basic research project
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2(83)) ◽  
pp. 19-23
I. Mironova ◽  
Т. Tishchenko

The article presents a comparative analysis of the current methodological documents developed for evaluating and ranking the activities of The comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure for the period up to 2024, developed in accordance with presidential decree No. 204 of may 7, 2018. At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, taking into account the limited funds for investment and the duration of large – scale network infrastructure projects, it is relevant to apply an unconventional criterion for evaluating efficiency-in the form of real public profit from the project at the end of the billing period. This work was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for basic research (project 20010-00135).

2021 ◽  
Sergey Baranov ◽  
Alexander Motorin ◽  
Peter Shebalin

<p>Using long-term mining-induced earthquake statistics of the Khibiny Mountains (Kola Peninsula, Russia) we studied the spatial peculiarities of clustered seismicity. To declutter the earthquake catalog, we used the nearest neighbor method by Zaliapin and Ben-Zion, 2016, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw300. It was shown that the distribution of distances from triggering event to triggered earthquakes obeys a power law with a parameter independent of the trigger magnitude. This result is consistent with distribution of mainshock-aftershock distances obtained for tectonic seismicity by many researchers (e.g., Huc M., Main, DOI: 10.1029/2001JB001645; Felzer and Brodsky, DOI: 10.1785/0120030069; Richards-Dinger et al., DOI: 10.1038/nature09402). Combining the spatial power distribution and the law of earthquake productivity by Shebalin et al. 2020 (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa252), confirmed for the seismicity of the Khibiny Mountains (Baranov et al., 2020, DOI: 10.1134/S1069351320030015) we derived a distribution of maximal distances from trigger to triggered earthquake.</p><p>Using this distribution, we suggest a probabilistic model of zone where triggered earthquakes are expected. The zone is a cylinder centered on the trigger hypocenter, its size (radius and height) depends on the probability of containing triggered earthquakes. The model validation was performed using Molchan’s error diagram. Applying the method of three strategies (Baranov and Shebalin, 2017, DOI: 10.1134/S1069351317020021) to the error diagram, we identified three limiting points on the error trajectory, corresponding to "soft," "neutral," and "hard" strategies. These strategies reflect the prediction importance.</p><p>The research was supported by Russian Foundation of Basic Research, Project No 19-05-00812.</p>

A.V. Daneev ◽  
A.V. Lakeev ◽  
V.A. Rusanov ◽  
P.A. Plesnev ◽  

For neuromorphic processes specified by the behavior of a local neuropopulation (for example, processes induced by a brain-machine interface platform of the Neuralink type), we study the solvability of the problem of the existence of a differential realization of these processes in the class of bilinear nonstationary ordinary differential equations of the second order (with delay) in separable Hilbert space. This formulation belongs to the type of inverse problems for an additive combination of nonstationary linear and bilinear operators of evolution equations in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. The metalanguage of the theory being developed is the constructions of tensor products of Hilbert spaces, lattice structures with orthocompletion, the functional apparatus of the nonlinear Rayleigh-Ritz operator, and the principle of maximum entropy. It is shown that the property of sublinearity of this operator, allows you to obtain conditions for the existence of such differential realizations; along the way, metric conditions for the continuity of the projectivization of this operator are substantiated with the calculation of the fundamental group of its compact image. This work was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-01-00301).

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-225
Tishkin A. ◽  
Iderkhangai T.-O. ◽  
Plasteeva N. ◽  
Orgilbayar S. ◽  

The article presents detailed results of archaeological excavations carried out on the territory of Northern Mongolia in the valley of the Egiin-gol river. Under one of the stone layouts at the Kharuulyn Gozgor site there was an undisturbed human burial which belongs to the culture of slab graves. A feature of this object is the presence of a horse skull and other animal bones. Special attention was paid to the study of the osteological remains of the horse since such finds are quite rare. On the basis of archaeozoological determinations, it was concluded that the grave contained the skull and lower jaw of a stallion aged 12–15 years old and some bones of its forelimbs. The notice was made of the injuries to the parietal and frontal bones obtained during the killing of the horse which judging by the given morphometric parameters was not large. The skull and individual bones of a young sheep were also found. The obtained osteological materials are important for carrying out paleogenetic studies. Key words: Northern Mongolia, culture of slab graves, archaeological excavations, human burial, horse skull, sheep bones, archaeozoological definitions Acknowledgments: Field research was carried out within the framework of the international program of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Culture “Museum-Institute of the Roerich Family” (Russia) and during the archaeological practice of students of Ulaanbaatar University (Mongolia). Analytical work and writing of the article were carried out with partial financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19–59–15001 “Horses and Their Importance in the Life of the Ancient Population of Altai and Adjacent Territories: Interdisciplinary Research and Reconstruction”).

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-19
E.V. Viazau ◽  
R.G. Goncharik ◽  
R.G. Vasilov ◽  
A.A. Selishcheva

The effect of the natural carotenoid astaxanthin (AST) and its esters as inhibitors of chlorophyll (Chl) a photodegradation in the Haematococcus pluvialis unicellular alga has been studied. It was shown that the presence of AST or its esters in low concentrations ((0.67 μM)) suppressed by 15-17% the Chl a destruction as a result of irradiation of a Chl a solution in acetone with white light (250 μmol photons∙m-2∙s-1 for 2 h 20 min). When Chl a solutions were irradiated with blue light (500 μmol∙photons∙m-2∙s-1 for 5 h) in the presence of AST or its esters at high concentrations (AST : Chl a = 5 : 1 mol/mol), the Chl a degradation was suppressed by 40-50%. In a highly polar medium (methanol), the rate of Chl a photodegradation was much higher than in an apolar medium (hexane : acetone = 94 : 6). Esterified AST forms are better protectors of Chl a than unsubstituted AST, which is consistent with the general idea of the predominance of AST esters in the microalga H. pluvialis cells in vivo. The results indicate a possible protective role of AST against Chl a photooxidation in H. pluvialis cells. astaxanthin, chlorophyll, singlet oxygen, photodegradation, Haematococcus pluvialis This work was supported by the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research (project no. B19РМ-010) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-54-04003).

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 103
A. Ya. Kovaleva ◽  
N. V. Kokh ◽  
E. N. Voronina ◽  
O. S. Donirova ◽  
E. M. Zelenskаyа ◽  

<p><strong>Аim.</strong> To study the influence of genetic factors on the severity of essential аrteriаl hypertension (AH) clinical outcomes in patients of Russian and Buryаt ethnicity.</p><p><strong>Methods.</strong> Our study included 206 patients with а diagnosis of essential AH: 136 patients were of Russiаn аnd 70 patients were of Buryаt ethnicity. Pаtients were evаluаted for the following genotype markers; <em>АCE</em>, <em>АDRB1</em>, <em>АDRB2</em>, <em>АDRB3</em>, <em>NOS3</em>, <em>АGT</em>, <em>EDN1</em>, <em>GNB3</em>, and <em>STK39</em>.</p><p><strong>Results.</strong> Allele T of <em>GNB3</em> was аssociаted with high blood pressure in Russiаn аnd Buryаt patients. In Buryat patients, locus rs934379 of <em>EDN1</em> was аssociаted with high blood pressure, whereas allele G of the same marker was associated with increased heart damage risk. In Russians, allele I of <em>ACE</em> was protective towards the development of left ventricular hypertrophy.</p><p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> Our data revealed ethnogenetic differences in the genetic features of essential AH. We identified the patients severe hypertension among two etnhic group. Studying ethnic genetic markers for essential AH facilitates a greater understanding of the genetic predisposition underlying this condition.</p><p>Received 2 July 2020. Revised 31 August 2020. Accepted 9 September 2020.</p><p><strong>Funding:</strong> The work is supported by grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19-315-80032).</p><p><strong>Conflict of interest:</strong> Authors declare no conflict of interest.</p><p><strong>Author contributions</strong><br />Conception and design: N.V. Kokh, .M. Zelenskаyа, G.I. Lifshits<br />Data collection and analysis: A.Yа. Kovаlevа, N.V. Kokh, E.N. Voroninа, O.S. Donirovа, E.M. Zelenskаyа, A.A. Slepukhina, G.I. Lifshits<br />Statistical analysis: N.V. Kokh<br />Drafting the article: A.Yа. Kovаlevа, N.V. Kokh, E.N. Voroninа, O.S. Donirovа, E.M. Zelenskаyа, A.A. Slepukhina, G.I. Lifshits<br />Critical revision of the article: A.Yа. Kovаlevа, N.V. Kokh, E.N. Voroninа, O.S. Donirovа, E.M. Zelenskаyа, A.A. Slepukhina, G.I. Lifshits<br />Final approval of the version to be published: A.Yа. Kovаlevа, N.V. Kokh, E.N. Voroninа, O.S. Donirovа, E.M. Zelenskаyа, A.A. Slepukhina, G.I. Lifshits</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 58-62
M. S. Nikitenko ◽  
Yu. V. Malakhov ◽  
S. A. Kizilov ◽  
S. S. Zhuravlev ◽  

The article shows the urgency of technological advance in coal mining in difficult geological conditions and describes the application prospects for an integrated multi-function platform in underground mining of different minerals. The international practice of mobile roof support design and creation of a work environment in mines is reviewed. The authors propose an integrated multi-function platform as a walking roof support module which ensures safe and efficient mining in difficult geological conditions. Within R&D project supported by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Project No. 2566GS1/41340, the kinematics of the platform is developed so that to ensure uniform loading of the walking support systems owing to constructional linkage between the support units, and to provide stability of the support system on a composite topography floor thanks to four couples of hinge supports with adjustability of height and position. Arrangement of structural elements is proposed, and their kinematic linkage is described. The walking support advance algorithm is developed in the form of a working cycle. Within R&D project supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 18-37-00356, the control operation algorithm and control automation circuit are developed for the walking roof support. The automated control is integrable in the standard electrohydraulic control system of mine roof supports. As a result, the walking roof support with the automated control can be considered as a framework (a platform solution) for the robotic system engineering for safe and efficient underground mining of stratified deposits and diamond placers. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 19-35-90075-19.

Dmitriy Lipinsky

The article is devoted to the principles of legal responsibility as a concentrated expression of legal doctrine, their understanding in science and consolidation in the current legislation. The article analyzes the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the starting principles of legal responsibility, and also shows how the official doctrine formed by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation influenced the system of principles of legal responsibility. The contradictions between the doctrinal characteristics of the principles of legal responsibility and the current legislation are revealed, as well as the practice of its application. Considerable attention is paid to the requirements of the principle of legality, and it is also proved that at present, due to its special importance, the principle of legal certainty has formed in the system of principles of legal responsibility. The nature of the contradictions between the current legislation and the practice of its application is analyzed. Recommendations are given to improve the regulation of the principles of legal responsibility. The article was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 19-011-00103 A «Legal responsibility in the legal system of Russia: the concept of interaction, interconnections and elimination of contradictions with other elements of the legal system».

2020 ◽  
pp. 92-93
L.E. Rossovsky ◽  
A.A. Tovsultanov

The paper considers the Dirichlet problem for an elliptic functionaldifferential equation containing a combination of shifts and contractions of the argument of an unknown function under the Laplace operator. Sufficient conditions for unique solvability are established. It is also shown that the problem can have an infinite-dimensional variety of solutions. This work is done in the framework of the State Contract in accordance with the Additional Agreement No. 075-03-2020-239/2 from 07.07.2020, registry No. 248, Budgetary Classification Code 01104730290059611, for the project titled ‘Non-linear singular integro-differential equations and boundary value problems’. The authors also acknoowledge support by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-41-200001p-a).

Eva Pori ◽  
Jaka Čibej ◽  
Iztok Kosem ◽  
Špela Arhar Holdt

The paper is based on a survey conducted within the framework of the basic research project Collocations as a Basis for Language Description: Semantic and Temporal Perspectives (KOLOS; J6-8255). It presents a qualitative analysis of a user evaluation of the interface of the Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene (CDS). It discusses an alternative perspective—the user's point of view—on problematic aspects of individual dictionary features, which require further lexicographic analysis and discussion. The collocations user study presents a model of the process of user evaluation; its findings are significant primarily for determining problems encountered by users. They also serve as a useful basis for methodology improvements in future, comparable lexicographic user studies and analyses.

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