic correspondences were revealed: comparative postpositions such as kebek, syman, kuk, etc. and Russian comparative conjunctions such as As if for sure, etc. (Eng. like, as if, kind of); relative pair words in Tatar and correlative pairs in Russian; affixes of adverbs such as -cha/-che, -day/- dey in Tatar and the instrumental case of the noun in Russian.

Stephen G. Burnett

Christian Hebraism was a facet of Renaissance humanism. Biblical scholars, theologians, lawyers, physicians, astronomers, philosophers, and teachers in Latin schools sought to learn Hebrew in order to read the Old Testament in its original language, and to borrow and adapt ideas and literary forms from post-biblical Hebrew texts to meet Christian cultural and religious needs. While some medieval Christian scholars such as Nicholas of Lyra and Raymond Martin made extensive use of Hebrew in their works, not until the early 16th century were a significant number of Christians able to learn Hebrew and use it to study the Hebrew Bible and post-biblical Jewish texts. The desire of biblical humanists to read the Old Testament in Hebrew, the curiosity of Christian Kabbalists searching for ancient wisdom, and a slowly growing number of Jewish tutors and Christians who were able to provide Hebrew instruction all contributed to the growth of this movement. Jewish printers pioneered the techniques of mass-producing Hebrew books to feed this new market. Christian printers would use these same techniques to print grammars, dictionaries, and other books needed for instructing Christians. The growing conviction of Martin Luther and his followers that the Bible was the sole source of religious authority (sola scriptura) provided the most compelling reason for large numbers of Christians to learn Hebrew. The most active and innovative Protestant Hebraists during Luther’s lifetime were members of the “Upper Rhineland School of Biblical Exegesis,” including Martin Bucer, Wolfgang Capito, Conrad Pellican, and above all Sebastian Münster. Martin Luther and his Wittenberg colleagues were early adopters of the new Hebrew learning. He first learned Hebrew using Johannes Reuchlin’s Hebrew grammar, and put his knowledge to practical use when lecturing on the Old Testament and translating the Bible into German. His colleagues, above all Philip Melanchthon and Matthaeus Aurogallus, helped Luther translate and revise his translation from 1521 until his death in 1546. Luther characterized his approach to interpreting the Hebrew Bible as “Grammatica Theologica,” employing Hebrew philology to interpret the text, but also wherever possible making it “rhyme” with the New Testament. Toward the end of his life, Luther became increasingly concerned that Münster and other Hebraists were too quick to accept Jewish interpretations of many Old Testament passages, particularly verses that traditionally had been understood to be messianic prophecies. In On the Last Words of David (1543) Luther offered a model of how he interpreted the Old Testament, while sharply criticizing Christian Hebraists who followed Jewish interpretation too closely.

2019 ◽  
pp. 33-40
Olena Pchelintseva

The article analyzes the grammatical, semantic and functional features of verbal nouns with the meaning of action in the Ukrainian language on the background of other Slavic languages. Research methods: quantitative formally-semantic analysis of the corpus of Ukrainian nomina actionis, obtained by the continuous sampling method from the largest Ukrainian-language dictionary; a linguistic experiment with native speakers focused on finding out the perception of the aspectual properties of the nomina actionis. In the South Slavic, Western Slavic and Eastern Slavic languages the verbal noun of the action is located at different distances from the verb, and has different grammatical status. The verbal noun with the meaning of action in the Ukrainian language isn’t a verbal form. It is a special category of noun. To a large extent this category of words inherits the verbal aspectual semantics. Absolute majority of Ukrainian verbal nouns is strictly related to the verb of a certain aspect. Almost half of the Ukrainian nomina actionis keeps verbal aspectual pairs. Members of such pairs inherit the verbal aspectual characteristics. This especially refers to those nouns that have retained the formal markers of the aspect (perfective prefixes or imperfective suffixes) The speakers of the Ukrainian language clearly differentiate the members of the prefixed pairs in the speech; less pronounced functional difference between the verbal nouns, which differ of an imperfect suffix. The aspectual peculiarity of the Ukrainian nomina actionis is partially affected by the transposition suffixes. The Ukrainian language avoids the aspectual universality of the nomina actionis, in the system of verbal nouns there is a tendency to express different aspectual meanings using different forms. The ratio of nominal and verbal semantics in these hybrid formations is the unique feature of the Ukrainian grammatical system in comparison with other Slavic languages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4(73)) ◽  
pp. 26-29
I. Askerov

Morphologically, word creation has an ancient history. Among the branch morphemes involved in this process, along with national suffixes, suffixes of derivative origin also develop. However, the use of suffixes in the Azerbaijani language appeared in connection with the relatively later development of the history of the language. Among such suffixes, they have a special role in suffixes of Russian-European origin, and are mainly used in conjunction with words of derived origin. The development of some of these forms in the Azerbaijani language dates back to the early twentieth century. Postpositive elements of Russian-European origin, used as suffixes in the Azerbaijani language, are not in harmony, they are written in the same way, phono variants are non-existent. Moreover, branch morphemes belonging to this group do not have the ability to form verbs. Thus, all the postpositive elements of the suffix character found in the Azerbaijani literary language have the ability to form nouns, or rather, nouns and adjectives. In this regard, the words formed by these morphemes have a special weight in terms of studying the lexical structure of the Azerbaijani language, especially the types of lexical meanings of nouns and adjectives.

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