Background: The aim of this study was to compare the force decay pattern of elastomeric chains and NiTi coil springs which were exposed to five different commercially available mouthwashes.Methods: In this in vitro study, 60 pieces of elastomeric chain (EC) and 60 NiTi closed coil springs (CS) were divided into 6 groups. The specimens were exposed to one of these mouthwashes twice a day for 60 seconds: Listerine, chlorhexidine, Orthokin, Persica, fluoride and artificial saliva as the control group. The elastomeric chains and NiTi springs were stretched so that they exert the initial force of 250 gr. Their force was measured on the 1, 7, 14 and 28 following days by means of a digital gauge.Results: Elastomeric chains and coil springs had force decrease over time, but EC' force reduction was greater with the highest reduction rate in the first week. However, in the CS group, the force decrease wasn't statistically significant in the first two weeks. After 28 days in the control groups, 49.8% of the initial force was remained in ECs while the value was 93.3% for CSs. In comparison between mouthwashes, in EC groups, in all mouthwashes except Persica, the remained force was statistically less than control group.Conclusion: Force degradation of elastomeric chains could be exacerbated by use of mouthwashes. About coil springs, force decay was also observed. However, it was not statistically significant. Force reduction was detectable after four weeks of coil springs usage, but in EC groups, the greatest reduction was after the first week.