integrated tasks
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (73) ◽  
pp. 18-24
A. Denisov ◽  
V. Khomiakov

Considered joint political and military-political decisions of Russian and American governments led to massive integration of new technological environments in Russia based on covering material technologies. Showed that for solving of the whole system of integrated tasks there was made a synthesis of results of engineering and system designing of productions with irrational religious myths and symbols of apocalypse.

2021 ◽  
pp. 357-371
Lia Plakans

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Hieronimus Canggung Darong

Integrated tasks are popularly known and accepted as an effective way of improving students’ writing quality. However, it is still not clear to what really accounts for its effectiveness. This study examined whether the students who were facilitated by integrated task achieved higher writing quality than those who were not. Twenty - two students participated within the group experiment utilizing a counterbalance technique in controlling the order effect. In the first session, twelve students were asked to write an essay based on an integrated (INT) task while the other 12 wrote based on an independent (IND) task. Then, the task division was switched in the second writing session. Students’ writing quality were scored by three raters and were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using Wilcoxon signed rank test (WSRT). The results confirmed that the quality of students’ writing using both integrated and independent tasks was not significantly different. There are still other aspects contributing to writing quality. Thus, task types do not guarantee the students’ writing quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-190
Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah ◽  
Masayu Binti Othman

The authors examined the importance of integrated tasks of entrepreneurship among young individuals in Kurdistan. The study aimed to evaluate the level of youth understanding of entrepreneurship. The data was collected from 242 youth and the frequencies have been used to measure the weights of the tasks from the youth perspective. The authors found ideas, training, knowledge, competencies, and skills are sufficiently important to youth entrepreneurship success. The study also indicated that young individuals in Kurdistan Region are not aware of the entrepreneurship dimensions as the tasks, but they still found it as an integrated part of entrepreneurship. The lack of creativity, initiative, and innovation among youth is found to be associated with poor quality of youth in identifying opportunities and risk–taking due to the lack of understanding and knowledge as pre–conditions to the business start–up.

Eulices Córdoba ◽  
Esteban Mayorga ◽  
Licenia Perea ◽  
Carolina Bedoya ◽  

This paper reports a study that was conducted to develop language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) through implementing Integrated Tasks in English as a Foreign language teaching Context. The participants were 10 learners who were taking different English courses (First, second, third, fourth and fifth semester respectively), their English levels range from A1 to B1 and come from rural and urban areas all over Colombia. The study was conducted under the methodology of a mix-method and data were collected through interviews, online surveys and students’ reports of their results in the integrated tasks. The results suggest that Integrated tasks (meaningful assignments that combine the four language skills) seem to be a meaningful way to help learners develop their receptive and productive abilities. The participants highlighted the use of this methodology as a way to boost classroom autonomy, participation and providing them with rich practice to empower their capabilities in the English education process. In summary, Integrated Tasks served to shape the routine of the e-classroom and open discussion, decision-making and refer to the real-unreal daily life situations.

Nurhayati Irmawan ◽  
Rahmi Aulia Nurdini

Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing are four skills tested in TOEFL iBT. The two types of questions in the writing task of TOEFL iBT are independent and integrated. Focusing on the integrated task in which test-takers require to read a passage, to listen to a lecture related to the topic of the reading and to summarize the listening by explaining how it relates to the points in the reading (Peterson, 2007:8). This research analyzed the errors of students' writing production of integrated task. The research samples of the task were taken from 7 (seven)  TOEFL iBT candidates. Examining 14 integrated tasks, this study categorized the errors into three major categories: grammar, mechanics, and content errors. This study found that most frequent grammatical errors were in the verb (22%),  agreement (20%), and followed by a noun (14%). The findings of mechanic errors are mostly in the use of capitalization at the beginning of a sentence. In the part of punctuation errors, it was found that the omission of a comma as a frequent error. The last results are content errors which consist of plagiarism;  own idea addition; question addressing in which if the test takers’ response focuses on one of the two passages and completely ignores the other one; and missed information in which test-takers are unable to absorb key information from reading and listening passage. It is expected that these findings enable TOEFL iBT tutors to recognize candidates' problems and improve their teaching approach to reach better results. Keywords: Error Analysis, TOEFL iBT, integrated writing task, summarizing 

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-334 ◽  
Marije Michel ◽  
Andrea Révész ◽  
Xiaojun Lu ◽  
Nektaria-Efstathia Kourtali ◽  
Minjin Lee ◽  

Most research into second language (L2) writing has focused on the products of writing tasks; much less empirical work has examined the behaviours in which L2 writers engage and the cognitive processes that underlie writing behaviours. We aimed to fill this gap by investigating the extent to which writing speed fluency, pausing, eye-gaze behaviours and the cognitive processes associated with pausing may vary across independent and integrated tasks throughout the whole, and at five different stages, of the writing process. Sixty L2 writers performed two independent and two integrated TOEFL iBT writing tasks counterbalanced across participants. While writing, we logged participants’ keystrokes and captured their eye-movements. Participants took part in a stimulated recall interview based on the last task they had completed. Mixed effects regressions and qualitative analyses revealed that, apart from source use on the integrated task, L2 writers engaged in similar writing behaviours and cognitive processes during the independent and integrated tasks. The integrated task, however, elicited more dynamic and varied behaviours and cognitive processes across writing stages. Adopting a mixed-methods approach enabled us to gain more complete and specific insights than using a single method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Liu Li

Dictation has long been recognized as a valid testing device and practical teaching technique in second language (L2) teaching and research. Yet recent years have witnessed an increasing use of integrated tasks in language education. This paper attempts to combine dictation with a reading activity and thereby explores the effectiveness of a reading-dictation integrated task, as compared to a dictation-only task in facilitating Chinese learning as a L2. Results of a quasi-experimental study showed that in reading-dictation, participants produced a higher number of correct characters and made less use of pinyin for support; homophone errors and comprehension errors were noticeably reduced. In addition, feedbacks from an interview verified participants' positive attitudes towards the reading-dictation task. Pedagogical implications of this study were subsequently discussed, in relation to Chinese L2 teaching in general and orthography teaching in particular.

Anna V. Gavrilova ◽  
Nina V. Popova

We discuss the existing programme of the elective discipline “Teaching Methods in the Format of International Exams” for Master’s Degree linguist student of pedagogical profile, which presents familiarization of students to the formats of ten international exams. In the process of modernizing the program, it was decided to focus only on the formats of tasks for the TOEFL, IELTS and CAE exams, which complement the content of the main course for Master’s Degree students of pedagogical profile “Theory and Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching” in the lin-guodidactic aspect. The selected tasks are appropriate for introducing to the students of non-linguistic, in particular, technical, universities in the foreign language training program. Integrated tasks in the TOEFL format that implement the principle of interconnected teaching of reading, lis-tening, and speaking/writing are developed similarly by the Master’s Degree linguist students for English language textbooks for students of non-linguistic universities. A detailed analysis of the methods for working with integrated tasks created by the Master’s Degree students is presented. Visual and informational materials from the “writing” section of the academic version of the IELTS exam are the implementation of the methodic principle of professional orientation of teaching. The introduction of graph, bar chart, diagram or table descriptions in foreign language teaching has a high degree of relevance for students of non-linguistic university, especially those of a technical specialization. We show the distribution of lexical and grammatical aspects and developed skills of foreign language learners in accordance with the types of visual and informational materials. The development of universal learning activities (ULA) of students in the process of teaching the description of visual and informational materials is justified. Listening comprehension in the format of the CAE international exam can be used as an element of students preparation for conference activities. Modernization of the elective course programme provides better quality of training for Master’s Degree linguist students aimed at foreign language teaching in a non-linguistic university.

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