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Valentina N. Vorobyova ◽  

Introduction. The article deals with statistical analysis of the data borrowed from volumes 1 and 2 of the edition titled ‘Memory. Sanl’. The volumes publish annotated lists of 22.9 thousand Red Army servicemen in the category of fatal casualties (KIAs, DOWs and MIAs) from the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, and most of the latter had been conscripted in the Kalmyk ASSR. Goals. The article compiles a database of Red Army conscripts from the Kalmyk ASSR further categorized as ‘fatal casualties’ (from the abovementioned edition) and attempts a statistical analysis by year of birth, place (district) of birth, date and place (military commissariat) of conscription. Materials and methods. The main research source is the annotated list of Red Army’s casualties published in volumes 1 and 2 of ‘Memory. Sanl’. The author employs a wide range of scientific methods, both general scientific and historical ones. The need for statistical analysis results in the wide use of statistical and extrapolation methods. Results. The work shows that both the volumes contain quite a number of repetitions; there are also errors, inaccuracies, discrepancies. There is also simultaneous use of outdated and modern names of geographical objects. Therefore, the present compiled and corrected database contains a significant portion of statistical data categorized in terms of a variety parameters, and further use of the latter will contribute to the research of a collective portrait of Red Army servicemen conscripted in the Kalmyk ASSR during the Great Patriotic War.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Pablo Mora-Zamacona ◽  
Felipe N. Melo-Barrera ◽  
Víctor H. Cruz-Escalona ◽  
Andrés F. Navia ◽  
Enrique Morales-Bojórquez ◽  

The age and growth rate of the giant electric ray, Narcine entemedor, was estimated using growth bands deposited in the vertebral centra of 245 specimens. Differences in size and age distribution were found between the sexes, a pattern that suggests the annual deposition of band pairs, possibly occurring in April. Multimodel inference and back-calculation were performed to three age data sets of females considering their reproductive cycle and time of capture, among which the von Bertalanffy growth function was found to be the most appropriate (L∞ = 81.87 cm TL, k = 0.17 year−1). Our research supports the idea that age can be determined via biological features such as birth date and growth band periodicity. We concluded that N. entemedor is of a moderate body size, moderate longevity and is a fast-growing elasmobranch species.

Mäetagused ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 81 ◽  
pp. 65-90
Kairit Kaur ◽  

According to Recke and Napiersky, the first poems in Estonian from the pen of a woman were allegedly published in 1779, in the sheet music book Oden und Lieder in Musik gesetzt by Andeas Traugott Grahl, a private tutor in the Governorate of Estonia, but unfortunately it is not preserved. More luckily another sheet music book by him, Lieder und Handsachen für das Klavier und den Gesang, published in Leipzig in 1784, was available to the researchers before World War II. Two poems by Estonian ladies were published there: Tio, tassane ja helde and Liesole. A variant of the Tio-poem (the so-called Rosi-poem) was published in 1787 in the 5th volume of the reader Lesebuch für Ehst- und Livland by Friedrich Gotthilf Findeisen in Oberpahlen (Põltsamaa) in Livonia, and a year later, in 1788, in a longer version in the German literary magazine Der Teutsche Merkur. To the latter, the poem was mediated by Christian Hieronymus Justus Schlegel, a private tutor in Estonia from 1780 to 1782, and then pastor, who left Estonia in 1783. However, he did not ascribe the Rosi-poem to an Estonian lady, but to a gentleman, von Tiesenhausen of Saus, who wrote the poem on the occasion of the passing of his wife. There are several manors called Saus or Sauß in Estonia. Traditionally the Rosi-poem has been ascribed to Ber(e)nd Heinrich von Tiesenhausen of Groß-Sauß (Sausti or Kaarepere). But there was another manor called Sauß (Sauste) near Wesenberg (Rakvere), which belonged to captain Hans Wen(t)zel(l) von Tiesenhausen from 1779 to 1781. Based on several sources, this paper brings forth arguments to support the thesis that the gentleman, von Tiesenhausen, mentioned by Schlegel was actually Hans Wenzel von Tiesenhausen. This man was probably also identical with the captain von Tiesenhausen, whom Grahl has named as his employer in the subscription call of the Lieder und Handsachen. According to Professor Gustav Suits, Grahl acted as a private tutor somewhere near Wesenberg. The paper also suggests that H. W. von Tiesenhausen was the author of the poem Der Client an seinen Sachwalter, published in the muses almanac Estländische poetische Blumenlese for 1780. Earlier this poem has been ascribed to Johann Georg von Tiesenhausen from Northern Latvia. Dirk Sangmeister has guessed that the Albrechts who published the almanac mentioned the name Wesenberg on the cover of the first issue of their periodical (for 1779) in honour of the owner of the Wesenberg manor, judge Jakob Johann von Tiesenhausen and his family, with whom Sangmeister believes the Albrechts stood in a cordial relationship as Sophie Albrecht dedicated several poems to a certain Ottilie von Tiesenhausen. The last one lets us know that on the 9th of June 1781, the news of the death of her beloved friend had reached Sophie Albrecht. The date 9th of June 1781 (due to calendar differences actually 11 days later) can also be found in the archival materials concerning H. W. von Tiesenhausen – on this day his bankruptcy proceedings were started. Already in January 1781 he had sold Sauß; in March 1781 his other manor – Tuddo (Tudu) – was sold too; these are likely the two manors mentioned in his German poem. The bankruptcy proceedings were evoked by a lawsuit, initiated in March 1780 by J. J. von Tiesenhausen, who from 1774 to 1780 rented his Wesenberg manor to his second cousin Hans Wenzel. From 1779 the latter had difficulties in paying the rent. As at the time of the publication of Estländische poetische Blumenlese it was H. W. von Tiesenhausen who was living in the manor of Wesenberg, the recipient of the poems by Sophie Albrecht was very likely his wife. Neither the given nor the maiden name of this woman or her birth date and the exact death date are preserved. H. W. von Tiesenhausen mentions his wife without her name in his report to the court, Demüthigste Anzeige und Unterlegung der wahren Umstände meines gegenwärtigen unglücklichen und betrübten Schicksaals (The humblest report and interpretation of the true circumstances of my current unhappy and sad fate), signed 26 June 1781. It appears that his wife really died shortly before the composing of the report. Frau Capitainin Tiesenhausen has also been mentioned three times in the birth register of the Wesenberg church in 1777 as a godparent, one of the cases being as godmother of a girl, whose mother was the sister of G. W. von Schwengelm, the employer of mister Schlegel, who mediated the Rosi-poem to the Teutsche Merkur! The paper also presumes that the ladies mentioned by Grahl could have been translators and guesses who these women were, but as we lack confirmed proof, the investigation must continue.

Blood ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 138 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 597-597
Jk Gopakumar ◽  
Joshua Weinstock ◽  
Bala B Burugula ◽  
Nikolaus Jahn ◽  
Charles Kooperberg ◽  

Abstract Introduction: Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) may occur when a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) acquires a fitness-increasing mutation resulting in its clonal expansion. A diverse set of driver genes, such as regulators of DNA methylation, splicing, and chromatin remodeling, have been associated with CHIP, but it remains largely unknown why HSCs bearing these mutations are positively selected. It has been challenging to identify the genetic and environmental factors mediating clonal expansion in humans, partially due to a lack of large cohorts with longitudinal blood sampling of participants. To circumvent this limitation, we developed a method to infer clonal expansion rate from single timepoint data called PACER (passenger-approximated clonal expansion rate). Methods: PACER is based on the principle that genomic passenger mutations can be used to infer the birth date of pre-malignant clones because these mutations accumulate fairly linearly over time. Thus, an individual with CHIP with a greater number of passenger mutations in the mutant clone is expected to have acquired the clone at a later age than someone with fewer passenger mutations. For two individuals of the same age and with clones of the same size, we expect the clone with more passengers to be more fit, as it expanded to the same size in less time. Typically, one would need to isolate single-cell colonies derived from HSCs in order to calculate the total passenger mutation burden. However, we hypothesized that this measure could also be approximated from whole genome sequencing of blood cell DNA, such as that used in large biobank projects. The expansion rate (PACER) is then estimated by adjusting the total passenger count for age and variant allele fraction in each individual. The ability of passengers to predict future clonal expansion was validated using longitudinal blood samples from 51 CHIP carriers in the Women's Health Initiative taken ~10 years apart (Figure 1). It also accurately predicted the known fitness effects due to different driver mutations in 5,551 CHIP carriers from the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program (Figure 2). Results: Having validated the approach, we next hypothesized that we could identify germline variants influencing PACER, thus revealing genes and pathways mediating clonal expansion. The lead hit in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of PACER was a common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the TCL1A promoter that was associated with slower clonal expansion in CHIP overall (Figure 3). TCL1A is an oncogene that is activated via translocation in T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia, but has no known role in CHIP or myeloid malignancies. A gene-level analysis indicated that the TCL1A SNP was associated with slower growth of clones bearing TET2 mutations, but had no effect on DNMT3A-mutant clone growth. We further found that those carrying two copies of the protective SNP had 40-80% reduced odds of having clones with driver mutations in TET2, ASXL1, SF3B1, SRSF2, and JAK2, but not DNMT3A. A concomitant decrease in incident myeloid malignancies was also seen in carriers of this protective SNP. Next, we interrogated how the protective SNP influenced TCL1A activity in HSCs. Normal human HSCs lacked open chromatin at the TCL1A promoter and TCL1A expression, but inducing frameshift mutations in TET2 via CRISPR editing led to accessibility of the promoter and gene/protein expression in HSCs (Figure 4). This effect was abrogated in HSCs from donors of the protective TCL1A SNP in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, we found that HSCs from donors homozygous for the protective SNP had markedly less expansion of phenotypic stem and progenitor cells in vitro after the introduction of TET2 mutations than TET2-edited HSCs from donors with two copies of the reference allele. Conclusions: In summary, we developed a novel method to infer the expansion rate of pre-malignant clones and performed the first ever GWAS for this trait. Our results indicate that the fitness advantage of several common driver genes in CHIP and hematological cancers is mediated through TCL1A activation, which may be a therapeutic target to treat these conditions. PACER is an approach that can be widely adopted to uncover genetic and environmental determinants of pre-malignant clonal expansion in blood and other tissues. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Desai: Bristol Myers Squibb: Consultancy; Kura Oncology: Consultancy; Agios: Consultancy; Astex: Research Funding; Takeda: Consultancy; Janssen R&D: Research Funding. Natarajan: Blackstone Life Sciences: Consultancy; Boston Scientific: Research Funding; Novartis: Consultancy, Research Funding; AstraZeneca: Consultancy, Research Funding; Apple: Consultancy, Research Funding; Amgen: Research Funding; Genentech: Consultancy; Foresite Labs: Consultancy. Jaiswal: Novartis: Consultancy, Honoraria; AVRO Bio: Consultancy, Honoraria; Genentech: Consultancy, Honoraria; Foresite Labs: Consultancy; Caylo: Current holder of stock options in a privately-held company.

2021 ◽  
Sarah K Rempel ◽  
Madalynn J Welch ◽  
Allison L Ludwig ◽  
M Joe Phillips ◽  
Yochana Kancherla ◽  

Photoreceptors (PRs) are the primary visual sensory cells, and their loss leads to blindness that is currently incurable. Cell replacement therapy holds promise as a therapeutic approach to restore vision to those who have lost PRs through damage or disease. While PR transplant research is ongoing in animal models, success is hindered by our limited understanding of PR axon growth during development and regeneration. Using a human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) reporter line that labels PRs (WA09 CRX+/tdTomato), we generated retinal organoids in order to study mechanisms of PR process extension. We found that the earliest born PRs exhibit autonomous axon extension from dynamic terminals that appear similar to projection neuron growth cones. However, as hPSC-derived PRs age from 40 to 80 days of differentiation, they lose dynamic terminals in 2D plated cultures and within 3D retinal organoids, which does not correlate with cell birth date. Using a rod-specific hPSC reporter line (WA09 NRL+/eGFP), we further determined that rod PRs never form motile growth cones. Interestingly, PRs without motile terminals are still capable of extending axons, but neurites are generated from process stretching via their attachment to motile non-PR cells, which underlies the observed differences in PR neurite lengths on different substrata. While immobile PR terminals express actin, it is less polymerized and less organized than actin present in motile terminals. However, immobile PRs do localize synaptic proteins to their terminals, suggesting a normal developmental progression. These findings help inform the development of PR transplant therapies to treat blinding diseases and provide a platform to test treatments that restore autonomous PR axon extension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Hsuan-Hui Wang ◽  
Shu-Lung Sun ◽  
Rong-Chiou Jau ◽  
Disline Manli Tantoh ◽  
Shu-Yi Hsu ◽  

Abstract Background In July 1984, Taiwan officially began a nationwide hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination program where only infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers were vaccinated free of charge until June 1986. However, from July 1986, all infants were vaccinated against HBV. The impact of the July 1986 HBV vaccination program on first-time blood donors has not been exhaustively studied. We, therefore, determined the risk of HBV among male and female first-time blood donors born before and after the July 1986 HBV vaccination program in Taiwan. Methods Initially, we recruited 857,310 first-time blood donors whose data were collected between 2013 and 2018 from 5 blood donation centers in Taiwan. However, we excluded donors with incomplete and outlying data (n = 12,213) and those born between July 1984 and June 1986 (n = 21,054). The final study participants comprised 9118 HBV positive and 814,925 HBV negative individuals. We divided the participants into two birth cohorts (born before and after July 1986) and assumed that those born before July 1986 were not vaccinated at birth while those born after July 1986 were vaccinated. Results The prevalence of HBV among those born before and after July 1986 was 4.53 and 0.25%, respectively. Individuals born after July 1986 had a lower risk of HBV than those born before July 1986. The adjusted odds ratio (OR), 95% confidence interval (CI) was 0.16, 0.13–0.19. Men had a higher risk of HBV than women (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.34–1.47). The interaction between sex and birth date was significant (p-value = 0.0067). Stratification of participants by birth date revealed a higher risk of HBV in men compared to women in both birth cohorts. The OR, 95% CI was 1.47, 1.40–1.55 for those born before July 1986 but declined to 1.15, 1.02–1.29 for those born after July 1986. Conclusions The risk of HBV was lower among those born after than those born before the July 1986 vaccination program. In both cohorts, the risk was high in men relative to women. The seemingly protective effect among those born after July 1986 was higher in women than men.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 46-47
Logan Dodd ◽  
David Anderson ◽  
David G Riley ◽  
Barton Johnson ◽  
Andy D Herring

Abstract Number of calves (n = 596) and weaning calf value (n = 574) from natural service, multi-sire breeding groups were evaluated in a crossbred research herd. Sires and dams that were F1 crosses of Angus (A) and Nellore (N) were mated annually during 60 to 90-day breeding seasons to produce spring-born calves in 2009–2015. Numbers of sires used annually varied from 5 to 9; numbers of females exposed per bull ranged from 14 to 22 across years. Bulls were pastured together throughout the year as well as breeding seasons. Sires were identified based on calf DNA genotyping. Calf number, birth date, birth weight, weaning weight, and economic value were determined per bull annually. Calf value was based on weaning weight and reported prices for respective weaning dates. Calf prices were calculated separately for steers and heifers relative to 22.7 kg (50 lb) increments for corresponding weight class and year. Mixed model analyses were conducted that included fixed categorical effects of calf birth year, type of F1 sire (A-sired vs. N-sired), sire nested within type, calf sex, and the interaction of F1 sire type with calf sex. Covariates of Julian birth date and calf weaning age were included for birth weight and weaning weight, respectively. Large differences in calf numbers and performance (P < 0.05) were observed. Weaned calves produced annually per sire ranged from 0 to 48. Average annual calf performance per sire ranged from 28.4 to 50.8 kg for birth weight and 146.5 to 249.0 kg for weaning weight. Annual economic value per sire ranged from $0 to $30,870 when considering half of each calf’s value as attributed to the sire. Commercial producers should consider potential sire variability for calf numbers, birth date distribution, and ratio of female-to-male calves in combination with calf performance for economic assessments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_7) ◽  
Ahmed Nassar ◽  
Stephen Ward

Abstract Background The Royal College of Surgeons of England guidelines recommends laparoscopic repair for bilateral inguinal hernias, recurrent hernia after an initial open approach and Groin hernias in women. Aim This study assessed the surgical management of inguinal hernia over 6 years to see how well we adhered to national guidelines and investigated reasons for non-adherence. Methods A retrospective study from January 2013 to December 2018 of all patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair. Data collected were patient identifiers, gender, date of birth, date of admission and discharge, type of inguinal hernia, type of repair and the operating consultant. If the type of repair performed was outside of national guidance, patients’ case-notes were reviewed. Results 2593 patients were included, 93.4% male and median age of 63 (interquartile range 49-74 years). 403 patients underwent laparoscopic repair (15.5%). For unilateral primary inguinal herniae, 221 out of 2222 patients underwent laparoscopic repair (9.9%). 29 of 170 (17%) of female patients underwent laparoscopic repair. 118 out of 160 patients with bilateral hernia underwent laparoscopic repair (73.8%) - no explanation was identified for selecting open repair in 25 out of 42. Regarding recurrent hernia, 64 out of 211 patients underwent laparoscopic repair (30.3%). No explanation for selection of open approach was identified for 61 of the 147. Conclusion National guidelines recommending laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair for females, bilateral and recurrent herniae are not well followed. A likely contributing factor is the overall low rate of laparoscopic repair. Changes to practice are underway and repeat audit is planned.

Data breaches expose individuals to economic, mental, and social trauma. Electronic health information of individuals not only includes reports of medical diagnosis, medication histories but also comprises personally identifiable information (PII) (e.g, birth date). We examined the association of vulnerability perception - defined as privacy or security breach concerns and provider encouragement with the use of online medical records (OMR) and moderating effects of provider encouragement and age in the relationship between vulnerability and usage. Data came from a national population-based survey, the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). This study included 1770 adult individuals many of who are chronic disease patients or cancer survivors. The majority of these subjects did report use of OMR. We found security/privacy related vulnerability and provider encouragement significantly predict patients' use of OMR. Healthcare providers and developers should work with patients to mitigate concerns and enable patients to derive benefits from using online medical records.

Laura Campos-Berga ◽  
Alba Moreno-Giménez ◽  
Máximo Vento ◽  
Vicente Diago ◽  
David Hervás ◽  

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