independent tasks
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2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 769-785
Zhong Hong ◽  
Jian-Min Jiang ◽  
Hongping Shu

As a safety-critical issue in complex mobile systems, isolation requires two or more mobile objects not to appear in the same place simultaneously. To ensure such isolation, a scheduling policy is needed to control and coordinate the movement of mobile objects. Unfortunately, existing task scheduling theories fails in providing effective solutions, because it is hardly possible to decompose a complex mobile system into multiple independent tasks. To solve this problem, a more fine-grained event scheduling is proposed in this paper to generate scheduling policies which can ensure the isolation of mobile objects. After defining event scheduling based on event-based formal models called dependency structures, a new event scheduling theory for mobile systems is developed accordingly. Then an algorithm for generating an event scheduling policy is proposed to implement the required isolation. Simulation experiments are conducted to prove the result of our theoretical analysis and show the effectiveness and scalability of the approach.


The article substantiates the expediency of the implementation of the advanced learning in the process of fundamental mathematical training of bachelors in the field of electronics and telecommunications. At the moment, the field requires mandatory (deep) knowledge of the main classical sections of mathematics, it is also important to acquaint students in higher mathematics with elements of modern mathematical theories, concepts that allow learners to better understand special courses in mathematics and relevant special disciplines. materials of mathematics, which are used in the modern mathematical models of technical developments. The aim of the article is to reveal the approaches to the concept of the advanced learning in the process of fundamental mathematical training of future bachelors in the field of electronics and telecommunications.The main methods that were implemented in the study of the problem of advanced learning were the analysis and synthesis of the scientific sources on the selected problem, observation, implementation of projects and evaluation of their results. It is offered (from the first semester) to introduce generalized concepts (norm, operator, etc.) in time, to acquaint with ideas of variational calculus, functional analysis, mathematical methods of research of linear equations with variable coefficients, theory of stochastic approximation, mathematical modelling. Then the future specialist will be able to comprehend the objects, which have been already developed by mathematicians but have not been used yet. Thus, a difficult topic or concept can be considered in advance in some connection with the currently studied material. For example, during the study of a function and the construction of its graph, along with the asymptote, students can be introduced to the approximation of the function, the concepts of interpolation and approximation. It is expedient to acquaint students with these problems more deeply during performance of independent tasks (consultations, the abstract, the report at conference, etc.).

O. A. Imanova

The article describes the processes of organizing and implementing distance learning at the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of the Siberian Federal University in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The process of mastering the technology of electronic portfolio by bachelor students of the training direction “Pedagogical education”, the profile “Tutor” in the implementation of the discipline “E-portfolio in personal and professional development” is considered. The possibilities of using the means of distance educational technologies in the process of studying by students of the electronic training course “E-portfolio in personal and professional development” are presented. The methods of organizing classroom (practical) and independent work of students by the teacher in the implementation of this course using distance learning technologies are described. Examples of classes with a specific description of the stages, the distance technologies used, the actions of participants in the educational process — students and teachers; the results of students’ activities to perform part of the classroom and independent tasks of the electronic training course under consideration are presented. The results of students’ reflection on the course which was organized using the forum are presented in the article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
David Galé-Lamuela ◽  
Guillermo González-Sanz ◽  
Amadeo Benavent-Climent

La técnica de puzle es un método de aprendizaje cooperativo ampliamente implementado en ámbitos académicos que ha demostrado su eficacia en la adquisición de competencias fundamentales y transversales en la formación. La organización en grupos pequeños favorece la interacción entre alumnos y la división del trabajo en tareas separadas, fomentando la interdependencia positiva, característica fundamental en el aprendizaje cooperativo. Este trabajo presenta la aplicación de la técnica puzle a un bloque de la asignatura “Seminarios” del Máster en Ingeniería Sísmica de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Tras su aplicación, se observa que el alumno adquiere de forma muy satisfactoria los contenidos de la materia, así como una mejora sustancial en la formación en competencias transversales y en el desarrollo de habilidades sociales. Los resultados positivos de esta experiencia ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de fomentar la implantación de metodologías docentes innovadoras en las enseñanzas técnicas universitarias.AbstractCooperative jigsaw method is widely spread in academic environments and it has demonstrated its efficiency on the acquisition of professional and transversal competences. The organization in small groups improves the interaction between students and the work partitioning in independent tasks, promoting the positive interdependence which is crucial for cooperative learning. The present study applies the jigsaw method to the “Seminars” course from MScs in Earthquake Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. As a result of the application of this method, it is observed that the students learn the content of the subject, and improve substantially the transversal competences and social skills. This study supports the need of implementing innovative educational methods in the technical studies

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (18) ◽  
pp. 6231
Olja Krčadinac ◽  
Uroš Šošević ◽  
Dušan Starčević

Two important tasks in many e-commerce applications are identity verification of the user accessing the system and determining the level of rights that the user has for accessing and manipulating system’s resources. The performance of these tasks is directly dependent on the certainty of establishing the identity of the user. The main research focus of this paper is user identity verification approach based on voice recognition techniques. The paper presents research results connected to the usage of open-source speaker recognition technologies in e-commerce applications with an emphasis on evaluating the performance of the algorithms they use. Four open-source speaker recognition solutions (SPEAR, MARF, ALIZE, and HTK) have been evaluated in cases of mismatched conditions during training and recognition phases. In practice, mismatched conditions are influenced by various lengths of spoken sentences, different types of recording devices, and the usage of different languages in training and recognition phases. All tests conducted in this research were performed in laboratory conditions using the specially designed framework for multimodal biometrics. The obtained results show consistency with the findings of recent research which proves that i-vectors and solutions based on probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) continue to be the dominant speaker recognition approaches for text-independent tasks.

2021 ◽  
Sverre Velten Rothmund ◽  
Christoph Alexander Thieme ◽  
Ingrid Bouwer Utne ◽  
Tor Arne Johansen

Enabling higher levels of autonomy requires an increased ability to identify and handle internal faults and unforeseen changes in the environment. This work presents an approach to improve this ability for a robotic system executing a series of independent tasks, such as inspection, sampling, or intervention, at different locations. A dynamic decision network (DDN) is used to infer the presence of internal faults and the state of the environment by fusing information over time. This knowledge is used to make risk-informed decisions enabling the system to proactively avoid failure and to minimize the consequence of faults. Past states are evaluated with new information to identify and counteract previous sub-optimal actions. A case study on an inspection drone tasked with contact-based ultrasound inspection is presented. The case study successfully demonstrates the proposed capabilities while minimizing time use and maximizing mission completion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 211-216
Sanjaya Pinem ◽  
Viktor Edison Hutagaol

Abstract: Technology information using the internet can benefit educators and provide information to students to transfer knowledge has a very high potential. The purposes of these community service are: (1) to expand the insight, knowledge, and experience directly about the model of blended learning for teachers, especially teachers of Sma Katolik 1 Kabanjahe; (2) Teachers can use elearning moodle learning technology. The techniques that are planned to shape the motivation and participation of educators ranging from the benefits of blended learning, and the application of blended learning so that educators in directly implementing it in the classroom. The implementation method starts in a structured manner starting from the initial discussion about blended learning, taking the results of the initial questionnaire, then giving independent tasks to the teachers. This community service was attended by 12 teachers at SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe, Kab. Karo. North Sumatra. The important conclusion of this community service is the awareness and ability of educators in using information technology, especially blended learning can increase motivation to educators to provide maximum learning to learners.         Keywords: blended learning; moodle; teaching technologyAbstrak: Teknologi informasi dengan menggunakan internet dapat menguntungkan para pendidik dalam memberikan informasi kepada peserta didik. Pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi mempunyai potensi yang sangat tinggi. Tujuan dari penulisan: (1) memperluas wawasan, pengetahuan dan pengalaman secara langsung tentang model pembelajaran blended learning untuk guru guru khususnya Guru SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe; (2) Guru–guru dapat menggunakan teknologi pembelajaran elearning moodle. Teknik yang direncanakan untuk membentuk motivasi dan partisipasi tenaga pendidik mulai dari keuntungan blended learning, dan pengaplikasian blended learning sehingga tenaga pendidik dalam langsung mengimplementasikannya di dalam kelas. Metode pelaksanaan dimulai secara terstruktur mulai dari diskusi awal tentang blended learning, mengambil hasil kuesioner awal, selanjutnya memberikan tugas mandiri kepada guru–guru. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 12 guru di SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe, kab. Karo. Sumatera Utara. Kesimpulan penting dari pengabdian ini adalah adanya kesadaran dan kemampuan pendidik dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi khususnya blended learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi kepada tenaga pendidik untuk memberikan pembelajaran yang maksimal kepada peserta didik.Kata kunci: blended learning; moodle; teknologi pembelajaran

D. P. Kunkevich ◽  
I. L. Kovaleva ◽  
A. A. Baryshau

Synthesis of the engineering design decisions is considered. The fixtures for locating and clamping parts to be tooled at the manufacturing operations are the design objects. An approach to topology and parametric design are proposed. Most efficiently these tasks are solved at the function level. Finally, geometry models and design drawings are needed for manufacturing. Fixture action is to mate bases of fixture object with function faces of fixture locators. This is constraining the degrees of freedom of object. Every base constrains certain degree of freedom. In accordance with quantity and quality of that degrees, certain locators are appointed to the base and them must be positioned resulting in the a locating chart. The quality of the locating chart may be evaluated by the several criteria, for example, by it dimensions. Unsatisfactory solution may be followed by redistributing degrees of freedom among the bases or editing positions of locators within the bases. Thus the design is decomposed onto two independent tasks of different levels.

Mark Wilson

The underlying model for most formal educational measurement (e.g. standardised tests) is based on a very simple model: the student takes a test (possibly alongside other students). The complications of there being an instructional plan, actual instruction, interpretation of the outcome, and formulation of next steps, are all bypassed in considering how to model the process of measurement. There are some standard exceptions, of course: a pre-test/post-test context will involve two measurements, and attention to gain score, or similar. However, if we wish to design measurement to hold to Lehrer’s (2021) definition of ‘accountable assessment’ – as ‘actionable information for improving classroom instruction’ – then this narrow conceptualisation must be extended. In this presentation, I will posit a simple model that reflects the simple one-test context described above, and then elaborate on it by adding in a) a framework for design of the assessments that is keyed to educational interpretation, b) further rounds of data collection that can indicate changes in a student’s underlying ability, and c) provision for varied assessment modes that will allow for i) classroom-independent tasks that operate at the summative and meso levels, and ii) classroom-dependent tasks that operate at the micro level. The former are designed to provide a basis for triangulating student responses across different contexts, and the latter are designed to closely track the variation of student performance over time in a classroom instructional context. This framing will be exemplified in a in a K–5 elementary school that is seeking to improve the quality of instruction and students’ understandings of measure and arithmetic. The different levels of data collection will be instantiated by two different pieces of software, which operate at the micro level and the meso/summative levels respectively.

Farshid Rayhan ◽  
Aphrodite Galata ◽  
Tim F. Cootes

AbstractWe introduce a new architecture called ChoiceNet where each layer of the network is highly connected with skip connections and channelwise concatenations. This enables the network to alleviate the problem of vanishing gradients, reduces the number of parameters without sacrificing performance and encourages feature reuse. We evaluate our proposed architecture on three independent tasks: classification, segmentation and facial landmark localisation. For this, we use benchmark datasets such as ImageNet, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN CamVid and 300W.

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