social conflict
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Siharta Leman Anwar Nababan ◽  
Warto Warto ◽  
Triana Rejekiningsih

<p><em>This study aims to formulate indicators and characteristics of an effective leader and are desired by a multicultural society. This research is important to answer various problems or conflicts that occur in Indonesian society, especially social conflicts related to religion. Based on the existing literature, it is explained that the factors associated with effective multicultural leadership to deal with social conflict are personal identity, individual competence and individual experiences related to diversity. The method used in this article is through normative research or through literature searches such as books, journals, papers and other sources that are considered to be similar or relevant. The results of the research in this article indicate that factors related to multicultural leadership expected by society are one's innate nature, values that support diversity that are instilled early in a person and environmental factors that can provide experiences to increase cultural intelligence. In the indicators there are innate traits that are important to have, such as: patient, courageous, assertive and innovative.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-150
Datu Jatmiko

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai peristiwa klithih yang akhir-akhir ini terjadi di Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya. Klithih merupakan jenis kenakalan remaja yang mengarah pada konflik sosial dan kekerasan di masyarakat. Klithih pada awalnya adalah sebuah ajang yang digunakan oleh para remaja untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya di dalam pergaulan antar remaja di Yogyakarta. Pada akhirnya klithih akhirnya berubah menjadi ajang untuk menciptakan sebuah konflik sosial dan kekerasan dengan menyasar siapa saja yang berada di jalan raya. Penyebab umum terjadinya klithih selain untuk menunjukkan eksistensi kelompok remajanya/ peer group juga karena lemahnya pengawasan dan control sosial oleh keluarga dan sekolah karena sebagian besar pelakunya adalah remaja anak sekolah. Dalam perspektif sosiologi, tidak ada jawaban tunggal dalam menjelaskan realitas sosial termasuk fenomena klithih ini karena sosiologi merupakan ilmu sosial berparadigma ganda. Demikian juga dalam menjelaskan realitas klithih di Yogyakarta. Tinjauan klithih di jalanan Kota Yogyakarta ini vital dilakukan agar supaya penjelasan tidak parsial sehingga dapat mengungkapkan pemahaman yang universal dan menyeluruh. Pilihan teoretik tersebut memiliki implikasi metodologis yang selanjutnya diharapkan berakhir pada ditemukannya langkah penyelesaian yang tepat oleh seluruh pihak yang terkait. Langkah solutif untuk pencegahan dan mengatasi terjadinya klithih perlu dilakukan untuk mengembangkan relasi sosial menjadi lebih harmonis dan humanis sekaligus mengurangi terjadinya penyakit sosial yang berupa klithih. This paper aims to get information about klithih events that recently occurred in the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Klithih is a type of juvenile delinquency that leads to social conflict and violence in society. Klithih was originally an event used by teenagers to show their existence in the association between teenagers in Yogyakarta. Eventually klithih finally turned into a place to create a social conflict and violence by targeting anyone who was on the highway. The most common cause of klithih in addition to showing the existence of adolescents/peer groups is also due to the weak supervision and social control by families and schools because most of the perpetrators are teenage school children. In the perspective of sociology, there is no single answer in explaining social reality including this klithih phenomenon because sociology is a social paradigm with multiple paradigms. Likewise in explaining the reality of klithih in Yogyakarta. This klithih review on the streets of Yogyakarta is vital so that the explanation is not partial so that it can reveal a universal and comprehensive understanding. The theoretical choice has methodological implications which are then expected to end in the discovery of an appropriate settlement step by all parties concerned. Solutive steps to prevent and overcome the occurrence of klithih needs to be done to develop social relations to be more harmonious and humanist while reducing the occurrence of social diseases in the form of klithih.

CALL ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Sopa Marwati ◽  
Nur Holis ◽  
Hasbi Assiddiqi

Social conflict happens due to diversities of opinion, culture, and ideology in the certain society. It can be discovered in every stratum of society level, social conflict can occur in the upper, middle and lower class. This study explained social class conflicts which were taken from two movies: Parasite (2019) and Joker (2019). This study uses a comparative literary theory by Sussan Bassnet. Th study also used focused on the social class conflict theory by Lewis Coser and the classification of people by Karl Max. The method used in this research is descriptive in technique of analyzing the data was obtaining by categorizing, describing and interpreting the data, then making conclusion. The result showed that in the Parasite and the Joker movies contained of social class conflict, it occurred inter classes of people in a society. based on analysis, it concluded that both of the movie has differences in the social class conflict and the causes of the conflict itself. However, both movies have the same consequences of the conflict. In the Parasite movie social class conflict occurred inter the lower class. While, in the Joker movie, the social class conflict occurred between the upper and lower class.

2021 ◽  
pp. 313-328
Najimdeen Bakare

Soon after attaining independence on October 1, 1960, the newly created nation-state – Nigeria had to wrestle with post-independent political realities. These combined with the legacies of colonial rule, and the prevalence of ethno-religious politics, led the country into civil war in 1967. Since 1960, Nigeria has experimented with different forms of government and achieved some degree of economic growth but is still plagued by the agitation of self-determination in the form of secessionist campaigns, be it the Biafra or the Oduduwa and Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND). To place the discussion in perspective, the paper reviews the existing literature on the subject and also discusses Edward Azar’s protracted social conflict (PSC) theory as the theoretical base. Upon laying the theoretical foundation, the paper situates and evaluates the agitation for self-determination in Nigeria in the light of PSC. Lastly, the paper concludes that instead of seeking self-determination or territorial disintegration, the polity of Nigeria should historically revert to the practice of congenial and connected regionalism.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Johanna Gjøen ◽  
Per Jensen

The domestic fowl has a different social behavior compared to their ancestor, the red junglefowl. To examine whether selection for tameness has affected their intra-specific social behavior, 32 red junglefowl from two selection lines, one selected for increased tameness and one selected for a high fear of humans for ten generations, were kept in a group of two females and two males each and were observed in a semi-natural undisturbed enclosure. Birds selected for a low fear of humans had more social conflict, and the males from this selection crowed more and were more often observed in low social proximity to others. The high-fear birds spent more time close together with the rest of the group and performed more social, non-aggressive pecking. These results are consistent with known differences between ancestral red junglefowl and domesticated laying hens. Our results show that intra-specific social behavior has been affected as a side-effect of selection for increased tameness. This may have interesting implications for the emergence of the domestication syndrome in chickens.


Pergolakan antara etnik Uighur dan Kerajaan China sudah lama diperkatakan. Bermula pada tahun 1949 sehingga kini, konflik ini masih belum reda malah mengakibatkan ribuan nyawa terkorban dan harta benda musnah. Kedua-dua pihak masih memperjuangkan matlamat dan kepentingan masing-masing dan belum bersedia untuk mencari penyelesaian. Penulisan ini memfokuskan kepada pendekatan Segi tiga Konflik sebagai alternatif untuk memahami konflik yang bersifat berulang-ulang ini (Protracted Social Conflict). Terdapat tiga elemen utama dalam Pendekatan Segi tiga Konflik iaitu Situasi, Sikap dan Tingkah laku. Ketiga elemen ini saling berkaitan antara satu sama lain yang mendorong kepada turun dan naik intensiti konflik. Penulisan ini merujuk kepada sumber-sumber sekunder yang melibatkan perbincangan dalam buku, jurnal, hasil kajian, laporan media dan lain-lain lagi. Data yang diperoleh ini kemudiannya dianalisis melalui pengaplikasian elemen Segi tiga Konflik sebagai alternatif memahami konflik yang berpanjangan tersebut. Kebergantungan antara tiga elemen ini membolehkan kita memahami punca-punca konflik tersebut terperangkap di intensiti yang ekstrem. Hasil daripada pengaplikasian elemen Segi tiga Konflik ini mendapati bahawa dari sudut ‘Situasi’, konflik tersebut berlaku akibat perebutan Wilayah Xinjiang (konflik material) antara etnik Uighur dan Kerajaan China dan kini telah bertukar kepada konflik nilai (agama dan identiti) sehingga sukar dikompromi dan diselesaikan. Begitu juga dengan elemen ‘Sikap’, apabila konflik yang berpanjangan tersebut telah meningkat elemen psikologi yang tidak terkawal seperti marah, benci, cemburu, imej musuh, stereotaip dan prejudis. Akhirnya, ia membentuk elemen ‘Tingkah laku’ yang memaksa, memujuk, mengugut, ancaman, diskriminasi, asimilasi  dan pembunuhan. Salah satu contoh ialah penahanan kem pendidikan dan vokasional ke atas etnik Uighur di Xinjiang yang merupakan tingkah laku asimilasi yang melibatkan ancaman dan ugutan; ia berkaitan dengan elemen psikologi stereotaip dan double standard Kerajaan China ke atas etnik Uighur.   The unrest between the Uighurs and the Chinese government has elongated for quite a long time. Since 1949, the conflict has not subsided and resulted in thousands of lives lost and property destruction. Both sides are still fighting for their respective goals and interests, and not ready to find solutions. This paper focuses on the Galtung’s Conflict Triangle Approach as an alternative to understand this recurring conflict (Protracted Social Conflict). There are three main elements in the Conflict Triangle Approach namely Situation, Attitude and Behavior. These three elements are interconnected, leading to escalated and de-escalated of conflict intensity. This paper has made reference to secondary sources involving discussions in books, journals, research results, media reports and others. In order to understand the protracted social conflict, the data obtained are analyzed using the application of the Conflict Triangle. The interdependence between these three elements allows us to understand the causes of this conflict is trapped in extreme intensity. As a result of the application of the Conflict Triangle elements, it is found that from the ‘Situation’ point of view, there is a dispute over Xinjiang province (material conflict) between the Uighur ethnic group and the Chinese government in which has turned into a values conflict (religion and identity) that is difficult to compromise and resolve. Attitude is found as an element from the protracted social conflict which was resulted to an uncontrollable psychological element such as anger,hatred, jealousy, enemy images, stereotypes and prejudice. Eventually, it forms the behavior element of coercion, persuasion, intimidation, threats,discrimination, assimilation and murder. One example is the establishment of educational and vocational detention camps for the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang. The camps are part of the assimilation strategy of the government to asimilate the Uighurs. The camps are reported to execute inhuman behavior involving threats and intimidation which relate to the stereotypical psychological elements and the Chinese government’s double standard on the Uighur ethnic group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-157
Caio Gontijo ◽  
Leonardo Ramos

Abstract In this article, we aim to set out an appropriate interpretation for the historical form that the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro embodies and the context that made his presidency possible. We propose a discussion on the level of ideology, although conceived from a material and historical background and integrated into a context of hegemonic dispute that presupposes ideology but which is not identical to it. We analyse the constituent elements of this ideology and its particularities, based on the Gramscian concept of ‘Caesarism’ and the notion of ‘corrosive ridicule’. Finally, we outline probable future developments for social conflict and crisis in Brazil during the coronavirus pandemic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 030981682110548
David J. Bailey ◽  
Paul C. Lewis ◽  
Saori Shibata

This article explores the terrain of social conflict as it developed across advanced capitalist democracies throughout the ‘age of austerity’ that followed the global economic crisis. It shows how a (broadly defined) working class mobilised in different ways in different capitalist contexts, contesting the institutional forms (and the crises that emerged from them) which constitute each particular model of capitalism. Considered this way, we are able to conceptualise and explain the forms of working-class mobilisation that have emerged in opposition to contemporary neoliberalism. In doing so, we go beyond a narrow focus on workplace-focused or trade-union-led forms of working-class mobilisation, highlighting the continuing contestation of neoliberal capitalism. Drawing on a protest event analysis of 1,167 protest events in five countries (Spain, Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom), and developing a Régulation Theory approach to the study of protest/social movements, we provide an overview of the most visible patterns of social contestation in each national neoliberal capitalist context, tracing links to the institutional configurations that constitute those national models of capitalism. While there exists no direct (linear) process of causality between the model of neoliberal capitalism and the forms of mobilised dissent witnessed, nevertheless we are able to clearly trace the different pressures of capital accumulation that have given rise to the protest/social movements identified in each case, thereby allowing us to gain a better insight into both each particular model of capitalism and the forms of dissent that constitute it.

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