diary writing
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2022 ◽  
Vol 122 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 284-318
Gijsbert Rutten ◽  
Andreas Krogull

Ego-documents are at the heart of historical sociolinguistics. Contrary to what a label such as ego-document may suggest, Early and Late Modern ego-documents constitute a heterogenous group of genres comprising, among others, private letters, diaries and travel journals. Empirical studies have shown that there are important linguistic differences between private letters on the one hand, and diaries/journals on the other. The latter often seem surprisingly standard-like or formal. Theoretical models of register variation and conceptual orality can partially explain the differences, without however offering a full explanation of the surprising formality of diaries/journals. We argue that it is crucial to take into account recent work by social historians concerning diaries/journals in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Diary-writing was an inherently reflexive practice allowing authors to reflect on their lives, and to create a textually fixed point of reference. Authors of diaries had a variable and multilayered audience in mind of known and unknown readers. We introduce the observee’s paradox: while creating private texts for themselves in which they were their own observers and observees, authors of diaries also reckoned with unknown readers in a possibly distant future, which prompted them to shift into a more formal or standard-like register.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-169
Dhifa Olyevia ◽  
Nurdin ◽  
Ana Kuliahana ◽  
Hijrah Syam

This research with a quantitative approach aims to determine whether the use of diary writing strategy is effective to improve writing skill in recount text of eighth grade students at MTS Negeri 2 Palu. The population in this research were students at MTS Negeri 2 Palu and the sample was students in grades VIII A and B with a total sample of 70 students. However, due to the pandemic ccovid-19with all the limitation, the researcher only obtained 24 students as the samples who took the test in this research. In this research the researcher used a purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique using test, namely pre-test and post- test. The technique of data analys is that the researcher used is the t-test. The results of the data analysis showed that t-count is and t-table (t-count10,632 > t-table1,796). It means the results of the research showed that there is improvement in the eighth grade students’ writing skill in recount text after the implementation of Diary writing strategy at MTS Negeri 2 Palu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-412
Micòl Beseghi

Abstract Learner journals, diaries, and logs have been used in a variety of learning contexts, including foreign language learning. This paper investigates how diary writing can be used in the EFL classroom to encourage students to express their identities through the language they are learning; it is also a way of supporting them in their quest for greater autonomy, with a view to exploring the interconnections between learner autonomy, learner self (L2 self), and learner emotions. More specifically, it will be shown how reflective writing – in the form of online diaries – can offer learners an important tool to explore their thoughts and emotions and reflect on their identity as learners and users of English. Moreover, diaries are a qualitative research tool for teachers and scholars, who can examine metacognitive and affective aspects of language learning. The paper reports a study conducted within a university English Language course, in which the students were encouraged to keep a reflective online diary throughout a semester. The analysis of their personal and expressive writing has shed light on their need to speak as themselves, not just as language learners, and to explore their emotions, both positive and negative. A final questionnaire has revealed that the students were generally positive about the activity, highlighting its usefulness in terms of learner autonomy, self-awareness, and self-regulation.

Borysenko N.M.

The purpose of the publication is a systematic observation of the artistic assimilation of genre features of diarіstics in works Maria Matios “Diary of the Executed”, “Private Diary. ... Maidan. War...”, aimed at a special study of the variability of the interaction of documentary and artistic types of writing, the dominance of one or another of them and, accordingly, the formation of original poetics of narrative systems. Methods. For this purpose, aesthetic and historical-comparative research methods are used.Results. In the article for the first time the diary segment of the work of the modern Ukrainian writer, laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine Maria Matios is thoroughly investigated. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the texts, it was concluded that the genre features of the diary are the construction of the text as a series of notes that date events from the life of the “I”-narrator, as well as their chronicity, discreteness, сontents and formal diversity, conceptual unprogrammability, subjectivity, etc. At the same time the artistic core of the works is acute conflicts of socio-psychological and civic and political type which model a plot, build a system of characters and gives the text more or less aesthetics.“The Diary of the Executed” is an artistic and epic work created on the model of fictionalized female diary; actually a novel in which the diary is both an artistic image, and an architectural principle, and a compositional and stylistic technique, which in a memoir-receptive way organizes disclosure of the topic (self-knowledge and self-formation of a woman’s personality through diary writing-reading). The work has a distinct melodramatic character, emphasizes private story on a gray background of general existence and through an essayistic mosaic of thoughts and states asserts the power of a woman’s consciousness over her subconscious.“The Private Diary. ...Maidan. The War...” is a typical literary diary, actually a diariush which testifies to the active presence of its author – writer, politician, cultural and public figure, woman (daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, colleague and friend), person – Maria Matios in stormy present of Ukraine. From a formal point of view it is a kind of documentary-artistic meta-genre – a novel-chronicle which fixes the events from 30 November 2013 to 5 July 2015 through the prism of personal perception and direct involvement of the narrator in them. The work has a powerful problematic and realistic background, expressive essayistic and reporting narrative; at the same time its aesthetics provides the artistry of speech, techniques of composition, poetic descriptions, etc.The development of the genre of diary in the creativity of M. Matios reflects her literary evolution.Key words: nonfiction, memoiristics, novel of the beginning of the 21st century, eseyistycs, meta-genre. Мета. Метою публікації є системні спостереження щодо мистецького засвоєння жанрових ознак діаристики в творах Марії Матіос «Щоденник страченої», «Приватний щоденник. ...Майдан. Війна...», спрямовані на спеціальне вивчення варіативності взаємодії документального та художнього типів письма, домінування того чи того з них і, відповідно, виформування оригінальних поетик оповідних систем.Методи. З цією метою використано естетичний та історико-порівняльний методи дослідження.Результати. У статті вперше цілісно досліджено щоденниковий сегмент доробку сучасної української письменниці, лауреатки Національної премії України імені Т.Г.Шевченка Марії Матіос.Висновки. Унаслідок аналізу текстів дійшли висновку, що жанровими ознаками щоденника є побудова тексту як низки нотаток, котрі датовано фіксують події із життя «Я»-наратора, як і їхня хронікальність, дискретність, змістова і формальна різноплановість, концептуальна незапрограмованість, суб’єктивованість тощо. Водночас художнє ядро творів – гострі конфлікти соціально-психологічного й громадянсько-політичного типу, які моделюють сюжетику, розбудовують систему персонажів, більшою або меншою мірою естетизують текст.«Щоденник страченої» – це художньо-епічний твір, створений за взірцем белетризованого жіночого діарія; власне роман, у якому щоденник – і художній образ, і архітектонічний принцип, і композиційно-стильовий прийом, котрий у мемуарно-рецептивному ключі організовує розгортання теми (самопізнання й особистісне становлення жінки через щоденникове письмо-читання). Твір має виразний мелодраматичний характер, акцентує приватну історію на сірому фоні загального буття, через есеїстичну мозаїку думок і станів утверджує владу свідомості жінки над її підсвідомим.«Приватний щоденник. ...Майдан. Війна...» – це типовий літературний щоденник, власне діаріуш, який засвідчує діяльну присутність його авторки – письменниці, політика, культурно-громадської діячки, жінки (доньки, сестри, дружини, матері, бабусі, колеги, подруги), людини – Марії Матіос у буремному сьогоденні України. Із формального погляду це різновид документально-художнього метажанру – роман-хроніка, який фіксує події Революції Гідності й початку російсько-української війни від 30.11.2013р. до 05.07.2015р. крізь призму особистого сприйняття й безпосередньої причетності до них нараторки. У творі потужне проблемно-реалістичне тло, виразна есеїстична та репортажна оповідальність; воднораз його естетичність забезпечують художнє мовлення, прийоми композиції, поетичність описів тощо.Розвиток жанру щоденника у творчості М.Матіос є одним із чинників, що відображають її письменницьку еволюцію.Ключові слова: документалістика, мемуаристика, роман початку ХХІ ст., есеїстика, метажанр.

Carla Seemann

AbstractIn the first two decades of the twentieth century, the figure of the adolescent (Jugendlicher) was introduced into public discourse in the German-speaking world. The adolescent soon became an epistemic object for the still loosely defined field of psychology. Actors in the slowly differentiating scientific field of youth psychology were primarily interested in the normal development of adolescent subjects and sought out new materials and methods to research the inner life of young people. In order to access this inner life, they turned to the interpretation of diaries and other self-descriptions. This article takes up the questions of how diaries were used in the scientific context of psychology, and how diary writing was psychologically interpreted and theorized. The theoretical and methodological contexts of psychological knowledge production grouped around the subject of the diary will be examined in keeping with Hans-Jörg Rheinberger’s concept of historical epistemology. This analysis is carried out by using the example of three central actors who were in conversation with each other during the 1920s and 1930s: the developmental psychologist Charlotte Bühler (1893–1974), the psychologist and founder of personalistic psychology William Stern (1871–1938), and the youth activist Siegfried Bernfeld (1892–1953), who was influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
I. Zainab ◽  
G. B. Jaya ◽  
L. P. Artini

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan Whatsapp Diary Writing untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis peserta didik. Dalam hal ini, penulis melakukan Penelitian Tindkaan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan rekfleksi. Sebelum memberikan perlakuan, peserta didik kebingungan dalam menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan pemilihan kosa kata dan penggunaan struktur kalimat yang baik. Peserta didik memiliki kesadaran yang lemah terhadap tata cara penulisan yang baik dan benar. Peserta dtidak mempuyai waktu lebih untuk melakukan latihan menulis. Oleh karena itu, penulis memilih dalam Whatsapp Diary Writing untuk memberikan kesempatan lebih menulis kepada peserta didik. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan dua jenis instrumen penilaian, yakni tes dan observasi untuk guru dan peserta didik. Setelah memberikan perlakuan, penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa terjadi peningkatan keterampilan menulis peserta didik melalui Whatsapp Diary Writing. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 800-809
Waad Aljahdali ◽  
Abdullah Alshakhi

This study aims to explore the teaching practices of EFL writing that employ the integrated skills approach. It investigates the benefits and challenges associated with teaching writing that uses the integrated skills approach. The study also aims to provide solutions to the challenges faced by the EFL teachers in teaching writing skills. This study uses a qualitative approach by utilizing two instruments: diary writing of event logs in the first phase, and semi-structured interviews in the second phase. The data were collected in a Saudi university at a Preparatory Year Program (PYP). The sample included four general track teachers. After the analysis of the data, the findings revealed that the integrated skills approach can facilitate students’ output; however, students’ lower-level of proficiency, a large number of students in writing classes, and time constraints can negatively affect the teaching practices. Suggestive measures were proposed to eliminate the negative aspects that might hinder the implementation of the integrated skills approach while teaching writing skills. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and directions for future research have been put forward.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 416-441
Choo Siow Chin ◽  
Stefanie Pillai ◽  
Siti Zaidah Zainuddin

Noticing has been regarded as an important theoretical construct in the mechanism of how corrective feedback (CF) facilitates second language acquisition. However, to date, only a paucity of CF research has examined noticing triggered by different types of CF (i.e., recasts vs. prompts). The study is intended to fill in the gap by examining the relationships between type of CF and level of noticing. To that end, 105 Malaysian ESL learners were asked to perform four communicative tasks during which recasts and prompts were provided contingent upon the encounter of past tense errors.  To assess noticing, the study has employed a triangulated method using multiple elicitation procedures including diary writing, stimulated recall, and exit questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that both recasts and prompts were able to induce noticing the corrective intent, noticing the target of CF or form, noticing the gap, and noticing the rule. However, contrary to what was expected, recasts were able to promote higher levels of noticing across all noticing categories. Moreover, the greatest difference between recasts and prompts was found in noticing the gap. The study suggests that CF that provides exemplars of the target linguistic feature may promote higher levels of noticing the gap which may, in turn, increase the effectiveness of CF in L2 acquisition. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 375-384
Teguh Kasprabowo ◽  
Endang Yuliani Rahayu ◽  
Agnes Widyaningrum

Although commonly understood that diary writing benefits language learners in many ways, the use of diary writing as a medium for reflective practice in higher education is still rarely considered. The study aimed to portray the student's reflective practice through diary writing - to display how the student made meaning of her daily life and learning experiences. Employing qualitative case study, we observed one of our students’ reflective practice through her diary entries. Our study employed Rodger’s summary of Dewey’s reflective practice (2019) as the theoretical framework. The data of this research was a handwritten diary of a student named Lana containing 30 diary entries written from September 6, 2018, to October 22, 2018. The entries were written in the period when she joined a Creative Writing class. The diary writing activity was mainly aimed to help the students in the class to build their writing habits by writing reflections of their daily activities. The result showed that diary writing provided room for Lana to carry out the reflective practice. This practice helped her to see and to understand herself as a learner. Also, Lana specifically expressed that diary writing helped her to have ideas for writing easily. Based on the findings, we argue that in the Indonesian higher education context diary writing needs to be incorporated in the learning process to benefit learners in their personal development and their language learning process.

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