abstract optimization
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2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 3
Luisa Maria Charco Roca ◽  
José María Jiménez Vizuete ◽  
Antonio Ayelo Navarro

Se han propuesto varias estrategias de mejora con la finalidad de optimizar el uso de antibióticos en los pacientes críticos. Entre ellas destacan la de-escalada, el ciclado, el tratamiento anticipado o el uso de parámetros farmacocinéticos/farmacodinámicos para ajustar la dosificación. Las alteraciones fisiopatológicas que ocurren en el paciente crítico condicionan la farmacocinética y la farmacodinamia de los antibióticos, especialmente de los betalactámicos. Por ello,  la predicción del resultado antimicrobiano basado en sus concentraciones plasmáticas, puede ser muy difícil de establecer en el lugar de acción, debido a dichas alteraciones, pudiendo tener esto consecuencias clínicamente relevantes. Se puede mejorar el perfil farmacodinámico de los betalactámicos, mediante una exposición más prolongada con dosis más frecuentes o con infusiones continuas o extendidas, especialmente para tratar bacterias multirresistentes. ABSTRACT OPTIMIZATION STRATEGIES FOR THE USE OF BETA -LACTAMS. The importance of the pathophysiological peculiarities in the critically ill patient. There are several  strategies aimed at improving the use of antibiotics in critical patients. These strategies include de-escalation, cycling, early treatment or the use of pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic parameters to adjust the dosage. The pathophysiological changes that occur in the critical patient can condition the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics paramethers of antibiotics, especially in beta-lactams. Therefore, anticipating the antimicrobial result based on their plasma concentrations in the place of action can be very difficult to establish, which, in turn, may have clinically relevant consequences. The pharmacodynamic profile of beta-lactams can be improved, through longer exposure with more frequent doses or with continuous or extended infusions, especially to treat multiresistant bacteria.

Daniella P. dos Santos ◽  
Célia S. dos Santos ◽  
Leiliane M. da Silva ◽  
Márcio A. L. dos Santos ◽  
Cícero G. dos Santos

ABSTRACT Optimization of water use in agriculture is fundamental, particularly in regions where water scarcity is intense, requiring the adoption of technologies that promote increased irrigation efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate evapotranspiration models and to estimate the crop coefficients of beet grown in a drainage lysimeter in the Agreste region of Alagoas. The experiment was conducted at the Campus of the Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL, in the municipality of Arapiraca, AL, between March and April 2014. Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was estimated in drainage lysimeters and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by Penman-Monteith-FAO 56 and Hargreaves-Samani methods. The Hargreaves-Samani method presented a good performance index for ETo estimation compared with the Penman-Monteith-FAO method, indicating that it is adequate for the study area. Beet ETc showed a cumulative demand of 202.11 mm for a cumulative reference evapotranspiration of 152.00 mm. Kc values determined using the Penman-Monteith-FAO 56 and Hargreaves-Samani methods were overestimated, in comparison to the Kc values of the FAO-56 standard method. With the obtained results, it is possible to correct the equations of the methods for the region, allowing for adequate irrigation management.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Aji Prasetyaningrum ◽  
Ratnawati Ratnawati ◽  
Bakti Jos

Abstract OPTIMIZATION OF OZONATION PROCESS FOR κ-CARRAGEENAN DEPOLYMERIZATION USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY. The objective of this research is to optimize the operating parameters in depolymerization of κ-carrageenan by ozone treatment. The optimization is done by using Box-Bhenken Design (BBD) model with ozonation time (5-15 minute), pH (3-11) and temperature (20-40oC) as the independent variables.The response of ozonation process is the degree of depolymerization of κ-carrageenan (DP). The initial molecular weight of refined κ-karagenan was 271 kDa. The κ-carrageenans powder was completely dissolved in distilled water to form 1% (weight/volume). The experiments were carried out in a 2000 ml of a glass reactor with an ozone gas sparger. The inlet ozone concentration was 80±2 ppm. The result shows that ozonation time, pH and temperature have significant effects during ozonation process (p< 0.05). Analysis of variance shows that the experimental data fit the model very well with the R2 value of 0.98. The optimum conditions during ozonation process are achieved at the reaction time of 15 min, ozonation pH of 3 and reaction temperature of 25oC. Under these optimum conditions the DP of κ-carrageenan is 91.513%. Keywords: depolymerization; κ-carrageenan;optimization; ozonation process   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kondisi optimum parameter operasi depolimerisasi κ-karagenan dengan perlakuan ozonasi. Optimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan model statistika Box-Bhenken Design (BBD) dengan variabel yang digunakan yaitu waktu ozonasi (5-15 menit), pH (3-11), dan suhu (20-40oC). Respon dari proses ozonasi adalah derajat depolimerisasi κ-karagenan (DP). Berat molekul awal refined κ-karagenan adalah 271 kDa. Sampel κ-karagenan dilarutkan secara sempurna dalam air distilasi dan konsentrasi diatur 1% (berat/volume). Percobaan dilakukan dalam reaktor gelas volume 2000 ml yang dilengkapi dengan sparger gas ozon. Konsentrasi gas ozon yang masuk adalah 80±2 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu ozonasi, pH, dan suhu berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap proses ozonasi (p<0,05). Analisis varian menghasilkan ketelitian yang tinggi antara data eksperimen dan prediksi, dengan nilai koefisien R2 = 0,98. Kondisi optimum diperoleh pada waktu ozonasi 15 menit, pH ozonasi 3 dan temperatur reaksi 25oC. Pada kondisi optimum ini diperoleh DP κ-karagenan sebesar 91,513%. Kata kunci:depolimerisasi; κ-carrageenan;optimasi; proses ozonasi 

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Sumijanto Sumijanto ◽  
Sriyono Sriyono

ABSTRAK OPTIMASI LAJU ALIR MASSA DALAM PURIFIKASI PENDINGIN RGTT200K UNTUK PROSES KONVERSI KARBONMONOKSIDA. Karbonmonoksida adalah spesi yang sulit dipisahkan dari helium pendingin reaktor karena mempunyai ukuran molekul relatif kecil sehingga diperlukan proses konversi menjadi karbondioksida. Laju konversi karbonmonoksida dalam sistem purifikasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter diantaranya konsentrasi, temperatur dan laju alir massa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi laju alir massa dalam purifikasi pendingin RGTT200K untuk proses konversi karbonmonoksida. Optimasi dilakukan melalui simulasi proses konversi karbonmonoksida menggunakan perangkat lunak Super Pro Designer. Laju pengurangan spesi reaktan, laju pertumbuhan spesi antara dan spesi produk dalam kesetimbangan reaksi konversi dianalisis untuk memperoleh optimasi laju alir massa purifikasi terhadap proses konversi karbonmonoksida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyediakan data laju alir massa purifikasi untuk pembuatan dasar desain sistem purifikasi helium pendingin RGTT200K. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada laju alir massa 0,6 kg/detik proses konversi belum optimal, pada laju alir massa 1,2 kg/detik mencapai optimal dan pada laju alir 3,6 kg/detik s/d 12,0 kg/detik tidak efektif. Untuk memdukung dasar desain sistem purifikasi helium pendingin RGTT200K maka laju alir massa purifikasi untuk proses konversi karbonmonoksida digunakan laju alir massa 1,2 kg/detik. Kata kunci: Karbonmonoksida, konversi, purifikasi, laju alir massa, RGTT200K.  ABSTRACT OPTIMIZATION OF MASS FLOW RATE IN RGTT200K COOLANT PURIFICATION FOR CARBONMONOXIDE CONVERSION PROCESS. Carbonmonoxide is a species that is difficult to be separated from the reactor coolant helium because it has a relatively small molecular size.  So it needs a process of conversion from carbonmonoxide to carbondioxide. The rate of conversion of carbonmonoxide in the purification system is influenced by several parameters including concentration, temperature and mass flow rate. In this research, optimization of the mass flow rate in coolant purification of RGTT200K for carbonmonoxide conversion process was done. Optimization is carried out by using software Super Pro Designer. The rate of reduction of reactant species, the growth rate between the species and the species products in the conversion reactions equilibrium were analyzed to derive the mass flow rate optimization of purification for carbonmonoxide conversion process. The purpose of this study is to find  the mass flow rate of purification for the preparation of the basic design of the RGTT200K coolant helium purification system. The analysis showed that the helium mass flow rate of 0.6 kg/second resulted in an unoptimal conversion process. The optimal conversion process was reached at a mass flow rate of 1.2 kg/second. A flow rate of 3.6 kg/second – 12 kg/second resulted in an ineffective process. For supporting the basic design of the  RGTT200K helium purification system, the mass flow rate for carbonmonoxide conversion process is suggested to be1.2 kg/second . Keywords: Carbonmonoxide, conversion, purification, mass flow rate, RGTT200K. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Wuriastuti Kusumandari ◽  
Wayan Ardhana ◽  
Christnawati Christnawati

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tulang rahang berhubungan dengan ketersediaan ruang untuk menampung gigi-gigi permanen. Kurangnya panjang lengkung rahang sering dianggap sebagai faktor etiologi terjadinya gigi berjejal dan impaksi. Panjang lengkung palatal yang kurang dapat menyebabkan terlambatnya erupsi gigi maksila. Perawatan yang dilakukan menggunakan alat ortodontik lepasan memiliki keterbatasan dalam memberikan gerakan oklusal untuk membantu erupsi gigi permanen. Pasien perempuan usia 10 tahun mengeluhkan gigi depan atas maju dan gigi bawah berjejal. Hasil pemeriksaan objektif ditemukan crowded ringan gigi anterior bawah, 53 palatoversi, 43 labioversi serta gigi 13 dan 23 belum erupsi. Maloklusi Angle klas II divisi 1 sub divisi dengan overjet normal dan deep overbite. Analisis ruang menurut Moyers dan Nance menunjukkan adanya kekurangan ruang untuk tumbuh gigi 13 dan 23. Pasien dirawat dengan plat ekspansi radial simetri pada rahang atas karena terjadi kontraksi ringan pada regio premolar dan distraksi ringan pada regio molar, guna mencarikan ruang untuk tumbuhnya gigi 13 dan 23 dan pada rahang bawah untuk koreksi crowded anterior. Enam bulan setelah gigi 53 dan 63 tanggal, proses erupsi gigi 13 dan 23 berterlihat mengalami kelambatan. Oleh karena itu, pada permukaan labial gigi 13 dan 23 yang mulai erupsi sebagian, dipasangkan lingual button yang dikombinasikan dengan buccal spring untuk membantu gerakan oklusal pada proses erupsinya. Lingual button merupakan salah satu komponen cekat yang dipasangkan pada permukaan gigi dan dikombinasikan dengan buccal spring untuk mengoptimalkan gerakan oklusal pada alat ortodontik lepasan. ABSTRACT: Optimization of Maxillary Canine Occlusal Movement Using the Fixed Component of Removable Orthodontic Appliance. The growth and development of jawbones are related to the availability of space for permanent teeth. Arch-length deficiency is often mentioned as an etiologic factor for crowding and impactions. A short palatal length can delay the eruption of maxillary teeth. The treatment using removable orthodontic appliance has a limitation in giving occlusal movement to help permanent teeth erupt. A 10-year-old female patient complained about protrusive upper anterior teeth and crowded lower anterior teeth. The objective examination found lightly crowded lower anterior teeth, 53 palatoversion, and 43 labioversion, while teeth 13 and 23 had not erupted. Angle Class II division 1 sub division malocclusion with normal overjet and deep overbite was detected. The space analysis of Moyers and Nance showed the lack of available space for 13 and 23 eruption. The patient was treated with symmetrical radial expansion plate on the maxilla because of a mild contraction on the premolar region and mild distraction on the molar region in order to gain space for 13 and 23 eruption as well as on the mandible for correction of the lower anterior teeth crowding. Six months after 53 and 63 losses, there was a delay in the 13 and 23 eruptions. Therefore, on the labial surfaces of 13 and 23 that start erupting partially a lingual button combined with buccal spring was attached to help the occlusal movement during the eruption process. Lingual button is one of the fixed orthodontic components attached on the surface of teeth and combined with buccal spring in order to optimize the occlusal movement on removable orthodontic appliance.

ChemInform ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 45 (23) ◽  
pp. no-no
Bryan A. Kuropatwa ◽  
Quansheng Guo ◽  
Abdeljalil Assoud ◽  
Holger Kleinke

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