peasant community
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-289
Fajry Sub'haan Syah Sinaga ◽  
Triyanto Triyanto ◽  
Syahrul Syah Sinaga

This study aims to review the sustainability of Trunthung Music that shapes an ecosystem within the context of eco-culture. The study belongs to the nature of qualitative research with an interdisciplinary approach and several ecological concepts that reflect the culture of the peasant community over the slope of Merbabu Mountain in Magelang. The study itself is conducted in Warangan Hamlet and Gejayan Hamlet, the Regency of Magelang. The data are gathered through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with the informants related to the Trunthung Music. Then, the source triangulation technique is implemented through the test of trustworthiness by inspecting the data on the development of Trunthung Music toward the artists in Warangan Hamlet and the members of Lima Gunung Community. The data that have been attained from various sources are described, categorized, and eventually analyzed so that the ecosystem of Trunthung Music that has been on the progress can be identified. The results of the study show that Trunthung Music has been a performance that combines sonoric, kinesthetic, and visual dimensions, including their association with the natural condition and the peasant life over the Slope of Merbabu. The dialectics of Trunthung Music and the components of its ecosystem are in interaction with one another, resulting in the sustainability of the music until the present days. Then, the components of such ecosystem are the local agents who create the Trunthung Music and their interaction with the art community, be it with the Lima Gunung Community in the context of the Regency of Magelang and with the artists living outside the Regency of Magelang. In addition, the presence of Trunthung Music is associated with the traditional rites in the Warangan Hamlet, such as Nyadran Kali and Tapak Jaran Sembrani. All of these activities have good correlations among music, environment, and culture within the context of eco-culture. 

Olga V. Galtseva

Introduction. The article proposes a worldview approach for typologizing local religious holidays of the rural population of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which they are considered as a system of communication between the human collective and the divine. Results. The life of the Russian peasant was built up in a constant dialogue with the divine, the mediators of this dialogue were the patron saints of the community, communication with whom was carried out through local holidays established in their honor. Various forms of celebration correlated in the worldview of Russian peasants with different reasons for turning to the patron saints, which allowed the author to distinguish two types of local religious holidays that differ in their functions: petition holidays and thanksgiving holidays. Discussion and Conclusion. The system of local religious holidays was not only an accessible mechanism of religious practices for Russian peasants, but also a traditional way of life support. The holidays of supplication and the holidays of thanksgiving, complementing each other in a number of functions, were closely connected with the life of the peasant community. The former was responsible for earthly goods and united people using common natural resources in religious communication, the latter ensured the spiritual kinship of members of tribal groups united in a single veneration of their patron saint. Every significant event in the secular and spiritual life of the peasant world found its expression in the local holiday calendar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Dani Umaruddin

ABSTRACT This study discusses agrarian conflicts that occurred in Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara from 1979–2019. The problems in this study are: 1) Why are there agrarian conflicts in Sembalun District? 2) What are the forms of agrarian conflict that occurred in Sembalun District? The method used is the Critical Historical Method. Meanwhile, the theory used is Historical Dialectical Materialism from Karl Marx and Conflict theory from Ralf Dahrendorf. The results of this study indicate that the agrarian conflict in Sembalun District in 1979–2019 was a structural agrarian conflict. It takes the form of conflicting claims between the Sembalun indigenous peoples and the government and companies regarding who has the right to access land and natural resources. The main cause of the conflict is the lack of community land that becomes their means of production to meet their material subsistence needs. This is due to the practice of negarasasi (land acquisition) carried out by the government and negating the customary law system in agrarian management in Sembalun. Conflict becomes less powerful when the massive Sembalun peasant community defends their land, and tries to restore the customary law system or what is called negation over negation. Keywords: Agrarian Conflict, Sembalun Society, Historical Dialectical Materialism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-41
Feliks Czyżewski

The article presents Kajetan Kraszewski’s opinions on the Uniate Church in Podlasie, included in his Silva rerum. The views of the author of Kronika rodzinna (Family chronicle) are confronted with the statements of the researchers (mostly historians, literary scholars and linguists) within the broad context of the political, social and cultural life of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the partition periods. By comparing research literature and excerpts from Silva rerum, the article analyses the effects of the Union of Lublin and the Union of Brest for the peasant community of Podlasie in the 1860s and 1870s. As presented in Kajetan Kraszewski’s Kronika, the tragedy of the followers of the Uniate Church in Podlasie resulted from the social and religious conditions that fuelled the divides during the time of the Russian partition (divide et impera). Kraszewski’s Silva rerum constitutes an image of the distance with which peasants treated Podlasie’s Uniate Church members, similar to the latter’s during the “masters’” uprising of 1863 (“in the masters’ uprising – we stayed aside watching”).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 091-100
Alexander Dubyansky ◽  

This article examines the views of the Russian economist Nikolai Ivanovich Sieber on community relations both in Russia and abroad. Sieber, as is known, is the first Russian follower of Marx, who assimilated his theory in all its complexity and dialectical inconsistency. However, in this article, the main attention is paid to the position of Sieber in relation to the peasant community. If Sieber was a consistent apologist for Marx's theory, without introducing his own ideas into it, then scholar seems to be completely independent with his own point of view in matters of the community. In the community context, he argued with the narodniks, particularly with V. P. Vorontsov, about the ways of developing the Russian economy. Should it develop based on the preservation and development of the peasant community, artels, as opposed to the creation of large-scale capitalist production in Russia, or should the country strive to create a capitalist economy in which there is no place for community relations? Sieber refuted the narodnik concept of a special way of development of Russia and defended the Marxist idea that capitalism is an objective stage in the development of society and, therefore, inevitable.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 122-133
A. L. Sergeev

Socialism as a political trend and a system of certain ideological positions has been experiencing a kind of renaissance in recent years. Cuban socialism is a special phenomenon of recent history, which has continuously existed and developed for six decades in the most difficult conditions of the North American foreign economic blockade and in the presence of other threats of a socio-political nature. Solving numerous issues of practical and transformative activity, the Cuban socialist doctrine generalized and formulated many new theoretical propositions, a number of which will be able to significantly influence the formation of an updated socialist doctrine claiming the ideological and semantic possibility of a world alternative.The paper analyzes the basic principles characterizing the doctrine of Cuban socialism in matters of ethics, relations with the church, the foundations of education, assessing the prospects of the institution of statehood in the 21st century, and evaluating other political projects that had points of joint intersection with Cuban socialist theory and practice.Cuban socialism is a specific phenomenon that arose as a result of a number of objective and subjective factors. By the end of the 1950s the century-and-a-half struggle of Cubans against colonial and then neocolonial exploitation were intensified by the Soviet vector and its influence in the international arena as the second great power with the aggravation of the Cold War. These factors together with the “island life” on a par with the Catholic, peasant community of the majority of the population, the sacrifice and service of several generations of the young Cuban elite, the combination of the cult of courage and guerrilla traditions with the special cruelty and repressiveness of the Spanish colonial apparatus of the 21st century, and then relying on American support of the Cuban dictatorships of the first half of the 20th century is a set of factors that gave rise to the “spring effect” in the social consciousness of the island society. In addition to objectively determined reasons, a huge role in the long-term maturation of the conditions for the emergence of the Cuban socialist project was played by the traditional personality for the Ibero-American culture. All of the above would have been impossible outside of the long-term activities of a whole galaxy of brilliant Cuban political leaders.


Makalah ini membincangkan dilema ekonomi wang masyarakat Melayu dengan rujukan kepada permasalahan yang berhubung kait dengan penubuhan syarikat perniagaan dan koperasi milikan orang Melayu pada awal abad ke-20. Dalam konteks sejarah, fenomena kapitalisme telah berkembang dengan penggunaan wang dalam masyarakat Melayu untuk aktiviti ekonomi yang jelas dikesan, terutamanya dalam kalangan aristokrat, komuniti perniagaan dan golongan rakyat. Golongan pertukangan Melayu adalah golongan bawahan yang sedia terdedah kepada ekonomi wang telah berusaha untuk menubuhkan syarikat perniagaan milikan orang Melayu dengan cubaan pengumpulan dana sebagai modal. Namun, usaha ini gagal direalisasikan walaupun sambutan di peringkat permulaan amat menggalakkan. Fenomena ini juga telah berkembang dalam kalangan kaum tani kerana penggunaan wang dalam aktiviti pertanian telah mengubah orientasi ekonomi kaum tani daripada sara diri kepada komersial. Perubahan orientasi ekonomi ini sebaliknya telah menimbulkan masalah belenggu hutang berterusan dalam kalangan rakyat bawahan Melayu. Bagi membantu rakyat Melayu, mekanisme yang dilihat boleh mengurangkan masalah hutang dalam kalangan kaum tani ialah dengan penubuhan koperasi pinjaman luar bandar yang akan membolehkan mereka mendapat pinjaman bagi membiayai operasi pertanian, membebaskan diri dari penindasan pemiutang serta memupuk sikap menyimpan wang dalam kalangan mereka. Perkara ini dapat dicapai dengan melaburkan sejumlah wang yang kecil dalam sesebuah koperasi yang kemudiannya akan memberikan keuntungan. Perbincangan dua aspek ini menunjukkan dilema masyarakat Melayu untuk menyesuaikan diri dalam menghadapi perubahan orientasi ekonomi wang yang berlandaskan kapitalisme. Perbincangan ini meliputi analisis bahan-bahan sejarah sezaman yang merangkumi surat khabar Melayu dan dokumen pentadbiran British.   This article discusses the dilemma of the money economy in Malay society concerning the establishment of Malay business corporations and cooperative societies in the early 20th century. In the historical context, the phenomenon of capitalism was reflected through the penetration of the money economy into the Malay economic activities evident among the Malay aristocrats, business communities and the commoners. The Malay artisans were among the first lower class community who were exposed to the money economy. However, attempts to raise funds to establish corporations owned by these Malays failed despite the encouraging initial support. This phenomenon of money economy had also expanded into the peasant community whereby the utilisation of money economy in agricultural activities had changed the self-sufficiency orientation into commercialism. Nevertheless, this change had caused many Malay peasants to be involved with indebtedness. A mechanism that could assist these peasants with the problem of indebtedness was to establish rural credit cooperative societies that would enable them to obtain loans to fund their agricultural operations, unbound themselves from indebtedness and cultivate the habit of saving. These were achievable by investing in cooperative societies that would eventually generate profits. The discussion on these two aspects shows the dilemma faced by the Malays in adapting themselves to the change in economic orientation based on capitalism. This discussion is based on content analysis of contemporaneous historical sources comprising Malay newspapers and British administrative documents.

Наталья Александровна Шушвал

В статье на архивных и этнографических материалах Вологодской губ. рассказывается о месте и роли странничества в деле храмопопечения. Само храмопопечение в крестьянском сообществе представляло собой заботу об устройстве храма – его внешнем и внутреннем благолепии, а также отношение к нему, бытующее в крестьянской среде во второй половине XIX – начале XX в., и все виды и формы коммуникаций, вызванные этим отношением. Сбор доброхотных подаяний для нужд храма являлся частью индивидуальных форм храмопопечения и органичной частью странничества. В статье прослеживается, как происходила организация сборов на храм внутри приходского сообщества, какую роль в ней исполняли священнослужители, какими качествами обладали сами сборщики и что являлось мотивами для участия в данной практике храмопопечения. Сборщики на храм иногда собирали средства без разрешения епархиального начальства, выпадали из церковной нормативности, но при этом полностью соответствовали пониманию крестьянами истинного благочестия. Несмотря на стремление церкви регулировать данный вид попечения, оно было ярким проявлением крестьянской религиозности. В статье можно увидеть, что странничество в крестьянской среде было бы невозможно без таких явлений крестьянской жизни, как странноприимство, идеи милосердия и представления о храме как о сакральном центре крестьянской общины. The article on the archival and ethnographic materials of the Vologda province tells about the place and the role of wandering in the matter of church care. The care of the church itself in the peasant community was a concern for the structure of the church – its external and internal splendor, as well as the attitude towards it that existed in the peasant environment in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries and all types and forms of communication caused by this attitude. Collecting voluntary alms for the needs of the temple was part of individual forms of church care and an organic part of wandering. The article notes how the church fund-raising had organized within the parish community, what role the clergy played in it, what qualities the collectors themselves possessed, and what were the motives for participating in this practice of temple care. Canvassers sometimes raised funds for the church without the permission of the diocesan authorities, which fell out of church standards, but at the same time fully corresponded to the peasants’ understanding of true piety. Despite the desire of the church to regulate this type of care, it was a vivid manifestation of peasant religiosity. It can be seen in the article that wandering among the peasant environment would have been impossible without such a phenomenon of peasant life as hospitality, the idea of mercy, and the idea of the temple as the sacred center of the peasant community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-66
S.M. Kozlova ◽  

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the CPSU and the Soviet government, implementing a program of building communism in a short time, launched the process of industrialization of agriculture and proletarization of the peasantry. Writers of rural themes perceived this movement as a threat to the national identity of the Russian people and tried to contrast the state projects with the historical experience of the grassroots peasant initiative in creating rural communities of high productive labor, class equality, abundance, and original culture. The article considers two types of artistic models of the peasant world order: “closed”, focused on the centuries-old traditions of the Russian peasant community (V. Lichutin, V. Rasputin), and “open”, characteristic of the utopias of the Altai chronotope, focused on the post-revolutionary new peasantry order (S. Zalygin, V. Shukshin). The problem is in the degree of the utopian and the real in models of both types and their relevance in the modern search for the Russian way of revival and development of the peasant world. The scientific basis of this work is the research of the history and theory of the utopia genre and its modifications in Russian prose of the second half of the twentieth century: K. Chistov, Ya. Lurie, V. Shestakov, E. Shatsky, V. Grikhin, V. Chalikova, K. Parte, A. Gulygi, N. Tsvetnoy, N. Kovtun, A. Razuvalova, etc. We used sociological, comparative-historical, comparative-typological, and motivic methods

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